Author Topic: Is this bullshit?  (Read 356 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Is this bullshit?
« on: May 12, 2021, 03:09:08 PM »
dsp3000 (170 posts)

Is this bullshit?

One of my co workers told me he had a bad experience at cheesecake factory. Took 2 hours for the food to come out and the manager apologized and said that 3 of their cooks quit because they can make more money off unemployment right now than work.

First don't you not get unemployment if you leave your job? Second doesn't unemployment only pay a portion of your salary and cap off at a certain amount? Does the recent covid relief bill add any kickers to being unemployed right now that makes it"worth it"?

Bad moleing...

Star Member Turbineguy (32,436 posts)

3. RWNJ Fantasy story.

Star Member PJMcK (15,689 posts)

5. Yep, it's BS

If you're offered work, you can't claim unemployment. (Ask my wife!)

The amount is capped.

The story is typical Republican bullshit. No truth to it.

Every single restaurant in town here is hiring. Most convenience stores are as well. The McD's shut their dining room because they don't have enough staff to run it- it's drive through only. Don't know why they can't get people to work...


Star Member Hugh_Lebowski (21,403 posts)

6. Probably?

IIRC there was some kind of waiver where if you quit cause you're worried about COVID you can still get UI. However you may've had to prove some condition that made you more likely to contract it, not sure. It's also probably ended by now if it ever was the case.

Yes, the state will pay based on a % of the previous income, but I think the Federal $300 is an equal addition for everyone (not sure on that but possibly?).

So yes, my recollection is that it's possible that some people have quit because they get more on UI.

That being said, manager is still probably full of shit cause doubtful they all quit the same day while this customer was there, nor does he likely know they specifically quit cause 'the money' as opposed to 'not wanting to get covid'.

Also, it's a managers job to manage how many sections to open based on the capability of the staff they have on hand to serve guests.

Star Member AZ8theist (3,721 posts)

14. You are correct, Lebo...

I left a job with no intention of collecting. However, AZ forced me to apply in order to qualify for state health care. I ended up collecting UI for about 6 months before going back to work.
Whatever reason I gave them for quitting was enough, I suppose...


PoliticAverse (23,136 posts)

9. Maybe, let's see...

> said that 3 of their cooks quit"
> First don't you not get unemployment if you leave your job?

Were they closed for a while? It's possible by "quit" the manager meant "were terminated and didn't return after they reopened".

> Second doesn't unemployment only pay a portion of your salary and cap off at a certain amount?
> Does the recent covid relief bill add any kickers to being unemployed right now that makes it"worth it"?

The Covif-19 relief bill (coupled with what the state you are in offers) could make it more lucrative to not return to work than work at lower paying jobs. A job that pays $ 12/hour for example would gross someone $480 (taxable) which can be exceeded by the amounts granted to the unemployed by the federal bill and state grants (See for example: ).

Star Member ZZenith (2,939 posts)

10. Do you mean the story itself or you posting it here?

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,264 posts)

16. Thank you!


Star Member Hekate (68,369 posts)

12. Since this is a right-wing trope as well as BS, I would ask your "friend" if they think Trump won...

...last year. Also, just for kicks, ask the location of the Cheesecake Factory so you can verify if they have cooks before you go.

Very fishy story, this. Cooks get paid a lot more than wait-staff. In many states, wait-staff are paid far below minimum wage and customers are expected to pick up the slack with tips, which often have to be shared with busboys and dishwashers.

Also on the topic of employers whinging about not being able to get job applicants, see this:

Could just be fast food, DUmbass. Could just be part time Joes at a local diner. They wouldn't be making big bucks.

Footay (35 posts)

13. But this is happening

BFF's daughter: married, college-educated mother of 3. Was working full-time in professional accounting. Between stimmy money, regular unemployment, extra covid unemployment and tax refund, she's decided to stay home because the difference in pay is basically nothing once you factor in child care costs.

Star Member ZZenith (2,939 posts)

20. What does that tell you about our society?



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2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: Is this bullshit?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2021, 03:18:54 PM »
I saw this link posted by FunkyZero in the CC shoutout box and felt it belonged in this thread...

IT’S WORKING! Florida Business Owner Gets Flooded With Job Applications After DeSantis Cut Out Unemployment Waivers

Just like magic, as soon as Governor Ron DeSantis brought back the job search requirement to be able to receive unemployment benefits, business owners say that they now finally getting a surge of employment applications.

Buddy Foy Jr. owns Chateau by the Lake in Florida, and he told Fox News that he got “zero phone calls in five months for jobs,” and that they “filled their jobs through referral.”

The business owner then noted that in the last 5 days their staff hasn’t been able to keep up with the job applicants calling their business.

the gravy train is drying up in Florida
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline Texacon

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Re: Is this bullshit?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2021, 03:34:50 PM »
Nope, not bullshit at all.  Ask some of the people I won't be hiring back.  They decided to go for the easy buck and we aren't going to let them come back.

At the very beginning of this I had one guy on a crew that said he was worried about catching it.  All of our people were required to wear 1/2 face respirators with P100 filters on them if they were in a crew van or could not social distance.  They were required to have their temp taken twice a day and the plant scanned them each morning as well.  They had to answer the questionnaires each day and all the other requirements we put into place and ... he didn't feel safe so he quit and started drawing UI along with the $600 (at that time) enhanced federal money.

This guy was making $15/hour and getting 10 hours overtime every week.  That comes out to $825/week.

In Texas this made him eligible for $315/week UI and add the $600 enhanced money ... voila!  $915/week.  No alarm clock.  No gas spent getting to work.  Could work for cash on the side.

Some of our $19/hour hands work out this way;

$19/hour and 10 hours overtime = $1,045/week.  On UI those people were paid $1,102.  Now our $19/hour hands lost $100 per diem so they 'lost' $600/week there, but again, no alarm, no gas to get to work, etc.

Remove the per diem and those making $19/hour were getting more to sit at home.

I seriously don't see why the DUmmies don't get this.  Yes I do.  It's two fold.  You have those over there who have NO understanding of math and how the economy works, then you have those who know how it works, but are going to toe the party line no matter what.

I would pay good money for one of the DUmmies to come over and argue this with me if they win.  $15/hour has been their battle cry for years.  I'm in Texas and $15/hour is pretty good money around here, $19 is really good, and our top welders are in the lower to upper $30's/hour.

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Offline Texacon

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Re: Is this bullshit?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2021, 03:47:00 PM »
I'll say this; when this first started I felt like the government was working backwards.  We shouldn't have been paying people to stay home, but since they were, I felt like we should have stopped withholding on those who continued working because they had to work to keep the country moving and let those who stayed home pay taxes on what they were getting handed to them.

Win, win, as far as I can see.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline BamaMoose

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Re: Is this bullshit?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2021, 05:50:05 PM »
From a similar thread:

modrepub (2,119 posts)

28. All Kidding Aside
since when is it the Government's responsibility to force people back into the workforce?!? It's like the only point in living is to work and if you don't want to participate in the corporate rat race the Government needs to sh-t on you, ridicule you and starve you to death.

I watch a fair amount of reality TV following folks who literally live on the edge of society (last Alaskans for example). "Working" to them is just earning enough to pay for food and rudimentary shelter. They prefer to have their freedom; choosing when to wake up, where to go and how to spend their waking hours. In some respects I envy the folks who've turned their back on "civilization" and live their lives on their own terms (and are willing to sacrifice to live their life style and suffer the consequences).

Funny how the "freedom from Government" types are willing to utilize it to force others to conform to some dystopian vision they think is heaven (and never see the irony in their position).

They are trying to transition the temporary UI relief into a permanent government provided income.  Whining that, if the government doesn't pay them to sit at home, they are being "forced" into a life of serfdom.  And the mean Republicans, who favor lower taxes and smaller government, are utilizing the power of the government to drag people out of their homes and force them to work at McDonalds.  Their sense of entitlement is astonishing.  And looking at living off the grid in Alaska as some sort of utopian lifestyle just shows how unfamiliar this DUmmie is with real work.

stillcool (31,422 posts)

21. I wonder what they'll say when...
the infrastructure bill is passed, and the new jobs created are filled lickety-split.

If your primary job skill is the ability to work a grocery store checkout line, your only qualification on a construction site is to work a shovel or a broom.  How many DUmmies are gonna choose to do physically demanding, dirty labor out in the elements.  95 degrees with the sun beating on you today, rain pouring on you tomorrow and working through the winter in freezing conditions.  People are going to signup for that work, but it's not going to be the ones clinging to their UI benefits because they're too lazy to go back to work.
