Author Topic: White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist  (Read 416 times)

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Offline dutch508

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White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist
« on: May 03, 2021, 11:10:10 PM »
Star Member USAFRetired_Liberal (3,517 posts)

White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist

Before I start I want to say that I am a 40 year black man... so I am either considered a young generation x’er or an old millennial. Also I have no stats to back up what I am going to say, just 40 years of experience and meeting A lot of seems like the people that are the most obnoxious, conservative and racist seem to be white people 40-55....white boomers get the bad rap with the saying of “ok boomer”, but they seem nicer and more really seems to be this generation x age group and demographic that are the assholes.....I bump into them everyday....and I don’t understand why, they grew up in the post civil rights era, didn’t experience segregation, had black kids in their schools, etc..they are the mtv and 80’s cartoons kids....I grew up with these people and they seemed to be tolerant, but as they get older they have become intolerable....just think about all the dumb Republican politicians who fit this demographic Cruz, Desantis, Taylor-Green, Hawley, Boebert, just to name a few..

Edit - and my post isn’t meant to paint Every white generation x’er under this brush...just wanted to point out that it seems like a good percentage of them are azzholes


Star Member Yavin4 (32,447 posts)

1. Gen Xers were always the worst.

iThis is the generation that grew up with and idolized Reagan and made AIDs jokes.

BannonsLiver (12,123 posts)

17. Righhhhhht   ::)

Coventina (22,382 posts)

29. Put down your broad brush before you hurt yourself.

I'm a gen-x and nobody in my peer group was like that at all.

We were ANTI-Reagan and very supportive of gay rights.

Are there some marginalized malcontents? Sure, but those exist in every generation.

We were the generation of:

U2 (social justice, anti-war)
REM (anti-Reagan, social justice, anti-war, pro-environment)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood (out gay band)
Pet Shop Boys (out gay band)
Go-Go's (first all-woman band to write their own songs, handle their own marketing, etc.)
Madonna (pro-LGBT, social justice, anti-war)
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

We've always suffered due to lack of coverage, because we lack numbers, but we are NOT regressive!

Star Member MustLoveBeagles (7,140 posts)

4. I'm a Gen X'er and I agree

Many of them (not all) are also very entitled.

Star Member Dream Girl (4,187 posts)

6. I'm African American and I agree with your observation.


I_UndergroundPanther This message was self-deleted by its author.


Star Member USAFRetired_Liberal (3,517 posts)

27. Yet

Yet you seem to be posting on it and following it...even came back to edit your post...rolling eyes

 :lmao: :lmao:

Star Member GulfCoast66 (10,859 posts)

12. I'm a 54 year old white man. So one of the oldest Gen Xer.

And I agree. For much of my life I was a Republican but not the religious type. International travel started changing me starting in the late 90’s. And living in a very diverse community working for a very diverse company. Obama cemented the change.

We grew up under Reagan in our formative years. I was 14 when he was elected. Fortunately those behind us don’t seem the same way.


WarGamer (1,121 posts)

15. While not racist...

I've noticed a conservative streak in Millennials...

More of a Libertarian flavor than Reagan flavor... but not really progressive.

BannonsLiver (12,123 posts)

20. It's actually kind of a dumb premise to be honest.

Do you believe generations are monolithic as well?

Star Member alittlelark (18,123 posts)

24. Your post was alerted on as 'Divisive group atack'

I voted that it was NOT, and that the alert was sent in bad faith.

Just a 'heads up'.


Star Member USAFRetired_Liberal (3,517 posts)

30. Probably bannon's liver


Coventina (22,382 posts)

32. Wow, just wow. I can't believe what I'm reading on this thread.

I'm smack in the middle of Gen-X and I never encountered any of this shit.

We were all listening to Ska bands and punk bands and new wave bands who were ALL against the right wing, racism, homophobia, etc. etc.

And, this was in PHOENIX, not exactly a liberal area. We were self-consciously a new generation with new ideas, kicking against the pricks in charge.

ETA: The biggest local punk band in Phoenix was JFA which was short for Jodie Foster's Army.
So, NOT pro-Reagan AT ALL!!

Star Member ellie (6,720 posts)

33. Yes

as a Gen-Xer, I am routinely disappointed in my generation. Reagan was a ****head and I have no patience for people who thought he was a good guy.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DUmpDiver

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Re: White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2021, 02:26:49 AM »
Star Member Yavin4 (32,447 posts)

1. Gen Xers were always the worst.

iThis is the generation that grew up with and idolized Reagan and made AIDs jokes.

My personal favorite was Anally Injected Death Syndrome. :tongue:

Offline BamaMoose

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Re: White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2021, 04:29:36 AM »
Hmmm, the generation that grew up with the fallout of the Carter administration is more conservative and racist.  Entering the job market with high unemployment, huge increases in inflation and ridiculous interest rates may have turned that age group against Democrats.  Entering that job market and being told that, regardless of your qualifications, you wouldn't be hired because of government mandated racial quotas may have affected some people's views on race relations.  And the Dems continue to try to force their social engineering, with no acknowledgement of the harm their policies have caused.

Offline 3rd-try

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Re: White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2021, 05:47:45 AM »
Coventina (22,382 posts)

29. Put down your broad brush before you hurt yourself.

Nice you noticed. Do me a favor  and look over any 10 DU posts with the subject some white guy, a cop, or a Christian. See if the "broad brush" applies. Or does it only apply when you're offended?

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Re: White generation X'ers seem more conservative and racist
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2021, 05:50:52 AM »
X Gon Give It to Ya!
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."