Author Topic: We resist, we get choked. We comply, we get crushed to death. We surrender, we g  (Read 586 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member StarfishSaver (14,309 posts)

We resist, we get choked. We comply, we get crushed to death. We surrender, we get shot.
White folks break the law, resist arrest, assault the police, loot, destroy and kill - and they get Burger King, bail money, and GoFundMe pages.

And you wonder why we "keep making it all about race"?


AllaN01Bear (5,554 posts)

7. this is why many of our police depts should be shut down and re constituted

anyone with a violent past and has been fired should be banned for life for ever serving on a pd. there should be a nationl database of this . so will the little so and so go through life being a vile brat without any consequences . when we had the denny protests , a number of los angles pd types were fired and came up here . no questions asked . caused more problems up here .

Star Member StarfishSaver (14,309 posts)

11. Yes.

And we must stop accepting the "it's a training problem" excuse. This isn't a training problem. Officer Potter was a 26-year veteran who surely should have known the difference between a taser and her service revolver. Lack of training is not the reason Chauvin ground his knee into George Floyd's neck. More training would not have prevented the yet-to-be-identified cop from shooting Adam Toledo less than a second after her put his hands up as commanded.

This isn't a training problem. It's a racism problem. As long as people who see Black and Brown people as inherently dangerous are given the power of life and death over them and as long as people who feel the same as they do are in positions to determine whether and how they will be disciplined, this will continue to happen.

Star Member bdamomma (60,721 posts)

9. There

are two standards one for black, brown people and white people, and it's sickening. Just sick of it.

Rittenhouse where the hell did he disappear too, bastard.

It can't be any clearer.

Star Member I_UndergroundPanther (5,272 posts)

15. It's a psychopath problem

And belief problem.
They believe bullshit because of having no moral compass,being stupid,believing shit that's false,religion,that black people will replace them. They believe black people are a threat,believe some people are superior while others are inferior to them.

They reinforce the divine right of kings lie.
Want social stratification.where they are on top. They assume they'll be on top.its a toxic belief they've chosen to have and act on.

The mishmash of toxic beliefs they have are mixed with 99% right wing lies and bullshit.

And it's a narcissism problem

The bad cops choose to be bad because it benifiets them.


Sympthsical (1,001 posts)

22. I didn't see many OPs about the white kid killed by police this past week

I did see someone, literally, say on this board that "only" PoCs are murdered by police. Someone said that. Out loud.

The fact of the matter is, we have a policing problem. More white people are killed by police every year than black people. The problem is, more black people are killed as a percentage of the population. And we can trace that back to all kinds of factors that are all inextricably linked to racism.

But instead of linking it together, trying to bring whites and blacks together in an understanding that there is a problem with the police, we play these ****ing games. "Was the victim white? We don't care. Were they PoC? We very much care, let's protest and riot if needs be." Same with mass shootings. "Was the shooter white? Let's discuss this at great length and repetitiveness. Was the shooter non-white? Let us pretend this isn't so important. Also, if we can still somehow blame it on white people, let's do that."

It's why anti-Asian violence has such a hard time getting traction and attention. Because white people largely aren't behind that one. They're certainly not where I live. So it's just not that important. Not getting those protests. Not getting a dozen duplicate threads.

People do this. Right here. All the time.

You have to pretend people do not see that behavior, that calculation, that you only care sometimes based on agenda.

The #1 problem is the police and how white racism soaked into the institution over centuries. No one's arguing that one.

But another problem is a political one. And in the fevered stages of masturbatory narrative, no one is taking even half a minute to self-reflect, maybe be a bit self-aware, and see the look when you ignore the policing problems and how it affects everyone. You take one extreme "Hey, this white guy got away! Or wasn't killed!" and advertise that. Then ignore, "Hey, this white young man was killed, too." Because it doesn't serve the narrative. It doesn't feed more outrage into what is already outrageous.

People aren't that stupid. They see. If you're swimming upstream, why contribute to the current?

I think too many people do want to see things burn. Problem is, at the end of the day, it ain't the white suburbanites burning. It almost never is. Black Lives Matter because black lives are more in danger. But political activists need to stop mattering so much, because they are almost never in danger, and they don't care who else is.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline USA4ME

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I don’t agree with the primitives’ premise for a second. But if I did, there seems to be a very simple solution, and it’s this: If black people are suspected more to be engaging in criminal activity, and this perceived behavior is putting them in danger, then the best thing they could do is become model citizens and quit committing crimes. Become the race that all others point to as the example of how good, law abiding citizens should conduct themselves.

But the starship primitive can’t wrap their tiny little mind behind that.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline ADsOutburst

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Man, DU is on fire right now.

Unfortunately, it's not the good kind of 'being on fire', it's the 'flaming bag of dog doo on your porch' kind.

Star Member StarfishSaver (14,309 posts)

We resist, we get choked. We comply, we get crushed to death. We surrender, we get shot.
White folks break the law, resist arrest, assault the police, loot, destroy and kill - and they get Burger King, bail money, and GoFundMe pages.
Since when? You actually think that if a white person were a threat to an officer that the officer's training and instinct for self-preservation wouldn't kick in?

Star Member StarfishSaver (14,309 posts)

11. Yes.

And we must stop accepting the "it's a training problem" excuse. This isn't a training problem. Officer Potter was a 26-year veteran who surely should have known the difference between a taser and her service revolver. Lack of training is not the reason Chauvin ground his knee into George Floyd's neck. More training would not have prevented the yet-to-be-identified cop from shooting Adam Toledo less than a second after her put his hands up as commanded.

This isn't a training problem. It's a racism problem. As long as people who see Black and Brown people as inherently dangerous are given the power of life and death over them and as long as people who feel the same as they do are in positions to determine whether and how they will be disciplined, this will continue to happen.
1. The problem isn't that Potter can't distinguish between her gun and her taser, it's that when a person's fight or flight response kicks in, disastrous, awful mistakes can happen. Also, look at the body cam; that's not a revolver.

2. Chauvin's knee to the neck is not what killed George Floyd. Even the prosecution was forced to concede this.

Star Member bdamomma (60,721 posts)

9. There

are two standards one for black, brown people and white people, and it's sickening. Just sick of it.

Rittenhouse where the hell did he disappear too, bastard.

It can't be any clearer.
No, what can't be clearer is that the media's cherry picking creates the appearance of such disparate standards. They say false things, you repeat them.

As for Rittenhouse, he is awaiting trial for murder charges the prosecution has no hope of ever proving.

Bastard? Harsh words for someone whose "crime" was ridding the world of two stupid little criminal peons.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 05:57:50 PM by ADsOutburst »

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Man, DU is on fire right now.

Nothing better than watching from a distance as they fling poo at one another.  Especially when one can't tell which goofball is a true-blue DUmmy or a troll.  Yes, we know by some of the "primitives of prominence", to quote our esteemed Frank Solich.

Might even have to build up some posting cred with the chaos going this evening.  They can't even decide whether to crap or get off the pot.  Which means we know they're losing the argument.
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Offline DLR Pyro

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I would have thought with captain dementia in the White House,  his whore in waiting, and a congress controlled by the democrats that all of these problems would be resolved by now, when in fact the DUmmies just howl louder.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline YupItsMe

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I don’t agree with the primitives’ premise for a second. But if I did, there seems to be a very simple solution, and it’s this: If black people are suspected more to be engaging in criminal activity, and this perceived behavior is putting them in danger, then the best thing they could do is become model citizens and quit committing crimes. Become the race that all others point to as the example of how good, law abiding citizens should conduct themselves.

But the starship primitive can’t wrap their tiny little mind behind that.

  Over 50% of all murders in this country are committed by 13% of the population.  Your absolutely right.  SOMEBODY needs to change that perception.  I can tell you now, I'm not getting in blackface and gunning people down in Chicago.

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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You should be choked for being a leftist.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline SVPete

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For whatever reason, blacks are not numerous in tech here in Silicon Valley. However, the blacks I have seen at my present and previous jobs have all been engineers, techs, and IT specialists, well dressed, etc., etc., etc.. Not "choked", not "crushed", not "shot". Likewise the blacks I see around my neighborhood ... likewise the blacks I saw at running events (which have been shut down here in the Bay Area for over a year) ... likewise blacks I see around Lucky or Target or ...

As for people who resist arrest - black, white, brown, purple - once a person begins to resist it sets in motion a whole chain of potentially deadly split-second decisions. The reason I've never had a police officer on top of me or pointing his/her gun at me was not my skin color - something the officers could not see until just before pulling in behind my stopped car, or even as they were walking up beside my car - but because I didn't act like an combative jackass.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline enslaved1

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Over the summer, a black radio commentator apparently said that he had never had any negative interactions with the police.  I missed the original comment, but got back in to hear him saying he was getting bugged by people telling him not to say that because that is not the experience of all black people.  This was while the initial George Floyd riots were ongoing.  That just stuck out because it's another example of the hive mind of so many people running around the US today, and most of it is coming from the people screaming "Don't be racist" while insisting all people of color must be the same. 
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.