Author Topic: I think the former guy should be prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the elec  (Read 340 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member raccoon (29,424 posts)

I think the former guy should be prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the election.

I think that every Representative and every Senator who voted to acquit him in the second impeachment trial should be prosecuted.

Every one of them is a traitor to the US. I’ll always regard them as traitors.

I leave to your imagination what would have happened to them if they tried this in Saudi Arabia or Russia, if their coup was unsuccessful.

I know, ain’t gonna happen, I’m living in la-la land.

I guess that’s my rant for today.


Star Member Bayard (11,524 posts)

2. Tried for sedition anyway.

Star Member doc03 (27,377 posts)

3. I agree 100%. What if they would have succeeded

in murdering the VP and Congress? I think it would have led to a civil war.


Star Member doc03 (27,377 posts)

5. I think every single one of Congress that voted

to overturn the election should have been ran out of DC and tried for sedition.

jaxexpat (1,704 posts)

8. The civil war thing is beyond might or maybe.

It's here and now. It's in it's 20th year.

Presidents A. Gore and H. Clinton still lack inauguration and the president of the confederacy lives in semi-retirement on the beach in S. Florida.

What's missing? Battle flags, got 'em. Battle fields, got them too. Casualties, yep. War propaganda, it's everywhere. Social disruption, depends on where you live as to how much you're affected.


jaxexpat (1,704 posts)

25. Here in the sunshine state it is assumed by nearly everybody that because of the color of my skin...

I am a QOP traitor like, you know, QOP traitors are. It's just plain racial profiling. Black people suspect I'm QOP and white people assume it. But oddly enough, in the old south people don't bring it up just right off the bat like they might back in Western Kentucky. I suspect it's a remnant of the beatings so many have gotten and the responsive circumspection their society has underwent over the last 160 years.


Jay25 (290 posts)

10. If Democrats had done it, every one of them would have been prosecuted, no matter outcome or public rage.

ffr (20,002 posts)

12. I'd extend that to those chosing not to get vaccinaed

Just because they're afraid of a needle, they put all of us in harms way. They should be forced to wear a label marking them as a public danger, but we mostly already know who they are by blue, white and red stripes.
Useful idiots deserve to get what's coming to them for endangering us all and giving aid to adversaries.


Something like this, I presume...

Star Member Ford_Prefect (4,414 posts)

15. The longer we wait the clearer it becomes the GOP is an insurgent party which has no place in national or local government. They've been headed in that direction since Nixon was deposed. The rise of Reagan and Gingrich was predicated on dismantling federal authority and civil rights of all kinds: unions, abortion rights, fair employment, healthcare, education, safe water and air, freedom from religion and so-on.

Ever since there has been an increasingly sharper right turn into tyranny of culture and law by the GOP. Enabled by the ultra-rich here and abroad, U.S. and Multinational corporate greed, and certain foreign interested parties, including Russian Mafia, RW Israeli and Saudi governments. Aided and abetted by well-heeled leaders in the Business of Religious Exclusion (BRE) who like their corporate brethren saw opportunities to corner their respective markets and exert significant political muscle.

The Tea Party was launched as an insurgent response to Obama and Democratic governance on many levels by some of the same people deeply involved in fomenting Gingrich's Contract on America. At its core is the same defiance of democratic ideals and federal principles of law as we see in the many GOP state legislatures and Governor's mansions now dedicated to overturning the right to vote and women's control of their own bodies, to say nothing of eviscerating public lands, or denigrating public health and putting the nation if not the world at risk.

To be clear, the GOP has no constructive goals or purpose in government except to destroy federal regulation and to loot the treasury in aid of those who see our planet and economy as sources of personal wealth to abuse as they wish. They are a plague of locusts and a cancer upon our republic. IMO they should be torn out of government root and bough and imprisoned on an island where the tides are rising. Then let them figure out how constructive engagement works.


Star Member SheltieLover (20,092 posts)

20. Disgusting that every one of them hasn't been rounded up & remanded to custody

ScratchCat (1,576 posts)

24. The insurrection only happened

Because a con man tried to convince a bunch of idiots that The Constitution doesn't say what it clearly says and that someone - the VP or Congress - can just change the certified election results if one candidate wants them to. Those idiots found out that the VP and Congress can't change the vote count as certified by The States and this kind of nonsense will never happen again.

And lastly, I know its fun to make the riot seem like something it wasn't... but if they had really tried to "overthrow" the government, they would have been mowed down by automatic gunfire. Hell, a bunch of people were one breached door away from being gunned down by police and security.

No, the idiots had their "fun", and it ruined many of their lives now that they are facing felony charges. It wont happen again.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Star Member raccoon (29,424 posts)

I think the former guy should be prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the election.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

yeah, thems is fighting words...

Star Member doc03 (27,377 posts)

5. I think every single one of Congress that voted

to overturn the election should have been ran out of DC and tried for sedition.

message:  If you don't vote the right way we are coming for you

jaxexpat (1,704 posts)

8. The civil war thing is beyond might or maybe.

bring it

ffr (20,002 posts)

12. I'd extend that to those chosing not to get vaccinaed

Just because they're afraid of a needle, they put all of us in harms way.  They should be forced to wear a label marking them as a public danger, but we mostly already know who they are by blue, white and red stripes.
Useful idiots deserve to get what's coming to them for endangering us all and giving aid to adversaries

Do you feel the same way about the tens of thousands of gay males who refused to wrap it up before having anonymous promiscuous sex with other men?
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline Mary Ann

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Star Member doc03 (27,377 posts)

5. I think every single one of Congress that voted

to overturn the election should have been ran out of DC and tried for sedition.
Is doc03 aware that DEMOCRSTS voted to over the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016???? Should they also have been run out of DC and tried for sedition????
Jay25 (290 posts)

10. If Democrats had done it, every one of them would have been prosecuted, no matter outcome or public rage.
Um, no, they weren't.