Author Topic: Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.  (Read 617 times)

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Offline miskie

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Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.
« on: November 06, 2020, 09:54:37 AM »
Many people are concerned that finding the fraud in the election is going to be nearly impossible, I say it isn’t, but it will be tedious to do. The proof lies with the lopsided election results. How is it Republicans did stunningly well pretty much everywhere, but the presidency? It makes no sense. The only logical explanation is that votes were thrown in at the last second, and to get the quantity necessary, those votes were only for “President” Biden. All other ballot questions and races were ignored. So, to find the fraud, one needs to compare the congressional vote totals on a district by district level to the vote totals for president. Any districts that have far more presidential votes than Congressional votes on average then become suspect. Once those districts are identified, it is a matter of breaking the district up into individual wards.. The odds are there will be a few wards where the numbers are overwhelmingly lopsided. Then it is a matter of going to that specific ward and examining the “President” Biden only ballots. Numbers are not biased, nor do they lie. Its just a matter of getting enough people to do this in every stare, to establish a baseline, then go after the anomalies. The first step can be done by anybody by getting state vote tallies and looking at each congressional district one by one.

Edit: forgot to put quotes around the word President when it preceded the word Biden.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2020, 10:09:23 AM by miskie »

Offline miskie

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Re: Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2020, 11:15:26 AM »
Somebody else asked me about the mail in ballots. I suspect that was the original plan, that the Democrats believed that by vote harvesting mail in ballots, they would have enough to secure a victory for Biden. The odds are the mail in ballots are all filled out correctly, save for a few that will be contested but it will not be enough to change the outcome there. So, here it is election eve, Trump does far better than the Democrats suspected he would, they know how many harvested  votes they have coming in, And realize that they are going to be thousands of votes short. So, at the last minute they shut down their counts,  shut down the counting centers, and very hurriedly fill out a bunch of ballots and resort to good, old-fashioned ballot box stuffing. But to meet the deadline, they had to do it quick and messy. And that is where the vote fraud will be most visible. Not the mail in ballots that everybody wants to look at.

Offline miskie

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Re: Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2020, 05:58:53 AM »

Does The Cave have an important member, am I psychic, or is it coincidence ? You decide..   :popcorn:

Offline FesteringWound

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Re: Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2020, 12:24:22 PM »
Yet the media is doing everything it can not to cover it in order to diminish its legitimacy.

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Re: Finding the fraud, tedious, yet easy.
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2020, 09:55:04 AM »
Trump has the fight in him to not give up. The dems have a worthy opponent to fight with. he will not give up.
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