Author Topic: Someone approached the Con at the podium and he just walked away  (Read 337 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member malaise (212,672 posts)

Someone approached the Con at the podium and he just walked away
like three minutes in - WTF!

Was that Secret Service?


Star Member malaise (212,672 posts)

10. or a call from Putin?

Star Member IcyPeas (10,280 posts)

4. yes it was SS (according to MSNBC

Star Member octoberlib (11,951 posts)

5. A shooting near the WH. Trump's heading to his bunker

Star Member Mike 03 (12,644 posts)

16. A Fox News reporter heard it. Did anyone from any real news networks hear shots?

Or is this a staged event?

Did it appear spontaneous or phony?

Star Member octoberlib (11,951 posts)

24. John Roberts is the only one whose knows about it. It appeared phony to me.

Star Member asiliveandbreathe (5,906 posts)

6. More drama from the scripted reality tv ahole...n/t

Star Member BigmanPigman (36,787 posts)

9. CNN says there was a loud sound outside the W House.

Star Member SheltieLover (5,733 posts)

11. Another ploy, no doubt to garner sympathy

Or maybe his depends leaked?

Star Member malaise (212,672 posts)

19. Word is he's coming back in

doesn't want the story about the bunker to continue

back in - shooting outside the WH

gratuitous (70,282 posts)

27. And now reporters get a taste of what schoolchildren experience

I wonder how active shooter drills are going to be carried out? We can terrorize our children with these drills because it's easier than getting a society awash in firearms cleaned up.

doc03 (24,994 posts)

20. I believe nothing from this Whitehouse

probably all staged.

Star Member malaise (212,672 posts)

23. He said Secret Service shot someone

Doesn;t mean that 's true of course

Star Member Totally Tunsie (6,375 posts)

28. So why is the press asking HIM questions about the incident??

He doesn't know any more than anyone else.

Star Member malaise (212,672 posts)

31. My first thought


Star Member magicarpet (6,889 posts)

33. When his Depends are full and the diarrhea drips down,...

... his leg and starts to fill his shoes. They have a moisture alarm that triggers and sends a signal to the SS. They run in, whisk him off, and he gets a fresh Depends change over.

Hope Hicks is also the Depends emergency changing attendant and wet vacs the diarrhea out of his shoes. Then sends him on his way until the next bowel accident.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Carl

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Re: Someone approached the Con at the podium and he just walked away
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2020, 07:10:44 PM »
Keep proving what a bunch of violent hate filled lunatics the left is.