Author Topic: Don't wear a mask and die, Trump's fault. Wear a mask and die ... Trump's fault  (Read 467 times)

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Offline Texacon

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orleans (27,309 posts)

"Did Obituary Blame Trump for Man's COVID-19 Death?" yes it did

check out the last 3 paragraphs from the newspaper

here's what snopes had to say
We contacted Stacey Nagy by phone and confirmed with her directly that she wrote the obituary. Nagy, who lives in Jefferson, Texas, said she was glad the obituary is being seen widely because she wanted her message to get out: notably, that others’ failures to take precautions against COVID-19, like wearing face masks and social distancing, are causing people like her to experience hardship and grief.

Nagy said she has seen a lot people around her town failing to wear face masks, from drugstore employees to deputies at the Marion County Sheriff’s Department, even though Marion County is now under Abbott’s mask mandate.

“It gets me so angry that people are aren’t taking this seriously,” Nagy told us by phone. “The people who are dying are the older people especially — a lot of younger people are dying too — but it’s almost like they’re saying, ‘Who cares about the older people?’ I’ve been with my husband for 20 years and all of a sudden he’s gone. People should know how this makes others feel.”

more at link

(i'm hoping i got this picture here--haven't posted a pic in years so i tried looking it up on the help forum)

Just wait a little while, Mrs. Nagy and you'll find people who are pissed off at you because you're not wearing a full on hazmat suit for protection of 'others'.

So this guy moved to Texas from California and it looks like he brought his politics with him.  That's too bad.  I see that a lot.  People flee California due to the mess the liberals have created there and they fall out in places like Texas, Montana, Wyoming ... places with more freedom, less taxes, and an overall better lifestyle for them and their family.  I am not disparaging California in any sense.  I happen to like some parts of California, but the state governance leaves a lot to the imagination.

There are about 3 of these threads, here are the other 2;

Just a sampling of comments from them.

SiliconValley_Dem (1,118 posts)

15. **** no. this is tame compared to what I have written

if I lost a close loved one to COVID at this late date when ****ING Trump should have oed a response which would have shut the virus down.

**** TRUMP

**** all of them.

let that family grieve.

also, strike 2

What about Cuomo and De Blasio?  I think they're kind of leading the pack in state deaths, or is that Trump's fault too?  Even though Cuomo praised Trump's response ...

SergeStorms (8,157 posts)

4. The family pays for the obituary...

so they should damned well say what they feel. There's not one single word that's not true. Trump and his stupid son-in-law should be on trial at the Hague for genocide

renate (12,732 posts)

6. Someone murdered her husband with their stupidity and selfishness

And so many other husbands, wives, friends, children, loved ones have died the same way. Murdered by ignorance and selfishness.

I've seen so many of you over there saying how preventable these deaths are.  They just had to do ONE thing.  Just ONE!!!  Wear a mask.  It will SAVE you.  Uh huh.

How does this stack up to another death?  One in which the deceased didn't wear a mask.


SoonerPride (7,675 posts)

Herman Cain is dead.

SiliconValley_Dem (1,118 posts)

4. that is a huge ****ing deal

he goes to Trump's sparsely attended Tulsa rally
he and others refuse to socially distance or wear masks
He gets coronavirus
Now he is dead.

The virus doesn't think mask wearing is partisan.

Johnny2X2X (7,484 posts)

34. He's dead because of Trump, period

Trump made the statement right before that rally that people who wear masks are just doing it to show their disapproval of him. That guaranteed no mask wearing at that event and Cain died as a result.

Zambero (6,578 posts)

9. Tulsa takeaway

Stupidity exacts a high price.

calimary (58,759 posts)

65. Yep. The Tulsa Takeaway.

We warned. Many people warned. “Wear a mask!”

As usual, the warnings were there.


Roland99 (48,340 posts)

24. Breaking - Actual cause of death was....

Willful Ignorance

Sunsky (1,058 posts)

26. Wow

This was avoidable.

nolabear (35,839 posts)

30. I hope his family comes out and pleads for people to PAY ATTENTION.

Wear your damn mask! Distance! Stop supporting lies! Listen to the scientists!

oswaldactedalone (2,684 posts)

35. Are you kidding?

Those Uncle Tom’s will blame Obama.

ashredux (894 posts)

41. The Covid circle of death is closing in around the White House

SoonerPride (7,675 posts)

42. hope it takes out as many as it can.

I wish nothing but pain and death on all of them. Zero ****s left.

Far more over at the link for Herman Cain.  There are some really vile comments, of course, but mostly just talk about how avoidable it was.  Funny though, they have a picture of Herman at the rally sitting with a bunch of folks from Black Voices for Trump, none wearing a mask, and the only one who apparently had any problem was Herman.  I'm QUITE sure if there were others that were around him that were suffering or dying the MSM would have been ALL over that.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline SVPete

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My post on CU responsive to a similar DU thread:

Let's see, a few recent history dates:

~December 15, 2019, doctors in Wuhan have seen enough similar cases to recognize an outbreak is happening;

~December 25, 2019, doctors in Wuhan start warning each other to take precautions when working with patients exhibiting certain symptoms;

December 31, 2019, someone in Wuhan leaks word to the west than an outbreak is happening;

By January 2, 2020, multiple labs in Wuhan have sequenced the unknown virus' DNA;

January 11, 2020, China communicated that DNA sequence to WHO;

From December 31, 2019 until January 20, 2020, China falsely denied there was evidence of human-human transmission;

January 23, 2020, China shut down transportation out of Hubei Province.

China systematically delayed providing information to the world, for ~4 weeks China lied about human-human transmission, and for ~5 1/2 weeks, China allowed people to travel from Wuhan and Hubei Province, inadvertently spreading the disease throughout China and the world.

Despite all that, the Trump Administration started screening at 3 major airports on January 17, 2020, started working with pharmaceuticals companies to develop and produce vaccines in the third week of January, and to produce an antibody treatment on January 28, and announced the China travel shutdown on January 31 (which Dems denounced).

* * * * * *

There is a realistic possibility that the AstraZeneca vaccine will be approved for use in October, and that Moderna's and Novavax's vaccines will be approved for use by the end of the year. All three companies have been aided in the development and testing processes by the Trump Administration. And several more are a few months behind those three in the testing process that have also been aided by the Trump Administration. IOW, the Dems will be faced with a hard choice:

* Watch their, "Trump did nothing for two months," campaign slogan crushed by reality;

* Falsely claim these vaccines are untested, a lie easily shown to be false.

The latter would also be foolish, since AstraZeneca is a UK-Swedish company and its vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, and Novavax's partner is BioNTech, a German company. So I think the Dems are likely to make that foolish false claim.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline DLR Pyro

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Johnny2X2X (7,484 posts)

34. He's dead because of Trump china, period

edited for accuracy
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline MoshMasterD

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Is this now the new era if Wellstoning?
"They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns… I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with."

Andrew Breitbart

Offline USA4ME

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“and may Karma find you all”

Stacey Nagy sounds like a very vile individual.

Or maybe somebody else wished Karma upon her husband over something he did in the past, and Karma finally paid him a visit. Ever think of that, Stacey? Didn’t think so.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.