Author Topic: This will be a one term stolen Presidency  (Read 479 times)

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Offline dutch508

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This will be a one term stolen Presidency
« on: February 28, 2020, 06:47:47 PM »
Star Member malaise (202,252 posts)

This will be a one term stolen Presidency
Take that to the bank - he has ****ed himself royally which is hysterically funny for a wanna be holey moran emperor and a complete and total narcissist.
He couldn't even give himself a good ****. It was always going to end with self destruction. The good news is he's ensuring that he finishes off mother's boy at the same time.
Bye bye you ignorant, uncouth, racist, unethical, corrupt, vulgar, venal, vile piece of shit.
Oh I'm just warming up!


Star Member malaise (202,252 posts)

4. What disturbs me is that M$Greedia refuses to just come out and say

that he doesn't have a ****ing clue about anything. H e is playing president as if it's a TV reality show and damn he's even worse than his last reality TV shit.


Star Member budkin (4,225 posts)

5. He's seriously tanking because of this Coronavirus response

I think some of his supporters are FINALLY starting to realize how dangerous he is.


Star Member a kennedy (19,180 posts)

10. I wish that were true.....had dinner with two out of nine women who really

don’t believe ALL this hype about the corona virus. They are both staunch tRump supporters.’s all hype they’re saying about this virus, ALL HYPE, and don’t believe it.

Star Member exboyfil (12,362 posts)

7. And no moving on

Dig everything up that was buried by the prior administration and continually remind folks of what they did.

Unlike my predecessor who didn't give a damn about the Constitution, I am going to do _____.


tar Member Guy Whitey Corngood (21,785 posts)

16. OK, I gotta ask. How many times have you told us "This is it!" in the last 3 years? nt


Star Member malaise (202,252 posts)

19. Many times - Every day carry bucket go a well

One day the bucket bottom muss drop out.

And Dems achieved several victories including the House, state and local pick ups and of course impeaching the MoFo


Star Member Guy Whitey Corngood (21,785 posts)

22. Is that bucket reinforced with welded steel? Because we also keep

getting shit likes this every week:

President Donald Trump scored a major legal victory on Friday when a federal appeals court panel ruled Democrats have no right to hear testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s ruling overturned a lower court decision requiring McGahn’s testimony and told the judge presiding over the case to dismiss it outright. The ruling is a blow to House Democrats’ attempts to break the Trump administration’s intransigent stance that it can block Congress from talking to witnesses.


Star Member Skittles (126,546 posts)

28. John Pavlovitz articulates well what makes this time different

You look scared, Donald.

You should be.

A pandemic is problematic for you.

You can’t gaslight a pandemic.

You can’t bully it into compliance.

You can’t lie to it and hope it won’t run a fact check.

You can’t pay for its silence or promise immunity.

You can’t threaten its reelection bid if it breaks ranks.

You can’t fire it when it dissents from your ramblings.

You can’t impugn its character with baseless attacks.

You can’t fool it with talk about God.

You can’t bury it with FoxNews fluff pieces.

You can’t drown it in nationalism.

You can’t dismiss it with cries of fake news.

You can’t pardon it after it completes its assaults.

You can’t give it a demeaning nickname and hope to deflate it.

You can’t rage-Tweet it into exhaustion.

You can’t avoid it by appointing corrupt judges to do your bidding.

You can’t give it free tickets in order to fill vain arena celebrations of your ego.

You can’t frighten it with fairy tales about migrant boogeymen and transgender monsters.

You can’t hope it will blow over while you golf once again.

You can’t mischaracterize it with racial stereotypes.

You can’t pretend you can pray it away.

You can’t blame it on Barack Obama or windmills or the Gay Agenda or Hillary’s emails.

You can’t bullsh*t a pandemic—so nothing you know how to do will help you here.

A pandemic is not an election or a Supreme Court seat or Franklin Graham or Lindsey Graham or the Republican Party—so it cannot be bought.

A pandemic is not an uneducated voting block so it will not be swept up in the emotional fervor of dog and pony patriotism, or duped by ceremonial religiosity.

A pandemic is a reckless, brutal, unruly, violent thing, and none of your sideshow huckster repartee or your cheap parlor tricks or your legal gymnastics will save you or anyone else.

Only intelligent, qualified, reasonable, compassionate people who trust science and want to protect human beings can help at times like these—which is why you are completely useless.

Worse than that, it’s why you will make things much worse.

Pandemics thrive on fear, and fear is your only commodity. It is the one weapon at your disposal—and it only helps the sickness.

In the raking light of an actual emergency, you are being revealed as a fraudulent, callous, completely unprepared and outmatched imposter.

History is recording how ill-equipped you are for the serious, grievous, and terrible things real leaders are required to engage and confront.

You’re being exposed in these days for what you are: a public health crisis endangering millions of people; a reckless, brutal, unruly, violent thing that is spreading sickness.

The only hope we have for a cure comes in November.

You look scared, Donald.

We are too.

Dems are lying about the virus and our ability to fight it simply to win votes. They'd rather crash the system by panic than fix the problems.

Star Member malaise (202,252 posts)

42. There's a new pic

from India - disgusting

sandensea (10,146 posts)

44. And just wait until Putin decides to release the "pee" tape

It ain't just pee, I promise you that.


Star Member MuseRider (29,581 posts)

18. Any way he goes right now is going to tank him

at least for a while. Being that much of this is about our health and the health of all those we love it is worse. It is all bungled and now hidden with only allowed info getting out and that will cause more panic and distrust if the virus actually becomes a problem here. He cannot run on his great economy now, cannot get away with blaming the Dems so the only way he can go with this is to become our National Healer and we all know how that will go.

As much as I fear he might not leave, as much as I fear the cheating and "winning" again I cannot see it or worry about it because my mind stays firmly planted in reality and reality anymore is not solid nor actually reassuring but there is a pull to the good side going on.


Initech (79,147 posts)

34. This is turning out to be the dumpster fire that we all thought it would be.

And after burning down the bridge, all Chump seems to care about is right wing talk radio whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Just seriously, end this POS administration already.

Star Member Hermit-The-Prog (13,462 posts)

52. None of his bootlickers and asskissers can save him. ...

The secret service can't keep this virus from him. It's coming for him and there's nothing he can do to stop it.

I will savor his further descent into madness. I will rejoice in the wailing and gnashing of teeth that his cult is going to suffer through.

johnthewoodworker (59 posts)

54. I'm sorry. It's a good post and I would love to believe. But this was a republican coup.

The cat grabber is the face of it but not the soul. I don't see this ending by an election. Republicans did not steal this country just to let a bunch of voters take it back. Electronic vote tampering, voter purges, and disinformation should do the trick. The cat grabbers dementia and drug use will take him down over time, probably in his next term, but then Pence will be the point man.

I'll vote, as always, but don't hold much hope. Things have gotten progressively more bizarre over the last three years. If you told me five years ago, all the stories associated with the cat grabber's presidency, i wouldn't have believed it. I'm sure the next year will be more bizarre then the last.


The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: This will be a one term stolen Presidency
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 07:08:13 PM »
Wow! I didn't know there was that much :stoner: in the world.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Carl

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Re: This will be a one term stolen Presidency
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2020, 08:03:09 PM »
Christine's predictions are a guarantee the opposite will happen and she is too demented to realize it.   

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: This will be a one term stolen Presidency
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2020, 07:16:52 AM »
How do they figure the coronavirus outbreak is Trump's fault?

Also, there's this gem:

Pandemics thrive on fear, and fear is your only commodity. It is the one weapon at your disposal—and it only helps the sickness.

In the raking light of an actual emergency, you are being revealed as a fraudulent, callous, completely unprepared and outmatched imposter.

History is recording how ill-equipped you are for the serious, grievous, and terrible things real leaders are required to engage and confront.

You’re being exposed in these days for what you are: a public health crisis endangering millions of people; a reckless, brutal, unruly, violent thing that is spreading sickness.
... :o

... :thatsright:

Trump is not the one stoking people's fears over this issue; you are.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 09:26:50 AM by ADsOutburst »