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CousinIT (4,489 posts)


NOTES: Sorry about the all-caps headline. Newsweek always does this and I won't fix their damn screaming headlines. This article is from NOVEMBER 2019. If you don't think the Republicans did the same with the IA caucus phone lines and that they won't do this WITH ANY DEMOCRATIC PHONE NUMBER anywhere, during an election, caucus, impeachment, anytime they can tie up Dem phone lines in any instance, you're kidding yourself. They did and they will continue. How can Dems fight back?

The Republican National Committee (RNC) in recent weeks have reportedly funded thousands of automated phone calls to jam up the offices of dozens of House Democrats amid the fight surrounding the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Two unnamed sources briefed on the effort told The New York Times that the coordinated phone blast tactic aimed to shape public opinion of the investigation, as well as simply to tie up the phone lines of the elected officials. Approximately 11,000 calls were reportedly made as part of the scheme.

The calls were recently discussed at the so-called "Off the Record" dinner, an event attended by more than 12 Republican elected politicians, advisers and aides. Two unnamed sources who were briefed about the event told the Times that RNC officials discussed the phone jamming efforts during the dinner, suggested the calls were automated and admitted it was done to tie up the Democrats' phone lines.

RNC officials said the calls were not prerecorded "robocalls," and asserted that they used a vendor to survey voters. The voters that opposed Trump's official impeachment inquiry were then automatically offered to be connected to the offices of their congressional representatives, according to the officials. . . .

Now doesn't that just suck ... Ask BigmanPigman how that works ... he encourages y'all to do it all the time.  Kinda sucks when it is done to you, huh?

Karma13612 (1,594 posts)

1. Now it makes sense.

I noticed that all the call lines were pro-acquittal the other day during the closing of the Senate Impeachment trial. Watching and listening on C-span. In fact, one caller called in on the “pro-guilty” line and admitted she purposely did that, and that she was supporting the president’s acquittal.

There didn’t seem to be any support for guilty. And I was rather surprised.

This could really complicate communications. And that is KEY in election season.

Feeling more helpless by the day.

Catherine Vincent (33,381 posts)

6. When I watched Cspan years ago,

The mods used to push back on folks calling on a line claiming they are a R or D (it was mostly Rs doing it). Now, they don't say anything. So Independents as well. It really ticks me off.

chia (369 posts)

2. They have no scruples. End justifies the means, etc.

Seems like the only way to beat them is to fight dirtier than they do.

And who are we then? I'm really struggling with this.

Scarsdale (7,874 posts)

15. Me, too.

We fight fairly, while the gop uses every dirty trick in their large book of dirty tricks. They are so juvenile, it is disgusting. Too bad there are no real adults in the gop. Frat boys, every last one of them, apart from
Susan Collins who is a little "Brownie" in more ways than one

smirkymonkey (48,099 posts)

23. +1000

This just enrages me! They know they can't win if they don't play dirty, but it's not what the people want. They represent a minority of people in this society - the dregs and deplorables. There isn't a decent one in the entire lot of them. 

calimary (55,767 posts)

21. Why can't we start using this openly?

Rebrand them. Actively. Cheaters.

They cheat to win.

They win because they cheat.

They’re the cheater party.

Beat the Cheats!

Beat the CHEATERS.

Make the republi-CON name synonymous with CHEATING. Seize the opportunity to brand these beasts. If shoe fits, MAKE ‘EM WEAR IT!

Ask your very own Fat Bastard.  I think he said doing this was just fine.

Initech (78,856 posts)

12. Assholes.

Yeah, really, what a bunch of ****ing assholes.

Loubee (140 posts)

26. How! in 2020

are Democrats still unprepared for the inevitable GOP dirty ops? Cheating and sabotage are rooted in their creed and character.

Now for the possible thread killer ...

sarisataka (10,303 posts)

30. I recall just over a week ago

The question was posed if it was ethical to call Republican Senators and lie, telling them you lived in their state
and that you wanted them to vote to remove Trump from office. The majority of the replies said go ahead. IIRC it was suggested that even if it didn't affect how the Senator voted it would tie up the line for a few minutes.

It seems both sides do it, one side is just better at it.


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sarisataka (10,303 posts)

30. I recall just over a week ago

The question was posed if it was ethical to call Republican Senators and lie, telling them you lived in their state and that you wanted them to vote to remove Trump from office. The majority of the replies said go ahead. IIRC it was suggested that even if it didn't affect how the Senator voted it would tie up the line for a few minutes.

It seems both sides do it, one side is just better at it.
I wonder if having over 10,000 posts will save this DUmmie from the pizza delivery.

Offline Texacon

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I wonder if having over 10,000 posts will save this DUmmie from the pizza delivery.

My guess would be YUP!

It'll be interesting to see if Fat Bastard pokes his miserable head into the thread.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline ADsOutburst

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Anything to conceal the fact that the dems' own incompetence is what caused the Iowa SNAFU.  ::)

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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"Reportedly"?  Translation: "Some drunk guy at a bar said...".
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Offline ADsOutburst

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"Reportedly"?  Translation: "Some drunk guy at a bar said...".
Very likely a dog-faced pony soldier.

EDIT: Apologies. Two dog-faced pony soldiers.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 07:20:14 PM by ADsOutburst »

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Quote from:
Two unnamed sources.....

Nuff said. Thanx!

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Offline jukin

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From Newsweak and NYT?

Then I know with 100% confidence that it is a lie.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.