Author Topic: This was all for nothing -- that's what my so-called Democratic friend says.  (Read 490 times)

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Offline Texacon

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I watched this one for awhile.  It looks like it might have finally wound down, but it had some fun stuff in it so I figured I'd bring it over.   :-)

ancianita (12,138 posts)

This was all for nothing -- that's what my so-called Democratic friend says.

Last edited Sun Dec 1, 2019, 10:30 PM - Edit history (1)

Today on Facebook I reposted the Kyle Griffith tweet that got so much of the positivity around here that's kept me hopeful and committed.

I couldn't believe what my Democratic friend said.

I’m not at all impressed by how they’ve handled this.

It’s exactly like the Mueller Report, which liberals everywhere hung SOOO much weight on only to have it produce essentially ZERO results against Trump...

when it’s over - let’s see what it produces.

So far my prediction is that it’s going to produce exactly the same result - nothing.

I fully agree with you about the facts of the issues.
Of course Mueller’s report was right.
Of course the impeachment proceedings are right.

But that means nothing if there is no end result of stopping Trump or removing him from office.

If he and everything just carries on like he has since the Mueller Report then it’s a fail.
Even if all of it was factually correct.

But that’s just me.

Time WILL tell.
And then we’ll know...

He's not a close friend, just a fellow Democrat in the northwest (and not on DU) who I've constantly exchanged political views with. I thought I knew his view of the last year but I must have been wrong.

Now I wonder if most Democrats actually feel the way he does. If so, then I've gotten swept up here into thinking that they think like me. Or us. If they don't, maybe I've been out of touch. I feel too old to be so disheartened and naive.

Maybe as a Democrat he's just gauging the way the rest of the country, who are not Democratic, sees what's been happening.

I HAVE to know that preserving rule of law will come out of this. If he's right, and his view is closer to reality out there, I don't know what I'll do. Except vote, of course.


TwilightZone (13,614 posts)

3. He's not entirely wrong.

Impeachment was always extremely unlikely to remove Trump from office. We can provide a variety of reasons why we're pursuing it, but the reality is that in this particular instance, it's a political process intended to sway people to either stay home or vote against Trump in 2020.

If your expectation is "preserving the rule of law", impeachment is unlikely to do that, at least where Trump is concerned. It's not really designed to do that - it's designed to essentially indict the president and supply evidence for his removal by the Senate. Of course, the latter is unlikely to happen. In that, your friend's view is accurate. If the primary intent was removal or some tangible legal penalty, it will likely fail, but as I noted, that's not really the intent.

I don't agree with your friend in his assertion that there's no benefit. The benefit is providing a forum in which we can further detail why Trump is unfit for office and why he should not be reelected in 2020. From that perspective, it's not "all for nothing".

BlueTsunami2018 (774 posts)

4. Your friend is unfortunately correct I'm afraid.

The Democrats have done everything right here and the evidence is overwhelming but there is nothing that is going to come of this. They’ll impeach him, the Senate will not convict him, he’ll claim total exoneration again and there’s a damn good chance he steals another election if we do not come out overwhelmingly against him, fully united, in the November election.

Then America dies for good and for all. The rule of law will have been destroyed if we can/will not hold this guy responsible for his very obvious crimes or vote him out. He’ll have free reign to commit even worse acts, further ruin the courts for a generation and further dismantle the government institutions.

If there was a base reality that everyone worked off of, he’d have been gone a long time ago but there isn’t. The cult will not be moved by any of this, they live in a completely different world where he’s done nothing wrong and if he did “so what?”. And without the Republican base turning, none of the elected republicans will either for fear of losing their jobs. He cannot be held to account if they won’t choose country over party and they won’t.

The Democratic actions here aren’t for nothing, it’s the right thing to do regardless of result but in the end it’ll be largely symbolic in my opinion. Somehow, this dimwit has managed to break the country and no one knows what to do about it.

Binkie The Clown (5,282 posts)

31. My take: Sadly, nothing will happen...

Trump will be re-elected, and we Dems will go right on bitching and complaining and accomplishing nothing for the next four years.

I wish it weren't so, god, how it wish it weren't so, but, unfortunately, if the past is any indication of the future, that's how it's all going to play out. I'd like to be an optimist, but my 75 years have taught me to be a realist.

(  Running for cover, now, but don't forget I said it.)

ancianita (12,138 posts)

33. Man, I thought I was despairing. Being this "realist," are you still going to vote?

Binkie The Clown (5,282 posts)

35. Absolutely, I will vote, and I hope I'm totally wrong.

Nothing would make me happier than to admit I was wrong.

greytdemocrat (3,105 posts)

40. Sadly

You aren't.

greytdemocrat (3,105 posts)

34. Your friend is exactly right. n/t

aikoaiko (30,044 posts)

43. Doing the ethically correct things doesn't guarantee it works our well for us.

It just means we did the right thing and we have to be happy with that.

Garrett78 (9,687 posts)

47. First, one should never assume the DU crowd is reflective of the overall Dem electorate.

Most people simply don't pay that much attention to politics. Never underestimate US ignorance. US ignorance should be declared a national emergency.

Secondly, impeachment is necessary - if for no other reason - because to not impeach that criminal asshole would set a horrifying precedent. Watergate was child's play by comparison. Trump is a clear and present danger. Dems and responsible members of the media should be repeatedly making it crystal clear that Trump is a threat to national security. He's willing to betray allies and assist adversaries in exchange for personal favors. Trump is a much, much greater threat than any terrorist organization.

It looks like a lot of them know what's coming, they're just too afraid to admit it.   :rotf:

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline Big Dog

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They sound so sad; so depressed...

Skins needs to set up a DU Suicide Hotline, to protect his cash flow.
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Binkie The Clown (5,282 posts)

31. My take: Sadly, nothing will happen...

Trump will be re-elected, and we Dems will go right on bitching and complaining and accomplishing nothing for the next four years.

I see a granite pizza in this DUmmie's future. They generally don't like reality in their little echo chamber.

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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I think my prediction will come true.  Dems will become an ungoverning minority as The President wins re-election in a landslide.

Thus, the media will become the shrinking voice of the ungovernable minority.  I'm not sure how we'll be getting our news in a couple years.  Possibly by the same media, now severely diminished to opinionless commentary.