Author Topic: Another day in America  (Read 2356 times)

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Offline Mary Ann

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Another day in America
« on: August 05, 2019, 08:46:13 AM »
LonePirate (9,310 posts)

Another day in America where we need nothing short of repealing the 2A and confiscating all guns.

There are no other solutions to the problem. If you support the 2A, you are part of the problem.

This is a massive thread chock-full of comedy gold! A few of the more rational DUmmies try to respond with common sense, and all get some variation of this response from LonePirate:
LonePirate (9,310 posts)

4. I'll put you in the category of wanting more massacres since you refuse to address the problem.

Rewriting the 2A is no solution. Eliminating guns is the only solution.
As the thread continues LP gets more and more unhinged:
LonePirate (9,310 posts)

9. Buy backs and then house to house searches, if necessary.

You must be a gun humper if you are trying to start a discussion on how confiscation is not possible feasible. Much like #1 above, you must want more massacres in this country by throwing up smokescreens and trying to prevent the only real solution to the problem.
House to house searches!!
Archae (40,640 posts)

23. Can we start with your house?
LonePirate (9,310 posts)

24. Yes. I have never owned any guns and never will. Nothing to find here.
I bet a thorough search of LP's house would turn up LOTS of illegal stuff.
Okay, if reasonable arguments won't convince him, maybe a little sarcasm and snark will:
sammythecat (3,369 posts)

104. Ok, ok. I'll admit it.

Like many others here you're accusing, I want the massacres to continue. You're saying "if you want this" or "if you want that" then you want the massacres to continue. Now me, I don't much care about the "this" or "that" part, doesn't matter to me. I just like massacres, with people of all ages and circumstance being shot dead, mutilated, terrified, and disabled.

But, putting that aside, I am truly amazed at your powers of deduction. A sentence or two in disagreement is all it takes and your logic leads you to the irrefutable conclusion that indeed we all are massacre loving monsters. I think you've outed a half dozen or so that I've seen so far, and until now I thought I was the only one
As long as we're getting rid of the 2nd and 4th Amendments, let's rewrite the whole darn thing:
fescuerescue (1,634 posts)

146. It's really time for a constitutional convention

Let's face it, the constitution is getting pretty creaky in it's old age. Most of it's is perfectly fine but it requires some tweaking.

Healthcare should be added to the B.O.R.
The 2nd should just be removed.
Voting fairness should be added.
Womens right to choose should be added (spelled out instead of inferred)
The 1st needs to remain of course, but it does need tweaking. Things like Nazism should be allowed to be banned
Throw out the electoral college (duh)
Becoming a US citizen should be added to the BOR. If you are here X amount of time. DONE you are a citizen. Lots of room here for improvement I think.

This is a winning issue, but I know people are to fearful to try it.
Please, please, please run on rewriting the Constitution; it's a winning issue, you know.

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Re: Another day in America
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2019, 09:22:06 AM »
They think a constitutional convention would go their way, but when the smoke cleared they would all be calling FOUL!  I don't think they understand how that works. 

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Another day in America
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2019, 09:57:56 AM »
Idiots of this ilk are the exact reason that I joined the NRA in the aftermath of the Parkland shootings.  Even though I have never owned nor fired a gun.  On my second year of the membership, and liberal claptrap such as this are a big reason that I'm proudly a member.
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Offline landofconfusion80

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Re: Another day in America
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2019, 03:09:06 PM »
Facebook discussion:

Liberal chick from high school general post: I want to take your guns away

Me: you're welcome to try!
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Another day in America
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2019, 04:10:22 PM »
I have the perfect solution, lets have a civil war!! the Pro 2 A folks against the Anti 2 A folks. Winner decides the solution. :-)
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

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I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

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Offline Movie buff- The Sequel

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Re: Another day in America
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2019, 05:04:07 PM »
I don't own any firearms myself, so I have no dog in this fight, but I still recognize that what the DUmmies are proposing is sheer tyranny, openly discarding people's basic God- given rights in the name of their twisted political goals.
Nothing will flat out STOP (As in, they'll never happen again) mass shootings or gun violence in general, but I think a good way to greatly lessen the number of mass shootings is a kind of mass- education campaign to raise awareness of the warning signs that a person may be at risk of committing a violent act, with an emphasis on the importance of coming forward and notifying the proper authorities if they know of someone demonstrating a lot of these signs. Pair that with greater standards of accountability on law- enforcement personnel to act swiftly and decisively if they receive such warnings from people (That, in particular, would have prevented the Parkland school shooting). The overwhelming majority of the time, these mass shootings are committed by people who were noticeably disturbed for a long time and amply demonstrating such warning signs, their friends and family KNEW they were dangerous, but they didn't do anything until it was too late. Find a way to fix THAT problem, and I guarantee the number of mass shootings WILL plummet.

"LonePirate (9,310 posts)

9. Buy backs and then house to house searches, if necessary."
House to house searches?
1. Please propose this as part of the official platform for the Dems' presidential candidate in 2020, I'm sure the American voters will LOVE it! LOL!
2. Okay, since you've made it clear you're eager to discard the Second Amendment, I guess it's not surprising that you don't hold strongly to the Fourth Amendment (The Amendment which guarantees protection from unreasonable searches of property, and also decrees that warrants for such searches may only be issued if there is probable cause), either.
3. How about house to house searches to check for illegal drugs? Or, to check for child pornography? How would those grab you DUmmies?

"Voting fairness should be added."
Voting fairness? What the hell does that even mean?
"The 1st needs to remain of course, but it does need tweaking. Things like Nazism should be allowed to be banned."
No, just no. I hate Nazism as much as the next guy, but declaring that the espousal of certain belief systems should no longer be protected by the First Amendment, even belief systems that the majority of Americans rightfully abhor, is creating a VERY dangerous precedent/ slippery slope. To put it another way, DUmmies, how about next we declare that the vermin in Antifa should no longer have the right to Freedom of Speech or of the Press on the grounds that they regularly encourage vandalism and violence? Heck, maybe we should declare that you DUmmies no longer have the right to Freedom of Speech or of the Press, on the grounds that some in your numbers have openly encouraged the assassination of President Trump (A few weeks ago, Bigman Pigman openly proposed slipping highly poisonous mushrooms into President Trump's food, and just yesterday, a DUmmy named Haggis for Breakfast said, regarding President Trump saying things that offend people, "What we need is a patriotic sniper") and other prominent conservatives?
The price of living in a free society is that those freedoms extend even to people whose views you find completely abhorrent. I'd take that kind of society over one in which the government gets to decide who has the right to Free Speech and who doesn't any day of the week.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 05:16:31 PM by Movie buff- The Sequel »