Author Topic: More Propaganda Designed To Undermine The Constitution Here On DU  (Read 558 times)

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jberryhill (55,988 posts)

More Propaganda Designed To Undermine The Constitution Here On DU

If you think you are being cute or witty by pointing out that Judge Merrick Garland is on the DC Court of Appeals so that, yes, a lot of appeals from the DCDC end up in that appellate court, and that this is somehow an opportunity for "karma" or "payback" of some kind, I'd like to suggest you are neither cute nor witty.

What you are, in fact, is a useful idiot in the continuing campaign to advance the notion that the institutions of the Constitution are thoroughly corrupted by petty self-interest, and that federal judges in particular are primarily motivated by personal vendettas.

This is a constant theme on DU. I can only guess as to why.

More recently, the judge in California presiding over the glyphosate litigation was confirmed, [  :???: ] by many DUers as being a corrupt corporate tool on the basis of an evidentiary ruling he made months ago. When the plaintiffs actually won the trial, somehow it wasn't as interesting to the DU "corrupt federal judge" contingent.

I can only guess as to why.

I doubt that Judge Merrick issues rulings for the purpose of advancing his personal emotional satisfaction. In fact, I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

If you would like others to believe that he does, then I would like to know why (a) you believe bullshit like that, and/or (b) why you want others to believe bullshit like that.

I don't think that Judge Garland is corrupt. But it is obvious that a whole bunch of DUers want you to believe he is. Ask yourself why.


procon (12,591 posts)

8. Those comments undermines the upstanding

character and integrity of Judge Merrick, a man who would have upheld the honor of the SCOTUS as a fairminded and unbiased member of the court. We can't say the same thing of Trump's handpicked minions, when he openly boasts of their conservative biases and one party partisanship.

As Dems we should aspire to at least be better than Trump and the current GOP affliates, not compete with them for a place at the same trough.


The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!