Author Topic: primitives point out that jackpiners do zilch for anybody, everybody  (Read 668 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Oh my.

NCTraveler (28,609 posts)     Tue Jun 5, 2018, 08:58 AM

Bernie Sanders--So 2016? His Support Does Little for Candidates in 2018

DES MOINES, Iowa—There is no candidate in the country for whom Sen. Bernie Sanders has expended more political capital this year than Pete D’Alessandro.

Mr. Sanders hosted a rally for Mr. D’Alessandro, a U.S. House candidate who ran the Vermont senator’s 2016 presidential campaign in Iowa. He twice emailed his supporters soliciting campaign funds for Mr. D’Alessandro and recorded his only TV ad of the year to urge support for him.

Yet Mr. D’Alessandro, a longtime Iowa Democratic political operative, appears from public polling set to place third in Tuesday’s Democratic primary. The Sanders seal of approval, for Mr. D’Alessandro and a handful of other Democrats, isn’t turning out to be a winning one in this year’s congressional elections.

“Bernie is Bernie, it’s a one-person movement,” said Sean Bagniewski, the Democratic Party chairman for Polk County, which includes Des Moines.

After a very long career as a politician Sanders decided in his late seventies it was time to become a mover and shaker. He went lone-wolf, attacking Democrats and Republican, in order to pander to the only base he could find. He is still pandering to them today and now his wife is upping her game. This article is a major reason they are now openly talking being spoilers and threatening to strengthen the hold Republicans have in congress. They are selfish with out of control ego's. They understand their new found clout is dwindling and Our Revolution is falling apart.

They cannot believe they are not currently king and queen and they are livid that the vetting has finally started. Their threat to run third party should be the end of them for all of us.

If you weren't smart enough to see through them before, which is slightly understandable, this should be your wake-up call.

Sherman A1 (20,385 posts)      Tue Jun 5, 2018, 09:04 AM

5. I like these threads

They are so informative.

<<<likes them too; enjoys them immensely.

BeyondGeography (30,730 posts)     Tue Jun 5, 2018, 09:06 AM
6. One little problem with your analysis

Sanders remains enormously popular with critical segments of the base, namely labor and younger voters. In your moments of introspection, you might ask yourself why mainstream Dems aren’t resonating with these groups as deeply as Bernie. So piss on him all you want, Bernie is a key part of any blue wave that occurs in November and will still be on the field in 2020.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

NCTraveler (28,609 posts)      Tue Jun 5, 2018, 09:09 AM

7. I don't think his younger numbers are as solid as you think.

He also doesn’t own them like some people think. Labor is a seriously mixed bag. Numerous unions helped put Trump over the top.

Those are both groups people like Warren and Harris would do well with. Your flaw is thinking they are owned by an individual.

Your ever so important metric also falls apart when talking about the base and future of the Democratic Party.

BeyondGeography (30,730 posts)        Tue Jun 5, 2018, 09:18 AM
14. Did I say he owns them?

Of course not. But he has a head start off of 2016 and that thing that so many people find annoying about him, his consistency which borders on monotony, hits the target with a lot of young people who are feeling rightly screwed by this economy.

I really don’t get the War on Bernie. He’s an obvious net positive for Dems. Schumer et al put him in the leadership team for good reasons, and many of the issues he has championed have gone mainstream. Lose the 2016 butthurt already and move on.

<<<"gets" this war on Bernie, and thinks the Democrats need to ramp it up, nuclearize it, so as to ensure the future of the Democrat party.

The Democrat party's got no future if children are running it, and everybody's a fair-weather Democrat, voting only for those Democrats they like rather than for the full slate.

Demsrule86 (24,221 posts)      Tue Jun 5, 2018, 09:35 AM

19. I agree. My kids would never vote for Sanders in a 2020 primary. In fact my daughter now

living in PA went out of her way to avoid an OR candidate.
apres moi, le deluge