Author Topic: Republicans' vote a partisan move designed to hamper the Russia investigation.  (Read 1509 times)

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mobeau69 (2,019 posts)

House Intelligence Committee Votes to Release FBI Memo, Dem Says

Last edited Mon Jan 29, 2018, 07:20 PM - Edit history (1)

Source: The Daily Beast

he House Intelligence Committee’s Republican majority voted Monday to release an explosive memo alleging abuses by the FBI agents investigating collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, the panel’s senior Democrat said. “According to the majority, the FBI is under investigation and the Department of Justice," Rep. Adam Schiff said. He said Republicans voted to release their memo but not release a report by Democrats on the same subject. He called Republicans' vote a partisan move designed to hamper the Russia investigation.

The Washington Post story:

Read more:



Quemado (54 posts)

1. Absolutely no respect for the rule of law


Star Member Mr. Ected (3,969 posts)

2. It sure doesn't help that they keep referring to the memo as "explosive"

Misleading, fictitious, or debunked, maybe. But explosive? Only if the press is going to give it the false equivalence that they always do.

Star Member Stonepounder (2,586 posts)

3. This is an attempted coup.

They also refused to let DOJ or FBI vet the memo to redact sensitive info. And Fusion GPS is really pissed that Congress is not protecting the names of Fusion employees, which Fusion has requested multiple times not to be released for safety reasons. And the GOP is giving a great big **** YOU to anyone who is not a Trump ass-licker!

The GOP is colluding with Russia to overthrow the Constitutional Republic that is the USA. They are ****ing traitors and should be arrested, tried, and if found guilty, be subjected to the most severe legal punishment available.

OliverQ (842 posts)

13. Attempted? It's a full blown overthrow of the government by the ruling party.

Dem4eva (40 posts)

4. what a ****ING shit show...

this country has become. If the Dems don't release their "memo" to counter act the Rethugs propaganda BS they have no balls and we are all doomed IMO. Release it anyway...just like Feinstein did before. BTW: POS Nunes was suppose to be 'recused' but is now behind a hatchet job memo trashing the FBI. NO legit reason to let one memo go forward and not another. Just Trumpler and his minions trying to cover his fat ass for collusion and/or obstruction. Mother ****ERS one and all.

Star Member Skittles (117,697 posts)

16. male body parts are not required for courage


Star Member Paladin (17,505 posts)

6. Release the Democratic memo, then boycott the SOTU.

Last edited Mon Jan 29, 2018, 08:02 PM - Edit history (1)

And then initiate impeachment proceedings. **** this shit.

DUpmonkiez having their tantrums, flinging poo because they don't get their way

Star Member mcar (19,929 posts)

10. The Republican party does not care about this country

At all. Fckers!

Star Member still_one (55,798 posts)

11. This is the same bullshit that occurred when Comey released the letter to the FBI 11 days before the

election, and our illustrious press reported it as "the email investigation had been reopened", which was a LIE, and then proceeded to parade every right wing politician across the screen perpetuating that LIE for the next several days.

If the Democrats have any sense of preventing a complete collapse of the government as we know it, they would release the Democrat report on the same subject at the same time. Not doing so means that they are allowing the republicans to exert a coup against the United States of America, and are doing nothing to stop it, when they can


Star Member dhill926 (6,803 posts)

22. well...the game is certainly ****ing afoot now....

gotta feeling shit is gonna blow sky high soon...

Star Member Kablooie (13,749 posts)

23. They will soon have things in place to shut down the investigation.

You know that's their goal.
Protect Trump at all costs.
I can't really understand why but that's what Republicans seem to think is the most important thing in the world.
Make sure Trump can continue to commit crimes without consequences.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Delmar

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Response to mobeau69 (Original post)Mon Jan 29, 2018, 06:50 PM
Star Member Paladin (17,505 posts)
6. Release the Democratic memo, then boycott the SOTU.

Last edited Mon Jan 29, 2018, 08:02 PM - Edit history (1)

And then initiate impeachment proceedings. **** this shit.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the bull shit democrat memo to get released:

Schiff then told reporters the committee also voted against the release of the Democrat secret memo.

But there’s a catch…

The Democrats have not yet released their memo to the committee for review.

Which may be the reason why it won’t be released.

Rep. Lee Zelden (R-NY) piled on crazy Adam Schiff:

Zelden: It truly doesn’t get any more insane than the @HouseDemocrats & @RepAdamSchiff asking to declassify & release a memo to the public just now that they wouldn’t even allow the House Intel majority members to read before voting.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Offline DUmpsterDiver

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> Star Member Skittles (117,697 posts)  16. male body parts are not required for courage

She, speaking as one who has never had the pleasure.  Poor girl.  Draw the curtains and clean the carpet ye sordid one.

Offline Texacon

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This stuff is killing them. The truth is like a light on roaches to them. They ignored and made fun of this until now, and now it’s too late!  They should ask their handlers why this is bad.

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Offline thundley4

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OliverQ (842 posts)

13. Attempted? It's a full blown overthrow of the government by the ruling party.


Offline DUmpsterDiver

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And I thought I was getting too old to slap the patty until these leftist dipweeds cam along and made it fun again.  Duck and cover leftist dilligafs.

Offline FiddyBeowulf

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Star Member still_one (55,798 posts)

11. This is the same bullshit that occurred when Comey released the letter to the FBI 11 days before the

election, and our illustrious press reported it as "the email investigation had been reopened", which was a LIE, and then proceeded to parade every right wing politician across the screen perpetuating that LIE for the next several days.
So Comey tried to get Trump elected by releasing the letter and got fired by him after he became president?


Comey released the letter to help Hillary and got fired by Trump after he became president?

Which seems more likely DUmmies?
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

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