Author Topic: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance  (Read 2515 times)

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Offline FunkyZero

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SOMEbody fell off the wagon tonight... and boy am I completely enjoying the meltdown. hehehehehe

Wed Dec 6, 2017, 08:12 PM
NanceGreggs (23,169 posts)

****.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance

First, let me congratulate the Democrats who have called for Senator Al Franken’s resignation. Well done, you idiots! If we’ve ever wondered who the spineless are among us, we now know – and we thank you for identifying yourselves.

If Franken tenders his resignation, we lose a very powerful Democratic voice, and a man who has not hesitated to stand up for our party’s interests and ideals, as well as standing up to the Republican forces currently try to dismantle our democracy.

How pathetic that so many of his own party members are willing to throw him under the bus – not based on irrefutable, or even credible, evidence of wrongdoing, but based on he said/she said accusations that have yet to produce any actual proof of anything. Moreover, said accusations only surfaced at a point when the GOP is desperately trying to defend running a credibly-accused child molester to the senate.

The Republican’s traditional political tack – “You put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of yours in the morgue” – has worked extremely well, thanks to those willing to cave in to the party that put a self-admitted sexual predator in the White House.

And what do we gain? Absolutely nothing. And anyone who believes that we are demonstrating adherence to some “higher moral ground” is a damnable fool.

I doubt there is a single Republican voter who will be impressed by Democratic “morality”. They are, after all, the same people who have voted time and again for men who have dumped their wives to marry their mistresses, have had multiple affairs, and have even been named as regular customers at brothels specializing in perverse sexual activities. Those are the people Republican voters call “good Christian men” – and rush to the polls to elect and re-elect without a second thought.

What we lose, along with one of our finest and most effective senators, is the faith of people like myself in my party and its members. My immediate takeaway from this fiasco is the soul-crushing thought that when Republicans accuse any Democrat of sexual misconduct – no matter how flimsy the “evidence”, no matter how obviously politically-motivated – there are Democrats who will abandon their own in order to placate the morally bankrupt on the other side of the aisle.

When a party full of liars accuses one of ours of lying, the response from our side should be a loud **** YOU! When a party that elected a *****-grabber to the presidency accuses one of ours of sexual wrongdoing, the reply should be an even louder **** YOU!

We will not gain a single vote by yelling how morally superior we are (or are willing to pretend to be for the sake of political expedience). We will not gain anything politically by demonstrating our willingness to abandon the best and brightest in our ranks based on some ludicrous idea that we are showing American voters that we are somehow more moral than Republicans, because they don’t give a shit – never have, never will.

To say I am disappointed in people like Chuck Schumer, and the other Democrats who have called for Franken’s resignation, would be the understatement of the century. I am absolutely furious that even a single elected Democrat was willing to accept that incredibly flimsy, unproven allegations needed to be acted upon without any investigation – an investigation Franken himself invited the minute such accusations were made.

The message Schumer et al have now conveyed, loudly and clearly, is that when one of ours have accusations leveled against them, they are to be immediately thrown overboard. It’s hard to imagine any message being more detrimental to our party.

What will come of this? If what I have been reading on political and social media sites is any indication, Mr. Schumer and his colleagues can expect a backlash from angry party supporters who are re-thinking their campaign contributions, along with their enthusiasm to promote a party that refuses to have the backs of people like Al Franken.

Franken has worked tirelessly for his constituents, for our party, and for our country. To see party leaders like Schumer spinelessly cave-in to pressure from morally-bankrupt Republicans is beyond what I, for one, can stomach.

If you don’t have Franken’s back, Chuck, you’ve left a lot of Democrats wondering why they should have yours.


Response to NanceGreggs (Original post)Wed Dec 6, 2017, 08:30 PM
Star Member rzemanfl (17,372 posts)
9. K&R Nance. Whoever alerted on this, please PM me. I have words for you. n/t

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2017, 09:23:19 PM »
They are all yammering about due process and guilty before proven innocent. Lost on these dopes is the fact that it is Franken's party demanding he resign and that Franken doesn't have to resign if he doesn't want to. Such a bunch of immature children.

Personally I hope he stays!
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Offline FunkyZero

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 09:31:46 PM »
They are all yammering about due process and guilty before proven innocent. Lost on these dopes is the fact that it is Franken's party demanding he resign and that Franken doesn't have to resign if he doesn't want to. Such a bunch of immature children.

Personally I hope he stays!

from a perspective of politics, it matters now whether he stays or goes... another hack socialist democrat will just get assigned that seat.
I want him to go out loud and nasty just to watch the soap opera at the DUmp

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 09:57:38 PM »
DUmmy logic: Sexual Harassment and rape are only bad if a Republican is falsely accused of it.

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2017, 10:29:42 PM »
The most telling paragraph of her monumental whine.

To say I am disappointed in people like Chuck Schumer, and the other Democrats who have called for Franken’s resignation, would be the understatement of the century. I am absolutely furious that even a single elected Democrat was willing to accept that incredibly flimsy, unproven allegations needed to be acted upon without any investigation – an investigation Franken himself invited the minute such accusations were made.

Does that mean you'll apply those same standards in regard to Roy Moore? 
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2017, 10:45:30 PM »
At least Nance is being consistent with how the Dems circle the wagons around their own. Franken can sexually assault, rape, kill, doesn't matter, as long as he continues to be "a very powerful Democratic voice, and a man who has not hesitated to stand up for our party’s interests and ideals, as well as standing up to the Republican forces". Franken can do no wrong in Nance's eyes, and these women are to be exposed and destroyed according to her. Nance is only following in the steps of her hero; Hillary. She's only doing what she has been brainwashed to believe is how things ought to be.

If Nance could think, she might be dangerous. But the years have proven that descent and civilized people have nothing to worry about from the likes of Nance.


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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2017, 10:46:28 PM »
The most telling paragraph of her monumental whine.

Does that mean you'll apply those same standards in regard to Roy Moore?

"flimsy, unproven allegations" ...  with photos attached.
right? hehe.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2017, 11:10:21 PM »
Waiting for that enraged alkie to blow a blood vessel in her brain.  Seems well on the way.
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2017, 11:40:14 PM »
The Republican’s traditional political tack – “You put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of yours in the morgue” – has worked extremely well.....

Man, I wish.
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2017, 08:08:35 AM »
Well to be honest I'm sure she was just as hard on fat teddy over Mary Jo Kopechne.
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2017, 08:30:41 AM »
octoberlib (8,205 posts)
99. I always love Nance Gregg OPs!

So do we. Lots of laughs  :-)

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2017, 08:37:07 AM »
Wed Dec 6, 2017, 08:12 PM
NanceGreggs (23,169 posts)

****.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance

First, let me congratulate the Democrats who have called for Senator Al Franken’s resignation. Well done, you idiots! If we’ve ever wondered who the spineless are among us, we now know – and we thank you for identifying yourselves.

If Franken tenders his resignation, we lose a very powerful Democratic voice, and a man who has not hesitated to stand up for our party’s interests and ideals, as well as standing up to the Republican forces currently try to dismantle our democracy.

How pathetic that so many of his own party members are willing to throw him under the bus – not based on irrefutable, or even credible, evidence of wrongdoing, but based on he said/she said accusations that have yet to produce any actual proof of anything
Bolding that there so I can find it the next time she accuses Trump of the same thing (where there is no actual proof).

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2017, 09:01:58 AM »
Well a new day over a the dump brings continued outrage. It is amazing to me how the dummies just love an individual who is just a complete asshole in the first place. The attitude being that Franken is a victim and all the democrats in the senate are in heap big trouble with the progs.

That reminds me, the "oh so loveable" Kamala and Kristen duo is taking all the heat while Elizabeth rides low in the saddle.
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Offline BadCat

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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2017, 09:52:21 AM »
Well a new day over a the dump brings continued outrage. It is amazing to me how the dummies just love an individual who is just a complete asshole in the first place. The attitude being that Franken is a victim and all the democrats in the senate are in heap big trouble with the progs.

That reminds me, the "oh so loveable" Kamala and Kristen duo is taking all the heat while Elizabeth rides low in the saddle.

Fauxcahontas is one of the Dems who called for his resignation.  Her picture was at the bottom left in the "ugly dem senator" montage that Fox put up this morning.
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2017, 09:56:20 AM »
Fauxcahontas is one of the Dems who called for his resignation.  Her picture was at the bottom left in the "ugly dem senator" montage that Fox put up this morning.

Take notice that she was also one of the last holdouts to call for his resignation.  Gray beaver is leading from behind yet again.
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2017, 11:02:49 AM »
Waiting for that enraged alkie to blow a blood vessel in her brain.  Seems well on the way.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease . . . :whistling: :cheersmate:
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Re: Dumpass mental meltdown: F***.This.Shit. - HARDER & With a Vengeance
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2017, 08:55:15 PM »
I suppose this is the only kind of F'ing Nance is experiencing. :rimshot:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.