Author Topic: Teb leers at a younger woman, and boog the chocolate lab gets his boog rubbed  (Read 1053 times)

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Offline BattleHymn

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Teb loves deleting things as much as he likes talking about boog the chocolate lab:

Mon Sep 18, 2017, 06:05 AM
TEB (1,252 posts)

I listened to an amazing guitarist perhaps a prodigy and she is only eighteen

Yesterday afternoon after we got home from skeet shooting . I took a look at this young lady's strat it has been in the works for what like a month I just never got around to it and local guitar shop charges 50$ flat to take a look to me that is robbery. She rents an apartment off a couple my wife and I know and they sent her my way for a guitar fix. She attends the local university first year of school, when she cracked her guitar case I was pleased to see a mij Strat. as avid collector of Japanese guitars I'm thinking wow. I had to ask she told me her father bought it for her for her twelfth birthday,I'm thinking what a wonderful father. We headed down to family room to take a look and she commented on the guitar cases and amps that we have. I jokingly said my wife says I have a bad addiction.

Easy fix on the pots soldering after I found my reading glasses, and I checked out her pickups a just to be sure look. put the covers back on , plug it in kiddo let's hear if I did ok on repairs. She asked how much do I owe you not a thing I told her , she plugged in tuned up. And listening to her play this child is not a parrot not just repeating what she has heard this kid is a player,As in Picking or in fretting she feels it. I think she tipped her hat towards SRV as a courtesy to me. Doing the fix we were talking about guitarists we like. As in tip of the hat riveria paradise opening , I had to ask her you and your friend want to stay for dinner it is spaghetti meatballs Italian sausages and banana cream pie I jokingly told my wife I felt like Doug the golden retriever from the movie up please be my friend or please stay to play guitar. Because we have to jam, and boog the chocolate lab really liked her friend giving boog belly rubs. Our two sons came home from park I told em come on plug in with us.

She is amazing player in my fourty one years of exploring fretboard I always been a person who leaned towards Elmore James Hubert sumlin billy gibbons Hendrix srv Jeff beck just examples. This young lady is a heavy hitter a natural on guitar I told her I need to take you to blues association to jam on a Saturday afternoon. The boys her and I just spent afternoon tossing notes and chords original ideas and covers or my favorite just to get out of that linear thought that guitarist get into. the what if say if Hendrix did hello by Adele like a rolling stone by Hendrix awesome cover ,or if elmore James say played ramble on by zeppelin. I'm so happy I met this young girl she is coming again next Sunday and her friend to jam and to have dinner. We understand we had three daughters that went to college , my wife sent them packing with spaghetti and meatballs garlic bread leftovers. And our phone numbers call if you need anything, their good kids. And then my beautiful wife adds if you need to bring your laundry it is ok you can wash your clothes here because laundromats are so expensive I'm like ok , my wife a educated career woman but always a mother.

Offline Maverick1987

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Did anyone else hear porn music as they read this?
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