Author Topic: Is Incirlik Air Base and its nukes being moved to Syria?  (Read 575 times)

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Is Incirlik Air Base and its nukes being moved to Syria?
« on: April 14, 2017, 11:41:48 AM »
Is Incirlik Air Base with its garrison of personnel and nuclear weaponry being moved to Syria?

(VERO BEACH, FLA) On April 8th DEBKA file, a website suspected to maintain close ties with Israeli intelligence, reported that the Pentagon was preparing to move U.S. assets currently stationed at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey to five separate locations in Syria.

"Several US engineering teams are working round the clock to build a big new air base in northern Syria after completing the expansion of another four,” DEBKA reported. “They are all situated in the Syrian borderland with Iraq”

DEBKA claimed that Tabqa, which is 40km west of ISIS-held Raqqa and has accommodations for the 2,500 US military personnel currently housed at Incirlik, will serve as the hub. The other four locations mentioned are Hajar airport in vicinity of Rmelan; two small airfields in Qamishli which currently service farm transport traffic but have been converted to military use; and the last in the Kurdish controlled region of Kobani, north of Aleppo near the Syrian-Turkish border.

“The site of the Tabqa air field was captured as recently as late March by the Syrian Democratic Force (Kurdish-Arab fighters) which were flown in and dropped there by the U.S. Air Force’s Air Mobility Command,” DEKBA reported. “It was quickly dubbed ‘Incirlik 2’ or ‘Qayyarah-2’ after the US command center running the Iraqi military offensive against ISIS in Mosul.”

According to NBC News, Tabqa air base was captured by ISIS from the Syrian government in August 2014, and was the site shortly afterward of a massacre of 200 pro-Assad soldiers, which was subsequently recorded and distributed by jihadists on social media.

DEBKA ended their report by claiming that the creation of the five US air bases in Syria is part of a three-pronged strategy from the Trump administration, which aims to 1) fight Islamist terror; 2) block Iran’s land and air access to Syria; 3) and provide the enclaves of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed wing, the People's Protection Units (YPG), with a military shield against the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).