Author Topic: Proglodytes fear they will suffer setbacks in the culture war they started  (Read 609 times)

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Every single Trump cabinet member so far opposes LGBT rights

Current Affairs
Every single Trump cabinet member so far opposes LGBT rights

Nick Duffy
29th November 2016, 5:58 PM

These are the people who will be in the room where it happens (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Every single cabinet member appointed by Donald Trump so far opposes LGBT rights.

So far the billionaire – who claimed he would “protect our L-G-B-T-Q citizens” while running for election – has appointed a string of politicians who oppose LGBT rights.

With many spots still up for grabs, here’s a run-down of Trump’s cabinet so far: 

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is known as one of the most conservative and anti-LGBT members of Congress, holding a 0 percent rating on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard on LGBT rights.

He fought vocally against equal marriage and discrimination protections for LGBT people, and opposed lifting the ban on openly gay people serving in the military.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Betsy DeVos is a prominent donor to the anti-gay marriage lobby. She previously donated $200,000 in a successful bid to add an anti-gay marriage amendment to the Michigan ballot.

DeVos family organisations have also made large donations to anti-gay marriage causes – $500,000 to the National Organization for Marriage, and $100,000 to Florida4Marriage.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price


Solly Mack (62,266 posts)

3. Because the cultural war is still being fought.

Eight years of Obama didn't bring an end to the cultural wars, regardless of what anyone thought.

Milton Friedman wrote that crisis brings change...

He observed that "only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change". When that crisis occurs, the actions taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. Some people stockpile canned goods and water in preparation for major disasters; Friedmanites stockpile free-market ideas. And once a crisis has struck, the University of Chicago professor was convinced that it was crucial to act swiftly, to impose rapid and irreversible change before the crisis-racked society slipped back into the "tyranny of the status quo".

Trump (Bannon) campaigned on a country in crisis (Make America Great Again)

The right-wing is all about what they call the "traditional" way of doing things, that they equate to the American way of doing things (our way of life). Mostly cultural.

They are also all about the punitive (Mostly economic) for those who don't agree with them on this.

If you strip people of their social justice (rights, protections), you impact their economic well being.

But the right feels if you strip them of those rights and protections, to include economic protections, then you either send them into hiding, or they change to your way of thinking. Either way they have been punished and now obey, conform or don't make waves.

If you go into hiding, don't make waves, or conform, then they feel more comfortable in their white, primarily male, Christian dominant world. And Bannon, through Trump, did promote just that.

Since the election, Trump supporters aren't directing their anger at banking executives or business owners or even profits before people politicians - they are attacking the scapegoats of Trump's "build that wall", "deport those people", not white, not straight, not Christian - POC, LGBT, women..everyone that isn't them and everyone they blame for why America isn't great (primarily male, white, straight, Christian) anymore. All cultural.

Education shapes the cultural, which will impact the economic. (Betsy bug Devos)

How Sessions applies the law will also, as well as the economic.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price will shape both the cultural and economic.

And all three (along with the rest) will use punitive economic approaches to force what they see as necessary and needed cultural changes.

"didn't end the culture war"?

Obama is the Yamamoto of the culture war's Pearl Harbor.

Allow me to explain something to you infants:

My best Battle Buddy is a fellow NCO who is a lesbian. I truly love her like the dearest of sisters. I trust her with my life and would charge into anything without regard for my own life. We can spend hours laughing, philosophizing and just doing Army shit. I cannot overstate how much I appreciate her as a person.

Her being a lesbian is purely incidental.

One of my Soldiers is a lesbian and I am helping her submit a packet for a job. I and my fellow NCOs have helped her square away her dress uniform, obtain a DA photo, type memorandums, obtain required documentation from within the deepest, darkest bowels of the Army's data systems and even held a mock interview board all of which requires hours from our already task-saturated days -- because she is our Soldier and this is how leaders take care of their Soldiers.

Her being a lesbian is purely incidental.

Allow me to explain how you ****ed up.

In Lawrence v Texas the SCOTUS said the Constitution expressed a right to be gay. The Constitution said no such thing. The matter belongs to the states.

Every time the issue of gay marriage was brought to the ballot traditional marriage won hands down. Yet, you so-called Democrats used the very anti-democratic process of judge shopping to overturn those electoral results.

Obama refused to enforce or defend the duly enacted DOMA despite the fact his oath of office requires him to defend the laws of the nation, not just the ones he personally approves of.

Again the SCOTUS ruled in favor of gay marriage, even though the Constitution makes no pretense of addressing the issue.

In spite of all the arbitrary abrogation of the clearly written law we held our peace. We allowed you to have your illegal, unearned and anti-democratic victories. All we asked is that we be allowed to go on about our lives undisturbed.

But you wouldn't have that.

Anybody who displays even the slightest disagreement is to be shouted off of TV, threatened at public events and have their businesses destroyed by howling mobs.

You have made it clear you accept nothing short of cultural/ethnic cleansing.

I will continue to love my Battle Buddy and my young Soldier but on the political front I leave you to suffer the fate you would have giddily delivered to everyone else.

So...  :bird:
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Carl

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Re: Proglodytes fear they will suffer setbacks in the culture war they started
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2016, 05:55:26 AM »
LGBTGERWERHGASDF and every other victim group the left cuts out of the population do not want their inalienable rights protected.
They want new and special ones just for them divined.   

Offline SVPete

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Re: Proglodytes fear they will suffer setbacks in the culture war they started
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 08:46:19 AM »
Allow me to explain how you ****ed up.

In Lawrence v Texas the SCOTUS said the Constitution expressed a right to be gay. The Constitution said no such thing. The matter belongs to the states.

Every time the issue of gay marriage was brought to the ballot traditional marriage won hands down. Yet, you so-called Democrats used the very anti-democratic process of judge shopping to overturn those electoral results.

Obama refused to enforce or defend the duly enacted DOMA despite the fact his oath of office requires him to defend the laws of the nation, not just the ones he personally approves of.

Again the SCOTUS ruled in favor of gay marriage, even though the Constitution makes no pretense of addressing the issue.

In spite of all the arbitrary abrogation of the clearly written law we held our peace. We allowed you to have your illegal, unearned and anti-democratic victories. All we asked is that we be allowed to go on about our lives undisturbed.

But you wouldn't have that.

Anybody who displays even the slightest disagreement is to be shouted off of TV, threatened at public events and have their businesses destroyed by howling mobs.

You have made it clear you accept nothing short of cultural/ethnic cleansing.
So...  :bird:

Indeed! The past 30-40 years' Gay "rights" shtick has not been about rights recognized by the US Constitution, but about creating pseudo-rights (aka privileges) and jamming them down the throats of any who disagree, even to the point of violating certain rights the US Constitution does recognize.

Speaking of being "shouted off TV", it worked so well with "Duck Dynasty" that they're going after Chip and Joanna Gaines. Since it involves people "voting" with their TV remotes rather than courts, I suspect the SJWs' success will parallel their success against the Robertson family.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.