Author Topic: hey, Mike, dude  (Read 651 times)

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Offline franksolich

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hey, Mike, dude
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:54:42 AM »
Remember this?

Sure you do.

Stinky The Clown (55,285 posts)     Mon Nov 7, 2016, 06:54 PM

It seems to me that a tectonic political shift will start on November 9, 2016

You were right, dude, a massive cataclysm happened last night.

It was a surprise to me, because I was off watching the New York Times web-site giving the election returns, as conservativecave had so much traffic--probably your fellow primitives seeking a place to hang out election night, since their place wasn't open--and being subconsciously influenced by the anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative, anti-all that is good and decent bias of that august publication.

After the returns from the west coast started coming in, dude, I figured it was over; this side had lost.

That Trump lead in the popular vote was nice, but meaningless.  We'd retained the Senate and House so as to keep Messalina Agrippina in check.  But we'd lost the big one.....or at least that's what the New York Times, while not actually saying so, was trying to convince franksolich.

So I was getting ready to shut down the computer and go to bed, but thought I'd check freerepublic first. 

Much to my startlement, the first headline I saw was TRUMP WINS PRESIDENCY and immediately below that, for the article preceding it, TRUMP TAKES WISCONSIN.

Whoa.  There's a hole in the floor, which I gouged out in abruptly stopping.  If one was watching only the New York Times and nothing else, as I'd been, one would've gotten no clue.

This was totally a surprise.

The world had abruptly changed; the Man, the Establishment, the Old Order, had been shattered.

Yeah, dude, you yourself have been part of all that the past forty + years, the Establishment.

It was as if it was December 25, 1989 all over again, that being one of the most momentuous moments of my life.

I remember it well, and not because it was Christmas Day.  I was living in Lincoln at the time, and had just gotten out of bed.  Before going into the kitchen to make coffee, I flipped on the television (I had one of those at the time, for the convenience of guests), finding a "special announcement" interrupting the regular programming.

The screen showed a large crowd in Bucharest, Romania, dragging the corpses of Nicholai and Elena Ceausescu through the streets.  It was pretty graphic; one was surprised the blood didn't splatter and splotch the lenses of the camera.

I had to sit down on the arm of the couch to finish watching it.

A tectonic shift had occurred; the world had suddenly changed.

Rather than the socialists killing the people, the people were killing the socialists.....
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: hey, Mike, dude
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2016, 09:03:45 AM »
I bet the trophy wife strangely sought consolation and solace not with Stinky Mike but unknown persons on her cell phone too.

Offline USA4ME

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Re: hey, Mike, dude
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2016, 09:39:38 AM »
I think Trump will be successful IF he takes his case to the people. Obama never did that. Bush43 did, but not to the degree he should have. Come out and say what the issues are and how they're going to be addressed.

Trump needs to get the leaders of the parties together, and get the compromises going. "OK, here's the problem, here's my ideas, what are yours? Yes, I can accept that. No, I can't that. I don't want to do that, but I will if you'll support this, etc..." Work. The. Deal.

And he has to schmooze these people in Congress. Invite them over for lunch/dinner and talk. You gotta make these special snowflakes feel important. Give a little here, get a little there.

He said he's a deal worker, so work the deal, Trump.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.