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I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:25:54 AM »
retrowire (2,059 posts)

There's a lot of me. UPDATED

Let's be clear.

Most political polls never ask me my opinion. And there's a lot of "me" out there.

-27 years old.

-Never voted before.

-Never been registered before.

-Have never owned nor do I own a landline telephone.

And it's my generation that majorly supports Bernie.

We are truly the silent majority.

Keep mocking us as the generation that doesn't show up to polls. Keep mocking us as we do our diligent research in a political spectrum that we're still getting familiar with. Please, disregard our voices through the means with which we are most familiar.

Bully us, please continue wasting your time. We'll just take note of that, keep our heads down and continue watching and learning how it's all working. And we'll make our decision accordingly.

Those polls don't tell anyone how to think or feel. They certainly don't reflect me or my generation with any sort of accuracy. In other words, those polls are old school methods.

They're fast becoming obsolete. Even pundits are noticing that those tools don't work so well anymore.

But I'm not wondering why, I know things that many people don't know about my generation. It's a first hand experience.

I'm sure there are those from my generation that are supporters of Hillary however, and I won't claim to speak for them.

But again, none of these polls speak for me or those that are like me.

So keep mocking us, it does so much good.


These polls that keep coming out, literally do suffocate the voice of myself and many others like me.

The fact that anyone waves these polls around as if they are concrete evidence of the general feel of all of the U.S. is like a cold shoulder to those of us who are never included in the polls.

People like ME. Again, there are A LOT of "me".

It's as if politics in general is an old boy's club, where only the elite are allowed to participate. My generation is seemingly shunned while the established players are the only ones considered, and then their voices are treated as if they're the only ones that matter.

So as a personal emotion, I feel like saying... **** these polls. They're wrong, they're exclusive and they're biased.


Just in case you're wondering, this thread was inspired by this debacle of insulting knee jerk reactions:

Sounds like a typical whiny self absorbed millennial. Could be a girl. Could be a boy with a hipster beard and a 'man' bun.

leftofcool (12,024 posts) <---- HILLtroll.
1. okie dokie

Oh, I argee. Try stamping your foot when you post next time, 'retro'. Maybe it will help.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
8. ...

Keep mocking us

We will.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
22. To be honest...

All this mockery not only turns me off from the DU, but it turns me off the Democratic Party in general. I've just registered as a Democrat, but this elitist club mentality from people really pisses me off.

Truth be told I've always wanted to register as an Independent. But it's Bernie who inspired me to join this party. Then I've learned that he's closer to the core values of this party than the other candidates so I've felt solid about it.

But when shit like this keeps happening, It makes me think "I'm going to go undeclared after this election."


Dont call me Shirley (7,899 posts)
97. The mockery is stunning, isn't it retro...Myself and my entire family switched from I to D so we can vote for Bernie.

Ooo... you should all start wearing Lenin shirts to protest.

sabrina 1 (59,609 posts)
242. That's exactly how I feel and from what I'm hearing from many othe people, that's exactly how they feel. If it were not for Bernie I would definitely be an Independent after years of thinking the Dem Party was the people's party. For Bernie I will stick with it for a little longer.

The Dem Party lost 10% of its voters over the past number of years. You would think they would want to do something about that. But maybe now that both parties are pretty much bought, it doesn't matter to the real bosses, just so long as they can keep up the pretense of 'democracy'.

I see a huge shift coming, these mocking clowns that are all over the place, claiming to be Dems are actually performing a needed service.

Think about it, if the party was careful to be respectful to voters, while still operating the way they are, we would not see so clearly what we need to see.

How glorious would it be if Bernie and the Donald are the two who run for president? The Commie and the Capitalist!

Trajan (17,487 posts)
26. Ignore List

 :rotf: To post to a thread telling them you are going to ignore them is already losing the battle before you start to form up!

sabrina 1 (59,609 posts)
84. And now Bernie has inspired a generation who felt totally unrepresented to vote for the first time.

I would think you would be happy about that.

Makes me wonder about all the admonitions about how important voting is.

The poster is correct. I am helping to get formerly non voters involved in this election. They are EXCITED for the first time thanks to Bernie.

And they are the BIGGEST voting bloc now, as the baby boomers used to be.

So yes, keep on mocking these young people. They are smart, informed, tech savvy and they don't NEED to register in open primary states until they need to.

THEY are not being counted in the Old, Traditional polls who rely on old technology and methods.

I remember similar mockery of another Candidate's supporters about 8 years ago who also inspired young people to get out and work for him.

I'm getting a real sense of Deja Vu. And I like it!

cwydro (20,054 posts)
9. If you're 27 and never voted before...well, looks like we don't have to mock you - seems to be a fact you admit.



retrowire (2,059 posts)
11. Wow.

How exclusive.

How special you must feel compared to me and others like me.

Superior even?

I can see some boogers up that turned up nose of yours.

Play the victim card... dude, what are you, like 12?

retrowire (2,059 posts)
15. Should I use "adult" words?

Nose shit?

Is that more mature for you? I can't believe you just mocked me over the usage of a common word used to describe mucous that originates in the nasal cavity.

Sorry? lol

Mock mock mock. You have no substance nor ground to stand on yourself. Every insult you sling my way is only another feeble attempt to boost your own meager self esteem, I'd suggest you find another healthier outlet in life in which to gain confidence in yourself.

Start there.

I see you took my suggestion and are now stamping your little feet in frustration.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
28. Mocking someone over usage of a common word

Is the immature reaction.

Plus, if you want to know why I never voted, feel free to go read my Introduction to the DU post.

I know you are, but what am I?

retrowire (2,059 posts)
197. dat superiority complex.

"I've voted, therefore no one can hold a candle to me"

Wow, you voted.

What an American Hero.

 :o    :rotf:

retrowire (2,059 posts)
205. I don't care who you support

Why does that matter?

The fact that you prance around as if you're holier than thou because you've voted and have been registered is some pompous bullshit. "Rational conversations" go out the window when someone chooses to sit on a high horse and ridicule the other from the start. Learn some manners, maybe some common sense.

And yes, I've registered, I mentioned that elsewhere in this thread.

Good night to you, maybe you'll feel more humble after a good nights rest.

I am guessing you have a liberal arts major and are in grad school for african studies or some such nonsense. You've spent the last 27 years living off your parents and the government trying to 'find' yourself... Now, you want Bernie to give you more free shit.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
214. No

haha why does everyone fail at reading comprehension?

1. I'm mocking him for being a braggart.

2. I'm mocking you for misunderstanding words.

There, now it's clear as a whistle!

Its clear you are a loony.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
217. how does being a registered voter make that poster greater than I?

A bragging sentiment if I've ever read one.

Someone has issues...

retrowire (2,059 posts)
219. It was in context.

I'm sorry, are we not capable of processed and extrapolated thought?

When the poster implied that I had no right to speak my opinion to them or anyone else because of voting status and lack of registration, it was then that it was implied that the poster is of a greater status and I of a lesser.

Come now, thinking further into the words of people is all that people do on the DU, after all, Bernie saying "All the shouting in the world" (a common phrase) can and is being extrapolated as a sexist statement because it was said in response to Hillary.

Think further, and think harder. Not all meaning and words are actually written. We are not literal robots in communication.

For example, if you're intelligent, which I assume you are, you should be able to sense condescension in my writing right now. If you're a robot and only focus on semantics, like you're doing now for your own purposes in seeking a desired response then you shouldn't detect anything from this.

Yup. Liberal arts major.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
224. Oh. I was wrong about my assumption of intelligence then. Good night robot. Recharge for tomorrow.

with a huge inferiority complex...

So, you say you never voted? Why didn't you vote for Barry the wonder boy?

retrowire (2,059 posts)
169. good question

I wasn't paying attention to politics very much then in my life. I liked what I saw and heard, but I was caught up in other things at that point in life.

so its not Obamas fault or any one else's. I was just elsewhere.

Zoned out on weed is my guess.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
18. Keep mocking us. :)

I've got enough wisdom to know that you're beneath me because of your words just now.

Oh, and don't be offended old timer. After all, you should know with your own wisdom that people who talk to others like you just did don't really deserve respect.

P.S. I haven't had FB for about 5 years.


retrowire (2,059 posts)
23. This isn't really about mocking the older generation.

I would hope people could read the OP and understand it but...

I'm clearly angered by the exclusionary system that the polls are always based off of.

This isn't about young vs old. It's about the system ignoring the young. There. Now you know.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
24. Well, feel free to read my Welcome to DU post to learn more!

Admittedly, I used to be the worst kind of American citizen. I was the apathetic voter. As in, I refused to vote. I thought to myself, my vote doesn't matter, the electoral college will trump everything anyways, what's the point? I never liked many of the previous candidates before anyways, it was just always about choosing the lesser of two evils and I didn't care for it. I've always been a patriot, and I've always wanted what's best for my nation, but I just didn't think I could do anything about it.


bravenak (16,049 posts)
27. I am also a few years older and have voted in the past two and primaries and local elections.

Obama told me voting was my voice.

...yes... I alerted on this post!

retrowire (2,059 posts)
69. What made Obama different in his delivery of the message to you?

I liked Obama too! But I wasn't as closely involved. I'm just wondering!

bravenak (16,049 posts)
75. He lacked an insane amount of privilege.

Knows what it is to be a minority. Won't do MORE bad shit TO us on purpose like many before.

 :o You have got to be shitting me...

bravenak (16,049 posts)
81. Next time.

There will be another when we are the age group in power. It will be one of us that fixes things for us. Please do not ever get emotionally involved in thse politicians. They are not like us.
We need to start putting millennials in local and state office to change the culture.

Squinch (9,730 posts)
30. I'm a fully grown adult but still I want lots and lots of attention because I am finally voting.

For the first time.   

The polls don't say what I want them to say, so that means I am being bullied.

Why will no one ever understand how special I am??????

Help. I'm being SUFFOCATED and SHUNNED by polls!!!

And yes, I am mocking you.


Squinch (9,730 posts)
44. The point is to show how ridiculous it is for you to think that the world needs to stop everything and attend to you because, at 27, you finally decided to get your act in gear and vote. And to point out how ridiculous it is that you believe that polls are bullying and suffocating you because they are not saying what you want them to say.

Get a grip. Tiger.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
49. No I don't NEED to be tended to.

But you certainly can't flaunt a poll as concrete evidence when it doesn't include my majority.

LOL I can see that you're hurt since you're returning my volleys. Dance for me!


artislife (3,757 posts)
63. Damn, that is cold


H supporters couldn't give a fly fig about the young.

Though it is pretty apparent in her short term goals for the future (ahem...election) and the cluster bombing of children around the world.

bravenak (16,049 posts)
107. Bernie votes to fund those bombs too.

Remember Gaza? They all have bloody hands. I wrote a poem about it once. America and our bloody hands.

artislife (3,757 posts)
131. We aren't going to get too many more elections. That is my feeling.

mythology (3,531 posts)
68. The hyperbole in this is mind numbing

You are not having your voice literally suffocated. It's especially amusing that you say this right after saying that polls are meaningless. Both can't be true. You aren't being bullied because other people disagree with you.

Show up and vote and people will take you seriously. Unverified claims that lots of people in our age bracket will show up is functionally meaningless unless we do. Although given that I've voted in every general election I've been able to, means I am not lumped in with my generation.

I'm 34, I vote. I get why concerns of my generation are ignored. It's because people my age choose to not vote. If you're in the fight great, but quit whining that nobody takes you seriously when you have proven that you won't vote. Young people rarely vote. There's no cost to a politician for not listening. Don't take your ball and go home because you didn't get what you want. Fight to make it possible next time. I have a list of things I'm working on a mile long. I won't get them tonight, but I will fight for them tonight, tomorrow and until I do.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
74. Who said I'm taking my ball and going home?

I never said I'm giving up.

Secondly, I don't recall saying that the polls are bullying me. People on the DU are mocking me though, clearly.

And if the polls don't represent me, then how is my voice being represented?

That's what I mean by the suffocation comment.

We are mocking you because you are a dumbass.

BainsBane (34,077 posts)
96. I don't have a landline either and I have never been polled. The difference is I don't assume I'm the center of the political universe. People have different views and support different candidates and parties. That's how it is. Deal with it.

If you don't believe the polls are accurate, there is no reason to freak out. Clearly you do believe them on some level.

retrowire (2,059 posts)
103. I don't believe them

like, at all.

My outrage is at the fact that people tout the results as if they're concrete evidence of the general feelings of the U.S. population.

And when it excludes entire generations, how could it?

BainsBane (34,077 posts)
120. So the news should be censored?

Because it makes you feel bad? Is that your argument?

I was in my thirties before I voted for a president who won. I grew up with GOP presidents all the ****ing time. Still in my life, I have only three times voted for the victor. Everyone I knew was always a Democrat, but the Democrats didn't win the elections. It never occurred to me that everyone should have to suppress the news about polling or election results because I couldn't take them. I can't even imagine what it must be like to imagine everyone else needs to accommodate themselves to my views and that if popular opinion doesn't affirm them, it should not be expressed. That attitude, however, does seem to be common among supporters, not just young, of a particularly candidate.

I also think it unlikely that all of the polls coming out ignored young voters, even though they are the least likely to vote, particularly in primaries and even more so caucuses. I also doubt you have bothered to look at the demographic samples of all the polls.

Polls in the last two election cycles were reasonably accurate. At least at this current time, Sanders is so far behind in the polling averages that error cannot explain it all. No one poll is conclusive, but polling averages do tell a story. They don't predict who will win, but they provide a sense of voters' views at a moment in time. Also note that pollsters haven't yet switched to likely voter models, which will skew even older.

We all are surrounded by people who think like us. That is meaningless when it comes to elections. It's the overall vote that counts. Polls are not votes, and they are not fixed in stone. However, these polls suggest that Sanders has come up against a wall in broadening his support and Clinton is widening her lead.

I like this guy. I think he's trying for the top spot in teh DOTY for 2015... late starter though...

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 09:42:25 AM »
sabrina 1 (59,609 posts)
242. That's exactly how I feel and from what I'm hearing from many othe people, that's exactly how they feel. If it were not for Bernie I would definitely be an Independent after years of thinking the Dem Party was the people's party. For Bernie I will stick with it for a little longer.

The Dem Party lost 10% of its voters over the past number of years. You would think they would want to do something about that. But maybe now that both parties are pretty much bought, it doesn't matter to the real bosses, just so long as they can keep up the pretense of 'democracy'.

I see a huge shift coming, these mocking clowns that are all over the place, claiming to be Dems are actually performing a needed service.

Think about it, if the party was careful to be respectful to voters, while still operating the way they are, we would not see so clearly what we need to see.

You will always be mocked because you are possibly the stupidest person alive sabrina.

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2015, 09:55:56 AM »
BainsBane (34,077 posts)
96.  I have never been polled.
That explains a lot.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

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Offline Maverick1987

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2015, 12:29:45 PM »
Irrelevant, powerless fools trying to exude power and relevance.
Deplorable since 2016

Offline Big Dog

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 04:33:30 PM »
BainsBane (34,077 posts) 
96. I don't have a landline either and I have never been polled. The difference is I don't assume I'm the center of the political universe. People have different views and support different candidates and parties. That's how it is. Deal with it. 

Alex, baby, you may not be the center of the universe, but them tig ol' bitties of yours do generate one hell of a gravitational field.
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Offline Big Dog

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2015, 04:34:24 PM »
Irrelevant, powerless fools trying to exude power and relevance.

Yeah, but they do make me laugh. They're so serious!
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Offline Boudicca

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2015, 05:17:13 PM »
Wow, do any of these morons even realize that the Burning sensation in dimwitted female's loins is an Independent, not a fellow plantation slave? :-)
How DO these cretins manage to graduate from primary school let alone institutions of  higher education to evolve into the intellectual superiors of all of us Neanderthal cavers? :shrug:
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2015, 09:45:12 PM »
Bernie Bots vs Hillary Bots

Guess what? What if neither of them are nominated? What if Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, or some obscure person gets the nomination?
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Offline Zathras

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2015, 09:51:48 PM »
Bernie Bots vs Hillary Bots

Guess what? What if neither of them are nominated? What if Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, or some obscure person gets the nomination?

I think you could call retrowire a Bernie Brat....A snot nosed, wet behind the ears, self centered, waste of skin, oxygen thieving, know nothing brat.
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If racist dog whistles are meant to be only heard by racists, then it is quite interesting how progressives seem to be the only people who can hear them. - Leonydus Johnson

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Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: I AM BERNIEbot 2016!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2015, 09:52:38 PM »
I think you could call retrowire a Bernie Brat....A snot nosed, wet behind the ears, self centered, waste of skin, oxygen thieving, know nothing brat.

Like that!  :lmao:
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du