Author Topic: GOP Debate Tickets Went to Anti-Donald Trump Supporters (Breitbart Article)  (Read 474 times)

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Offline Boudicca

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Quelle surprise! :whatever:
Nice insight into the behind the scene antics of the RNC RINOs.  Geez, Trump just keeps not playing by the :rulez:
When I first arrived at the venue, I quickly secured my “all access” media credential, arranged by a friend, and then stood in line outside, waiting for my actual ticket to sit with about 300 other people to watch the debates live (enjoying a lengthy chat with Andy Puzder, CEO of Carl’s Jr. Restaurants).

From my really great position, playing a bit of Romper Room, I was able to look down and see the “VIP” section, which included former California Governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger; Michael Reagan; former State GOP Chairman (and former Reagan Energy Secretary) John Herrington; Congressman Jeff Denham; former Congressmen Buck McKeon; Elton Gallegly and David Dreier; and California GOP Chairman Jim Brulte. There was also a host of big GOP establishment money types (not a whole lot of clapping for Trump from that last group).

It’s worth noting that there was very little feeling of a “grass roots” presence in the audience–it was largely the well-connected crowd, perhaps with the exception of some of the RNC’s block, which did trickle down to some local GOP leaders.


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Offline delilahmused

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Re: GOP Debate Tickets Went to Anti-Donald Trump Supporters (Breitbart Article)
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2015, 05:10:52 PM »
One of my favorite parts of the pre-debate swooning has been "so & so" has been assigned the task of taking out Trump. At this point, with the possible exception of Bobby Jindal & maybe Jeb!, the candidates are more interested in introducing themselves. Of course there's some back and forth, it's the nature of the beast, but I appreciate how civilized it's been. I want to know what a candidate thinks, what they plan to do & what's important to them. There's plenty of time for the outsiders & conservative candidates to start taking out the RINOs. At this point, I'm not surprised at anything the establishment does. It's not going to work this time. Even IF they manage to knock off the other candidates, the ruling class can't take put Trump because he has enough money to compete with the chosen RINO. Trump isn't my first choice, but better an outside & a populist than another crony capitalist, inside the beltway establishment RINO.

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