Author Topic: McCain Makes Significant Gains in Four Key Battleground States  (Read 679 times)

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Offline Tess Anderson

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The four states the WaPo is babbling about are Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Colorado - I thought only CO was really a "battleground" state, the other three were pretty blue:

Republican John McCain has quickly closed the gap between himself and Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama in several key battleground states even as the Arizona senator struggles to break through the wall-to-wall coverage of Obama's trip to Europe and the Middle East this week.

McCain and Obama are in a statistical dead heat in Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota while the Illinois senator has a more comfortable double-digit edge in Wisconsin, according to polling conducted by Quinnipiac University for and the Wall Street Journal during the past week. Only in Colorado, however, does McCain hold a greater percentage of the vote share than Obama.

The economy is still the dominant concern of voters in each state. Nearly six in ten respondents in Michigan, a state crippled by the dire problems of the auto industry, cited the economy as the single most important issue in their decision this fall. The war in Iraq ranked second in terms of voter priorities but was named by less than one in five respondents in each state. Potential hot button issues such as terrorism and illegal immigration were cited by fewer than 10 percent of voters in ranking their top priorities.

full article: link

I used to think the only way Juan could win Michigan was with Romney, and the only way he could win Minnesota was with Pawlenty as the VP, but now I'm not so sure.