Author Topic: Leave It To The Lib Media To Exploit Inconclusive Data To...  (Read 418 times)

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Offline obumazombie

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Sway an election in favor of their chosen one...


The authors did not give any indication that they proactively attempted to bring the poor media handling of their study to the related outlets' attention.
As to the data, the authors acknowledged in their writeup that "because official data did not contain the information we needed, we had to develop our own."

Business as usual, I see.
So it took over six months, but Blair and Martaindale finally acknowledged that many in the press blew their coverage of the September FBI study, but only in a relatively obscure professional journal.

In doing so, they concurrently seem to have admitted that they haven't cared enough about the misrepresentation of their work to try to correct it.
In other words, they did nothing to stop what the Eric Holder-run FBI and the Obama administration hoped would feed preelection anti-gun hysteria.

In the circumstances, their negligence was way too convenient.
I choose Door Number 2:
political motivation.

The faulty press reports at AP, CNN and elsewhere are still out there.
The authors are still merely wringing their hands.
So I guess they're fine with their work being misinterpreted in perpetuity.
How unprofessional, irresponsible and shameful.


full article...
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.