Author Topic: Field MarShall Nemesis understands the Middle East.  (Read 395 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Field MarShall Nemesis understands the Middle East.
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:25:46 AM »
Sun Apr 5, 2015, 12:20 AM
TheMastersNemesis (4,607 posts)

No Way To Insert US Combat Troops Into The Middle East. It's Completely Nuts There.
Anyone who believes or says we should put boots on the ground in the Middle East should be committed to a rubber room. Every one is fighting everyone and alliances change like the wind. Who you are fighting with or for or against is questionable. The anarchy on the battle field is like a hall of mirrors.

In Tikrit the liberators seem to be as bad as ISIS. And in Syria the terrain is so surreal we would not know where to attacks for sure. And to add to the mayhem military forces or militias we are supposedly supporting threaten to attack our troops or leave the battlefield altogether in protest.

And the GOP seems to be determined to put our military into this mix master.


I thought Barry won both wars.... or really both campaigns to the same war against islamic oppression?

gwheezie (1,104 posts)
1. agree 100%%%% <-----  :???:

We'd have to be nuts. Clearly we ****ed it up over there for decades and any attempt we make to fix the mess has only added to the misery over there. We don't have a clue so to use the military now makes no sense.

It surely wasn't a mess before we got there... in say.... 1187 or so...

moondust (9,832 posts)
2. Couple weeks ago I saw a TV interview with a "fighter" in Iraq. He was probably in his late 40s or 50s. He said he has been fighting one enemy after another all his adult life. 

I frankly don't know how all the "fighters" in the region know who the "enemy" is anymore, i.e. whom to shoot at.

Now ISIS fighters have taken most of a refugee camp in Damascus.

The enemy is anyone who doesn't follow 'their' religion. Pretty simple, really.

still_one (35,107 posts)
4. Ironically even Reagan realized that after 241 Marines were killed in Lebanon Reagan immediately withdrew the American forces from Lebanon after the bombing.


The DUmpmonkie's understanding of history is only slightly more refined than their understanding of basic hygene.


« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 10:04:31 AM by franksolich »
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