Author Topic: primitives discuss what's for supper; the cbayer primitive's back (whew)  (Read 405 times)

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Oh my.

NJCher (17,770 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 04:41 PM
Ms. Vanderbilt-Astor, winner of the franksolich for 2014

What's for Dinner, Mon., Mar. 16, 2015
I'm about to make a big batch of tomato sauce to go with some delicious meatballs I made the other day.

If I have enough energy, I may do something with this sweet potato for a side dish.

Dinner last night at the skyline-view restaurant was very good. I had organic chicken and it was so flavorful that the RG remarked that the restaurant probably has sourced out a local vendor. It had the most beautiful brown to it and a most flavorful glaze. It came with risotto and butternut squash. For dessert we had apple tart.

What was really unusual was our appetizer--sliced salmon with beets. They served this on--are you ready for this?--something that looked like a slate tile! It was perfectly square and black. The bright color of the salmon, which had been marinated in beet juice to make it a magenta color, stood out. Then the rest of the plate was decorated with squares and circles of beets that they had cut with from larger slices of beets. They were stacked, kind of like a modern art painting might appear: square, circle, square circle.

We've decided we like dining there on Sundays because there's no crowd. We had great service, almost one on one.

catbyte (6,168 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 04:56 PM

1. Indian restaurant with my sweetie.
I see Chicken Tikka, some sort of chickpea curry, & basmati rice pilaf in my very near future.

bif (16,407 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 05:23 PM

2. Pho

Phở or pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup consisting of broth, linguine-shaped rice noodles called bánh phở, a few herbs, and meat. It is primarily served with either beef or chicken. Pho is a popular street food in Vietnam and the specialty of a number of restaurant chains around the world. Southern Vietnamese eat it for breakfast and occasionally lunch, whereas northerners eat it at any time of day.

greatauntoftriplets (148,269 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 05:52 PM

3. Italian sausage and pasta in a tomato/cream sauce.
Green beans.

Erich Bloodaxe BSN (6,839 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 06:31 PM

4. Grill night again.
Did burgers for the parents, hotdogs for the housemate, and a chicken breast for myself, with a marinade of lemon, honey, and mustard. Great day, but kind of windy out, had a really hard time getting the charcoal lit and keeping it lit.

^^^has gout.

Too bad.

cbayer (142,180 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 06:41 PM

5. I'm back!
I spent a week at a language school and then a week celebrating my precious daughter's wedding.

Between the two, I think I have gained about 20 pounds, lol.

Finally back home and cleaning out the fridge tonight.

Looks like we have one leftover chili relleno, one leftover pork tamale, some lettuce and one carrot.

Haven't gotten around to looking through the pantries yet, but I figure we have enough for a few days out here in the middle of nowhere.

Glad to be back and hope everyone is doing well. 

greatauntoftriplets (148,269 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 06:56 PM

6. Welcome back!
Spanish or Italian? I hope the wedding was glorious.

cbayer (142,180 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 06:58 PM

7. Thanks, great-aunt!
I have had a great time, but am ready to get back into my simple routine.

Spanish at a school in Guadalajara. I know it helped, but I still feel like an idiot when I try to speak casually.

The wedding was indeed glorious. Very small and here in Mexico. Just perfect.

Hope you have been well and surviving your Chicago winter. 

greatauntoftriplets (148,269 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 07:04 PM

8. It's 70 degrees today! Back to the 40s for tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I've been sick for two weeks with a bout with acute bronchitis that will not go away. I've seen the doctor twice and she warns that it'll take forever to go away. At least I'm feeling halfway human now, though still coughing quite robustly.

The wedding sounds lovely...quiet and in a beautiful location. I wish your daughter and her husband many years of happiness. 

cbayer (142,180 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 07:21 PM

9. So, sorry that you have been sick.
I caught a cold from my mother while she was here, but I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. I haven't had bronchitis since I quite smoking last year.

Don't crack any ribs with that cough!!

greatauntoftriplets (148,269 posts)    Mon Mar 16, 2015, 07:27 PM

10. I thought I was going to crack a rib or two, but it no longer hurts to cough.
I hope that you do recover quickly! The bugs going around up here are nasty. At least mine didn't involve gastrointestinal symptoms, which I understand is the worst of the current bugs. Been a couple of years since I had bronchitis (I don't smoke) but this seems to be making up for lost time. 
apres moi, le deluge


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I had organic chicken and it was so flavorful that the RG remarked that the restaurant probably has sourced out a local vendor.

It's tough to be pretentious about chicken, but DUmmy NJCher managed it.

In a blind taste test, I guarantee neither she nor the pansy "RG" could distinguish between this "flavorful" chicken, a chicken Mcnugget, and a Chik-Fil-A.

Remember, this is the DUmmy who was proud of a bowl of puke stew.

This bouncy reminds me of a "Portlandia" skit, where a hippie restaurant menu listed organic chicken, including the name of the farm, a photo of the chicken on its "free range", and the pet name the farmer gave that individual chicken.