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Roland99 (37,493 posts) Condoleezza Rice leads potential 2016 U.S. Senate hopefuls in CaliforniaBest campaign ad against her are her own words to the 9/11 Commission (to whom she also lied through her fugly gap-toothed face) when the families of 9/11 victims gasped in horror when she read the title of that infamous PDB. Can't believe this lying POS is being considered for the halls of the Senate instead of being thrown before the mercy of The Hague.
onecaliberal (1,586 posts) 3. I don't buy this poll at all. Maybe Orange and silicon loves them some war criminals but not the rest of us.
joshdawg (607 posts) 5. kindasleazy rice belongs in jail with cheney, bush, wolfowitz, rumfeld and all the other foreign affairs advisors of jeb bush.......er, george bush.
paleotn (818 posts) 10. Primarily on name recognition alone.......as only 1 Dem has announced and if CA is like my state, few people have any idea who the state Attorney General is. Hope that's not whistling past the graveyard, but Rice does come with significant baggage. You know, 9/11 and that whole Iraq thing. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/open-government/news/2004/04/08/719/claim-vs-fact-rices-qa-testimony-before-the-911-commission/ Come on CA! It's unfortunate, but you have to offset some of the idiocy in much of the rest of the country. We're counting on you.
abelenkpe (8,767 posts) 15. I can't see Rice replacing Boxer here but thousands of VFX workers and animators who mostly vote for democrats have recently left the state since our work has moved to places like Canada, the UK and New Zealand due to offshoring. Hopefully won't make a difference though.
Myrina (11,262 posts) 19. Why don't these people ever ****ing GO AWAY?She's got her Presidency of Stanford or WTF-ever she wanted ... now stay there and leave the rest of us ALONE!
Cal33 (4,836 posts) 25. If she should run, Democrats should keep on bringing up the point that Condoleezza Riceis looked upon as a war criminal in Europe and other parts of the world. In Malaysia, GW Bush & Co. have actually been tried in absentia as war criminals, and found guilty. If she should go to Europe, she'd be arrested and sent to The Hague for trial. If she should go to Malaysia, she'd probably be sent to prison. http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/fraud/gw_bush_ghw_bush/news.php?q=1337443036
Jack Rabbit (43,011 posts) 36. California has come a long way since Republican misruleWe remember those dark days of Reagan, Deukmejian and Pete Wilson. Having a war criminal representing us in the Senate would be a major setback.
wheniwasincongress (435 posts) 42. Is this really appropriate?"her fugly gap-toothed face"
Roland99 (37,493 posts)Condoleezza Rice leads potential 2016 U.S. Senate hopefuls in CaliforniaBest campaign ad against her are her own words to the 9/11 Commission (to whom she also lied through her fugly gap-toothed face) when the families of 9/11 victims gasped in horror when she read the title of that infamous PDB.Can't believe this lying POS is being considered for the halls of the Senate instead of being thrown before the mercy of The Hague.
joshdawg (607 posts)5. kindasleazy rice belongs in jail with cheney, bush, wolfowitz, rumfeld and all the other foreign affairs advisors of jeb bush.......er, george bush.