The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: mrclose on July 05, 2014, 04:59:45 PM

Title: What would Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney say?
Post by: mrclose on July 05, 2014, 04:59:45 PM
First .. To the mods, permission to post this in it's entirety has been given.
(With a link back of course) :cheersmate:

Second: How many today even know the names .. Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney?:confused:

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

Last month for just $15.00, Mississippi’s Black Democrats may have sold out the memory of three murdered Civil Rights workers who died for them – how awful – how disgusting!

It is now fifty years since the murder of 20 year old Andrew Goodman 24 year old Michael Schwerner and James Earl Chaney who was 21. They died at the hands of White Democrat Klu Klux Klansmen in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Mississippi.

In the summer of 1964 Civil Rights workers who were mostly White college kids from northern states gathered in Mississippi to force the local Democrats to allow Black people to vote.  They called the event “Freedom Summer.” On the night of June 21 – 22 1964, Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney disappeared. After 44 days their lifeless decomposing bodies were found.

Even in the face of clear and convincing evidence showing that 18 Democrat Klansmen were guilty of murdering the three young men, the Democrat controlled State of Mississippi refused to prosecute them and it was left to the Federal government do something. In 1967, seven Democrat Klansmen were convicted of conspiracy. They were given sentences of 3 to 10 years. Commenting on the sentences he had handed down, Democrat Federal Judge William Cox summed up the attitude of Mississippi’s Democrats by saying, “They killed one ni—r, one Jew, and a white man. I gave them all what I thought they deserved.”

It was only after Republican President George W. Bush’s Justice Department joined the fight for justice in 2005 that the case was closed with the conviction of the last conspirator who was believed to be the ringleader.

The Democrats had impeded the investigation for forty years and it was only when Mississippi finally became a Republican state that he was convicted.

This past month has seen celebrations of “a new Freedom Summer.”  The Democrats now enjoy 96% support from the grandchildren of the Blacks who were beaten burned out and murdered to keep them from voting. While this is shameful in itself what has made it worse is that those grandchildren have now been accused of selling their vote for $15.00 which won’t even buy half a tank of gas.

The Democrats have gone strangely silent now. There are no constant reminders of the 50th anniversary of “Freedom Summer.” How can they not be silent? Even they know that Mississippi’s Black Democrats have a record of committing voter fraud. The State’s NAACP leader was sent to prison for voter fraud just three years ago.

They know it is very possible that “our people” (as Black Democrat Attorney General Eric Holder calls Blacks), have betrayed Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney and spit on their graves. This can’t be what those three young men gave their lives for.