The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: thundley4 on June 23, 2014, 07:09:05 PM

Title: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 23, 2014, 07:09:05 PM
damnedifIknow (1,740 posts) Mon Jun 23, 2014, 12:01 AM

Disabled Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut

Congressional gridlock is threatening the already thin lifeline of Social Security benefits that nearly 9 million disabled American workers rely on to feed, clothe and shelter their families.

Known as SSDI, the trust fund is one of two administered by the Social Security Administration (the other is for senior citizens), and its reserves will run dry in late 2016, if lawmakers don’t act sooner to shore them up. But the timing is poor; it falls in an election year and experts say it could become a target for political infighting as Americans gear up to go to the polls. "

“For folks who are at the very edge of their financial resources … this is going to have serious consequences.”

Sen. Sherrod Brown, who chairs the Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy, argued in a May hearing that Congress should reallocate the disability trust fund. “Reallocation is not controversial,” the Ohio Democrat said at the hearing.

Experts are skeptical, though. Formerly uncontroversial legislation like raising the debt ceiling has become a platform for political skirmishes, and the election-year timing might prove to make disability insurance a tempting target.

“My expectation is that Republicans will demand a price for changing the allocation," said Wharton's Duggan. "I think ultimately that is what will happen, but whether or not there will be reform bundled with that will be interesting to see.”

TexasTowelie (9,680 posts)
1. Isn't that wonderful,

after contributing to the system for 25 years when I really need it I'm going to get screwed again.

toddwv (2,201 posts)
4. I'm on SSD

My heart function is around 10%(measured by ejection fraction) and very susceptible to physical and emotional stress.

My benefit is around $1,100 a month.
Then they take about $100.00 for Medicare
Then they take almost $200.00 because of my school loans...

I live with my parents and I really don't know what will happen to me when they are gone (my mom is in her 60s and my dad is in his 70s). I work part-time online now and would like to try full-time employment, but I'm afraid to overtax myself and end up in the hospital which already happens more than I'd like.

If they hold up the reallocation, it's going to make a difficult life even more difficult.

Stryst (101 posts)
6. I'm in a similar place

I get $800, then medicare (A,B, and D) and student loans take another $140 per month. I live with my grandparents to help take care of them, but they still pay half the bills. I doubt they're going to last until 2016, so having my bills double and then loosing %20 means that I either have to stop eating every day or in a year I'll loose my house because I won't be able to set $100/month to pay the property taxes at the end of the year. And since I'm so temperature sensitive, a few weeks on the street during the summer will just finish me off. Which is probably part of the agenda, to get rid of the "excess population".

Get ready to have people, even here on DU, start to tell us that we're "taking entitlements".

Should have paid those loans of a long time ago.

REP (19,734 posts)
20. We *are* entitled to that money - we paid into it for years and years

I started paying for the Disability I'm receiving now when I first started working at 13. I worked hard for years at crap jobs so that money would be there for me when I got too hurt and too sick to work anymore.

Anyone who uses the word "entitlement" to mean "handout" is talking out of their ass. It means something you have the right to.

SammyWinstonJack (36,026 posts)
21. They don't give us anything...we EARNED it!, no matter how they try to say otherwise.

Takket (415 posts)
15. let's face it

The rethugs would be perfectly happy to have the disabled wither away and die in the shadows. Benefit cuts are tantamount to the death penalty for many on disability. They know it, they won't say it, but they know it. The disabled have no place in the rethugs vision of a perfect society.

The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability payments has increased 20 percent since President Barack Obama took office and the influx of new recipients has pushed the program close to insolvency. (

DUmmies, this is what you get with the Obamaconomy. So many people like OmahaSteve wanting to get on the freeloaders gravy train that the people who really need it will be the ones to suffer.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on June 23, 2014, 07:37:02 PM
Gosh, that's awful, that means the one-third of the people who are on SSDI and are legitimately unable to work and get around will really be up against it, right along with the two-thirds that are useless free-loading bloodsuckers.

Hey DUmmies, that 'We paid for our benefits' stuff only applies to the old age part of SS, not the disability part (Yeah, I know it's actually more complex than than, but suffice to say virtually nobody on SSDI paid in anywhere near what they're going to collect out of it, unlike the age-based part).

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: diesel driver on June 23, 2014, 07:40:18 PM
SammyWinstonJack (36,026 posts)
21. They don't give us anything...we EARNED it!, no matter how they try to say otherwise.

You didn't EARN Jack Shit, DUmmie SammyWinstonJackass!!!!

REP (19,734 posts)
20. We *are* entitled to that money - we paid into it for years and years

Really?    :lol:
Die tomorrow, DUmbass, and see how much of that *entitlement* you "paid into for years and years" your spouse and spawn gets to keep! 

F'n morons! 
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: GOBUCKS on June 23, 2014, 07:56:19 PM
Stryst (101 posts)
6. I'm in a similar place

I get $800, then medicare (A,B, and D) and student loans take another $140 per month. I live with my grandparents to help take care of them, but they still pay half the bills.

I doubt they're going to last until 2016, so having my bills double and then loosing %20 means that I either have to stop eating every day or in a year I'll loose my house because I won't be able to set $100/month to pay the property taxes at the end of the year.

And since I'm so temperature sensitive, a few weeks on the street during the summer will just finish me off.

Which is probably part of the agenda, to get rid of the "excess population".

DUmmy Stryst does a pretty good job of qualifying himself as part of the excess population that should be eliminated.

(Along with everyone else who writes "loose" when they mean "lose".)
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: J P Sousa on June 23, 2014, 08:11:58 PM
SSDI, the trust fund is one of two administered by the Social Security Administration (the other is for senior citizens), and its reserves will run dry in late 2016

  States don't know how they'll pay for year two of Obamacare

Looks like all this B-S is coming together in an election year.

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: delilahmused on June 23, 2014, 08:19:11 PM
As usual these self important, selfish jerks see everything according to how it will affect them. They're nowhere near compassionate or grateful. Two of them are lucky enough to live where they don't have to pay any bills (and their biggest concern is when their meal tickets are going to die). $1100 & $800 without having to pay bills everybody else does seems like a pretty sweet deal. Evidently, they're considerably more important than any children in their lives who will be picking up a tab that's going to be impossible for them to pay.

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 23, 2014, 08:22:05 PM
How many DUmmies on SSDI draw out more in the first year than they have ever paid in? I would just like to know.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: BlueStateSaint on June 23, 2014, 08:24:19 PM
Looks like all this B-S is coming together in an election year.


Timing is everything. :whistling: :fuelfire:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on June 23, 2014, 08:29:13 PM
Love hearing how this is all the congressional Republicans fault.  :stoner: :mental:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 23, 2014, 08:31:08 PM
Looks like all this B-S is coming together in an election year.


Timing is everything. :whistling: :fuelfire:

The Democraticks only have themselves to blame. The GOP has wanted to reform Social Security for decades and the Democraticks always refused and preferred to kick the can down the road. Now, hopefully some of their voters will kick the bucket.  :-)
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: delilahmused on June 23, 2014, 08:42:41 PM
Looks like all this B-S is coming together in an election year.


Well, considering the majority of the country are sick of all the out of control spending, regulation and corruption, this will benefit conservatives, not the whiny, pissy little bitches at DU.

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 23, 2014, 08:46:45 PM
Well, considering the majority of the country are sick of all the out of control spending, regulation and corruption, this will benefit conservatives, not the whiny, pissy little bitches at DU.


Don't bet on it helping the conservative cause. Obama has made it the takers outnumber the makers.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: freedumb2003b on June 23, 2014, 08:56:46 PM
toddwv (2,201 posts)
4. I'm on SSD

My heart function is around 10%

Standard for the hate that libtards cart around with them.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: franksolich on June 23, 2014, 09:17:18 PM
DUmmy Stryst does a pretty good job of qualifying himself as part of the excess population that should be eliminated.

(Along with everyone else who writes "loose" when they mean "lose".)

Remember the Odin2005 primitive, the young "aspie" kid whose feelings of "victimhood" and "badluckhood" were constantly being reinforced by the other primitives?

He was (is) on SSDI, but at the same time working in a thrift store; if he hadn't been so lazy and worked more hours, he would've become 100% self-sufficient.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: jtyangel on June 23, 2014, 09:25:59 PM
Takket (415 posts)
15. let's face it

The rethugs would be perfectly happy to have the disabled wither away and die in the shadows. Benefit cuts are tantamount to the death penalty for many on disability. They know it, they won't say it, but they know it. The disabled have no place in the rethugs vision of a perfect society.

**** you takket! What have any of you slobs done in the 40 plus years or more you could have worked other then be a perpetual student judging by the number of you paying back student loans? I have a son BORN disabled--severe autism and a brother who has been a type 1 diabetic and saddled with no kidney function by his 20's from it. Neither individual had the opportunity of many healthy years like the many of you on DU screaming you are 'entitled'. To those with life-long or essentially life long disabilities, you have my apologies and this rant is not directed to you, but a lot of you were healthy enough to accumulate tens of thousands in student loan debt but weren't ever healthy enough to make use of it or work instead so you aren't nickle and diming by on 1000 a month. UGH!
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 23, 2014, 09:34:26 PM
**** you takket! What have any of you slobs done in the 40 plus years or more you could have worked other then be a perpetual student judging by the number of you paying back student loans? I have a son BORN disabled--severe autism and a brother who has been a type 1 diabetic and saddled with no kidney function by his 20's from it. Neither individual had the opportunity of many healthy years like the many of you on DU screaming you are 'entitled'. To those with life-long or essentially life long disabilities, you have my apologies and this rant is not directed to you, but a lot of you were healthy enough to accumulate tens of thousands in student loan debt but weren't ever healthy enough to make use of it or work instead so you aren't nickle and diming by on 1000 a month. UGH!

And none of my remarks were directed towards people that need and deserve the help.  The system would not be in jeopardy this soon if it weren't for so many who don't need it, taking advantage of it.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: franksolich on June 23, 2014, 09:37:06 PM
And none of my remarks were directed towards people that need and deserve the help.  The system would not be in jeopardy this soon if it weren't for so many who don't need it, taking advantage of it.

The now-gone HawkeyeX primitive, who seemed to be making plenty of money under the table doing computer repairs; in fact, he alleged more than enough to pay for all the marijuana he smoked.

And as it was under the table, and cash, no taxes were incurred.....

Some people really have it good.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: obumazombie on June 23, 2014, 09:53:06 PM
They are really fit to be tied that they have to pay back their student loans.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: jtyangel on June 23, 2014, 10:01:48 PM
And none of my remarks were directed towards people that need and deserve the help.  The system would not be in jeopardy this soon if it weren't for so many who don't need it, taking advantage of it.

Oh I understand that clarification needed. The burden the parasites place on the system hurt the REAL people its supposed to help and that the compassion of the  American people intended to help.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: GOBUCKS on June 24, 2014, 12:47:44 AM
Remember the Odin2005 primitive, the young "aspie" kid whose feelings of "victimhood" and "badluckhood" were constantly being reinforced by the other primitives?

He was (is) on SSDI, but at the same time working in a thrift store; if he hadn't been so lazy and worked more hours, he would've become 100% self-sufficient.

You may also recall that in addition to SSDI and the thrift store, DUmmy Odin2005 bragged about another revenue stream from shoplifting.

Another SSDI cheat was the pseudo-deaf Hawkeye-X, who worked in his father's business.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on June 24, 2014, 07:34:59 AM
REP (19,734 posts)
20. We *are* entitled to that money - we paid into it for years and years
...and for years and years you believed the lie that Social Security was some sort of retirement fund and not a Ponzi scheme.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Gina on June 24, 2014, 07:51:16 AM
TexasTowelie (9,680 posts)
1. Isn't that wonderful,

after contributing to the system for 25 years when I really need it I'm going to get screwed again

awwwwwww poor baby. Now you know what us hard working American's are so upset about.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Gina on June 24, 2014, 07:55:57 AM
Stryst (101 posts)
6. I'm in a similar place

I get $800, then medicare (A,B, and D) and student loans take another $140 per month. I live with my grandparents to help take care of them, but they still pay half the bills. I doubt they're going to last until 2016, so having my bills double and then loosing %20 means that I either have to stop eating every day or in a year I'll loose my house because I won't be able to set $100/month to pay the property taxes at the end of the year. And since I'm so temperature sensitive, a few weeks on the street during the summer will just finish me off. Which is probably part of the agenda, to get rid of the "excess population".  :lmao:

Get ready to have people, even here on DU, start to tell us that we're "taking entitlements".

Sorry but I think they are carrying the heavy load, you aren't doing anything.  They are the one's taking care of someone.  And how in the hell do you have student loans yet you can't use the correct word?  It's "Lose" or "Losing".   :rant:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Gina on June 24, 2014, 07:57:56 AM
DUmmy Stryst does a pretty good job of qualifying himself as part of the excess population that should be eliminated.

(Along with everyone else who writes "loose" when they mean "lose".)

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Karin on June 24, 2014, 08:16:42 AM
(and their biggest concern is when their meal tickets are going to die).

I noticed that too (along with lose vs. loose--jumps out every time).  We've seen this before, of course, with Stewert.  God only knows what happened to him.  How these people cannot think past square one is beyond me. 
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on June 24, 2014, 08:44:19 AM
Gosh, that's awful, that means the one-third of the people who are on SSDI and are legitimately unable to work and get around will really be up against it, right along with the two-thirds that are useless free-loading bloodsuckers.

Hey DUmmies, that 'We paid for our benefits' stuff only applies to the old age part of SS, not the disability part (Yeah, I know it's actually more complex than than, but suffice to say virtually nobody on SSDI paid in anywhere near what they're going to collect out of it, unlike the age-based part).

Proglodytes prefer to divide the pie into thinner slices so that more people are dependent on the pie. They think they can then turn those numbers into voters who will demand more/bigger pies.

The bakers of the world are about to hand them a rude awakening.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on June 24, 2014, 09:09:01 AM

SammyWinstonJack (36,026 posts)
21. They don't give us anything...we EARNED it!, no matter how they try to say otherwise.

REP (19,734 posts)
20. We *are* entitled to that money - we paid into it for years and years

Just wait until your beloved undocumented (d)emocrats start sucking up even more of your "entitlement" next year.  Sorry suckers.  You had to stumble through life wasting every opportunity this country has to offer and bitching daily about people who are smarter, wealthier, far better looking and more ambitious than you.

All they have to do is show up at the border for their frEeShiT!!!!1111 (and your Social Security!   :yahoo:  )

Are you pissed?

Tough.  Die, hippies.  Die poor, alone and slowly, in tremendous pain because that, is exactly what you have done to this country.   :bird: :bird:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Gina on June 24, 2014, 10:35:21 AM

Just wait until your beloved undocumented (d)emocrats start sucking up even more of your "entitlement" next year.  Sorry suckers.  You had to stumble through life wasting every opportunity this country has to offer and bitching daily about people who are smarter, wealthier, far better looking and more ambitious than you.

All they have to do is show up at the border for their frEeShiT!!!!1111 (and your Social Security!   :yahoo:  )

Are you pissed?

Tough.  Die, hippies.  Die poor, alone and slowly, in tremendous pain because that, is exactly what you have done to this country.   :bird: :bird:

Our city just screwed over the city workers by voting to reduce the benefits of their pensions and health care.  Retirees are going to have a 314% increase in their medical premiums  :o
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Wineslob on June 24, 2014, 10:44:48 AM
They are really fit to be tied that they have to pay back their student loans.

Well, as we all know, it's not "fair".
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 24, 2014, 12:41:52 PM
Our city just screwed over the city workers by voting to reduce the benefits of their pensions and health care.  Retirees are going to have a 314% increase in their medical premiums  :o

Its sad, but the unions brought in on themselves. For decades they pushed to have the government agencies pay all or most of the pensions and often allowed for early retirement. Something has to give.

My city is facing the same thing, but they are talking about instituting a gas tax to offset the money spent on pensions. That won't go over well. Over 54% of the city budget goes to paying pensions just for firefighters and police, that doesn't include the pensions for other city workers.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Gina on June 24, 2014, 03:41:56 PM
Its sad, but the unions brought in on themselves. For decades they pushed to have the government agencies pay all or most of the pensions and often allowed for early retirement. Something has to give.

My city is facing the same thing, but they are talking about instituting a gas tax to offset the money spent on pensions. That won't go over well. Over 54% of the city budget goes to paying pensions just for firefighters and police, that doesn't include the pensions for other city workers.

They are telling the retirees that they won't be without medical insurance, they will get them on Medicare or an Obamacare plan.   :rotf:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: thundley4 on June 24, 2014, 04:54:31 PM
They are telling the retirees that they won't be without medical insurance, they will get them on Medicare or an Obamacare plan.   :rotf:

Obama and the dems wanted to free people from their employer provided insurance. Well, pension plans sort of fall into that category. The law of unintended consequences bite their ass.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: landofconfusion80 on June 24, 2014, 08:56:53 PM

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

Mark Twain
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: ROCKURWORLD on June 25, 2014, 05:54:20 AM
Sorry but I think they are carrying the heavy load, you aren't doing anything.  They are the one's taking care of someone.  And how in the hell do you have student loans yet you can't use the correct word?  It's "Lose" or "Losing".   :rant:

Bhahahahhaha you think a DUmmy like that actually finished college? Possible but a long shot.

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: landofconfusion80 on June 25, 2014, 06:34:48 AM
Bhahahahhaha you think a DUmmy like that actually finished college? Possible but a long shot.

Hey now. Let's not be so harsh here, shall we? Those remedial classes are hard.
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: BlueStateSaint on June 25, 2014, 08:31:12 AM
Bhahahahhaha you think a DUmmy like that actually finished college? Possible but a long shot.

On their knees, maybe . . . :whistling:
Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: dane on June 25, 2014, 10:43:24 AM
DUmmies fascinate me with their lists of ailments and woes.  When they start typing them, one wonders how they can remember everything without using a 'cheat sheet.'

I'm 71, and my medications include a pill for hypothyroidism.  That's the whole list.  I don't think I would be accepted by the DUmmies.

Well, in the interest of full disclosure, they have banned me twice, but not because of my good health.

Title: Re: DU Recipients of Social Security Fund Face Hefty Benefits Cut
Post by: Tess Anderson on June 25, 2014, 07:23:55 PM
I noticed that too (along with lose vs. loose--jumps out every time).  We've seen this before, of course, with Stewert.  God only knows what happened to him.  How these people cannot think past square one is beyond me.

He has moved to East Peoria, joined a pool hall, and the family home is still up for sale.