The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on June 05, 2014, 03:10:39 PM

Title: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on June 05, 2014, 03:10:39 PM
Remember: they love and respect the troops more than you do.

kentuck (70,611 posts)

Is it possible that Bowe Bergdahl is mentally ill?

His fellow troops thought he was a little "weird". He would say crazy stuff.

Is his behavior that of a "normal" soldier?

One soldier that was in his platoon said that one time he pointed toward a mountain and asked if China was on the other side? As if he might go exploring?

It's certainly not the way your average soldier would behave.

So far, no one has broached the subject of mental instability but is it something that should be considered?

OKNancy (32,519 posts)

1. I think he may have been harassed and bullied

by the others in his platoon. He was "different".

Yes, treason is, in fact, different.

monmouth3 (3,290 posts)

5. He read books......n/t

LOL 'cuz soldiers don't read and stuff.


kentuck (70,611 posts)

8. Reportedly...

He studied Buddhism and ballet as a teenager.

So, maybe sitting in the plywood and sandbag bunker, 10-15 miles from anyone in the middle of nowhere, he might be seen as a little "different"? He may have been "bullied" to the point that he simply walked off?

OKNancy (32,519 posts)

9. sure

if they called him names and harassed him. I have no idea if he walked off, or if he went to the latrine, or if he just wanted a little peace and quite for an hour or so. I guess we will find out eventually.

names > throat-slitting jihadists

deutsey (17,956 posts)

4. From what little I know of his background

he was raised by a family and in an area that don't sound "conventional."

I don't mean that as a put-down (I wasn't raised in a conventional situation, either).

That puts you outside the shared experience of a lot of people who have a more mainstream background.

Like, for instance, in his case: He apparently wanted to go to Afghanistan to help provide humanitarian aid to Afghans. While noble, I think that's a very naive aspiration that's probably rooted in what sounds like a very alternative worldview he learned at home.

But I have no clue at this point.

I'm only speculating based on what very little I've learned about him and his family on Democracy Now! this week.

If you haven't seen these reports, they're an excellent counterbalance to the media circus polluting the airwaves on corporate TV.

He went to Afghanistan to make it better so he ran off to join the cancerous sand rats that mutilate, murder and rape.

Considering how ****ed-up in the head DU is, I totally believe Bergdahl could be overcome by overwhelming cognitive dissonance.

kentuck (70,611 posts)

14. I just think...

that there is probably a lot we do not know about this young man and the pressures he may have been under?

TRANSLATION: Nobody is buying our bullshit. We better think of an alibi, quick!

fredamae (1,836 posts)

18. At this point

and with the available facts--I'd say "we" are mentally ill--but only because too many are buying MSM hype/opinion and direction of What we think and feel about this whole thing, imo

TRANSLATION: I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: DLR Pyro on June 05, 2014, 03:15:53 PM
1. I think he may have been harassed and bullied

He may have been "bullied" to the point that he simply walked off?

The left's universal answer as to why someone does something bad (unless the person who did the bad thing is a conservative).  They have worn out the term "bully"in the same manner that  they have worn out the term "racist"
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Carl on June 05, 2014, 03:53:15 PM
Or he was a filthy turncoat that pissed on the courage and honor of all those who proudly have served.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Tess Anderson on June 05, 2014, 04:24:24 PM
Yep, this Bergdahl and his father are really making the DUmmies go off the rails. Yesterday, Obama tried to claim Bergdahl was physically ill, and that's why he traded for him, but that's not believable, either.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Karin on June 05, 2014, 05:03:48 PM
TRANSLATION: Nobody is buying our bullshit. We better think of an alibi, quick!

If they'd get off the island, they would discover this.  The Politico article about "No apologies" Barry has 7,684 comments so far.  It just exploded.  Been going all day. 
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: USA4ME on June 05, 2014, 05:10:26 PM
The bluegrass primitive is as stupid as they get.

Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on June 05, 2014, 05:15:31 PM
If they'd get off the island, they would discover this. 

That's like trying to get a teenage boy out of bed for high school at 4 a.m., after a night of marathon on-line gaming.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 05, 2014, 05:18:40 PM
I thought Obama's latest gimmick was concussions?.....hey DUmmies, try that one.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Delmar on June 05, 2014, 07:16:49 PM
Response to OKNancy (Reply #1)Thu Jun 5, 2014, 01:58 PM
kentuck (70,613 posts)
8. Reportedly...
He studied Buddhism and ballet as a teenager.
So, maybe sitting in the plywood and sandbag bunker, 10-15 miles from anyone in the middle of nowhere, he might be seen as a little "different"? He may have been "bullied" to the point that he simply walked off?

This excuse doesn't cut it with me.  Rahm Emmanuel is different too, another big pansy who studied ballet.  Rahm never walked away from his responsibilities--other than the occasional trip sneaking off to Man's Country with his brunser buddy Barry.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: SarasotaRepub on June 05, 2014, 08:06:10 PM
They're worried if he was "bullied"? WTF is this, 8th grade??

Of course, Pitt was bullied too...

Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Dori on June 05, 2014, 10:34:15 PM
There is more crazy stuff coming out about Bergdahl. 

Some reports are saying tonight that he tried to escape from his captors five times. One time they caught him in an outdoor market. Others say he was friendly with his captors, playing soccer and even shooting AK47's.  They also reported that at one point they were keeping him in cages, and that he had been moved around to different locations several times.

If he wasn't nuts when he deserted, he's probably nuts now.

Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: Ptarmigan on June 05, 2014, 11:50:14 PM
DUmmies like soldiers who are traitors.  :mental:
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: obumazombie on June 06, 2014, 01:09:11 AM
Evidently there is more to the story. Apparently in addition to the 5 mortal enemies of our country there was also a cash ransom paid. Does rodeowebuma realize how dangerous a move that would be ?

All the good and faithful libs who are loyal to the death for owebuma are trying to run down all the soldiers who served with the deserter. You know, the ones who actually served honorably.
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: DLR Pyro on June 06, 2014, 03:38:29 PM
Evidently there is more to the story. Apparently in addition to the 5 mortal enemies of our country there was also a cash ransom paid. Does rodeowebuma realize how dangerous a move that would be ?

He doesn't but the taliban do...
Asked whether the Taliban would be inspired by the exchange to kidnap others, a commander laughed. “Definitely." (
Title: Re: DU: Bergdahl isn't bad...every other soldier is
Post by: txradioguy on June 06, 2014, 05:05:12 PM
This thread illustrates perfectly that the ONLY soldiers the DUmmies deem worthy or praise are those that betray their oath...their fellow soldiers...and their country.

But then that could be said of all Progressives.