The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: AllINeedIsCoffee on March 19, 2014, 09:37:51 AM

Title: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: AllINeedIsCoffee on March 19, 2014, 09:37:51 AM
Morons like the ones that inhabit DU is the reason I've stopped calling myself a liberal over the past couple of years.

That and several bans because of the far left's disdain for freedom of speech.

The pacifists. The militant feminists. Those that would dismantle our intelligence agencies. Those that would put more energy in the fight to end drone attacks on some lowly piece of shit in the mountains before fighting for issues that actually matter to blue-collar workers. Those that think Russia Today is actually a valid source of news. The Maduro apologists. The blame America for everything crowd.

We'd be in a world of hurt if anyone that far left ever made it to the White House.

I know some (probably all) of you think that person is President Obama, but I don't.

Sleep well knowing that the lunatics at DU hate the current President. If they actually liked someone in the White House, America would be dead and I think deep down you know that.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: JohnnyReb on March 19, 2014, 10:10:23 AM
Morons like the ones that inhabit DU is the reason I've stopped calling myself a liberal over the past couple of years.

That and several bans because of the far left's disdain for freedom of speech.

The pacifists. The militant feminists. Those that would dismantle our intelligence agencies. Those that would put more energy in the fight to end drone attacks on some lowly piece of shit in the mountains before fighting for issues that actually matter to blue-collar workers. Those that think Russia Today is actually a valid source of news. The Maduro apologists. The blame America for everything crowd.

We'd be in a world of hurt if anyone that far left ever made it to the White House.

I know some (probably all) of you think that person is President Obama, but I don't.

Sleep well knowing that the lunatics at DU hate the current President. If they actually liked someone in the White House, America would be dead and I think deep down you know that.
They only pretend to dislike Obama. That's so the unbalanced DUmmies can claim to be balanced.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on March 19, 2014, 10:12:13 AM
We are thrilled.

The validate everything we have ever said about them.

And they're funny too.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: diesel driver on March 19, 2014, 10:16:31 AM
DUmmies could elect Lenin, Stalin, even Marx himself, and never be happy with it.

DUmmies are incapable of happiness, they only know how to whine, bitch, and moan about "injustices", real and imagined.

Especially imagined.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: USA4ME on March 19, 2014, 10:45:36 AM
The left on the site like Manny and his group are too looney to be taken seriously. The posters like Prosense and her group are the whackos. They combine just enough reasonable sounding narratives to hide the lies and destruction they embrace.

I've read some of your comments while you were there. You are as whacko and anti-American as they come.

Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Purple Sage on March 19, 2014, 05:03:53 PM

I know some (probably all) of you think that person is President Obama, but I don't.

You've got your panties in a wad because it's not the FoS that you want practiced, while subverting the speech that you don't. 

DUmmies are all for FoS until somebody says something of which they don't agree.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: ScubaGuy on March 19, 2014, 05:16:28 PM
Is coffee all you need or all you drink?

New chew toy? (
Sheldon Cooper (2,573 posts)
48. Here's your hat,what's your hurry?


Only lunatics are allowed to stay at DU.

And those very, very patient supporters of the President that find the strength not to put them in their place.

They have to be very patient because they don't have special protection like the upper class "celebrities" that buy their way in permanently, but can't cough up enough money for an insurance plan like every other responsible person in America.

Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: freedumb2003b on March 19, 2014, 05:18:18 PM
The left on the site like Manny and his group are too looney to be taken seriously. The posters like Prosense and her group are the whackos. They combine just enough reasonable sounding narratives to hide the lies and destruction they embrace.

I've read some of your comments while you were there. You are as whacko and anti-American as they come.


Making an appearance here is serious DU cred.  He/she/it won't last long here, more than likely...

Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Purple Sage on March 19, 2014, 05:56:50 PM
We are.  You DUmmies are a bottomless Pitt of entertainment.  Who needs Comedy Central when we have DU?
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: diesel driver on March 19, 2014, 06:03:56 PM
Making an appearance here is serious DU cred.  He/she/it won't last long here, more than likely...

I believe people can change, and am willing to give DUmmie probie a chance to display his new found sanity.

That said, remember, some habits can be hard to break...   :whistling:
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Mr Mannn on March 19, 2014, 06:04:17 PM

That and several bans because of the far left's disdain for freedom of speech.
You called it. The far left despises every freedom outlined in the constitution. Speech is just one.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Mr Mannn on March 19, 2014, 06:07:50 PM
I believe people can change, and am willing to give DUmmie probie a chance to display his new found sanity.

That said, remember, some habits can be hard to break...   :whistling:
It was sanity that got PW a pizza. He refused to let talking points define him, and actually thought for himself--that is a cardinal sin for the left.

Welcome PW, whoever you are. we may not agree on everything, but you are at least walking about with open eyes.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: USA4ME on March 19, 2014, 06:41:53 PM
Welcome PW, whoever you are. we may not agree on everything, but you are at least walking about with open eyes.

Mann, I like your posts here, but PW is a certified "the Dem party, liberalism, and Obama are the answers to all life's problems" whackjob. Make no mistake, he's a LW kook thru and thru.

Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Mr Mannn on March 19, 2014, 06:47:56 PM
Then his true colors will come out. They always do.
I'm not afraid of no ghost.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: marv on March 19, 2014, 07:05:14 PM
It was sanity that got PW a pizza. He refused to let talking points define him, and actually thought for himself--that is a cardinal sin for the left.

Welcome PW, whoever you are. we may not agree on everything, but you are at least walking about with open eyes.

I agree.

CC, like CU but unlike DU, welcome Rep/Dem/Ind/TEA/Lib members willing to state their arguments for/against any particular position in a sane and rational manner.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: freedumb2003b on March 19, 2014, 07:16:34 PM
We are.  You DUmmies are a bottomless Pitt of entertainment.  Who needs Comedy Central when we have DU?

I see what you did there :)
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Big Dog on March 19, 2014, 07:19:29 PM

The Dumpmonkeys don't hate King Hussein. If the election was held tomorrow, they'd vote for him again, and again, and again. The dissent at the DUmp is between the 100% Obama worshipers and the 99% Obama worshipers.

But it's time to move on and move forward, as your side likes to say.

The DUmmies' Democrat Party handlers are beginning to redirect their hero-worship away from the Party Prez to the next Anointed One. Woman? Homosexual? Samoan Tranny? One Legged Brony? Whoever and whatever their New Messiah is, the handlers will push his/her candidacy as the inevitable evolution of American society, and  hypnotize the DUmmies that they are on the "right side of history"- a nonsensical phrase that the Marxists and Fabian socialists in your party live by.

Pretty soon, the recalcitrant DUmmies will be back in line, hooting and wiggle-waggling their armpits in unison, just as they are expected to.

And we will be watching. Semper vigilans.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Rebel on March 19, 2014, 08:08:07 PM
I believe people can change, and am willing to give DUmmie probie a chance to display his new found sanity.

Ignorant people can change. Stupid people can't. That's why they're stupid.
Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: delilahmused on March 19, 2014, 08:17:15 PM
And the irony is, if a Republican were president they'd be applauding Putin. Danny Glover and Sean Penn would be visiting to rub shoulders with Putin and bring back tales of how peaceful Crimea was now that they were under Russia's thumb wing. All of DU would be lamenting that such a revolution ushering a benevolent dictator could never happen in this unfair country. They're entirely predictable.

Title: Re: If I were conservative, I'd be thrilled that DU exists to expose far left lunacy
Post by: Purple Sage on March 20, 2014, 12:06:34 AM
And the irony is, if a Republican were president they'd be applauding Putin. Danny Glover and Sean Penn would be visiting to rub shoulders with Putin and bring back tales of how peaceful Crimea was now that they were under Russia's thumb wing. All of DU would be lamenting that such a revolution ushering a benevolent dictator could never happen in this unfair country. They're entirely predictable.


Exactly.  :cheersmate: