The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Billiam Pitts on March 19, 2014, 08:29:43 AM

Title: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: Billiam Pitts on March 19, 2014, 08:29:43 AM

loudsue (13,619 posts)
23. I haven't seen such insensitivity since Free Republic stopped Andy from getting chemo

I already alerted on this thread, and got an e-mail that it had already been alerted on, but a jury voted to keep this trash 4-2. Is there not ANY decency in DU anymore?

Will Pitt, who is one helluva great DUer, is grieving and outraged because his wife has been denied critical medication by A ****ING INSURANCE COMPANY. But the small minded on DU have won.

The rightwingers on DU have won. They even own the juries.

TBF (22,788 posts)
26. I agree - I am tired of folks who

claim to be dems coming on this site and blaming the victim, pushing austerity, and abandoning progressive principles.

They are on juries and they are in MIRT which is why the conversation on this site is slowly changing from being an opposition site to a pro-status quo site.

A friend of mine opined a couple of years ago that the parties were sort of changing roles, with democrats partnering with corporations to become more status quo while republicans went off the deep end. I wouldn't be surprised to see the current repugs implode - and I also wouldn't be surprised at this juncture to see a progressive party emerge to challenge the dems. 2016 could be very interesting indeed if that happens.

joshcryer (45,071 posts)
35. This OP is in response to William Pitt, who is unlikely to be impoverished.

In fact, Will Pitt is likely in the top 5%.

It is so difficult for me not to be dismissive of 99% of DU posters who aren't in the bottom 1%, totally impoverished, third world-like conditions in the US, which I lived for practically 2/3rds of my life. I could derail 90% of DU topics talking about their pathetic perspective, but I don't, because as I'm finally breathing, I see where they come from, and they are just ignorant. Plus, I think about the rest of the world and where they are thanks to US imperialism, and it becomes even more evident how lucky I am, and in fact, how lucky I was even being in extreme poverty in this country.

The GOP will not implode in 2014. Would it be that were the case. They're being very ****ing low key, they're keeping shit at the minimal level of rhetoric possible. I've been following politics for some 25 years (assuming you'd consider the thoughts of 10 year old), and this is the "calmest" I've ever seen in my life. no polarization, just, "vote GOP, we'll fix stuff." It's seriously surreal.
WilliamPitt (56,506 posts)
38. *snarf*

I work for a website. My wife works retail part-time.

Yeah, we're swimming in cash.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: Skul on March 19, 2014, 10:05:39 AM
Response to Drunken Irishman (Original post)
Wed Mar 19, 2014, 05:25 AM

Star Member loudsue (13,619 posts)

23. I haven't seen such insensitivity since Free Republic stopped Andy from getting chemo   :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

Response to loudsue (Reply #23)
Wed Mar 19, 2014, 10:20 AM

Star Member OmahaBlueDog (9,910 posts)

55. I have no love of FR, but explain how bloggers stopped someone's medical care?

...just wondering.
Loudpue is wrong.  Nothing to see here.  :whistling:
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: JohnnyReb on March 19, 2014, 10:22:14 AM
55. I have no love of FR, but explain how bloggers stopped someone's medical care?

The same way they stopped me from getting my new Lamb-bro-genny.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: BannedFromDU on March 19, 2014, 10:30:12 AM

     If we've learned nothing else from this episode, we've learned that:

Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: fatboy on March 19, 2014, 11:30:53 AM
WilliamPitt (56,506 posts)
38. *snarf*

I work for a website. My wife works retail part-time.

Yeah, we're swimming in cash.

Oh, what's that? Clan MacGregor did you say? Well that another issue all together.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: Carl on March 19, 2014, 11:38:36 AM
Actually Will,you don`t create idiotic and insane drivel for a website universally recognized as being liars.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: franksolich on March 19, 2014, 03:10:34 PM
WilliamPitt (56,506 posts)      Wed Mar 19, 2014, 08:58 AM
38. *snarf*

I work for a website. My wife works retail part-time.

Yeah, we're swimming in cash.

I said this somewhere else here, but it's good to duplicate it here:

Actually, Bill's thread on Skins's island is a textbook example of how selfish, how self-centered, Democrats, liberals, and primitives are.

It's all about Bill having to spend $50,000 of his own money every year for medicines for his wife.

Bill has plenty of money--to him, $50,000 a year could be doled out of his petty cash.  His trust fund after all includes some prime real-estate in downtown Boston. 

So Bill can afford it.

However, there's probably many other people in the same predicament, who don't have elephantine trust funds, and to whom $50,000 a year would present an onerous burden.

But Bill doesn't mention those other, less fortunate, people; Bill's interested in only his own pain, even though it's very minor, almost imperceptible, when compared with the megamassive pain felt by others.

Bill's just like Atman; there's many things he can easily afford, but he just doesn't want to have to spend his own money on them.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 19, 2014, 06:12:37 PM
I don't for a minute believe that Pitt's swimming in money.

His tattooed bride, suffering the ravages of multiple sclerosis plus whatever venereal diseases Pitt has given her, was making a two-hour commute to keep a retail clerking job. That doesn't sound like Sue Ellen Ewing.

Then Pitt was forced to leave the expensive Boston shithole and move in with DUmmy Raven in New Hampshire. No way that move was voluntary. In Boston Pitt was just another anonymous drunkard, but in New Hampshire he's the new town drunk.

Maybe Raven's drinking put her into a state of not being able to care for herself, but it's much more likely the move was dictated by a need to save money.

The Pitt clan has hardly made a dime since the mid-60s. Bill's most lucrative gig was substitute teaching, but he was canned years ago for inappropriate behavior  with his junior high girl students and has had zero income since.

Raven allegedly had a law degree, but in recent years worked for a tiny town in NH, before wallduding herself and being fired a few years ago.

I believe the alcoholism and indolence of the current Pitts has depleted the fortune laid up for them by previous more civilized generations.

Hopefully the last few dollars will soon be siphoned off to cover democrat insurance deductibles, and the Pitt frenzy will reach a new crescendo.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: Carl on March 19, 2014, 06:29:57 PM
Pittstain was almost certainly the equivalent of the 60s invasion rock star tax exiles.
He moved so as to cheat Mass out of the taxes they were entitled to.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: zeitgeist on March 19, 2014, 07:42:11 PM
I don't for a minute believe that Pitt's swimming in money.

His tattooed bride, suffering the ravages of multiple sclerosis plus whatever venereal diseases Pitt has given her, was making a two-hour commute to keep a retail clerking job. That doesn't sound like Sue Ellen Ewing.

Then Pitt was forced to leave the expensive Boston shithole and move in with DUmmy Raven in New Hampshire. No way that move was voluntary. In Boston Pitt was just another anonymous drunkard, but in New Hampshire he's the new town drunk.

Maybe Raven's drinking put her into a state of not being able to care for herself, but it's much more likely the move was dictated by a need to save money.

The Pitt clan has hardly made a dime since the mid-60s. Bill's most lucrative gig was substitute teaching, but he was canned years ago for inappropriate behavior  with his junior high girl students and has had zero income since.

Raven allegedly had a law degree, but in recent years worked for a tiny town in NH, before wallduding herself and being fired a few years ago.

I believe the alcoholism and indolence of the current Pitts has depleted the fortune laid up for them by previous more civilized generations.

Hopefully the last few dollars will soon be siphoned off to cover democrat insurance deductibles, and the Pitt frenzy will reach a new crescendo.

Sounds reasonable to me.  I wonder, does Pittiful have to register as a sex offender?

Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: delilahmused on March 19, 2014, 08:05:07 PM
Response to loudsue (Reply #23)
Wed Mar 19, 2014, 10:20 AM

Star Member OmahaBlueDog (9,910 posts)

55. I have no love of FR, but explain how bloggers stopped someone's medical care?

...just wondering.

They didn't...wee willy did more damage than FR. Maybe this is karma.

Edited to add: I think he should contact Doug's ex wife to do a fund raiser for him.

Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: franksolich on March 19, 2014, 08:46:39 PM

Well, if GOBUCKS' theory, which counters mine, is true, there's gonna be a problem for Bill in the not-so-far future.

Mama's getting old, wife's ill, infant's little.

If the trust fund is totally depleted, Bill's gonna have to be a man, and support his women on his own two broad shoulders.

You're up around there, sir; any openings in the textile factories?
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on March 19, 2014, 10:33:32 PM
The rightwingers on DU have won. They even own the juries.


Wait!  Look behind you!!   :panic:

They are on juries

and they are in MIRT
   :panic:  :panic:

which is why the conversation on this site is slowly changing from being an opposition site to a pro-status quo site.

Changing, changing I tell you!!!!   :rofl:

I wouldn't be surprised to see the current repugs implode - and I also wouldn't be surprised at this juncture to see a progressive party emerge to challenge the dems. 2016 could be very interesting indeed if that happens.

You've been talking to the Blob, haven't you.

In fact, Will Pitt is likely in the top 5%.

No.  A trustafarian with Ambalamps chasing parents?  Nooooo..

It is so difficult for me not to be dismissive of 99% of DU posters who aren't in the bottom 1%, totally impoverished, third world-like conditions in the US, which I lived for practically 2/3rds of my life.

Own it, Sweetcheeks.

I could derail 90% of DU topics talking about their pathetic perspective, but I don't, because as I'm finally breathing, I see where they come from, and they are just ignorant.

You don't say.  Please, go on.

Plus, I think about the rest of the world and where they are thanks to US imperialism, and it becomes even more evident how lucky I am, and in fact, how lucky I was even being in extreme poverty in this country.

Ummmm, wait......what?

The GOP will not implode in 2014. Would it be that were the case. They're being very ****ing low key, they're keeping shit at the minimal level of rhetoric possible. I've been following politics for some 25 years (assuming you'd consider the thoughts of 10 year old),   :whatever: :whatever:  and this is the "calmest" I've ever seen in my life. no polarization, just, "vote GOP, we'll fix stuff." It's seriously surreal.

I thought you were going to talk about Imperialism and shit.  C'mon, man.  Power to the People.

WilliamPitt (56,506 posts)
38. *snarf*

I work for a website. My wife works retail part-time.

Yeah, we're swimming in cash.

Run out of Catholic Schools to lay teach at?

Star Member loudsue (13,619 posts)

23. I haven't seen such insensitivity since Free Republic stopped Andy from getting chemo     

And just how does that happen?
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on March 19, 2014, 10:49:31 PM

Well, if GOBUCKS' theory, which counters mine, is true, there's gonna be a problem for Bill in the not-so-far future.

Mama's getting old, wife's ill, infant's little.

If the trust fund is totally depleted, Bill's gonna have to be a man, and support his women on his own two broad shoulders.

You're up around there, sir; any openings in the textile factories?

Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 19, 2014, 11:11:01 PM
Star Member loudsue (13,619 posts)

23. I haven't seen such insensitivity since Free Republic stopped Andy from getting chemo

It wasn't "Free Republic"!

I hate it when the bastards refuse to give coach his due.

Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: zeitgeist on March 20, 2014, 03:24:17 PM

Well, if GOBUCKS' theory, which counters mine, is true, there's gonna be a problem for Bill in the not-so-far future.

Mama's getting old, wife's ill, infant's little.

If the trust fund is totally depleted, Bill's gonna have to be a man, and support his women on his own two broad shoulders.

You're up around there, sir; any openings in the textile factories?

Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered.  A civilization gone with the wind...

As a side note, I just read that they will be blowing up one of the old mill dams (once they get Federal money of course)  a few towns over from me.  The textile mills moved South years ago along with the shoe shops.  And the tool and die trade of Vermont and Connecticut?  Also gone to parts unknown.


It was none other than Nancy Pelosi who said that Obamacare would liberate the worker to try other things.  Something like 'now you can quit your job and pursue your dream of writing or other artistic endeavor'.   Guess Pitt took her at her word.  Now, the only thing that would make this even better is if Pitt's Tattooed Baby Mamma had been employed in retail by Wal Mart!! :rotf:
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: zeitgeist on March 21, 2014, 07:17:28 AM
Right on cue we have MSM AP post this one:

With health law, workers ponder the I-Quit option
CHICAGO (AP) -- For uninsured people, the nation's new health care law may offer an escape from worry about unexpected, astronomical medical bills. But for Stephanie Payne of St. Louis, who already had good insurance, the law could offer another kind of escape: the chance to quit her job.

At 62, Payne has worked for three decades as a nurse, most recently traveling house to house caring for 30 elderly and disabled patients. But she's ready to leave that behind, including the job-based health benefits, to move to Oregon and promote her self-published book. She envisions herself blogging, doing radio interviews and speaking to seniors groups

I Q uit option, right MR Pitt?    AKA the Look before you leap clause.

Articles like this are keyed to the 'low information voter' who consistantly swims in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 21, 2014, 12:32:15 PM
At 62, Payne has worked for three decades as a nurse, most recently traveling house to house caring for 30 elderly and disabled patients. But she's ready to leave that behind, including the job-based health benefits, to move to Oregon and promote her self-published book. She envisions herself blogging, doing radio interviews and speaking to seniors groups

If that doesn't work out, she can become a tattoo artist.

I have to steal one of the funniest photos on here in a while:
Title: Re: The Martyr- Saint Pitt: DU attacks compared to SCAMDY
Post by: zeitgeist on March 21, 2014, 02:46:35 PM
If that doesn't work out, she can become a tattoo artist.

I have to steal one of the funniest photos on here in a while:

I always like the old "If you can draw this ....


you can train for a high paying career as a tattoo artist."     How many more DUmmies will jump ship burning their bridges behind them?  Certainly the true believers like Pittiful Wee Willie will be in the vanguard but how many more?