The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: fatboy on January 22, 2014, 09:44:26 AM

Title: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 22, 2014, 09:44:26 AM
Answer: I think we get Gravitycollapse...

Tue Jan 21, 2014, 10:20 PM
Gravitycollapse (4,748 posts)

I cried at work today...
First time ever.

First off, I just dosed down my antidepressant. So I had nightmares during my entire night's sleep and I feel like shit. Then this morning I went to a lecture on abjectness. Then I ran into my ex who ignored me. Then my motorcycle wouldn't start. No one at ASU would lend me a screwdriver because they said it was against their policy to let anyone borrow tools. So I had to push start it. Then I was late for work because I had to borrow my roommate's bicycle. Then I was written up for being late.

I basically had an emotional break down in front of my managers. They looked horrified and apologized profusely and gave me free cigarettes and a long break.

I guess I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

fatboy decides to complete the thought for collapse:
And then I decided to change my major to English composition. Then I realized that my "gift" is communication. I then decided that I need a new motorcycle and a set of screwdrivers. I went to the store but I didn't have any money. I cried. I have never cried in a store before but I did cry at my low wage workplace as I mentioned before.

a collapse from the past:

Fri Jul 12, 2013, 03:43 PM

 Gravitycollapse (2,122 posts)

I work somewhere that pays just above minimum wage and everyone's on food stamps...
and another:

Gravitycollapse (3,677 posts)
34. I'm addressing the sort of childlike pettiness that should not exist in our movement.

Instead, you insist on continuing this pettiness. Which is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you, even if you aren't embarrassed for yourself. Congrats.

Gravitycollapse (4,573 posts)   Sat Jan 4, 2014, 12:32 AM

4. The first time I ever left the US, I went to Africa.

I was the first to arrive in my group. I showed up in Ghana in the middle of a nation wide power outage. I didn't understand the currency exchange rate at all and paid the taxi driver easily 5 times as much as I should have and he said nothing. I showed up at the university hostel late at night in the pitch dark and found that they did not know my group was coming and there were no rooms. I sat on the front lawn and cried until a Ghanaian student walked over and helped me into a cab that took me to a very expensive hotel for diplomats. Due to a number of reasons involving communication barriers, I lost contact with the rest of my group and finding each other took 2 days.

A mini Montague...

The reason I think that Gravitycollapse is a mole is because this primitives screen name is just as DUmb as my mole's screen name.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Skul on January 22, 2014, 09:53:44 AM
I'm almost typless.
The ick-factor is strong in that one.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Carl on January 22, 2014, 10:09:18 AM
Gee,another DUmbass that is a lunatic. :whatever:
Of course they all should be running the country if you ask them.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: jukin on January 22, 2014, 10:50:02 AM
Down the lane, not across the street.

A search for excellence and exceptionalism is not the DUmp. They truly do revel in their ineptitude and stupidity.

My guess is that the managers are already down at HR planning for the DUche's exit plan.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: JohnnyReb on January 22, 2014, 10:53:28 AM
What happens when we turn off gravity? ....nothing happens to the DUmmies. They aren't grounded in reality anyway.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: 67 Rover on January 22, 2014, 11:01:03 AM
Gravitycollapse (4,573 posts)   Sat Jan 4, 2014, 12:32 AM

4. The first time I ever left the US, I went to Africa.

I was the first to arrive in my group. I showed up in Ghana in the middle of a nation wide power outage. I didn't understand the currency exchange rate at all and paid the taxi driver easily 5 times as much as I should have and he said nothing. I showed up at the university hostel late at night in the pitch dark and found that they did not know my group was coming and there were no rooms. I sat on the front lawn and cried until a Ghanaian student walked over and helped me into a cab that took me to a very expensive hotel for diplomats. Due to a number of reasons involving communication barriers, I lost contact with the rest of my group and finding each other took 2 days.

The ghost of future bouncies?
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Chris_ on January 22, 2014, 11:05:27 AM
Another flake.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 22, 2014, 11:56:59 AM
What a useless waste of protoplasm.  Some poor hyenas went hungry because he was allowed to leave Africa and come back here.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: beefeater on January 22, 2014, 12:04:12 PM
This is the MORON posted a while back that he finally had healthcare thanks to Obamacare.

Thank you Obama (
Wed Jan 15, 2014, 04:13 PM
Gravitycollapse (4,748 posts)

It's taken a long time but I finally got through on the insurance exchange...

I gave up getting my identity verified and just had an new application submitted over the phone.

I qualify for a 110 dollar a month credit. Which means that insurance plans range from 34 dollars to 200 dollars. I haven't been able to inspect the plans yet but even at the most expensive, I am paying hundreds of dollars less a month.

To put this into perspective, since I'm totally uninsured, I pay about 400 dollars a month to see one doctor and receive 4 prescriptions. If my doctor didn't give me free samples for one of my meds, I would be paying 1100 dollars a month.

I've lost thousands of dollars over the past 14 months. That's money I'll never get back that I really seriously needed along the way. I haven't been able to see a doctor for a physical. I haven't been able to follow up with an orthopedist for a broken wrist I received from a motorcycle accident 4 months ago. I haven't had a new prescription for my glasses in years. I've been waiting it all out until I had insurance again. (Snip)More bla blah blab

Oh happy days, all unicorns and healing whte light and such.


Wait! Wut? I gotta pay? It ain't free? (

Thu Jan 16, 2014, 12:23 AM
Gravitycollapse (4,748 posts)

So I'm pretty sure I was just ripped off by the healthcare exchange and BC/BS...

I feel like I should be worried. I signed up for a specific plan over the phone.

This plan to be exact:


Which has this plan summary on the exchange website:

(bunch of charts and graphs here basicly saying he has to still pay, probably more than before)

And after I opened the Blue Cross/Blue Shield pdf summary for the plan, I realized that none of the figures stated on the exchange website match. The name of the plan matches but nothing else.

As far as I can see he has never come back to 'splain himself.

Thank You ObamaCare.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Karin on January 22, 2014, 12:12:11 PM
That last quote box made me feel all Schadenfreudy.  And he never told us what his deductible was.  Thanks obozocare! 
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: 67 Rover on January 22, 2014, 12:47:41 PM
He has a motorcycle and presumably has insurance on this motorcycle but no money to buy needed prescription glasses or medicine.

 Let's not even mention the monthly internet connection fee. Priorities are screwed up severely.  :banghead:
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 22, 2014, 01:15:35 PM
As I mentioned in my OP, I think that Graviditycollapse is a DUmmy mole. As DUmmies go he is perfect. Too perfect in fact. Here is my jumbo list of 10 reasons to support my thesis:

1. Gravitycollapse is not afraid to show his feminine side.

2. Graviditycollapse uses the pronoun "I" as a noun, verb, adjactive, adverb, subject and predicate. Oh, and also as a pronoun.

3. one word..."medication"

4. It appears that when Graviditycollapses relationships with the opposite sex collapse, they collapse totally.

5. Has basically no cash flow but smokes cigarettes anyway.

6. Grviditycollapse has no reliable personal transportation.

7. Graviditycollapse takes stupid liberal arts class at college but has a crap min. wage job.

8. Graviditycollapsees bosses think he is pathetic.

9. Graviditycollapse thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is pathetic.

10. Graviditycollapse is in fact, based on what he writes, pathetic.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 22, 2014, 01:26:44 PM
Heeeyyy Graviditycollapse, you big lug. Guess who is taking an interest in your collapse?

Response to Gravitycollapse (Original post)
Wed Jan 22, 2014, 02:24 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,643 posts)
9. I have had some bad days at one time or the other too!

Help is on the way (in the form of sent out Amber "vibes"), maybe.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: GOBUCKS on January 22, 2014, 07:11:31 PM
If he's paying a doctor $400 a month, that's $4800 a year.

It won't cover the deductible on his democrat insurance.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Dori on January 22, 2014, 07:35:30 PM
If he's paying a doctor $400 a month, that's $4800 a year.

It won't cover the deductible on his democrat insurance.

Yeah.  When you add the monthly premiums to the out of pocket costs, he's probably better off going without insurance. 
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Big Dog on January 22, 2014, 07:35:57 PM
Heeeyyy Graviditycollapse, you big lug. Guess who is taking an interest in your collapse?

Help is on the way (in the form of sent out Amber "vibes"), maybe.

They're both in Tucson. So is the Bike Dyke.

It's threesome time!
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Chris_ on January 22, 2014, 07:37:04 PM
Yeah.  When you add the monthly premiums to the out of pocket costs, he's probably better off going without insurance. 
Wait until he gets his ObamaBill in the mail.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on January 22, 2014, 08:12:31 PM
How does minimum wage boi, who works where everyone is on Obama stamps, make his way to Africa when he has to borrow his roomates' bicycle to go to his minimum wage job where everyone is on Obama stamps?

The f*ck?!?!?!?

Gee,another DUmbass that is a lunatic. :whatever:
Of course they all should be running the country if you ask them.

Where do these organisms hatch?  Just ridiculous....
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on January 23, 2014, 04:20:37 AM
What a useless waste of protoplasm.  Some poor hyenas went hungry because he was allowed to leave Africa and come back here.

Said primitive was, and is, a WOS (Waste Of Sperm), whose best parts/attributes ran down his mother's legs.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 23, 2014, 04:34:01 AM
I ran into my ex who ignored me.

That's the entire point of being an ex: the right to ignore the person.


No one at ASU would lend me a screwdriver because they said it was against their policy to let anyone borrow tools.

Commies have a notoriously bad rep for not returning other people's property.

I sat on the front lawn and cried until a Ghanaian student walked over and helped me into a cab that took me to a very expensive hotel for diplomats. Due to a number of reasons involving communication barriers, I lost contact with the rest of my group and finding each other took 2 days.

So, IOW, instead of sticking to the agreed upon plan which was based on prior knowledge, you deviated from the advice and allowed someone else to take charge of your life which left you in worse shape for more money.

Yep. You're a liberal.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Rebel on January 23, 2014, 08:16:15 AM
Then my motorcycle wouldn't start. No one at ASU would lend me a screwdriver because they said it was against their policy to let anyone borrow tools. So I had to push start it.


Oh, the horror!!!!!! You had to "push start" your motorcycle!!!? Damn, no one EVER has to do this, extremely easy task. I mean, like ever!

Quit whining you little *****.


Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Wineslob on January 24, 2014, 12:31:52 PM
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Dori on January 27, 2014, 11:39:04 AM
Dummy has become a black hole.

Gravitycollapse (4,784 posts)

I don't remember the last time I was this unhappy with my life.

I feel like I prepared myself pretty well for the soul crushing nature of life immediately after graduating from college. But it still hit me with hurricane force winds.

All I can think about is my ex (I seriously can't get her out of my head) and the fact that I don't have a good job and the mountain of student loan debt I have to start paying back in 5 months.

I'm either at my current job which pays shit and sucks the life out of me or at home moping around eating junk food. I'm bitter and resentful towards customers who display anything but the utmost of perfection in personality and demeanor.

In a little over 30 days I've turned into an aimless, asshole, retrograde.

I feel like I'm stuck on a deserted cruise ship drifting across a vast ocean. I don't know how to control this ****ing thing. 

Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Chris_ on January 27, 2014, 11:57:00 AM
What was his major?
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: GOBUCKS on January 27, 2014, 12:06:33 PM
I basically had an emotional break down in front of my managers. They looked horrified and apologized profusely and gave me free cigarettes and a long break.

Free smokes? Like giving an alleycat a can of tuna.

They can expect a lot more emotional breakdowns from this DUmmy.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: JohnnyReb on January 27, 2014, 01:03:32 PM
What was his major?
The System....and how to work it.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 27, 2014, 01:16:22 PM
Free smokes? Like giving an alleycat a can of tuna.

They can expect a lot more emotional breakdowns from this DUmmy.

If he had any brains he would have held out for a good cigar. I'm thinking something on the order of a Rocky Patel Decade Robusto. Those DUmmies do tend to fold too soon.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 27, 2014, 01:17:59 PM
Dummy has become a black hole.

 Dori that is one of the saddest things I've read in the last 5 minutes.

Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: JohnnyReb on January 27, 2014, 01:20:16 PM
If he had any brains he would have held out for a good cigar. I'm thinking soemthing on the order of a Rocky Patel Decade Robusto. Those DUmmies do tend to fold too soon.
Back in the day, you could buy Swisher Sweets and Crook cigars for a nickel....before modern socialist democrats and inflation.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: fatboy on January 27, 2014, 01:29:57 PM
from the previous collapse thread...

Response to Gravitycollapse (Original post)
Tue Jan 21, 2014, 10:28 PM
 NYC_SKP (57,166 posts)

1. I'm so sorry. The borrow tools thing would have set me off.

Really. Even without context I feel cold just reading that.

I'm sorry, that's all wrong and cold.

Allow me to fill in the blanks Graviditycollapse left out. "Skippy, all was going well, I mean I think they were going to lend me a screwdriver. But things went suddenly and unexpectedly sour when I asked them if it came with an operator".

Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Gina on January 27, 2014, 03:00:40 PM
Is gravity a man?
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Dori on January 27, 2014, 03:25:21 PM
Is gravity a man?

That would be my guess, but with dummies it's hard to tell.
Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Gina on January 27, 2014, 06:06:38 PM
 Then this is fitting

Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: Wineslob on January 28, 2014, 09:15:10 AM
Gravitycollapse (4,784 posts)

I don't remember the last time I was this unhappy with my life.

I feel like I prepared myself pretty well for the soul crushing nature of life immediately after graduating from college. But it still hit me with hurricane force winds.

All I can think about is my ex (I seriously can't get her out of my head) and the fact that I don't have a good job and the mountain of student loan debt I have to start paying back in 5 months.

I'm either at my current job which pays shit and sucks the life out of me or at home moping around eating junk food. I'm bitter and resentful towards customers who display anything but the utmost of perfection in personality and demeanor.

In a little over 30 days I've turned into an aimless, asshole, retrograde.

I feel like I'm stuck on a deserted cruise ship drifting across a vast ocean. I don't know how to control this ****ing thing.

Title: Re: What happens when we turn off gravity?
Post by: JohnnyReb on January 28, 2014, 09:23:55 AM
I feel like I'm stuck on a deserted cruise ship drifting across a vast ocean. I don't know how to control this ****ing thing.

Hey, I read about that ship the other day...also saw a piece on the TV news about it....they say it's loaded with cannibal rats....their gonna solve your problem gravitycollapse.