The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: GOBUCKS on August 17, 2013, 09:36:38 PM

Title: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 17, 2013, 09:36:38 PM
It's always surprising when you find that the democrat party, the political refuge for hellbound atheist savages, is chock full of experts on religion:
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 06:51 PM
PennsylvaniaMatt (827 posts)
I Just Got Back From Catholic Mass...And It Felt Like A Republican Fundraiser.

I am Roman Catholic, and I always go to Saturday evening mass. I go with my grandmother not just to make her happy and keep her company, but I also typically get a lot out of it, despite my disagreements with the church on abortion, birth control, and homosexuality. I have known for quite some time that the pastor is a partisan right-winger, yet when he would interject politics into his sermon, he was always usually subliminal.
Tonight was different. The sermon started off talking about how we have moved far from core convictions like "Thou Shall Not Steal," talking about how years ago, it was common for people in my town to keep their doors unlocked. That was fine.
Then the politics started. He started by going on an absolute rant about "political correctness" in our society, which we all know as code for "those damn liberals." And then, he was blatant. He was talking about essentially challenging the status quo, and launched into a tirade about how "You can't challenge the Administration because the IRS will go after you, and the NSA will spy on you." He was very careful not to say "the OBAMA Administration."
I was sitting right up front, and by then, I had let out a few disapproving eye rolls, which I hoped he had seen. But then, it got even worse, when he was talking about society today in the US and said "Look at what happened to Germany!". I let out such a sigh, and I would have gotten up and left if I wasn't with my grandmother.
I was livid by the time I left. Instead of feeling "spiritually renewed", I felt like I had just come from the damn Republican National Convention.
If you believe that post, raise your hand and then use it to strangle yourself.

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 06:55 PM
burnodo (1,727 posts)

1. Discuss the church's tax-exempt status with him
He might shut his pie hole soon enough.

I imagine a DUmpmonkey would terrify a Catholic priest.

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 06:57 PM
Ilsa (32,689 posts)

2. Call the bishop.
The bishop needs to hear it, and if he won't listen, call the archbishop.
I'm not certain the new pope would like it either.

Someone call Keef! Call Rachel! Call the Pope!

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 06:59 PM
Just Saying (1,640 posts)

4. Wow
I think I've read some of your priest's posts here at DU!

Nutcase nadin is an expert theologian:
Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 07:08 PM
nadinbrzezinski (124,930 posts)

8. You know far better than I do, but you might feel more at home,
at a mass directed by a Jesuit... or in a more liberal place.

And by all means avoid a Dominican.

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 09:28 PM
Iliyah (3,089 posts)

10. God bless you!
My brother is a RW and I asked him if I could visit his church in Lancaster, Cali and he said NO.
Why? His church hates LIBERALS. What kind of religion is that?

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 09:42 PM
Coyotl (6,436 posts)

12. Go back w/o grandma and do an old-fashioned walk out.

Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 09:46 PM
VPStoltz (1,252 posts)

14. Do you think Jesus would have sat there and tried to challenge this cretin with a few eye-rolls?
These types - with the help of the REAL pulpit - will go on alienating church goers until they are PUBLICLY challenged and humiliated.
I'll bet your grandmother would have been proud of you.
I did, and quit the so called "catholic" church and never looked back.

Nothing is more like a democrat than shouting down the priest.

One of the best Catholic bouncy tales in a long time:
Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 10:06 PM
dflprincess (19,692 posts)

17. Are you sure your Grandma wouldn't have supported you in your walk out?
On the other hand, when my mom died, I had the hospital call in their Catholic chaplin because I knew she would have wanted the Last Rites. (Mother died unexpectedly and I got back to the hospital after she was gone). So the priest finishes the prayers and at that point I'm the only there with him. I was on one side of the bed and he was on the other and the SOB starts rambling on about the evils of abortion. I swear if it had not literally been over my mother's dead body (an expression she often used) I would have gone for his throat. 

She was wearing her Killer Tiller Fan Club sweatshirt.

Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Freeper on August 17, 2013, 09:45:06 PM
So the priest finishes the prayers and at that point I'm the only there with him. I was on one side of the bed and he was on the other and the SOB starts rambling on about the evils of abortion

I seriously doubt a priest would start talking about abortion after administering last rights.
They don't even try to make the bouncies believable anymore.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: USA4ME on August 17, 2013, 09:52:18 PM
Quote from:

I was on one side of the bed and he was on the other and the SOB starts rambling on about the evils of abortion. I swear if it had not literally been over my mother's dead body (an expression she often used) I would have gone for his throat.

See, liberals approve of post-abortions against those they disagree with politically.

I bet the dflprincess primitive can give the cutest little Sieg Heil salute you've ever seen.

Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: obumazombie on August 17, 2013, 10:23:04 PM
I wonder if the story of the Catholic priest who changed parties from dem to GOP after 40 years of voting lib precipitated any of these DU posts.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: dutch508 on August 18, 2013, 06:25:20 AM
I seriously doubt a priest would start talking about abortion after administering last rights.
They don't even try to make the bouncies believable anymore.

The DUmpmonkie fail to say that she launched into a pro-murder babies rant the moment the priest was finish... and probably before...
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: freedumb2003b on August 18, 2013, 07:24:25 AM
The DUmpmonkie fail to say that she launched into a pro-murder babies rant the moment the priest was finish... and probably before...

Any smart priest would have looked at her and said "as strong an argument as YOU are for abortion, the Church knows it is killing and thus evil and a sin."
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Ballygrl on August 18, 2013, 08:10:08 AM
Then the politics started. He started by going on an absolute rant about "political correctness" in our society, which we all know as code for "those damn liberals." And then, he was blatant. He was talking about essentially challenging the status quo, and launched into a tirade about how "You can't challenge the Administration because the IRS will go after you, and the NSA will spy on you." He was very careful not to say "the OBAMA Administration."

Absofreakinglutely not!
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Mr Mannn on August 18, 2013, 08:16:59 AM
Translation from Bouncy to standard English
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 06:51 PM
PennsylvaniaMatt (827 posts)
I have never been to a Catholic church in my life. and I only mentioned my grandmother as an excuse to justify my pseudo presence to my fellow atheists. Please believe the hate filled bigotry and lies that follow. 

This translation was brought to you as a public service by Mannn industries, and your friends at the Corporate Personhood Association.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: dutch508 on August 18, 2013, 08:19:08 AM

Finally. A post by vesta I can read all the way through and not go: WTF!?!?!
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: vesta111 on August 18, 2013, 09:02:59 AM
It's always surprising when you find that the democrat party, the political refuge for hellbound atheist savages, is chock full of experts on religion:
If you believe that post, raise your hand and then use it to strangle yourself.

I imagine a DUmpmonkey would terrify a Catholic priest.

Someone call Keef! Call Rachel! Call the Pope!


Nutcase nadin is an expert theologian:


Nothing is more like a democrat than shouting down the priest.

One of the best Catholic bouncy tales in a long time:
She was wearing her Killer Tiller Fan Club sweatshirt.

Never know what is going to happen when a family member is on deaths bed.

Strangest thing I ever saw, well one of them anyway, was when my daughter was in the hospital at deaths door for perhaps the third time.    

Her boyfriend was Catholic she considered herself Baptist.   Her condition was so bad we knew this could be IT for her.    Her boyfriend requested the hospital call a Catholic priest  to baptize her, Marry them and give her the Last Rites.

My daughter gaga from all the drugs and pain medication agreed, she did not care if a Priest, a Rabbi, or snake handler came in, she wanted to have all bases covered.

In came a Priest, had to have been close to 90 years old.   All stooped over and muttering to himself.     He did the Baptizing and the Last Rites BUT refused to Marry them in the Church as he said  "Marriage is for the Living"    Here comes the fun part.   Her boyfriend pointed out that my daughter was still alive, not dead yet.    

To our surprise the Poor old Dear stated that to be a true marriage the marriage had to be consummated and in her condition there was no way to do so.

Her boyfriend then told the priest," Marry us every one get out and close the curtains and we can take care of this."          

Bless his heart the poor old man of the cloth stopped drooling got up and walked out muttering to himself.  

One thing as a child I saw was my Catholic grandfather who had not stepped foot in a Catholic church in 50 years due to the Churches displeasure on his marriage to a Protestant.   After a heart attack to the amazement of family he called in at his request a young priest.  

The new Church it seems and this young man minced no words with Grandpa.    Told he was a fool to  have given up on God and he should have spent 50 years in some Christian Church, the Church his wife attended.

  The family spoke in awe for years over this incident.   Strange that 40 years later most of his Grandchildren have gone as adults back from being raised  Protestant  to become Catholic.            
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Aristotelian on August 19, 2013, 05:52:56 AM
Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 07:08 PM
nadinbrzezinski (124,930 posts)

8. You know far better than I do, but you might feel more at home,
at a mass directed by a Jesuit... or in a more liberal place.

And by all means avoid a Dominican.

For once Gnads is almost accurate.

Liberals would get on well with many Jesuits - there is, however, a younger generation starting who will renew the order and restore the sons of S. Ignatius to their proper place.

The Dominicans are more complex, I know most about the English ones (naturally) and also a bit about the East Coast province in the U.S. - both are totally sound theologically, which is enough to make the DUmmies hate them, though many are keen on an overactive welfare state.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Aristotelian on August 19, 2013, 05:53:33 AM
Response to PennsylvaniaMatt (Original post)
Sat Aug 17, 2013, 10:06 PM
dflprincess (19,692 posts)

17. Are you sure your Grandma wouldn't have supported you in your walk out?
On the other hand, when my mom died, I had the hospital call in their Catholic chaplin because I knew she would have wanted the Last Rites. (Mother died unexpectedly and I got back to the hospital after she was gone). So the priest finishes the prayers and at that point I'm the only there with him. I was on one side of the bed and he was on the other and the SOB starts rambling on about the evils of abortion. I swear if it had not literally been over my mother's dead body (an expression she often used) I would have gone for his throat.

Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on August 19, 2013, 06:16:46 AM
Quote from: Aristotelian link=topic= .

Liberals would get on well with many Jesuits[/b] - there is, however, a younger generation starting who will renew the order and restore the sons of S. Ignatius to their proper place.

The Dominicans are more complex, I know most about the English ones (naturally) and also a bit about the East Coast province in the U.S. - both are totally sound theologically, which is enough to make the DUmmies hate them, though many are keen on an overactive welfare state.
I disagree.Jesuits are still Catholic thus "pro-life" and against ordaining women thus they hate women....According to dummies. :-)
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Aristotelian on August 19, 2013, 06:50:07 AM
I disagree.Jesuits are still Catholic thus "pro-life" and against ordaining women thus they hate women....According to dummies. :-)

On those two points, it depends on which Jesuits you're talking about.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: JohnnyReb on August 19, 2013, 07:35:55 AM
Makes me so glad I am a luke warm Methodist......seems most moonbats used to be Catholic.....or like to pester the Catholics the most.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: franksolich on August 19, 2013, 08:45:38 AM
Makes me so glad I am a luke warm Methodist......seems most moonbats used to be Catholic.....or like to pester the Catholics the most.

You're right.

An inordinate proportion of primitives are in fact lapsed Catholics.....and they make the most vile, the most disgusting, the most evil, of all the primitives (Warpy, EFerrari, Stinky the Clown, Proud2BLibKansan, Raven, IanDavid, &c., &c., &c.).

I could never figure that out--but it's obviously a fact--why lapsed Catholics are so much more bitter, angry, hate-filled, than, for example, lapsed Presbyterians or lapsed Baptists or lapsed Methodists or lapsed any other denomination, including the Hindu ones.

But they are.  I suspect it's their guilty subconsciences.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Bad Dog on August 19, 2013, 08:51:41 AM
You're right.

An inordinate proportion of primitives are in fact lapsed Catholics.....and they make the most vile, the most disgusting, the most evil, of all the primitives (Warpy, EFerrari, Stinky the Clown, Proud2BLibKansan, Raven, IanDavid, &c., &c., &c.).

I could never figure that out--but it's obviously a fact--why lapsed Catholics are so much more bitter, angry, hate-filled, than, for example, lapsed Presbyterians or lapsed Baptists or lapsed Methodists or lapsed any other denomination, including the Hindu ones.

But they are.  I suspect it's their guilty subconsciences.

Hit the nail on the head.  They believe that if they can force all of humanity to accept their twisted morality (and stop mowing our lawns), the guilt will stop.  Unfortunately they will never be free.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Ptarmigan on August 19, 2013, 01:32:10 PM
You're right.

An inordinate proportion of primitives are in fact lapsed Catholics.....and they make the most vile, the most disgusting, the most evil, of all the primitives (Warpy, EFerrari, Stinky the Clown, Proud2BLibKansan, Raven, IanDavid, &c., &c., &c.).

I could never figure that out--but it's obviously a fact--why lapsed Catholics are so much more bitter, angry, hate-filled, than, for example, lapsed Presbyterians or lapsed Baptists or lapsed Methodists or lapsed any other denomination, including the Hindu ones.

But they are.  I suspect it's their guilty subconsciences.

Interesting you mention that lapsed Catholics are really bitter. I guess they are bitter because they are repressed. Just a guess.  :shrug:
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Elspeth. on August 19, 2013, 02:39:56 PM
OK, so wait--


When did the priest jump out of the bushes, again?

And where was the redneck who turned around in the pew and quoted Ted Nugent?

Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on August 19, 2013, 04:03:52 PM
Let me see if I have this correct...

The priest says if you challenge political correctness they will penalize you.

This so outrages DU they want the church's tax status revoked for daring to say something they don't like.

They're no different from the Muslims that riot over depictions of Islam being hypersensitive and violent.
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: Ogre on August 19, 2013, 04:34:57 PM
Let me see if I have this correct...

The priest says if you challenge political correctness they will penalize you.

This so outrages DU they want the church's tax status revoked for daring to say something they don't like.

They're no different from the Muslims that riot over depictions of Islam being hypersensitive and violent.

The "Primitive Brotherhood", I like it.

Their motto could be, "Socialism is our objective; political correctness is our law, the inept is our leader; welfare is our way; and abortion for the sake of personal freedom is the highest of our aspirations."
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: BlueStateSaint on August 19, 2013, 05:08:23 PM
The "Primitive Brotherhood", I like it.

So do I.  A new name for the DUmp?
Title: Re: DUmmies Discuss Catholic Priests - With Advice From Nutcase nadin
Post by: JohnnyReb on August 19, 2013, 05:25:39 PM
The "Primitive Brotherhood", I like it.

Their motto could be, "Socialism is our objective; political correctness is our law, the inept is our leader; welfare is our way; and abortion for the sake of personal freedom is the highest of our aspirations."

Oh my, you're making a mistake here....there's got to be a sisterhood, a peterhood, a bihood, a transhood and several other forms of hoods of different sexes.