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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Tess Anderson on August 01, 2013, 04:47:38 PM

Title: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Tess Anderson on August 01, 2013, 04:47:38 PM

LaLioness (the slob) asks:


Thu Aug 1, 2013, 02:51 PM

 La Lioness Priyanka (46,117 posts)

Can I ask a question about Bob Filner?

 (as a disclaimer, i only know as much about his scandal as Rachel Maddow and The Daily Show have covered)
Are we sure this isn't some form of dementia? All these allegations seem recent (I could be wrong) and seem to show poor impulse control. Could he have some prefrontal cortex damage or something clinically wrong with him?
It just weird that some guy decided to start sexually harassing people at the age of 70. Are there older accounts of this kind of behavior


YES, to the last question, according to nads:


Response to La Lioness Priyanka (Original post)

Thu Aug 1, 2013, 02:59 PM

 nadinbrzezinski (124,252 posts)

6. I think I am qualified to answer this

Not just my beat.

Let me preface this by...he was a prof at SDSU when I was a student at SDSU. I was scheduled to take his history of science course the next semester from when he got elected to the House. There were rumors of a prof, not by name, chasing skirts.
He is twice divorced, over irreconcilable differences.

Lori Saldaña warned Jeff Durfee before the election that she was approached by women on this behavior while in Congress. Durfee, now former Dem Party Chairman said have them contact me, he claims they never did.
A former staffer of his was warmed not to say a thing or he would destroy her.

The Accountability Act of 1994, he voted aye, gives complainants 180 days to file.
Chasing some of this by the way right now.

You can read some of what Laura Fink told us, press...the other day here

By the way, that angle was explored...

Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Chris_ on August 01, 2013, 05:13:23 PM
nadinbrzezinski (124,252 posts)

6. I think I am qualified to answer this
No... no, you're not.  You're not really qualified to answer any question, but who has time for that can of worms?
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Bad Dog on August 01, 2013, 05:26:48 PM
If Nads claimed he went after her, it would certainly support a defense of dementia.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 01, 2013, 10:08:39 PM
No... no, you're not.  You're not really qualified to answer any question, but who has time for that can of worms
If I read the nutcase's post correctly, she's qualified to answer Filner questions because she did not take a course he taught.

I'm likewise qualified, so fire away.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Chris_ on August 01, 2013, 10:12:26 PM
If I read the nutcase's post correctly, she's qualified to answer Filner questions because she did not take a course he taught.

I'm likewise qualified, so fire away.
That sounds as solid as Filner's Seinfeld-like defense of "Is that wrong?  If I had known, I wouldn't have done it."
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: franksolich on August 01, 2013, 10:39:44 PM
If Nads claimed he went after her, it would certainly support a defense of dementia.

Good one, sir.

Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Freeper on August 02, 2013, 06:37:25 AM
If I read the nutcase's post correctly, she's qualified to answer Filner questions because she did not take a course he taught.

I'm likewise qualified, so fire away.

Maybe she stayed in a Holiday Inn last night.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: JohnnyReb on August 02, 2013, 08:35:59 AM
Nads has a claim to fame...she has the only butt in S.D. that Filner hasn't pinched.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Condition1 on August 02, 2013, 09:13:05 AM
Nadin is just jealous that she never got groped.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: diesel driver on August 03, 2013, 03:14:47 AM
nadinbrzezinski (124,252 posts)

...By the way, that angle was explored...

Scripts followed, arcs witnessed, rubicons crossed, and now angles explored.

Is this a new Nadism?   :confused:
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: BlueStateSaint on August 03, 2013, 04:21:23 AM
Scripts followed, arcs witnessed, rubicons crossed, and now angles explored.

Is this a new Nadism?   :confused:

Oh, Bally!  Add Angle Explorer to the resume!
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: RobJohnson on August 03, 2013, 05:22:31 AM
East County Magazine is a sea of information, thanks to Nads.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: obumazombie on August 03, 2013, 02:28:43 PM
How do you drive nads crazy ?
Put her in a round room and tell her to find an angle to explore.
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Big Dog on August 03, 2013, 03:12:50 PM
Nads has a claim to fame...she has the only butt in S.D. that Filner hasn't pinched.

Filner never grabbed gNads' ass. His hands are too small.

Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: vesta111 on August 03, 2013, 03:35:13 PM
He is twice divorced, over irreconcilable differences.     Nads defence.

What fun we have here, I have heard of divorces based on this irreconcilable differences and some are most odd.

Why cannot a couple reconcile when the man of the house wants a sex change ?

Wife wants to move her female lover into the guest room as a Nanny for the children.

Wife finds kiddie porn on Hubby computer.    No problem that hubby just went out and spent $1,000
on video equipment to film the toddlers at the pool.

Wife finds her children's trust accounts are empty, Hubby filed for bankruptcy and is now living over seas with 2 woman and a goat.

Irreconcilable  can mean anything to be beaten to a pulp to catching the Hubby with a step child at the wrong time.

This can also mean the men on the run, wives have a gun and are out for bear.       Only irreconcilable
I think is valid is to catch a mate--

In bed with your mother or father.

Having sex with a sister or brother.

Having mate harm you, a beaten wife or a male that gets a cast iron pan over the head.

Then the worse, coming into a marriage with children and have the children abused by new parent.

Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: franksolich on August 03, 2013, 03:35:50 PM
How do you drive nads crazy ?
Put her in a round room and tell her to find an angle to explore.

Now, that is good, really good.

Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: Skul on August 03, 2013, 06:43:43 PM
How do you drive nads crazy ?
Put her in a round room and tell her to find an angle to explore.
Corner to pee in.
GNads strikes me as one of those that doesn't "flush" when finished.
I suspect the toilet rejects her shit.  :whistling:
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: diesel driver on August 04, 2013, 08:36:16 AM
Corner to pee in.
GNads strikes me as one of those that doesn't "flush" when finished.
I suspect the toilet rejects her shit.  :whistling:

I know the DUmp rejects her dumps!  :rotf:
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: obumazombie on August 04, 2013, 02:27:44 PM
I know the DUmp rejects her dumps!  :rotf:
A great headline for a nads scoop breaking story !
Title: Re: Nadin talks more about Professor Filner's groping at SDSU
Post by: RobJohnson on August 16, 2013, 03:34:45 PM
The last lady that came forward against Filner is a great grandmother, when it comes to ugliness she could give nads a run for her money.

San Diego (CNN) -- The latest person to accuse San Diego Mayor Bob Filner of sexual harassment is a great-grandmother.

Peggy Shannon, 67, who works at the Senior Citizens Service Desk in San Diego City Hall, allegedly faced "continuous inappropriate sexual advances by the mayor while trying to do her job," according to the office of her attorney, Gloria Allred.

Shannon said the mayor kissed her and once asked "me if I thought he could go eight hours in one night."

Watch the CNN video.  (

Photos: San Diego mayor\'s accusers Photos: San Diego mayor's accusers

Watch this video

San Diego mayor's history kept quiet?     

The sexual harassment allegations against San Diego Mayor Bob Filner are not the first time this Pacific Coast city has seen scandal. Look back at some of the other political missteps, morasses and quagmires in which the city's politicians have found themselves:

San Diego's first mayor, Joshua Bean, reportedly sold City Hall and the land it sat on to himself and a drinking buddy for $2.50. He eventually deeded the property back to the city after a lawsuit and later resigned as mayor over a pay dispute. He was mayor from 1850 to 1851.

Louis J. Wilde, who became mayor in 1917, ran a scheme where he encouraged residents to invest in $100 stock shares of the Community Oil company, which would drill for crude in the area. But the drilling never made good, and Wilde reportedly took in far more cash than he spent on the search, lining his pockets and leaving his investors as dry as the oil wells. He did not seek re-election.

Rutherford Irones, whose mayoral term only lasted six months, was convicted in 1935 of felony hit-and-run driving. He was driving a city-provided car while drunk and struck a car. Irones fled the scene, leaving the two people in the car he struck injured and without medical attention. He resigned as mayor and later served a six-month jail sentence.

Frank Curran, who was mayor from 1963 to 1971, was indicted in 1970 after being accused of taking bribes from the Yellow Cab company to clear a taxi rate hike. A Superior Court jury cleared him of the charges, but his career never recovered.

Jess Haro was appointed to fill an empty seat on the City Council, later winning an election. In 1978, he served 90 days for misdemeanor customs fraud resulting from the failure to report the true value of items he imported from Mexico. After he hit the city charter's limit of eight missed council meetings in a row, he was removed from office.

Roger Hedgecock was elected as mayor in 1983 and resigned in 1986 over charges that he accepted illegal campaign donations and covered them up. The California Supreme Court threw out 12 felony perjury counts against him. He did plead guilty to one felony, which was later reduced to a misdemeanor and eventually expunged from his record. He is now a radio talk show host.

Robert Spaulding, the city planning director, and Susan Bray, a planner who worked for him, were involved in a two-and-a-half year sexual relationship that ended in 1991. Bray filled a sexual harassment complaint against Spaulding saying she only participated because she feared for her job. A hush-hush settlement was arranged in such a way that the City Council wouldn't be informed. The whole thing eventually came out, forcing Spaulding to resign and costing the city more money to clean up the mess.

Councilman Uvaldo Martinez resigned in 1986 after allegations that he used his city-issued credit card to treat himself and his friends to meals and drinks, claiming it was city business. He reimbursed the city just over $600 as part of his plea bargain, in addition to going on probation and performing community service.

Valerie Stallings stepped down from the City Council in 2001 after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges. She was accused of accepting gifts from Padres owner John Moores while voting in favor of the downtown ballpark. Stalling maintains she did nothing wrong. Construction on the ballpark was halted while the charges were investigated by a federal grand jury.

Dick Murphy was elected to two terms as San Diego's mayor starting in 2000. He resigned in 2005, only seven months into his second term, under accusations of financial mismanagement surrounding the city's pension program and after credit-rating agencies cutting the city's ability to borrow money. In addition, Time magazine named him one of the worst mayors in the country. His second run for mayor also sparked controversy, as thousands of write-in votes for his main competitor, Donna Frye, were disqualified over a technicality.

Three days after Murphy resigned, two city councilmen, including then-acting mayor Michael Zucchet, were convicted of conspiracy, extortion and fraud. Zucchet, left, and Ralph Inzunza were convicted for taking campaign contributions in exchange for pushing the repeal of a city regulation that banned strip-club dancers from touching patrons. A third councilman, Charles Lewis, was also indicted, but he died before he could be brought to court. The regulation still stands, and there was never a vote on whether it should be repealed.

San Diego\'s scandalous past San Diego's scandalous past

"Every day that I went to work, I had butterflies in my stomach because I did not know what was going to happen the next time the mayor came by my desk," Shannon told reporters Thursday.