The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Splashdown on July 27, 2013, 08:32:25 PM

Title: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Splashdown on July 27, 2013, 08:32:25 PM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

and hilarity ensues. Huge fire.

link (

Not long for the world:

Pelican (1,005 posts)
1. Glad that works for you...

Others disagree and are also within their rights...

On a side note.. Is there a level of violence that you would be willing to initiate for certain property that stops short of actually killing someone?

If someone stole your purse and you could grab them and knock them over would you?

Would you punch someone to stop the theft of your car?

Would you strike someone with a blunt object, causing serious injury but not likely death, to retain some personally treasured possession?

hack89 (22,386 posts)
29. Horseshit

the notion that I have sacrifice my life to ensure no harm to someone who is threatening me or my family is stupid beyond belief. All life is equal unto the point where you endanger the lives of others. Then the value of your live is less then those that you are threatening.

and on and on...
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 27, 2013, 08:39:25 PM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

Socialists say this but then they send armed thugs from the government to take what other people have honestly earned and award it to themselves.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: USA4ME on July 27, 2013, 08:44:37 PM
Quote from:
Ed Suspicious

My property is never worth more than a person's life.


Given the primitives property and the worthlessness of their lives, I really have no argument with the conclusion this one has reached.

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: GOBUCKS on July 27, 2013, 09:35:10 PM
I have countless possessions that are worth more than the life of any DUmp democrat.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Delmar on July 27, 2013, 09:50:19 PM
Response to LWolf (Reply #20)Sat Jul 27, 2013, 04:41 PM
 Agschmid (2,496 posts)
174. What if that shove landed them in front of a car...

In a lane of moving traffic?

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: I_B_Perky on July 27, 2013, 11:26:11 PM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

Well stay the hell out of West by God Virginia then dummie. Around these parts we take a dim view of someone trying to take our hard earned stuff... and by dim view I mean we will shoot your ass and not think twice about it. And the law will agree. Probably one of the reasons we have such a low crime rate.

My stuff is my stuff dummie. You wanna take it? You die. The end.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on July 27, 2013, 11:45:31 PM
Pelican (1,005 posts)
1. Glad that works for you...

Others disagree and are also within their rights...

Well, good to see that some of the insects don't agree with the other insects.

Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

Gee Ed, you do realize , of course, that your beloved Native Americans went to WaR!!!!!111!!ElEvEnTy!!111 with neighboring tribes over property rights, do you not?

Well, there were no lawyers involved, but the facts remain.

Didn't Professor Zinn Birkenstock tell you about that?

Huh,....imagine that.  Oh!  and, yes people lost their lives.

Welcome to reality!
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: obumazombie on July 28, 2013, 01:05:05 AM
To really avoid confrontations the libs should preemptively give away all their possessions.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: DefiantSix on July 28, 2013, 02:01:50 AM
To really avoid confrontations the libs should preemptively give away all their possessions.

I've seen places filled with the most prized possessions of DUmbshits. Some call them dumpsters, others call them landfills, but all agree that the stench of stupid is almost impossible to remove from these areas, once DUmmy things have been accumulated there.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: diesel driver on July 28, 2013, 06:51:30 AM
I've seen places filled with the most prized possessions of DUmbshits. Some call them dumpsters, others call them landfills, but all agree that the stench of stupid is almost impossible to remove from these areas, once DUmmy things have been accumulated there.

As a result, DUmmies and their masters are no longer nudging our country toward the landfill, they have put it on rails and installed rocket engines.


Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

I can't disagree with you more, DUmmie Ed Stupidious.

I put MY life into my property, in the form of time and labor, neither of which I can recoup should some worthless piece of sh*t like you want to steal it from me.

So yes, my property is worth a lot more than your worthless life.  If you care to find out just HOW much more, send me a PM and I'll give you my address, and you can try it for yourself.  Please.

Well stay the hell out of West by God Virginia then dummies. Around these parts we take a dim view of someone trying to take our hard earned stuff... and by dim view I mean we will shoot your ass and not think twice about it. And the law will agree. Probably one of the reasons we have such a low crime rate.

My stuff is my stuff dummies. You wanna take it? You die. The end.

LOL, how true!   :lol:

That, and the fact everybody knows their neighbors, their families, their kids, and have implied permission to smack the hell out of any one of them that get out of line.

In those rare instances where the the perp and the victim know each other, the perp may or may not be killed outright, but he will be praying for death by the time the victim finishes giving his justice.  

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 28, 2013, 07:00:52 AM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.
So Ed, whats your address?
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 28, 2013, 08:56:56 AM
Mine is.  By extension, Ed, I'd expect you to also feel that nothing the Nation has is worth taking anyone's life over either, so does that make Obama a red-handed murderer for all those bullshit Bin Laden victory laps?

By the way, this country was founded after a long and bloody revolution on the principle of property and personal rights, which Americans afterward generally considered to have been "Worth it."  The British crown was not committing genocide or any extraordinarily brutal physical oppression, particularly by the standards of the time.  It was all about being secure in person and property from arbitrary government seizure or imposition, and being fully represented in government without a distant executive just ruling by fiat.  Sound familiar?
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: franksolich on July 28, 2013, 09:08:36 AM
You know, I'll bet that if I swiped the Taverner primitive's stash, my life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Gratiot on July 28, 2013, 09:08:47 AM
I'm wondering if perhaps Ed just doesn't have any property.  
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: vesta111 on July 28, 2013, 09:32:09 AM
No one yet has mentioned Public Property or America itself.  

Compare hanging a horse thief and today hanging a car thief.    Why not , same basic reason for both.

We need one or the other to go to work, travel to buy food to feed the kids, get a sick family member to the ER to save their life.

  To steal either a horse or car, even some ones bicycle as transportation is to change their life and not for the better.   Why stand by and enrich a criminal when it just causes us harm down the road somehow.     When someone decides to cause harm to me in any way then they put their life on the line. They made the choice to live or die.   Same with my neighbors, my town, my state my country.  

Come onto My property just to steal my spoon collection and ----they made the choice to do harm to my life style.     I have the right to decide on my life style, it is my property to use and abuse or to do good with it.  Anyone decide to force me to live as they wish for their benefit--is just asking for it.

We consider America OUR Property, how many have died to protect Old Glory ???

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: jukin on July 28, 2013, 09:47:42 AM
The choice to wage one's life to steal another's property is made by the one stealing.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: BattleHymn on July 28, 2013, 11:44:37 AM
The choice to wage one's life to steal another's property is made by the one stealing.


Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

That might be true, but so is this:


My job is not to judge the intent of your actions beyond deciding whether they are a threat to my life, or those around me.  If I find you in my home, my garage, or wherever, I will assume that it is for the worst, and respond accordingly. 
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Skul on July 28, 2013, 11:46:59 AM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)
My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Somebody reach over and take eddies obamaphone.  :-)
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Evil_Conservative on July 28, 2013, 01:04:14 PM
So if the DUmmie came home from work to find a man in his house, wearing only underwear, and watching his TV... he wouldn't leave and call the police like a Henderson homeowner did on Wednesday?

The suspect is now dead.  I wouldn't have called and waited for the police.  Just saying.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Big Dog on July 28, 2013, 02:44:01 PM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

Mine is.

Anyone who tries to take my property has decided that it is worth more than his own life.

I value the criminal's life no more than he does. I will not save him from himself.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: diesel driver on July 28, 2013, 05:52:36 PM
You know, I'll bet that if I swiped the Taverner primitive's stash, my life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel.
You know, I bet if you took Tavener's stash, you wouldn't HAVE a plugged nickel's worth!
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Delmar on July 28, 2013, 06:22:30 PM
Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life.

Unless, of course, the property in question is one of Goldbrick Barry's campaign yard signs.  Then they don't seem to mind getting physical.

This prominent DUmmy wouldn't hesitate in sending a republican vandal to the hospital.  In his defense, however, he probably knows at least a dozen ways to kill the vandal using only the sign itself as a weapon.

Response to oldhippydude (Reply #45)Mon Oct 15, 2012, 07:02 PM
DollarBillHines (1,922 posts)
55. I used a habanero suspension on my signs.

Food processor, habaneros, a little olive oil and some water.

That shit will put someone in the hospital.

I only wish I could have had some ghost peppers.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: I_B_Perky on July 28, 2013, 06:25:25 PM
So Ed, whats your address?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

H5 Mr. Mann!
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Ptarmigan on July 28, 2013, 06:26:07 PM
Does he have any property?
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: I_B_Perky on July 28, 2013, 06:32:04 PM
Does he have any property?

Collection of nude pics of Ernest Borgnine?   :whistling: :whistling:

For those that do not know... that was from a George Carlin routine called "Stuff".

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: NHSparky on July 28, 2013, 07:20:04 PM
Ed teh want to know what property is worth?

Break into my house one dark and stormy and find out.  I guarantee that your life is valued at far less than the dollar value of anything in my home should you be so foolish as to try.  Matter of fact, your life would be worth about the cost of one 185-grain P+ .45 caliber hollowpoint round, which at current rates is about 65 cents.

Your call, ****er.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Skul on July 28, 2013, 07:30:09 PM
Ed teh want to know what property is worth?

Break into my house one dark and stormy and find out.  I guarantee that your life is valued at far less than the dollar value of anything in my home should you be so foolish as to try.  Matter of fact, your life would be worth about the cost of one 185-grain P+ .45 caliber hollowpoint round, which at current rates is about 65 cents.

Your call, ****er.
Elitist! Handloading drops the cost to 12 cents.
Still a waste of money.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: biersmythe on July 28, 2013, 08:39:04 PM
Elitist! Handloading drops the cost to 12 cents.
Still a waste of money.

Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: thundley4 on July 28, 2013, 10:08:30 PM
Property?  I'll even go so far as to say that deadly force is called for to protect my dog.  Any dog's life is worth more than  an animal abuser's life.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Gratiot on July 29, 2013, 06:38:48 AM
Property?  I'll even go so far as to say that deadly force is called for to protect my dog.  Any dog's life is worth more than  an animal abuser's life.

I'd agree to that  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: AprilRazz on July 29, 2013, 07:31:51 AM
Collection of nude pics of Ernest Borgnine?   :whistling: :whistling:

For those that do not know... that was from a George Carlin routine called "Stuff".

Even dead Chief Borgnine is more of a man than any of the male primitives.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: DefiantSix on July 29, 2013, 10:13:58 AM
Even dead Chief Borgnine is more of a man than any of the male primitives.

He might have a bit of a fight on his hands with some of the bull dykes on Skin's Island, though.  :o
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: Gina on July 29, 2013, 11:43:41 AM
What's his/her address?  I want some stuff!
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: BadCat on July 29, 2013, 06:07:21 PM
Mine is.

Anyone who tries to take my property has decided that it is worth more than his own life.

I value the criminal's life no more than he does. I will not save him from himself.

My trade off point is around a buck...the cost of a 12 gauge 00 buck shell.
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: J P Sousa on July 29, 2013, 07:00:02 PM
  Ed Suspicious (1,403 posts)

My property is never worth more than a person's life. 

I thought he was making the argument that a primitive should be able to steal without worrying about an armed homeowner.  :shrug:
Title: Re: My property is never worth more than a person's life.
Post by: obumazombie on July 29, 2013, 07:04:27 PM
I thought he was making the argument that a primitive should be able to steal without worrying about an armed homeowner.  :shrug:
There is a bigger issue. Free access to goods while looting, with no consequences.