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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Tess Anderson on July 16, 2013, 04:06:53 PM

Title: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Tess Anderson on July 16, 2013, 04:06:53 PM

the way he talks about his own mother . . .:


Tue Jul 16, 2013, 08:15 AM

 trumad (34,767 posts)

I live in the Sanford, Florida area....

 Actually a neighboring town about 5 miles away called Oviedo.

Politically it's a leans heavily to Tea Bag ideology. We had a congressman here named Tom Feeney ---remember him--- he was one of Jack Abramoff's lapdogs.
Watching Juror B37 interview and listening to her rambling ignorance doesn't surprise me a bit. I see it here everyday. Darwin would have a field day in Sanford studying the inhabitants. In almost every establishment that I walk into that has a television, Fox news is on.
My own Mother who I haven't talked to in several years is a Sanford resident Tea Bag Moran. She was so bad that I delisted her on Facebook. My daughter who is 18 told me that she had to delist my Mom as well because she couldn't stand the racism posted by my Mom and her Facebook friends.
Selecting a jury in Sanford to convict a white guy who shot a black kid was just about impossible from the beginning. I believe they could have had a video of the crime and he still would have got off.
Juror B37---par for the course around here.

PS: Some of you may say---trumad, why the **** do you live there? Well--- my job took me here 20 years ago and my 3 kids were little then. Started them in school here, they met friends, and we just settled. I have one teenage son left in High School, going in 10th grade, and once he's am I.



Response to trumad (Original post)

Tue Jul 16, 2013, 09:25 AM

 coeur_de_lion (1,209 posts)

20. I'm about an hour south of you I think

Fox news is on everywhere, even at my gym.

I've learned to develop a set of close friends who feel the same way I do and I ignore the rest of them best I can.
My husband has friends who are lovable in every other way but are gun nuts. I didn't unfriend them on facebook but I did make it so I don't see their posts. It was a compromise.
I don't spend too much time with them anymore, just dinner a few times a year and we don't talk politics.
I feel for ya.


Response to trumad (Original post)

Tue Jul 16, 2013, 10:47 AM

 darkangel218 (5,602 posts)

52. We're neighbours
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Doc Savage on July 16, 2013, 04:11:18 PM
I have one teenage son left in High School, going in 10th grade, and once he's am I.

When the dummie will quickly move to a liberal state and bitch about the high tax rate and income tax too boot.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Chris_ on July 16, 2013, 04:12:03 PM
All these DUmmies living in rich white neighborhoods....
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: dane on July 16, 2013, 04:14:03 PM
and once he's am I.
And *that* will make the neighborhood a better place.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Skul on July 16, 2013, 04:15:03 PM
PS: Some of you may say---trumad, why the **** do you live there? Well--- my job took me here 20 years ago and my 3 kids were little then. Started them in school here, they met friends, and we just settled. I have one teenage son left in High School, going in 10th grade, and once he's am I.
Move to DC. I hear the city pays a living wage.  :lmao:                    Not.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: franksolich on July 16, 2013, 06:12:54 PM
the way he talks about his own mother . . .:

Oh, but it's been even more sordid than that.

Back when we were at our old home (2007 and before), I copied-and-pasted a truemud campfire where he outrightly admitted he was nice to his mother only because he didn't want cut out of her will.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Skul on July 16, 2013, 06:35:45 PM
Oh, but it's been even more sordid than that.

Back when we were at our old home (2007 and before), I copied-and-pasted a truemud campfire where he outrightly admitted he was nice to his mother only because he didn't want cut out of her will.
I had two very liberal cousins up in Minniscrotem like that. Bent over backwards to keep on mommy's good side.
The biggest moonbat took everything, left his brother with nothing.
Personally, I don't give a crap. The loser declared himself a CO when I was in Nam.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Tess Anderson on July 16, 2013, 07:45:45 PM
Oh, but it's been even more sordid than that.

Back when we were at our old home (2007 and before), I copied-and-pasted a truemud campfire where he outrightly admitted he was nice to his mother only because he didn't want cut out of her will.

so trumad's 55 years old now, do you know how old the mother is? He certainly has a mommy problem as well as a greed one. Is her name Flanders too?
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: franksolich on July 16, 2013, 07:51:21 PM
so trumad's 55 years old now, do you know how old the mother is? He certainly has a mommy problem as well as a greed one. Is her name Flanders too?

I dunno, although I imagine his maternal ancestress is at least 75, probably 80 or thereabouts.

By the way, the truemud primitive bears no resemblence at all to the Flanders character on Ralph Wiggum's television show; if anything, he looks eerily similar to Jim Bakker of television celebrity.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Tess Anderson on July 16, 2013, 07:59:41 PM
He DOES look like  Jim Bakker but that is his last name -

I forgot about the Simpson Flanders.  :rotf:
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Chris_ on July 16, 2013, 08:00:19 PM
Account executive?  He's in sales. :whatever:
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on July 16, 2013, 08:44:39 PM
My husband has friends who are lovable in every other way but are gun nuts

I'm placing bets on who's nuts and it isn't them.

I have one teenage son left in High School, going in 10th grade, and once he's am I.

No, you're not, you lying sack of two-faced, greedy-assed, no account piece of shit.  You're going to keep smoozing your poor mother until she kicks and you inherit it all.  Then, you might move, but somehow, I doubt it.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Chris_ on July 16, 2013, 08:48:23 PM
DUmbasses like trumad are the reason DemocratUnderground is so much fun during holidays.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Ballygrl on July 16, 2013, 09:24:36 PM
Oviedo Florida according to City Data

Population in 2011: 33,381

Estimated median household income in 2009: $75,430 vs Florida $44,736

White alone - 23,178 (69.5%)
Hispanic - 5,441 (16.3%)
Black alone - 2,695 (8.1%)
Asian alone - 1,241 (3.7%)
Two or more races - 606 (1.8%)
Other race alone - 120 (0.4%)
American Indian alone - 52 (0.2%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 9 (0.03%)

Crime Stats

Murders-0 from 1999-2009 3 in 2010 0 in 2011

I'll ask this question that I ask Dain all the time, why do you CHOOSE to live in a safe rich red town in Florida? why not move to a blue town?

Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Freeper on July 16, 2013, 09:27:23 PM
Hey Trumad I 75 North will take your sorry ass right out of this state. Feel free to use it.

Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: GOBUCKS on July 16, 2013, 10:00:24 PM
I see that Truemud's house is over 3700 square feet (tiny lot, though).

You'd think a socialist like him would be playing host to two or three deadbeat 0bamaite families with a crib that size.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: JohnnyReb on July 16, 2013, 10:06:41 PM
I see that Truemud's house is over 3700 square feet (tiny lot, though).

You'd think a socialist like him would be playing host to two or three deadbeat 0bamaite families with a crib that size.

Well, selling that should get him a pretty good ticket out of Florida........if it doesn't belong to momma or the bank.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: obumazombie on July 16, 2013, 10:11:53 PM
We should have a forum oddsmaker who handicaps every DU post that comes over here. The odds of each post being factual, maybe on a 4 star system like all, most part, or none.
The ones I see in this thread I would handicap as partly true to pure BS.
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: movie buff on July 17, 2013, 07:10:12 AM
I went to school in Orlando for 4 years getting my Masters, and stayed in a place in Sanford for the first semester of that. I loved it there. Peaceful (At least the areas I was in, and I went around most of the places in the general area), fun, and mostly good people. I'd like to be able to live there full- time if I could.
In a few days, I'll be helping to lead a bunch of the kids from my church's youth program in an event called "Week of Hope," in which we'll be going to Orlando and doing a lot of different service projects for a week (Not sure exactly what we'll be doing because I've never participated in it before, but considering what a large homeless population Orlando has, there should be plenty for us to do).
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: Karin on July 17, 2013, 10:08:25 AM
Crime Stats

Murders-0 from 1999-2009 3 in 2010 0 in 2011

Wonder if that has anything to do with all those lovable gun nuts? :devious:
Title: Re: trumad and other DUmmies talk of the horror of living in central Florida
Post by: GOP Congress on July 17, 2013, 12:42:20 PM
...and as always, the libtards are disparaging the gays again with their "teabagger" comments...someone call GLAAD.