The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: obumazombie on June 14, 2013, 12:53:22 AM

Title: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 14, 2013, 12:53:22 AM
The Syrians are using chemical weapons...

Are Syrians Being Armed With Chemical Weapons By owebuma Administration ? (

Weapons owebuma authorizes to Syria (

Maybe these are the WMD's that the libs said didn't exist.

edit link

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Mr Mannn on June 14, 2013, 03:34:06 AM
Rebels allied with Al Queda? Check.
Obama enabling a terrorist regime to rise? Check.
Terrorists turning on America after they gain power? Check.

Yep. pretty standard for the idiot in chief. Thanks Obama.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Revolution on June 14, 2013, 04:41:42 AM
If that isn't direct treason, it's going the long way around the barn. Everybody with two neurons to rub together KNOWS what's going to happen once those assholes rise to power. Our country will be in imminent danger. More 9/11s will be around the corner.

This douchebag should not only be impeached. He should at the very LEAST be taken out into the public square, and be flogged. Hell, it should be broadcast on every major news network forcibly.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Dori on June 14, 2013, 01:03:30 PM
Obama is clueless.  He pulls us out of Iraq, which has now gone to hell, he helps overthrow Gadaffi and Mubarak. Libya and Egypt are now run by Islamist thugs, and he ignores the real democracy wanting protesters in Iran and Turkey.  So why wouldn't he want to give the Christian hating, al Qaeda loving rebels in Syria weapons? 

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Bad Dog on June 14, 2013, 02:54:31 PM
At least there's less to give DHS, IRS etc.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: CG6468 on June 14, 2013, 02:54:48 PM
The UN does not support what he's done.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Celtic Rose on June 14, 2013, 08:03:59 PM
The Syrian Rebels have been committing a variety of crimes against Christians in Syria.  I read an article earlier today about a young woman who was raped then murdered by impalement with a Crucifix.

From April of this year:

Syria: Christians flee rebel areas as fatwa authorises rape of non-Sunni women

The conquest of the Cheikh Maksoud district in Aleppo, by the anti-Assad militia, could mark a turning point in the battle for the city, a priest has reported.

Father David Fernandez, a missionary of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, said the neighbourhood is located in a very strategic position on a hill overlooking central Aleppo where there are many government buildings.


Fr David said: "Yesterday, Yasir al-Ajlawni - a Jordanian Salafi sheikh, resident in Damascus, released a fatwa on Youtube, declaring that it is lawful for opponents of the regime of Bashar al-Assad to rape "any Syrian woman not Sunni. According to the sheikh, capturing and raping Alawi or Christian women is not contrary to the precepts of Islam."

Link (
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 14, 2013, 10:46:57 PM
All great replies. To Revolution...From my visit to Colonial Williamsburg, and getting a good up close look at authentic stocks, is it wrong for me to daydream wistfully at the thought of owebuma locked into a set ?
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: dandi on June 14, 2013, 10:48:53 PM
Take guns away from Americans.

Give guns to America-hating foreign terrorists.

Makes sense if you're a "progressive", I guess.

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Dori on June 15, 2013, 12:52:00 PM
 Palin slams military intervention in Syria: 'Let Allah sort it out' (   :-)

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Lex on June 22, 2013, 11:19:13 PM
This is one of the subjects I can solidly agree with you guys with.

Also, I heard the rebels were actually smuggling (or at least trying to smuggle) in sarin gas, but what does it matter? Obama is still going to arm these radicals. I remember when we armed rebels one time in the 80' was in Afghanistan...we thought arming ultra-fundamentalist Muslims was a good idea. Look how it bit us in the ass, now we're doing it again. Good job government.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 23, 2013, 12:52:13 AM
This is one of the subjects I can solidly agree with you guys with.

Also, I heard the rebels were actually smuggling (or at least trying to smuggle) in sarin gas, but what does it matter? Obama is still going to arm these radicals. I remember when we armed rebels one time in the 80' was in Afghanistan...we thought arming ultra-fundamentalist Muslims was a good idea. Look how it bit us in the ass, now we're doing it again. Good job government.
The world, and you don't live in a vacuum. Have you read Sun Tzu ? Who is the enemy of my enemy ?
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Lex on June 23, 2013, 01:33:39 AM
The world, and you don't live in a vacuum. Have you read Sun Tzu ? Who is the enemy of my enemy ?

Your friend, but friends can become enemies.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Bad Dog on June 23, 2013, 01:39:56 AM
Your friend, but friends can become enemies.

Excellent!  But, remember, your enemy may also become a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 23, 2013, 02:07:44 AM
Excellent!  But, remember, your enemy may also become a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Ah, you are wise. I fear you wisdom will be lost on young Lex.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Bad Dog on June 23, 2013, 10:36:09 AM
Ah, you are wise. I fear you wisdom will be lost on young Lex.

Personally I would not use the words "wisdom" and "Lez oops Lex" in the same sentence.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Belle on May 30, 2015, 02:53:55 PM
Here's a flashback from 2012:

"John McCain and Lindsey Graham think the US isn't doing enough to help the Syrian opposition, and have drawn up proposals to provide humanitarian aid and arm rebel fighters."

 What do you think the average IQ is of those in the Senate & House?  The one thing politicians know very well is how to amass wealth, & in this case it involves the military industrial complex.

Here's present day:

"Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov was trained by Russian and U.S. special forces. He’s now using what he learned to train jihadists."

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 30, 2015, 07:24:56 PM
What, ISIS didn't get enough of our shit to satisfy him at Ramadi? 

Anything that goes into Syria, except to the Peshmerga, is just going to end up in ISIS hands sooner or later.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: libertybele on June 01, 2015, 09:23:17 PM
If that isn't direct treason, it's going the long way around the barn. Everybody with two neurons to rub together KNOWS what's going to happen once those assholes rise to power. Our country will be in imminent danger. More 9/11s will be around the corner.

This douchebag should not only be impeached. He should at the very LEAST be taken out into the public square, and be flogged. Hell, it should be broadcast on every major news network forcibly.

I couldn't agree with you more.  IMPEACHMENT!  It's the RIGHT thing to do.  We have a Republican House and Senate; what the heck are they waiting for?  I believe our country has been in imminent danger for quite awhile. Leaving our borders wide open has been done by design.  Withdrawing out troops too early was done by design.  Is there anything that Barry has done that has actually benefited this country? Why is it that we have 534 members of Congress who seem to be unwilling to reign this dictator in?
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 01, 2015, 11:15:40 PM
I like the idea of impeachment for owebuma.

And I'm sure based on all the corruption he has engendered it is well deserved.

But impeachment alone is not enough.

Impeachment proceedings shouldn't be started unless the chance of removal in addition to impeachment is good.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Belle on June 02, 2015, 12:14:18 AM
libertybele:  "...we have a Republican House and Senate; what the heck are they waiting for?"

Truly, I wish this meant something.  Am I being too negative when I don't think they'd ever start impeachment proceedings on O, just like they never had any intention of defunding O-care or securing our borders.

My opinion, after witnessing so many congressional failures, is that we have a liberal republican house & senate, who believe in big government, big spending, bending over backwards to accommodate Obama's agenda.  When they arm rebels I don't think these politicians care where their loyalties lie. 

To understand arming 6th century throw-backs, simply follow the money.

This particular link is from 2013, but, I believe, still relevant.

Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: libertybele on June 02, 2015, 10:44:41 AM
I like the idea of impeachment for owebuma.

And I'm sure based on all the corruption he has engendered it is well deserved.

But impeachment alone is not enough.

Impeachment proceedings shouldn't be started unless the chance of removal in addition to impeachment is good.

You have a point. However, many said they didn't want to proceed with impeachment before because there wouldn't be enough votes.  Now that the Republicans hold the majority I think it would be probable that there would be enough votes.  So what's the hold up now? The mid term elections spoke volumes; people voted to stop or at least curtail the Obama insanity.  IF our Republican led House and Senate would actually start impeachment proceedings it would show the American people that they (Republicans) are willing to do what is right for this country and reign in this president.  It would send a message to Obama himself that he can no longer continue his agenda to dismantle this country.  They may not be able to remove him, but they can sure as heck stop him from continuing his reign of terror.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: Belle on June 02, 2015, 11:02:32 AM
libertybele:  "Now that the Republicans hold the majority I think it would be probable that there would be enough votes."

Perhaps I am looking at this the wrong way.  & perhaps liberalism has clouded my thinking. I believe that not only the leadership in the House & Senate support O's agenda, but many of them are believers in liberalism as well & have no desire to "stop him from continuing his reign of terror."  They certainly had many opportunities to do so, even before the R's took the Senate.

Here's an example from 2014:
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on June 02, 2015, 03:25:24 PM
You have a point. However, many said they didn't want to proceed with impeachment before because there wouldn't be enough votes.  Now that the Republicans hold the majority I think it would be probable that there would be enough votes.  So what's the hold up now? The mid term elections spoke volumes; people voted to stop or at least curtail the Obama insanity.  IF our Republican led House and Senate would actually start impeachment proceedings it would show the American people that they (Republicans) are willing to do what is right for this country and reign in this president.  It would send a message to Obama himself that he can no longer continue his agenda to dismantle this country.  They may not be able to remove him, but they can sure as heck stop him from continuing his reign of terror.

Impeachment by the House (On a simple majority vote) is entirely possible but ultimately meaningless, or even empowering for the target, if you can't convict the officeholder in the subsequent Senate trial (2/3 required).  Obama could still be picking human flesh out of his teeth and bragging about it, and no Senate Dem would have enough integrity to vote for conviction, ergo impeachment is a meaningless drill.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: obumazombie on June 02, 2015, 04:17:29 PM
Impeachment by the House (On a simple majority vote) is entirely possible but ultimately meaningless, or even empowering for the target, if you can't convict the officeholder in the subsequent Senate trial (2/3 required).  Obama could still be picking human flesh out of his teeth and bragging about it, and no Senate Dem would have enough integrity to vote for conviction, ergo impeachment is a meaningless drill.

Besides, what would get a conservative president impeached and removed would be a resume enhancer for a dem.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: libertybele on June 02, 2015, 07:41:31 PM
I hear what is being said about impeachment; but I really find it troubling that 534 members of Congress have not been able or willing to reign this president in.  Why?  This indicates that we have only a handful of elected officials in Washington worth a damn and the rest are RINO's and liberals.  But, even at that, certainly the RINO's and liberals must be able to see the dismantling this president has done to our country; yet they sit idly by and do nothing to stop him. Again, why?
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: thundley4 on June 02, 2015, 07:50:31 PM
I hear what is being said about impeachment; but I really find it troubling that 534 members of Congress have not been able or willing to reign this president in.  Why?  This indicates that we have only a handful of elected officials in Washington worth a damn and the rest are RINO's and liberals.  But, even at that, certainly the RINO's and liberals must be able to see the dismantling this president has done to our country; yet they sit idly by and do nothing to stop him. Again, why?

In case you haven't noticed, Obama is black.  Have you seen how blacks in general respond to perceived injustices in Ferguson and Baltimore?

Put that on a national scale, that is what would happen if the house even started impeachment hearings against Obama.

#BlackPrivilege and the #RaceCard, Obama never leaves home without them.
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: libertybele on June 02, 2015, 08:26:25 PM
In case you haven't noticed, Obama is black.  Have you seen how blacks in general respond to perceived injustices in Ferguson and Baltimore?

Put that on a national scale, that is what would happen if the house even started impeachment hearings against Obama.

#BlackPrivilege and the #RaceCard, Obama never leaves home without them.

So much for "white" privilege.   :thatsright:
Title: Re: The owebuma Administration Is Arming Syrians
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on June 03, 2015, 12:48:12 PM
I hear what is being said about impeachment; but I really find it troubling that 534 members of Congress have not been able or willing to reign this president in.  Why?  This indicates that we have only a handful of elected officials in Washington worth a damn and the rest are RINO's and liberals.  But, even at that, certainly the RINO's and liberals must be able to see the dismantling this president has done to our country; yet they sit idly by and do nothing to stop him. Again, why?

534 isn't the number that matters, 500 could be screaming for his blood but it only takes 34 loyal DemonRat Senators to ensure impeachment is impossible.