The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Ralph Wiggum on May 14, 2013, 05:56:25 PM

Title: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on May 14, 2013, 05:56:25 PM
busterbrown (1,388 posts)

I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon) (
who is right wing (64 yrs.old) and is definitely anti-govt involvement with anything. We attend meetings together. He also has terrible financial and family problems. All brought about by booze..

We sometimes talk politics, but usually I get nowhere with this egotistical Doc. who is so anti-govt and pro Jesus that I usually stop the conversation before the boiling point is reached..

A few of us were having lunch today and he looked up from his soup and stated loudly that after "looking into it, Medicare by far is the best insurance out there” and he kept repeating it.... I nearly crapped in my pants.. I put a lid on my mouth and instead of responding to him with a sarcastic
“Really”??? I promised myself that I will take up my point about the usefulness of govt. the next time
we meet..

He is also about to take his S.S. witch will probably save his ass big time. He hasn’t worked since 2008 and is basically not looking for work (too damaged) and GET THIS, he had no idea that he could collect at 62.. Probably will max out...

Maybe this all about one person at a time!!

Fresh new bouncy.  I'm suspecting this DUmmy is explaining his own alcoholic and unemployed self and just plugging it into the story.

And I definitely believe the DUmmy did crap his pants.
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Doc Savage on May 14, 2013, 06:18:34 PM
Bet he does not take medicare patients. 
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: J P Sousa on May 14, 2013, 06:20:43 PM
  "looking into it, Medicare by far is the best insurance out there”   

Even my liberal doctors don't say that B-S.
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Skul on May 14, 2013, 06:22:55 PM
Didn'ttart with "so". That's a negative.
Did pop up with the required "conversion" of a repuke.
I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
One bong.
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: DefiantSix on May 14, 2013, 07:57:55 PM
Even my liberal doctors don't say that B-S.

Of course they don't. The purported "problems" with private insurance are largely projection of the core problems with Medicare.

Denial of claims? Over 65% of the time it's Medicare that just left you high and dry.

Problems getting a pre-existing condition covered? Betcha your headache was with Medicare.

(These figures were quoted by Rush back in '07 - '08 IIRC).
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 14, 2013, 08:33:56 PM
I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)

Amazing! Three absolute lies in a single short sentence!

I don't know if Jodi Arias could pull off that hat trick.
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Karin on May 15, 2013, 09:24:48 AM
A destitute heart surgeon, after a full career.  Right. 

He is also about to take his S.S. witch

Take her where? 

None of the DUmmies took the bait, the poor OP is hanging out all by itself.   :bawl:
Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: jukin on May 15, 2013, 10:11:30 AM
Medicare has five times the rejection rate of private insurance, pays less than is contracted and pays late. That is why physicians all over the country are fighting to get those medicare patients and not going to concierge service.

Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: DefiantSix on May 15, 2013, 10:39:32 AM
Ya know, words form pictures for me. Why is it that when the DUmbshit was describing his "doctor friend", this was the picture he was describing for me...

Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Gern on May 15, 2013, 11:05:05 AM
No confronting with "facts" and the conservative being dumbfounded.

No cheering and guffawing passerby at the conservative's supposed public humiliation.

No "while standing in line at the supermarket".

No speeding away in a pickup truck.

...Zero bongs.  These dopes need to get more creative.

Title: Re: Bouncy Alert: I have a Republican Physician friend...(Heart Surgeon)
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 15, 2013, 12:38:36 PM
I call BS on this one.  :bs: