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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: liana on May 12, 2013, 08:59:30 AM

Title: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: liana on May 12, 2013, 08:59:30 AM

.  Thursday Locut0s

So ladies think there's any hope for me? [View all]

Last edited Thu May 9, 2013, 02:26 AM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

Things going against me:
31 year old virgin with a bunch of mental baggage. Depression and anxiety. Never so much as held hands with a girl. Still live at home with parents. Having problems living in the world due to emotional issues. Put on a few extra pounds. Initially probably looking for sex above other things (but that's probably more due to having never played around in my teens and 20s like most do) Not looking for a family.

Things going for me:

Still quite handsome, been told I'm strikingly so when I've lost some weight. Very intelligent. Excellent sense of humour. Awesome personality, I get along with most people. Longer run looking for a life companion, someone to laugh and joke and have fun with. I feel like I'd be a great cuddler and listener.

Any hope you think, or should I just pack my bags and forget about it. I probably will anyway.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: wasp69 on May 12, 2013, 09:02:03 AM

Please tell me why do I keep reading the DUmp  

Better than Springer, no commercials.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: liana on May 12, 2013, 09:04:59 AM
Better than Springer, no commercials.

Yeah, I'm addicted to their madness  :p
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Carl on May 12, 2013, 09:07:58 AM

No one is going to confuse me with a ladies man either but damn that was pitiful.

Hint DUmbass...your politics of entitlement and neediness turn people off.
You no doubt are the biggest sad sack in a room,whining and fussing about everything.
Maybe decide to have some drive and vision instead.

I know...pearls before swine.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: dane on May 12, 2013, 09:08:24 AM
Any hope you think, or should I just pack my bags and forget about it. I probably will anyway
Start looking for sales on luggage.  I would imagine the parent(s) would help pay for it so he would move the .... out.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 12, 2013, 09:09:40 AM
I bet he has to get drunk and date-rape his fist.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 12, 2013, 09:21:22 AM
I bet he has to get drunk and date-rape his fist.

He says he lives with his parents so it's probably warm and soft from not working.....just needs a little oil or something and he's in business.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 12, 2013, 09:51:02 AM
Women are pretty good at smelling "Loser" from a mile away, and run for the hills.  However, a surprising number of them will be attracted if they also smell danger and unpredictability.  So either way, you don't have a snowball's chance in Hell, blurnumbers.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: vesta111 on May 12, 2013, 10:05:35 AM
He says he lives with his parents so it's probably warm and soft from not working.....just needs a little oil or something and he's in business.

Nah, he says he is a virgin but never what sex he is talking about.   Dude needs to get out there and get some beaver from time to time.

Yes, I have known men like him in the past, they have no idea how to treat a woman, selfish and no mater how intelligent or good looking just put themselves first.

I dated just once this Hunk of malehood to go to a concert.   It was on coming out of the Arena and  long walk to the car I got cold.  I asked my date for his jacket and he replied---No I am cold too.

Another star date, a man I knew well I invited for dinner.  I spent time making a good dinner of stuffed pork chops with all the fixings for us two and he shows up with a male friend that was hungry----

Then there the men that take you to dinner, order a steak for them selves and order you a hamburger.

Come on girls lets talk about the bad dates we had in the past or even now.  The guys can chip in with their experiences from HELL also.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Dori on May 12, 2013, 11:00:00 AM
Why doesn't he just open his piggy bank and talk a walk down to the nearest corner? 

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Freeper on May 12, 2013, 11:28:14 AM
I can't figure out why a "man" who is 31 and still lives with his parents can't find a woman.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 12, 2013, 11:40:43 AM
I can't figure out why a "man" who is 31 and still lives with his parents can't find a woman.

If that doesn't say "stability" I don't know what does.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Texacon on May 12, 2013, 11:47:35 AM

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: FlaGator on May 12, 2013, 12:43:45 PM
He's looking for dating and sex advice on DU. That should tell him all he needs to know.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 12, 2013, 12:48:50 PM
Very intelligent. Excellent sense of humour. Awesome personality

There is not even one DUmpmonkey who fits that description, including this stevenumbers sockpuppet.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 12, 2013, 01:04:04 PM
Response to Locut0s (Original post)
Thu May 9, 2013, 12:00 PM
Neoma (8,942 posts)

9. Sure.
A piece of advice: don't go looking for women for the romantic part, it won't last long. Friendship lasts longer, and you'll be respecting her a lot better by going that route. A true friend accepts you for who you are, so don't obsess to the negative crap so much. You'll get help when you need it, but don't let a person try to fix you. It's controlling and demeaning, and you don't need that.

Response to Locut0s (Original post)
Thu May 9, 2013, 01:13 PM
Taverner (53,137 posts)

12. Find other people of a like mind...
They are there

Trust me

Advice on romance from a loonybin regular and an intravenous drug addict.

At the DUmp, that's how they roll.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Mr Mannn on May 12, 2013, 01:27:22 PM
Star Member Moondog (4,596 posts)
18. OK, Dude, you've heard from most of the
most charming Ladies of the Lounge.
They have been their typically sweet selves.

Here is one (far less than sensitive) guy's take.

1. If you can afford it, get your own place. Now. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Move.

2. Start getting some exercise - you'll feel better and will probably lose a few pounds too.

3. Stop telling women all you want to do is get laid. You're not helping yourself, or any other guy, by saying that shit. It probably isn't true anyway, so stop being obsessed about it.

4. Here's a news flash - women like sex too. You obviously do not want to, or do not know how to, lead. Be open to the possibility that there are ladies out there who are willing to lead. But do all of us a favor, and STFU long enough that one of them will take pity on you and boink you till you go blind.

You're welcome.

That is all.

Fairly decent advice...but now the excuses start.

Locut0s (1,857 posts)
34. Your advise isn't harsh at all...

maybe by DU standards it is. But I've talked with others on other forums and gotten WAY harsher advise than that, some just plainly telling me to "off myself".

1. Yes I do need to move out for my own mental health. I know my life long depression and anxiety issues are not being helped by staying here. However it's not really financially feasible for me to move right now. I've been trying to finish a university diploma or degree so I can get something of a respectable job so I can make the move. However the depression and other issues have turned this from a 3-4 year goal into a 10+ year one.

2. Yes this is important I know. Right now I have very very little motivation to do anything. However in times past I've lost up to 100lbs and felt great. Right now I'm just trying not to be too self destructive. But if and when I start to feel better emotionally I will start loosing weight.

3. I've never told a women anything of the sort. I've never even talked to many women about anything for any length of time. Indeed that's not all I want, and I would never approach a woman in that way. However given I'm 31 and have never experienced sex of any kind I'd by lying if I didn't say that in the short term it's something of a roadblock for me. Long term I want a friend who I can share my life with.

4. I do realize this, thanks.

Thanks for the advise!

OK, so what have we learned?
Locut0s is on the 10+ year plan to finish his 4 year college degree.
Locut0s has no job. No money.
Locut0s is too depressed to lose weight.
Locut0s has no motivation to do anything.

Yet. Locut0s wants sex. like a good progressive he doesn't want a relationship. No he just wants to use a woman for his own selfish desires. This is a huge bonfire with lots of advice Locut0s will never implement.

Locut0s will never get laid. Not even outside the "rape-free zone" at an Occupy encampment.
Tell me again how these people are the smartest on the interwebs?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 12, 2013, 01:31:49 PM
I can't figure out why a "man" who is 31 and still lives with his parents can't find a woman.

 :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 12, 2013, 01:36:12 PM
Fairly decent advice...but now the excuses start.

OK, so what have we learned?
Locut0s is on the 10+ year plan to finish his 4 year college degree.
Locut0s has no job. No money.
Locut0s is too depressed to lose weight.
Locut0s has no motivation to do anything.

Yet. Locut0s wants sex. like a good progressive he doesn't want a relationship. No he just wants to use a woman for his own selfish desires. This is a huge bonfire with lots of advice Locut0s will never implement.

Locut0s will never get laid. Not even outside the "rape-free zone" at an Occupy encampment.
Tell me again how these people are the smartest on the interwebs?

Even though it took me 8 years to get the 4 year engineering degree, I had a full-time job while going to school and did not live at home with parents. It was difficult to even have time to date but I managed to some. When I finally graduated, I made up for lost time. :-) I finally settled down and got married at age 35.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 12, 2013, 01:38:54 PM
Thu May 9, 2013, 11:32 PM
Locut0s (1,857 posts)

34. Your advise isn't harsh at all...
maybe by DU standards it is. But I've talked with others on other forums and gotten WAY harsher advise than that, some just plainly telling me to "off myself".

Sounds like those other forums are way more realistic than the DUmp.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Big Dog on May 12, 2013, 01:42:38 PM
Thu May 9, 2013, 11:32 PM
Locut0s (1,857 posts)

34. Your advise isn't harsh at all...
maybe by DU standards it is. But I've talked with others on other forums and gotten WAY harsher advise than that, some just plainly telling me to "off myself".

 :whatever: :whatever: :whatever: :whatever: :whatever:

Poor bastard couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a bag full of bananas. Plague of Locusts DUmmy: Invest in hand lotion, and switch hands to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Celtic Rose on May 12, 2013, 02:18:35 PM
A bit of honest advice, work on self improvement before trying to start a relationship.  Get your emotional issues under control, find a medication that works, or whatever you need to do to do that.  Exercise and eat well, it will help with the weight and the emotional issues.  Get out of your parents house.  There are circumstances where a reasonable girl won't mind it, but it is a red flag.  If you are not actively helping to care for your parents, or living there on a temporary basis with plans to move out then it doesn't look good.

At 31, most of the women in your dating range are probably starting to at least consider the possibility of a family, so ruling that out is going to narrow your playing field unless you are going for the one night stand crowd.  If your goal is to get laid, go to a bar and start buying drinks for ladies, you'll get lucky eventually. 
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ogre on May 12, 2013, 02:38:18 PM
Locut0s (1,857 posts)
34. Your advise isn't harsh at all...

maybe by DU standards it is. But I've talked with others on other forums and gotten WAY harsher advise than that, some just plainly telling me to "off myself".

1. Yes I do need to move out for my own mental health. I know my life long depression and anxiety issues are not being helped by staying here. However it's not really financially feasible for me to move right now. I've been trying to finish a university diploma or degree so I can get something of a respectable job so I can make the move.  :popcorn:

2. Yes this is important I know. Right now I have very very little motivation to do anything. However in times past I've lost up to 100lbs and felt great. Right now I'm just trying not to be too self destructive. But if and when I start to feel better emotionally I will start loosing weight.

3. I've never told a women anything of the sort. I've never even talked to many women about anything for any length of time. Indeed that's not all I want, and I would never approach a woman in that way. However given I'm 31 and have never experienced sex of any kind I'd by lying if I didn't say that in the short term it's something of a roadblock for me. Long term I want a friend who I can share my life with.

4. I do realize this, thanks.

Thanks for the advise!


He/she/it stays at home to save money to complete college, but home makes he/she/it crazy, so it takes a lot longer to complete college, which prevents he/she/it from moving because it needs a degree for a well paying job, but he/she/it can't complete the degree because home makes he/she/it crazy.

Is it me or does he/she/it not see the root cause of he/she/its problem?

Move the out of Mommy & Daddy's home, get a job, work your way through college, and for heavens sake take personal responsibility of your life.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ogre on May 12, 2013, 02:40:28 PM
No, there is no hope for you until you get your shit in one sock.

Not even DUmmy women want to hook up with a self-professed loser.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on May 12, 2013, 02:50:29 PM
Things going against me:
31 year old virgin with a bunch of mental baggage. Depression and anxiety. Never so much as held hands with a girl. Still live at home with parents. Having problems living in the world due to emotional issues. Put on a few extra pounds. Initially probably looking for sex above other things (but that's probably more due to having never played around in my teens and 20s like most do) Not looking for a family.

The absolute perfect picture, in my mind, of the typical (D)ipshit.  Perfect.

Things going for me:

Still quite handsome, been told I'm strikingly so when I've lost some weight. Very intelligent.  Because I parrot failed Marxist pablum  Excellent sense of humour. Awesome personality,   Uh-huh get along with most people. Longer run looking for a life companion, someone to laugh and joke and have fun with. I feel like I'd be a great cuddler and listener.  with a pillow  

At least, my Mother thinks so.   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

I've been trying to finish a university diploma or degree so I can get something of a respectable job so I can make the move.

Gee....a BA in over ten years?  Prospective employers will marvel at your work ethic.

Welcome to your job, Skippy!
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 12, 2013, 03:01:51 PM
A bit of honest advice, work on self improvement before trying to start a relationship.  Get your emotional issues under control, find a medication that works, or whatever you need to do to do that.  Exercise and eat well, it will help with the weight and the emotional issues.  Get out of your parents house.  There are circumstances where a reasonable girl won't mind it, but it is a red flag.  If you are not actively helping to care for your parents, or living there on a temporary basis with plans to move out then it doesn't look good.

At 31, most of the women in your dating range are probably starting to at least consider the possibility of a family, so ruling that out is going to narrow your playing field unless you are going for the one night stand crowd.  If your goal is to get laid, go to a bar and start buying drinks for ladies, you'll get lucky eventually. 

Sound advice. H^5
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 12, 2013, 03:08:07 PM

The absolute perfect picture, in my mind, of the typical (D)ipshit.  Perfect.

At least, my Mother thinks so.   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Gee....a BA in over ten years?  Prospective employers will marvel at your work ethic.

Welcome to your job, Skippy!

When I started interviewing, employers would ask why it took 8 years to complete my studies. When they realized that I had a full-time job, lived on my own, and paid for it myself, it ended up being high marks for tenacity and meeting goals. However, If I had lived at home the whole time and and not worked, I think that the interview would have meet an abrupt end.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: EagleKeeper on May 12, 2013, 03:33:07 PM
I've been trying to finish a university diploma or degree so I can get something of a respectable job so I can make the move.

A diploma or degree? Really!

Zero planning huh?

This idiot isn't attending any university classes, it's just making shit up trolling for some cyber sex.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: ColonelCarrots on May 12, 2013, 04:44:28 PM
Even DU women don't want loafing idiots.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Airwolf on May 12, 2013, 06:57:23 PM
Most of you all here have covered what's wrong. I';d have more luck becoming a Navy SEAL then he has getting anyone interested in him while living at home and the mental issues. I wish him luck if only to see if he finds a way to make it happen and not end up living in some home at age 50 on our dime.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: seahorse513 on May 12, 2013, 07:02:11 PM
A bit of honest advice, work on self improvement before trying to start a relationship.  Get your emotional issues under control, find a medication that works, or whatever you need to do to do that.  Exercise and eat well, it will help with the weight and the emotional issues.  Get out of your parents house.  There are circumstances where a reasonable girl won't mind it, but it is a red flag.  If you are not actively helping to care for your parents, or living there on a temporary basis with plans to move out then it doesn't look good.

At 31, most of the women in your dating range are probably starting to at least consider the possibility of a family, so ruling that out is going to narrow your playing field unless you are going for the one night stand crowd.  If your goal is to get laid, go to a bar and start buying drinks for ladies, you'll get lucky eventually. 
Great advice!! Good for women too...
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 12, 2013, 07:53:24 PM
Thu May 9, 2013, 02:24 AM
Locut0s (1,857 posts)

So ladies think there's any hope for me?

Any hope for a mentally-ill fat guy in his thirties, who lives with his parents, posts at 2:30 in the morning in a forum for political lunatics, and just wants to get laid?


But his kind is the reason hookers exist.

And he really should give a lot of thought to the idea of suicide.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: delilahmused on May 12, 2013, 08:11:06 PM
This is so pathetic. At this point maybe he should take a trip to the Bunny Ranch.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Big Dog on May 12, 2013, 08:16:11 PM

Any hope for a mentally-ill fat guy in his thirties, who lives with his parents, posts at 2:30 in the morning in a forum for political lunatics, and just wants to get laid?


But his kind is the reason hookers exist.

And he really should give a lot of thought to the idea of suicide.

He is the kind of pathetic loser who would fap-fap-fap until he blew out a brain aneurysm. It wouldn't kill him, but it would render him a drooling compulsive wanker*. Just the kind of patient they love at long-term care!

*it would render him a drooling compulsive wanker. Pretty much like now.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: I_B_Perky on May 12, 2013, 08:31:10 PM
Wow. Just freaking wow.

OK dummie... Dr. Perky is in. He gonna help you out.

First thing we do is identify the problem. What is that problem, dummie?


Now for the solution.

Set up a meet with undergroundpanther. You two would hit it off. Trust Dr. Perky on this. 
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: seahorse513 on May 12, 2013, 08:33:56 PM
One assumes, he doesn't have a job. . He's 31, still lives at home. Obviously, he doesn't have much initiative.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Vagabond on May 12, 2013, 09:28:46 PM
Let's see, 31, lives at home.  No friends.  Mental issues.  Never had a girlfriend.  Thinks he has anything other than a bland and arrogant personality.  Doesn't do anything interesting, at all.  Thinks the only important part of a woman is betwen her legs.  Is Locut0s the same person as Christian Weston Chandler?

Seriously Locut0s, if you are just trying to get laid, then go to and look in the adult/escorts section.  If you want a real relationship, then go start actually living.  Those idiots on DU won't tell you that, and your psychologist charges for the advice I'm giving for free.

Dishonest is worse than loser, and right now you are managing to be both.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: I_B_Perky on May 12, 2013, 09:35:15 PM
One assumes, he doesn't have a job. . He's 31, still lives at home. Obviously, he doesn't have much initiative.

I have yet to see any dummie have any initiative... unless it is for procuring medication, both legal and illegal.   :cheersmate:
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: RobJohnson on May 13, 2013, 12:36:04 AM
KamaAina (45,068 posts)

13. C'mon, girls! He's Canadian!
You get all that AND universal health care!

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Gina on May 13, 2013, 06:50:59 AM
I hate the word "cuddler".  

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 13, 2013, 07:32:41 AM

I can't un-see that.

God will surely get you for that. :rotf:
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Karin on May 13, 2013, 07:49:10 AM
I hate the word "cuddler". 

I do too, and I don't like the activity, either.  Except with maybe a kitten. 

CL is right, though.  God is going to get you for that. 

As for the OP, the answer is

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: 67 Rover on May 13, 2013, 08:16:17 AM
After what I heard on the radio this A.M. (WHJJ 920) about a group of stupid college age girls that have started a Boston terrorist #2 fan club, they think he is just the cutest most adorable, loveable kid and some have even gone as far as tattooing his name on their arms and proposals of marriage.

Yes I believe there is probably someone out there for him too.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Gina on May 13, 2013, 08:32:15 AM

I can't un-see that.

God will surely get you for that. :rotf:

 O-)  I am innocent!
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: ColonelCarrots on May 13, 2013, 08:34:34 AM
O-)  I am innocent!
Do your horns hold up your halo?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Gina on May 13, 2013, 08:37:44 AM
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on May 13, 2013, 08:59:41 AM
Gina, that pic was vomit-inducing.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Gina on May 13, 2013, 09:00:29 AM
Gina, that pic was vomit-inducing.


You didn't like the ginger hair did you?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: NHSparky on May 13, 2013, 11:02:27 AM
Late to the party, but here goes:

So ladies think there's any hope for me?

No.  Kill yourself.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: delilahmused on May 13, 2013, 01:22:49 PM
I hate the word "cuddler".  


So do I! One cuddles one's child, that's the only time the word is appropriate.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 13, 2013, 01:49:23 PM
BS for Gina.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Gina on May 13, 2013, 03:24:12 PM
BS for Gina.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 13, 2013, 03:29:00 PM
BS for Gina.

You didn't have to go that far but, hey, she posted it, huh?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 13, 2013, 03:52:19 PM
Why would someone go to DU for relationship advice????????????  :mental:
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Big Dog on May 13, 2013, 03:56:53 PM
Why would someone go to DU for relationship advice????????????  :mental:

Ditto for advice on employment, family, investing, medicine, mental health ( :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:), ad infinitum.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 13, 2013, 04:07:03 PM
Ditto for advice on employment, family, investing, medicine, mental health ( :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:), ad infinitum.

Yeah I know. DU is the last place for any advice.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: ColonelCarrots on May 13, 2013, 04:16:26 PM
I don't know. He could've asked a ptarmigan so I don't know what's worse.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 13, 2013, 04:17:05 PM
I don't know. He could've asked a ptarmigan so I don't know what's worse.
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 13, 2013, 04:31:00 PM
I don't know. He could've asked a ptarmigan so I don't know what's worse.

Or a bunny.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Tucker on May 13, 2013, 04:50:57 PM
He sounds like a good match for "He that shall not be named". Just remember to bring your own  toy model Volkswagen.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Airwolf on May 13, 2013, 06:57:37 PM
It's time for a classic.

Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Charles Henrickson on May 13, 2013, 07:47:53 PM
DUmmie FUnnies 05-13-13 (Advice to a lovelorn DUmmie: Go to Mars, young moonbat, go to Mars!) (
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: BadCat on May 13, 2013, 08:13:41 PM
I just read his post to my wife.  She hasn't seen any of this thread, but based on he/she/it's OP, she said "Tell him he should go suck off a .45"
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 13, 2013, 09:38:19 PM
I just read his post to my wife.  She hasn't seen any of this thread, but based on he/she/it's OP, she said "Tell him he should go suck off a .45"
I can't believe how much attention is being given these other things while there are grassfires in San Diego.

I want you people to understand one thing: there are grassfires out there!

And what's worst, it may get worst.

Be careful and stay safe.

Suffice it to say, I wish I didn't know all this shit.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Tucker on May 13, 2013, 09:43:44 PM
I can't believe how much attention is being given these other things while there are grassfires in San Diego.

I want you people to understand one thing: there are grassfires out there!

And what's worst, it may get worst.

Be careful and stay safe.

Suffice it to say, I wish I didn't know all this shit.

It's news to me. Have you seen any notification of it yet?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 13, 2013, 09:52:26 PM
It's news to me. Have you seen any notification of it yet?

Put this in your smoke and pipe it:


By Nadin Abbott
May 12, 2013 (El Cajon)—California Governor Edmund G. Brown declared the past week “Wildfire Awareness Week.”  On Thursday,  the top brass fromr Cal-Fire and San Diego Sheriff’s Department addressed the media. ECM also spoke with Lakeside Division Chief R. Laff.

This week I'm telling my yard guy to be sure I have a good firebreak.

A fire could jump the 2000 miles between here and San Diego before you know it.

Does anyone know how you say "firebreak" in mexican?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Tucker on May 13, 2013, 10:03:19 PM

This week I'm telling my yard guy to be sure I have a good firebreak.

A fire could jump the 2000 miles between here and San Diego before you know it.

Does anyone know how you say "firebreak" in mexican?

Reading my reply the next day, it doesn't come out as intended.

Poor attempt at humor.
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on May 14, 2013, 07:44:36 AM
I can't believe how much attention is being given these other things while there are grassfires in San Diego.

I want you people to understand one thing: there are grassfires out there!

And what's worst, it may get worst.

Be careful and stay safe.

Suffice it to say, I wish I didn't know all this shit.

Did it cross the Rubicon on an arc yet?
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: Airwolf on May 14, 2013, 06:46:48 PM
Hi5 Gobucks
Title: Re: So ladies think there's any hope for me?
Post by: dandi on May 14, 2013, 07:13:26 PM
There are plenty of women willing to talk to this Dummy, if he can provide a valid credit card number.