The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: USA4ME on February 05, 2013, 09:51:32 PM

Title: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: USA4ME on February 05, 2013, 09:51:32 PM
Quote from:

I wish the economy would hurry up and reach those of us at the bottom.

I'm sitting here typing through tears. Maybe it's because I'm in a red state or I just have shit luck, but I've never felt more hopeless in my whole life. I'm trying to go on with my life and rebuild after losing my husband, Zodiak, 3 years ago, but it's getting harder by the day. I'm to the point where I just want to give up. I'm going to school full time after being a housewife for 11 years. I have a job at the school as a tutor, but it's just not paying enough to make ends meet. I'm behind in my bills, my rent is past due, and I just can't see a light at the end of the tunnel.
I've been looking for a second job, but I'm either not qualified or they won't work around my school schedule. Things were so much easier when Zodiak was alive. We never had these kinds of money problems. I'm down to about 3 packs of Ramen and only have $40 in my bank account which I have to use for gas to get to and from work. I can't keep my head above water. I wish things would get better.
I keep seeing stories about how the economy is turning around, but for me, it's as bad as it's ever been, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like giving up.
Time to pull myself together and go to work. I just had to get this out so I don't fall apart at school. Thanks to DU for always being here to lighten my load.

You voted for Dear Leader, so OWN IT!!

Quote from:

1. I hope it does soon too.

I mean I live in the capital of Florida, so our Governor is pretty well dedicated to keeping this town in a permanent recession, but I'd really like there to be more positive pressure on the economy here. People haven't gotten raises in more than a decade in some areas. and things aren't getting any cheaper.
All we can do is hope. I'm glad to have an ok job at any rate.

Quote from:

2. I'm in Texas, so I understand your governor issue.

Quote from:

4. So many of us in this situation or see it coming fast

meanwhile repukes want to cut more and oil companies have billions in profits.  :argh:


Quote from:
2pooped2pop (2,416 posts)

8. I hope things get better for you soon.

I blame all of what is happening to our country on our government. Mostly the insane republicans and corporate greed. It has come to a boiling point where either the super rich survive or the rest of us do.

Quote from:
marions ghost

9. I wish some of those fat cat Rethuglicons could trade places with a poor child, literally picking the crumbs off the plates of others. I saw this at a fast food restaurant recently. The boy was so scrawny. The others let him do it like feeding a dog table scraps. The rich will go to the performances of "A Christmas Carol" every year and NEVER get the connection.

Quote from:

36. Trickle Down Economics & Compassionate Conservatism.

Twelve years of bullshit & too many Americans lapped it up like it was cream. I know 'democrats' who voted for Reagan twice & bush43. And today, many of them are what I call 'social dems.' They are cool with social issues, like choice, gay rights, civil rights, but economically, they hate the poor as much as the repubs do & they will do anything to keep their place on the ladder, even if it means kicking the guy, one rung below, in the teeth.
I'm am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine . .

Quote from:

43. You are absolutely right.

I have never voted for a Republican and absolutely never will. There is no compassion to it at all.

Natually, they blame Republicans/conservatives.

No one is blaming Dear Leader or the Democrats who control the Senate.  Can you imagine that?  If a Republican were in office they'd be screaming that it was all his fault.  It's almost like they're hypocrites or something.

On the other hand, there are some posts that are joyous.

Quote from:

23. Living on the edge of desperation has become the new normal for millions of us. They spin the numbers to pretend it's getting "better," but for of us at the bottom end of the food chain, I don't realistically believe we stand a chance. The people who could actually do something to help, won't. I don't expect to live till Summer.

Quote from:

33. I'm where you're at.

I am divorced, was always putting family before career and whatever so here I am. Trying to help my youngest through school, working full time at a grueling job and not enough to pay the bills or buy groceries.

Quote from:

56. I am in basically the same place, so I feel for you

My only source for food now is the food bank. They have a rule where you can only get some food 17 times in your lifetime. We had to use them a few years back, so things are not looking all that great.
And yes, I have an internet account. Yes, I am aware that to many here this is proof that I am not REALLY poor, that any problems I have are my own creation, and that I am a lazy loser leaching off society. I will address these points individually.
POOR: Yes, I am. Yes, the twenty bucks or so my internet costs me is arguably waste, but I need it to try and get back on my feet. My business, now basically on death's door unless I can borrow some money to get it back going again, is the only chance I have. But the internet is also my entertainment. Yes, entertaininment. Diversion. Which leads me to point two.
MY PROBLEMS / MY CREATION: I am, without a doubt, an absolute failure at life. Unlike some other poor people who have done everything right and still ended up on the bottom, I cannot claim this. I have made so many mistakes I could not begin to count them. I've had opportunities and wrecked them, and always in hindsight the mistakes were obvious, and yet I am fully capable of making them yet again. Because that's the kind of **** up I am. Some people, for example, wouldn't dream of going out to Applebees or wherever until they had stocked away a couple grand in the bank, but not me -- even when it's bitten me in the ass before. That's me, being a **** up.
I don't drink or do drugs, but I roll my own cigarettes. Another waste of money that I cannot afford. Another proof that I am a failure. If my life were a book that would be the title. The internet as well I suppose. The hundred bucks I have spent over this winter wouldn't be that huge of a difference now, but it would damn sure help. I try not to think about my life because when I do I question why I am even wasting my time. I feel like I do not deserve to be happy.
Me, the LAZY MOOCH: This is no doubt correct. When I have a job I work bloody hard. I try to be the best, and I mean that sincerely. No boss has ever had cause for complaint about how hard I try or how successful at this I am. I have never once been fired from a job. Been laid off though. Had lots of bad luck that I didn't properly prepare for. My fault, always.
But as the years have gone on the struggle has worn me down. Poverty does not INSPIRE, it suffocates. Poverty doesn't make you want to get up, it commands you lie down. That's the difference between being broke and being poor. Broke is temporary, you know if you can just get through this one thing, just hang on a little while, things will get better. Poverty is when you know they wont get better, that for you there probably is no better, that every crisis will just lead straight into the next. If you don't know, this is the reason why you see poor people, who cannot possibly afford to waste the money, buying that candybar or that meal at IHOP instead of carefully saving that cash for the next crisis.
They have reached that place where they believe, where they KNOW, that no matter what they do that crisis is coming. It's always coming, and that candybar or that beer or that cigarette won't stop or delay it's arrival. Like the white wall of a tsunami on the horizon, it's coming, so **** it have a Snickers. For those in poverty that next tsunami wave is ALWAYS visible if you look, and life is a desperate struggle swimming from one bity of flotsam to the next and hanging on. That's really what it's like, and if you are there you know it.
But yeah, that makes someone like me lazy in the traditional sense. I could clean something right now. I do have some work I could do, maybe it would even help somehow. Instead, I am writting this garbage that no one will likely read and that no one should care about. But there it is. The next wave is almost here now and I am tired of swimming.
I created my business at what turned out to be the start of the great recession. I did not know how bad it would get. I have worked very hard, unbelievably hard, and every year we have offered more and better service, but every year our earnings have been just a little worse than the last. Most of the country has run out of money to spend. And it's not like I have a whole lot of options but to keep going. I have no real skills and no one is hiring anyway.
It's a seasonal business (and to many it's probably a stupid one), but my family (I work with my wide and daughter) has somehow managed to keep it afloat and paying our bills for the last five years. Probably because we try our best to deliver the BEST to our customers. But now, like I said, we are out of money and options. We had hopef to make it through another rough winter and start again, but we failed. Now that it looks like the economy might FINALLY begin making a comeback it looks like all of our work for the last five years will be wasted.
I'll stop there. Everyone reading this (assuming anyone is) has their own sad story to tell. I'm a few grand shy of getting going again. Everyone is a few grand shy of something. Anyway, if you actually read this whole rambling and pointless rant, thanks for reading! I apologize if it was long and you wasted your time, but I was writing it for me I guess.

I like this primitive!  They know themselves to be everything the rest of the primitives are, too, but are unwilling to admit outloud.  I appreciate this primitives honesty with who and what he is; a loser.


Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Chris_ on February 05, 2013, 09:57:20 PM

I wish the economy would hurry up and reach those of us at the bottom.

I keep seeing stories about how the economy is turning around, but for me, it's as bad as it's ever been.
You think those stories might have just been propaganda to prop up a failing President that should have been voted out of office by now?  Maybe?
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 05, 2013, 10:05:05 PM
A good waitress can earn $20/hour...easily.


And then there's you.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: chitownchica on February 05, 2013, 10:14:14 PM

2. I'm in Texas, so I understand your governor issue.

Yeah, no opportunity in Texas.  They are in the black and want to give money back to taxpayers.  They don't pay state income tax. DUmmie- your story would suck a lot more if you were paying taxes in a blue city or state. 
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Big Dog on February 05, 2013, 10:29:39 PM

It's a seasonal business (and to many it's probably a stupid one), but my family (I work with my wide and daughter) has somehow managed to keep it afloat and paying our bills for the last five years.

Funnel cake booth on the county fair circuit, I'll bet.

DUmmy Not Our Chris will be sleeping on the couch if he keeps calling the missus his wide. Paging Dr. Freud; Dr. Freud, please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: longview on February 05, 2013, 10:33:17 PM
Paste a smile on your unhappy face.  Put on clean jeans and a clean T-shirt.  Grab whatever cleaning and gardening tools you have and hit the pavement, hoss.  Somebody, somewhere doesn't want to do a dirty job and is willing to pay you to do it.

Handouts suck and get you nowhere.  Hard work gives you confidence.  Death of a spouse sucks, but I know mine wouldn't have wanted me to throw my hands in the air and quit.  What a dishonor that would have been to him, huh?

And don't take that "Not Our Chris's" financial advice.  No reason to save?  What a load of manure!  I don't care if you're putting change in a bread sack.  Save something! 

Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: delilahmused on February 06, 2013, 03:26:36 AM
So, in other words, her husband didn't care enough about her to have adequate life insurance and it's easier to blame everyone else. How cheap & pathetic.

Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: BlueStateSaint on February 06, 2013, 04:46:20 AM
I caught a vignette of Michael Barry's last night.  He was talking to a restaurant owner that had voted for Obama twice who was now complaining that all of the tax and fee increases in Obamacare were going to bankrupt him.  Barry said, "I laughed at him, and told him, 'The reason I'm laughing is that you voted for your own demise.'" 

This DUmb**** did the same thing--not in the same way, but the result will be the same.  Everyone will be miserable.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: whiffleball on February 06, 2013, 05:45:24 AM
Paste a smile on your unhappy face.  Put on clean jeans and a clean T-shirt.  Grab whatever cleaning and gardening tools you have and hit the pavement, hoss.  Somebody, somewhere doesn't want to do a dirty job and is willing to pay you to do it.

Handouts suck and get you nowhere.  Hard work gives you confidence.  Death of a spouse sucks, but I know mine wouldn't have wanted me to throw my hands in the air and quit.  What a dishonor that would have been to him, huh?

And don't take that "Not Our Chris's" financial advice.  No reason to save?  What a load of manure!  I don't care if you're putting change in a bread sack.  Save something! 

You reminded me of a case at the ministry I volunteer for.  A woman came in for utility bill help.  Her husband was in an auto accident and has some recovery to do before he can get back to landscape work.  She's working at Walmart.  They have 2 little kids. 

She showed up in front of me with flip flops on.  It was 35 degrees outside.  I exclaimed that her feet must be freezing.  She said they were but that she saved her good sneakers for going to work in.  I offered her clothing and she refused saying they'd soon be on their feet finanacially.  I offered her a box of food and again she refused.  She said they were lucky enough to qualify for foodstamps and that our food should go to those that truly need it.

My heart just swells with love and gratitude when I hear comments like that from those we assist.  We hear them more than I thought we would.  It helps to remember them when I know that the person in front of me is playing the system.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: longview on February 06, 2013, 06:31:06 AM
So, in other words, her husband didn't care enough about her to have adequate life insurance and it's easier to blame everyone else. How cheap & pathetic.


I really understand that.  But, I don't know how old this lady's husband was when he died, but I do know that many in the 20s, 30s and 40s don't think it's something they have to plan for.

Stupid.  Stupid.  But a real common form of stupid.  Get a policy.  On everyone.

But, even if you find yourself in the (very large, full) stupid boat, life can go on and go on well!  You sure don't have to stay there.   :-)
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: jtyangel on February 06, 2013, 06:50:15 AM
Here is an idea stop working likely at your college and likely part time as a tutor and get a real full time job even of it isn't on your interests. The school schedule: Sorry sweetie you need to work school around work not the other way around. And FYI been there doing that. Divorced after 12 years home. First order of business when I knew it was going that direction was full time work and then school. I have a (liberal) friend doing the same thing and the husband that was supporting her lost his job. Her house is behind on payments and she's not even looking for work since she's going to school. She had the same school excuse. Sorry but further training needs to be around work when you can't put food on the table.  Get real!
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: jtyangel on February 06, 2013, 06:56:37 AM
So, in other words, her husband didn't care enough about her to have adequate life insurance and it's easier to blame everyone else. How cheap & pathetic.


Yep that's another issue too unless she spent what she had. My ex keeps a generous policy with work and I continue to pay a supplemental we've had for years. With an autistic child I don't know that I could manage without that if something happened to his dad. We consider it a priority to make sure the kids can have some stability and not lose the only other parent while they work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Jasonw560 on February 06, 2013, 07:59:44 AM
So, in other words, her husband didn't care enough about her to have adequate life insurance and it's easier to blame everyone else. How cheap & pathetic.

Bingo. Bet he didn't contribute to a retirememt plan, either.

Venus is here in Texas? There's a myriad of opportunities.

She's back at school, huh? Stop what you are doing, go to a vocational school and become something like a nurse's aid. 6 month program, you can work anywhere...hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, home health.

And save. 20 cents? In a jar. Clip coupons. Shop at the dollar store for things you need.

The difference between us Conservatives and ths Libtards is that we see a way out, and fight like hell to get out. We do what we have to do to better our stations in life. Not just for us, but for our kids, too.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: thundley4 on February 06, 2013, 09:58:58 AM
Do many employers offer life insurance?  Mine offers three policies with the top one being $90K with double indemnity for accidental death and it costs less than $4/wk.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Chris_ on February 06, 2013, 10:01:44 AM
I know many places offer a small policy at no cost to the employee, but it's usually less than $2,000.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Skul on February 06, 2013, 10:11:00 AM
Isn't this the group that said we were voting agaist our own best interests, and should vote in their, best interest?
Looks like we chose wisely, and they, poorly.
DUmpmonkeys, you own it. It's all yours.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: thundley4 on February 06, 2013, 10:22:45 AM
I know many places offer a small policy at no cost to the employee, but it's usually less than $2,000.

Our union pays a $6k death benefit to the family of any member or retiree that dies, but it's funded by a separate $4 assessment on all active members. The good thing about this is that it is paid to the beneficiary within a day or two.  It's meant to help with funeral expenses.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: chitownchica on February 06, 2013, 03:27:48 PM
You reminded me of a case at the ministry I volunteer for.  A woman came in for utility bill help.  Her husband was in an auto accident and has some recovery to do before he can get back to landscape work.  She's working at Walmart.  They have 2 little kids. 

She showed up in front of me with flip flops on.  It was 35 degrees outside.  I exclaimed that her feet must be freezing.  She said they were but that she saved her good sneakers for going to work in.  I offered her clothing and she refused saying they'd soon be on their feet finanacially.  I offered her a box of food and again she refused.  She said they were lucky enough to qualify for foodstamps and that our food should go to those that truly need it.

My heart just swells with love and gratitude when I hear comments like that from those we assist.  We hear them more than I thought we would.  It helps to remember them when I know that the person in front of me is playing the system.

I'm glad you have these experiences,  especially when you know there are  people out there taking advantage.

My Dad was helping a family get back on their feet. He even gave them a car he and my mom weren't using so they could go to work. It was old, but it still ran.

The sold it for $100.00.

He's helped countless others who were thankful for the help and were able to get back on their feet.

You have to laugh to keep from crying  sometimes.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on February 06, 2013, 03:46:18 PM

I wish the economy would hurry up and reach those of us at the bottom.

With Obama and his economic braintrust, it is more likely that the economy will hit bottom and start digging.*

*Not that you could tell it from the stock market.  All the money Ben is pumping into the money supply has to go somewhere, and it appears to be stock prices even though relative values aren't really going anywhere.  It's like inflation is running wild on Wall Street, but nowhere else.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: BattleHymn on February 06, 2013, 05:14:23 PM
Well, primitives, how can these sad stories be true?  Have we not had over four years of the messiah now? 

Where are the rainbows?

Where are the unicorns?

What is going on here? 
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: GOBUCKS on February 06, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
Well, primitives, how can these sad stories be true?  Have we not had over four years of the messiah now? 

Where are the rainbows?

Where are the unicorns?

What is going on here? 

It takes a while for people to forget the Great Bush Prosperity and start believing the muslim.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Maxiest on February 06, 2013, 06:39:23 PM
Doesn't Texas have a lower unemployment rate than most the Country?  You know why this is DUmmy?  Because you live in a Red State with no income taxes and a Republican Gov.

Oh, another question.  Is this still gonna be Republicans/Bush's fault in 4 years?  Because if we use that logic the growth in the 90's was Reagan's/Bush's fault, and the recession in the 2000's was Clinton's fault.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: wasp69 on February 06, 2013, 08:25:39 PM
This stupid idiot can't make it happen in Texas?  She deserves to starve.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: Chris_ on February 06, 2013, 08:29:00 PM
Stats for December.
1   NORTH DAKOTA    3.2
2   NEBRASKA    3.7
3   SOUTH DAKOTA    4.4
4   IOWA    4.9
4   WYOMING    4.9
6   OKLAHOMA    5.1
6   VERMONT    5.1
8   HAWAII    5.2
8   UTAH    5.2
10   KANSAS    5.4
11   LOUISIANA    5.5
11   MINNESOTA    5.5
11   VIRGINIA    5.5
14   MONTANA    5.7
14   NEW HAMPSHIRE    5.7
16   TEXAS    6.1
17   NEW MEXICO    6.4
18   ALASKA    6.6
18   IDAHO    6.6
18   MARYLAND    6.6
18   WISCONSIN    6.6
22   MISSOURI    6.7
22   OHIO    6.7
25   DELAWARE    6.9
26   ALABAMA    7.1
26   ARKANSAS    7.1
28   MAINE    7.3
29   WEST VIRGINIA    7.5
30   COLORADO    7.6
30   TENNESSEE    7.6
30   WASHINGTON    7.6
33   ARIZONA    7.9
33   PENNSYLVANIA    7.9
35   FLORIDA    8.0
36   KENTUCKY    8.1
37   INDIANA    8.2
37   NEW YORK    8.2
39   OREGON    8.4
39   SOUTH CAROLINA    8.4
42   CONNECTICUT    8.6
42   GEORGIA    8.6
42   MISSISSIPPI    8.6
45   ILLINOIS    8.7
46   MICHIGAN    8.9
47   NORTH CAROLINA    9.2
48   NEW JERSEY    9.6
49   CALIFORNIA    9.8
50   NEVADA    10.2
50   RHODE ISLAND    10.2

I'm surprised Hawaii is as low as it is.
Title: Re: VenusRising is falling down,... falling down,... falling down...
Post by: GOBUCKS on February 06, 2013, 09:23:07 PM
I'm surprised Hawaii is as low as it is.
A lot of hotel beds need to be made.