The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Political Ammunition => Topic started by: Chris_ on June 05, 2008, 07:33:23 AM

Title: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on June 05, 2008, 07:33:23 AM
Dead Voters Still Showing Up on Election Records, Puzzling Officials

Jane Drury voted last year in an election in Stonington, Conn. The only problem is, she died eight years ago.

Her daughter Jane Gumpel thought someone must have goofed.

“I was surprised because this is not possible,” she said.

But it did happen. The town clerk’s record clearly shows Drury’s vote, marked by a horizontal line poll workers put next to her name. And it turns out, Drury isn’t the only voter to apparently cast a ballot from the grave.

The issue of dead voters showing up on ballot records continues to be a problem for election administrators across the country.

Journalism professor Marcel Dufresne, at the University of Connecticut, led a class investigation into dead voters and said his group of 11 students discovered 8,558 deceased people who were still registered on Connecticut’s voter rolls. They discovered more than 300 of them appeared somehow to have cast ballots after they died.

“We have one person who appeared to have voted 17 times since he died,” Dufresne said.

Dufresne said there is no evidence of any election fraud, but the number of dead voters “shows the system is vulnerable and it shows that people who are clever and have a little cooperation in the town level, you could use this and get people to vote for people who died.”

Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz is adamant that “actually no dead people voted.”

“I want to be very clear about that,” she said, explaining that while votes were cast and counted in the names of the dead, “there was no voter fraud at all in the state of Connecticut.”[/quote]

Ah, I see.  Dead people did in fact vote, but there was no fraud.  Riiiiiight.   :whatever:

Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: franksolich on June 05, 2008, 08:02:33 AM
Well, right, actually no dead people voted in Connecticut.

But obviously the machine bosses cast votes in their names.

This happens in all blue states.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on June 05, 2008, 08:18:05 AM
Officials say when it comes to dead voters, most of the problems are simply mistakes, not political corruption. But they admit as long as the deceased remain registered to vote, the potential for fraud is alive and well.

They VOTED.  That is not a "mistake," it is a freaking MIRACLE.

And does anyone want to place money on what party they voted for before going to the link?  Anyone?
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: CG6468 on July 08, 2008, 09:49:38 AM
"Dead voters."

I thought that this HAD to be about Chicago's and Cook County's political system.

Mayor Richard J. Daley's dead voters were the reason John F. Kennedy got elected.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on July 08, 2008, 09:59:47 AM
“We have one person who appeared to have voted 17 times since he died,” Dufresne said.

Dufresne said there is no evidence of any election fraud, but the number of dead voters “shows the system is vulnerable and it shows that people who are clever and have a little cooperation in the town level, you could use this and get people to vote for people who died.”

Well, short of the ****ing Second Coming and the dead rising up to greet their savior, WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL IT, DIPSHIT?

If it looks like a fraud, quacks like a fraud, votes like a fraud, 9 times out of 10 it's gotta be a ****in' Lib'ril Democrat.

Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: DixieBelle on July 08, 2008, 10:11:02 AM
wow. how far up your ass does your head have to be to think that wasn't voter fraud?
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Splashdown on July 08, 2008, 10:28:05 AM
To be fair, it's only fraud if the corpses vote Republican./MSM mode off.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Lord Undies on July 08, 2008, 10:38:40 AM
You have to understand Socialist Democrat Speak to understand the "no voter fraud" claim.  What is being said is that all the dead votes went to the democrat candidates who would have won anyway - thus no fraud occurred.

Now, if a republican had won, THAT would be undeniable fraud. 
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: DixieBelle on July 08, 2008, 10:40:06 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on July 08, 2008, 10:48:17 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:

They're too busy arranging to steal the next election.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Jim on July 08, 2008, 10:52:57 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:

They're too busy arranging to steal the next election.

And they really are busy on that.   Have you noticed that Dean and BHO's handlers have been doing everything the evil Rove and his minions ever tried ?  They came out on the low road and will not be budging.  Hopefully this will get pointed out.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on July 08, 2008, 10:58:52 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:

They're too busy arranging to steal the next election.

And they really are busy on that.   Have you noticed that Dean and BHO's handlers have been doing everything the evil Rove and his minions ever tried ?  They came out on the low road and will not be budging.  Hopefully this will get pointed out.

To whom?  Toward what end?

I'm personally convinced - having democrat voters in my own family - that the average Democrat is fully aware of the shenannigans the DNC pulls in order to win elections, and while the average Democrat may not be a barking moonbat, they're 100% in line with the "win at any cost" playbook.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on July 08, 2008, 11:03:39 AM
wow. how far up your ass does your head have to be to think that wasn't voter fraud?
It isn't voter fraud.  hussein raises the dead (long enough to cast a vote for dimocrats).
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Lord Undies on July 08, 2008, 11:05:30 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:

They're too busy arranging to steal the next election.

And they really are busy on that.   Have you noticed that Dean and BHO's handlers have been doing everything the evil Rove and his minions ever tried ?  They came out on the low road and will not be budging.  Hopefully this will get pointed out.

To whom?  Toward what end?

I'm personally convinced - having democrat voters in my own family - that the average Democrat is fully aware of the shenannigans the DNC pulls in order to win elections, and while the average Democrat may not be a barking moonbat, they're 100% in line with the "win at any cost" playbook.

I find that to be true.  Their reasoning is that so many folks who would vote for democrats don't  or can't vote, so it's a way to get their "voices heard".  The dishonesty of the democrat party can justify anything.

This "reasoning" also covers them when they are called out on not being the majority.  The necessity to cheat to win get some folks wondering about the democrats' claim to being such a huge majority.  Well, it turns out they are a huge majority and those who can't or won't vote - the ones who must be heard through voter fraud - proves it.

And so it goes.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Jim on July 08, 2008, 11:44:55 AM
the libtards who were so hell bent on proving "stolen elections!!!!!" were not available for comment.  :uhsure:

They're too busy arranging to steal the next election.

And they really are busy on that.   Have you noticed that Dean and BHO's handlers have been doing everything the evil Rove and his minions ever tried ?  They came out on the low road and will not be budging.  Hopefully this will get pointed out.

To whom?  Toward what end?

I'm personally convinced - having democrat voters in my own family - that the average Democrat is fully aware of the shenannigans the DNC pulls in order to win elections, and while the average Democrat may not be a barking moonbat, they're 100% in line with the "win at any cost" playbook.

to whom ?   the mushy middle who claim not to like this sort of thing.
to what end ?   have them vote GOP by eliminating one more thing that kept some pulling the donkey's tail in the voting booth.
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Lanie on July 18, 2008, 10:56:26 PM
Well, right, actually no dead people voted in Connecticut.

But obviously the machine bosses cast votes in their names.

This happens in all blue states.

So blue states might not be blue if it was not for the dead?
Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: Chris_ on July 19, 2008, 11:42:02 AM

So blue states might not be blue if it was not for the dead?

Pretty much......particularly midwestern ones like Illinois, where outside of Mayor Daley's realm, a democrat is pretty hard to find........

Title: Re: Dead voters
Post by: JohnnyReb on July 28, 2008, 07:14:32 AM
“We have one person who appeared to have voted 17 times since he died,” Dufresne said.

Dufresne said there is no evidence of any election fraud, but the number of dead voters “shows the system is vulnerable and it shows that people who are clever and have a little cooperation in the town level, you could use this and get people to vote for people who died.”

Well, short of the ******* Second Coming and the dead rising up to greet their savior, WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL IT, DIPSHIT?

If it looks like a fraud, quacks like a fraud, votes like a fraud, 9 times out of 10 it's gotta be a ******' Lib'ril Democrat.

Haven't you read your liberal Bible? It says right there in the book of Daly, third chapter, verse 1.

3:1-"He that believeth in the democrat party shall not die but vote forever.
He that believeth shall rise again on election day and enter into the voting booth forevermore. ....or until we have a socialist paradise. Whichever come first."