The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Freeper on November 24, 2012, 10:11:21 PM

Title: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Freeper on November 24, 2012, 10:11:21 PM
Takket (122 posts)

Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...

If you believe this:

The top 1% of people in this country have an average wealth of about $16 million.

If you figure the USA is 300,000,000 people, the top 1% consists of 3,000,000 people.

3 million times 16 million is 48 trillion of wealth

I say, tax them all 1/3 of their wealth, and pay off the national debt RIGHT NOW. One lump sum, with a few caveats....

The top 1% will then be EXEMPT from ANY taxes for the rest of their lives. Federal, State, Sales, capital gains, don't even make them pay to renew their drivers license. This will allow them to conduct their business and gain back much of their wealth.

Next, pass a balanced budget amendment and eliminate defecit spending. Institute a five trillion dollar "rainy day" fund for the federal government to finance any diasters/wars we enter in to. Government will collect taxes until the 5 trillion is in place, then lower taxes to the level where it only collects what it needs.

Treat the 1% of national heros, for sacrificing so much to allow our nation to hit the "reset" button.

I know there are probably some flaws here, like if a 1%ers net worth is all in real estate you can't just cut 33% of his land off and liquidate it so easily, and also I don't if, even with the interest on the national debt gone, if you could still collect enough taxes for a surplus without taxing income on the top 1% at all (you may need to still tax them a little) but the principle is basically the same.

If 1 out of every 100 people made this sacrifice (which would still leave them filthy rich by the way, it isn't like they'd be in line at the soup kitchen), it would greatly benefit the other 99%.

Make any sense? Or would this just lead to disaster lol.

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: DefiantSix on November 24, 2012, 10:16:38 PM
Takket (122 posts)

Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...

If you believe this:

The top 1% of people in this country have an average wealth of about $16 million.

If you figure the USA is 300,000,000 people, the top 1% consists of 3,000,000 people.

3 million times 16 million is 48 trillion of wealth

I say, tax them all 1/3 of their wealth, and pay off the national debt RIGHT NOW. One lump sum, with a few caveats....

The top 1% will then be EXEMPT from ANY taxes for the rest of their lives. Federal, State, Sales, capital gains, don't even make them pay to renew their drivers license. This will allow them to conduct their business and gain back much of their wealth...

This is why normal people don't rely on DUmbshits for any heavy math.  :loser:
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Carl on November 24, 2012, 10:34:34 PM
Seems this DUmbass missed the memo about all the endless freebies the left vermin want no matter what the debt is.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 24, 2012, 10:47:20 PM
I know there are probably some flaws here

No, I think what you've got there is pretty much a perfect plan.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on November 24, 2012, 11:05:08 PM
Oh, my poor little mentally-retarded DUmmie, that "One percent" is really based on tax returns, which for all intents and purposes means each taxpaying household is one tick on the list; that means there are a lot less than three million of them for that reason alone.  At the same time, on the other end of your fallacious calculation, the total number of taxpaying households from which that one percent is derived is a whole lot less than the total population of the US.  Considering both of those things, and counting every household that filed solely to get some refundable credit or other kind of transfer payment tax welfare stolen from higher earners but who actually contribute no net revenue to the US, the universe of all household returns is going to come in well under 100 million.

On top of that, a lot of those people with a supposed really high net worth have their wealth sheltered in various ways, ranging from foundations like the Ford and Gates families have (Even Fat Mikey the Commie Attention Whore has his stuffed in a foundational pillowcase to keep the hands of his fellow Commies off of it), to trusts, to simply having their big-ticket property so heavily financed that they have very little equity to seize.  After hiding their loot from their fellow Leftists, most of them are of course Democrat stalwarts, which just goes to show something about self-delusion and blatant hypocrisy not standing in the way of gaining great wealth.  While I'm pretty ambivalent about what happens to lowlifes in high places, I'll go with the general idea of people being secure in their homes and possessions from the arbitrary acts of a despotic and arbitrary government.

So, really, you're talking about confiscating ALL their wealth and then some, while we're still generating over a trillion a year more in new debt under President Mocha Cappuccino.  Now on top of that new annual debt generation, also considering what percentage of the annual tax revenues comes from this same bunch of people, the dangling carrot of excusing them from annual taxes after the confiscation sounds like a disastrously impossible idea.

So, sorry, but your solution is a complete math you have a pretty good chance of becoming the Tax Solutions Czar and Fiscal Policy Idea Guy for Obama's second term, if you can prove you've cheated on your taxes ineptly enough that the IRS caught you at it within the last five years.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 24, 2012, 11:20:13 PM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: BEG on November 24, 2012, 11:54:49 PM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on November 25, 2012, 12:39:09 AM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.

It's not going to go well for you at your hearing before the Emergency Committee for Public Safety and Excess Wealth Confiscation, is it?
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: ChuckJ on November 25, 2012, 05:25:55 AM
Response to Takket (Original post)Sat Nov 24, 2012, 11:40 PM
nadinbrzezinski (112,363 posts)
5. Grover ...hi

Ingenious I must say, but deluded.

nads thinks it's ingenious but as deluded as her.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: formerlurker on November 25, 2012, 05:56:40 AM
Misfits - I want it noted for the record that misfit Takket is starless.   This is really about your stars.  He wants them and you are all total and complete bastards for not giving him yours.

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: formerlurker on November 25, 2012, 06:00:13 AM
Further, you will note that those who disagree with misfit Takket have stars.     The class warfare on the island is something we have not given appropriate attention to.    For shame.

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: JohnnyReb on November 25, 2012, 07:01:38 AM
It took 10,000+ years to develop higher math and one generation to DUmmie it down.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: miskie on November 25, 2012, 07:04:23 AM
...Takket - did you know if you make a pile of garbage tall enough, you can get to the moon ?

The United States alone generates better than 220 million tons of trash each year, with a figure like that, you could build Mount Trashmore in no time at all ! And think of all the good you would be doing ! The rest of the United States would be free of trash and landfills, The United States would no longer be contributing to The Great Garbage Patch in the Pacific ocean, And NASA can save all sorts of money because they could simply drive to the moon ! Imagine all the tourist dollars the United States could raise by letting Americans vacation on the Moon ! And I bet Al Gore would be your 'besty' and maybe even offer to give you "massages" in hotel rooms !

BTW, this idea is totes my own,and NOT stolen from one of my kids Wii games, so get cracking !
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on November 25, 2012, 07:31:51 AM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.

I'll go you one better:

OK, so they confiscate all the fancy cars, yachts and "McMansions"

Now what?

Apart for leaving all the manufacturers, shippers, retailers, staff and maintenance people unemployed because the ahted 1% no longer have use of their services; what the **** are they going to do with a 20-room $12 million house?

You can't put homeless people in it and if you did it would cease to be worth $12 million.

They only reason it is worth $12 million is because somebody with more than $12 million said, "Ya know, there aren't a lot of homeless people around here...I'LL TAKE IT!"

The problem with commies is Marx taught them "price = labor + materials." He wholly neglected the discussion on value.

But then again he never had to work for a living like trying to sell snow shovels in the tropics. He didn't have to; he married an heiress.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: diesel driver on November 25, 2012, 07:44:31 AM
It took 10,000+ years to develop higher math and one generation to DUmmie it down.

That's what happens when you put warning labels on anything "dangerous", and DUmmies start to procreate, because they didn't kill themselves during childhood, because of warning labels.

Warning labels aren't allowing Darwin's law of natural selection to take place.  Result, DUmmies.

A pox on warning labels.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: miskie on November 25, 2012, 07:45:53 AM
But then again he never had to work for a living like trying to sell snow shovels in the tropics. He didn't have to; he married an heiress.

They always forget that, don't they ? Every single one of their Leftist idols are wealthy "1%ers". All of them.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: NHSparky on November 25, 2012, 10:26:29 AM
Amazing how DUmmies never made the distinction between "wealth" and "liquid assets."
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Undies on November 25, 2012, 10:36:26 AM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.

I report mine on Form 1040.  :(
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 25, 2012, 11:51:11 AM
Warning labels aren't allowing Darwin's law of natural selection to take place.  Result, DUmmies.

A pox on warning labels.
I bought a new stepladder last year and still haven't finished reading it.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: I_B_Perky on November 25, 2012, 07:02:05 PM
I have a better idea dummie. Tax welfare and medicaid. We tax unemployment insurance, we tax SS, so why not tax welfare and medicaid? It's income after all. Ya all dummies seem to want to tax all income as earned income, fine. Tax your welfare, HUD, medicaid and any other benefits you receive. Ya all about fairness... ain't that fair?

If we do that, ya all just might realize what taxes are all about. You know... like us folks that actually have jobs.

Until you propose that, as far as I am concerned you can just STFU.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on November 25, 2012, 07:16:53 PM
I have a better idea dummie. Tax welfare and medicaid. We tax unemployment insurance, we tax SS, so why not tax welfare and medicaid? It's income after all. Ya all dummies seem to want to tax all income as earned income, fine. Tax your welfare, HUD, medicaid and any other benefits you receive. Ya all about fairness... ain't that fair?

If we do that, ya all just might realize what taxes are all about. You know... like us folks that actually have jobs.

Until you propose that, as far as I am concerned you can just STFU.

You shouldn't be allowed to vote in any jurisdiction unless you first pay taxes there.

County property tax?

You can vote in the county.

State sales tax?


Welfare recipient?

No federal elections for you.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: MrsSmith on November 25, 2012, 07:29:13 PM
Where is it on your tax return that you report your net worth?

There must be a form that I've failed to complete.
That's probably a line item in the Obamacare law.  The question is which year it will show up on the forms.   :(
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: I_B_Perky on November 25, 2012, 08:27:02 PM
You shouldn't be allowed to vote in any jurisdiction unless you first pay taxes there.

County property tax?

You can vote in the county.

State sales tax?


Welfare recipient?

No federal elections for you.

If I recall correctly, back when this country was set up, only landowners were allowed to vote. You know... tax payers and people with skin in the game. If so, we need to go back to that.

BTW Sarge... does sales tax get assessed on EBT cards? I really do not know.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Chris_ on November 25, 2012, 08:31:51 PM
Let's see... I pay federal income tax, state taxes, and local property taxes.  I'm good.

It would certainly cut down on a lot of votes going to Democrats.  At least legitimate votes, anyway.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on November 25, 2012, 08:47:50 PM
BTW Sarge... does sales tax get assessed on EBT cards? I really do not know.

Most municipalities waive sales taxes on food so...
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Karin on November 26, 2012, 07:30:16 AM
Another ingenious DUmmie idea:

Response to Takket (Original post)
Sun Nov 25, 2012, 09:03 AM
lefthandedlefty (277 posts)
14. Why not the whole world just go bankrupt

1/1/13 all debt erased on the whole planet no one no country owes any one anything.Then start over with a clean slate.

Last post.  They just love these circle jerks where they sit around and grab everyone's money. 
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: NHSparky on November 26, 2012, 07:43:58 AM
You shouldn't be allowed to vote in any jurisdiction unless you first pay taxes there.

County property tax?

You can vote in the county.

State sales tax?


Welfare recipient?

No federal elections for you.

And there are people who wonder why the Founding Fathers originally restricted voting to landowners.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Undies on November 26, 2012, 07:55:49 AM
Response to Takket (Original post)
Sun Nov 25, 2012, 09:03 AM
lefthandedlefty (277 posts)
14. Why not the whole world just go bankrupt

1/1/13 all debt erased on the whole planet no one no country owes any one anything.Then start over with a clean slate.

We'll call it the Mulligan Solution.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Wineslob on November 26, 2012, 10:02:07 AM
Another ingenious DUmmie idea:

Last post.  They just love these circle jerks where they sit around and grab everyone's money junk. 

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Wineslob on November 26, 2012, 10:22:52 AM
DUmmies, here is some truth to DUmbshites:


Uncle Rainbow has spent us into poverty.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: jukin on November 26, 2012, 10:36:12 AM
I really do like how simple their minds work in a complex area of economics. The DUmbasses really do think that the rich are like Scrooge McDuck and have a basement full of gold coins. I'll attempt to teach; ASSETS ARE NOT ALWAYS CASH. So a land rich person gets 1/3 of their property STOLEN from them. How does that equal cash to pay down the debt? Some other rich person (most likely a bundler for 0bama) has fiat money and buys it. However there is only so much LIQUID assets available and there sure is not $17 trillion.

Second, there is still that pesky, new norm under our smartest economic genius in the universe, 0bama, spending $1.5 trillion more than the government takes in EVERY YEAR. Which means we are back to the place we are now in ten years.

The truly disconcerting thing is that people like the DUches with their complete lack of understanding of anything economic are now voting in ignorant people with a complete lack of understanding of anything economic. Stick a fork in the country, we are done.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Dori on November 26, 2012, 10:58:53 AM
The truly disconcerting thing is that people like the DUches with their complete lack of understanding of anything economic are now voting in ignorant people with a complete lack of understanding of anything economic. Stick a fork in the country, we are done.

It's becoming clearer by the day that our kids need to be taught basic economics from an early age.  Some smart entrepreneur should make a fun kid oriented computer game out of it.   :)

Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: jukin on November 26, 2012, 02:27:21 PM
It's becoming clearer by the day that our kids need to be taught basic economics from an early age.  Some smart entrepreneur should make a fun kid oriented computer game out of it.   :)

Accounting should be a mandatory class in high school.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: DefiantSix on November 26, 2012, 02:35:27 PM
Accounting should be a mandatory class in high school.

Why wait that long?  Once a week my whole family - including the (8-year old) runt - sit down over a weekly/monthly planner.  We talk about the paycheck we expect to see on Thursday, and then we budget out what needs to be done with it.  ALL of us have input, including the runt.  And you know what?  After that, we live according to the budget we've set.

By the time my kid gets to high school, he's gonna have such a firm grasp of economics, everybody else's lunch money will be his for the taking.
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: Dori on November 26, 2012, 02:39:51 PM
Accounting should be a mandatory class in high school.

I took accounting in college and it didn't really click in for me until I could apply it on the job. 

But learning how to operate a simple household budget and going through the steps of setting up a small business and operating it would be a great start. Those are things kids could start learning in grade school, and would probably be a lot more interesting than working out of a brain numbing math text. 
Title: Re: Forget raising taxes on the rich, do this instead...
Post by: jukin on November 26, 2012, 03:58:23 PM
I took accounting in college and it didn't really click in for me until I could apply it on the job. 

But learning how to operate a simple household budget and going through the steps of setting up a small business and operating it would be a great start. Those are things kids could start learning in grade school, and would probably be a lot more interesting than working out of a brain numbing math text. 

Well done, that will make your children go far unless the communists get complete control. Then it is a ll fairy tale econ and common sense will mean little.

I had never had accounting until three years after graduating college. I was on the verge of starting a company and thought it would be a good idea to at least talk the same language as the bean counters. It was a very difficult concept and way of thinking to get that Owners Equity= Assets - Liabilities. That cash was an asset like land, machinery, buildings,... was ingrained at an early age and made sense. the basic accounting equation was foreign.  Sadly, leftists will never learn that there are liquid and not so liquid assets and that what an illiquid asset is worth on paper (or worse in your mind) is not what it is worth in liquid assets. That has brought 90% of all business to bankruptcy.