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Current Events => The DUmpster => The DUmping Ground => Topic started by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 07:29:34 AM

Title: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 07:29:34 AM
Ian62 (431 posts)

Venezuela : The politics of oil
While giant rallies in Caracas may be drawing the world's attention ahead of tomorrow's Venezuelan presidential election, the global significance of the vote can be found hundreds of miles to the east in the oil-soaked Orinoco Belt.
According to studies, Venezuela has overtaken Saudi Arabia to become number one in the world for proven oil reserves, largely thanks to the heavy crude found in this vast alluvial plain.
Whether this multi-trillion dollar asset is controlled by Hugo Chávez or the opposition challenger, Henrique Capriles, will influence which countries and companies are given the priority to exploit them and how much drivers around the world pay at the pump. According to a report this year by BP, Venezuela has reserves of 296.5bn barrels, about 10% more than Saudi Arabia and 18% of the global total. At the country's current levels of production, this would last about 100 years.

N.B. Neocon "think tanks" are already preparing the case for war against Venezuela, should Chavez win the election.

emphasis mine

It's weird how the people who refuse to let us drill at home are always fabricating conspiracies about us wanting to go overseas for oil.

I swear they refuse to allow us to drill at home just to have a reason to paint us as imperialists.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: franksolich on October 07, 2012, 07:47:54 AM

Today's the day, the presidential elections in Venezuela.

Probably the only day of the 366 this year that I'm missing poor stupid Beth.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: NHSparky on October 07, 2012, 08:00:38 AM
And yet were we to exploit our own known reserves of oil, coal, gas, and nuclear, we'd still be going strong long after "Ooogo" and the House of Saud have long since shuffled off this mortal coil and the formerly oil-rich states have gone back to buggering goats instead of turning them into bombs.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 08:07:16 AM

Today's the day, the presidential elections in Venezuela.

Or as I like to call it...


Field trials for our new Diebold machines.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: Randy on October 07, 2012, 09:12:59 AM
  Who cares if Chavez wins? His cancer ridden ass is fixing to die anyways.  :fuelfire:
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 09:31:57 AM
Going all the way to Calcutta to find some good news.

Judi Lynn (73,072 posts)

Chavez on top ahead of election

Last edited Sun Oct 7, 2012, 02:57 AM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

 Source: The Hindu

Chavez on top ahead of election
Washington, October 7, 2012

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez (58), Latin America’s longest serving elected President, is likely to be re-elected for a fourth term on Sunday, as polls placed him comfortably ahead of challenger and “moderate leftist” Henrique Capriles (40), a former State Governor.
If Mr. Chavez wins, he will be in power until 2019, marking 20 continuous years at the helm in Caracas.
Mr. Chavez — who has fought a year-long battle with cancer, survived assassination attempts, coups and electoral challenges — remains one of the hemisphere’s most outspoken voices against American regional hegemony, though his stance has been softer against U.S. President Barack Obama than against his predecessor, George W. Bush.
The outcome of the elections this weekend may have a significant impact on regional political and economic trends as Venezuela is the second-largest oil producer in the world, and is well on track to ousting Saudi Arabia as the largest producer according to studies on the untapped potential of oil blocks in the Orinoco Belt.

Read more:

Ken Burch (28,615 posts)

1. Hopefully, that's what will happen.

Expect the U.S. foreign policy establishment of both parties AND the multinational corporados to brand any Chavez victory a sham, however.
They will accept nothing but a Capriles landslide as a legitimate result.

And if that little faggot Capriles* wins you'll say, "Well, that's democracy for you!"

Buzz Clik (24,945 posts)

2. Chavez single redeeming feature ...

... is his ability to piss off people in the US.

It's funny how that alone has the ability to raise him to the status of hero in them minds of so many.

Proletariatprincess (610 posts)

6. Viva Chavez!

I just wish the US elections were as clean as they are in Venezuela. That according to Jimmy Carter, who is an international authority on such things.

Obama's election was every bit as legitimate as Chavez's.

From tiny ( mighty ( grow.

There are a few dissenters in the thread. The Chavezistas have not pounced upon them with their usual alacrity.

Perhaps the Chavezistas are not as confident as they appear.

*  -- I don't know if Capriles is gay and honestly, I don't care; but Chavez made the allegation and used it as a cause to reject Capriles.

So I want to know where the commies' sympathies lie: their fellow commie or the vicitm of homophobia
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 12:40:06 PM
Archae (24,194 posts)

1. Suppose Hugo Chavez does lose the popular vote. Then what?

I hope, although I'm not optimistic, that he will not declare the vote "invalid" and declare himself the winner.
It's happened before in South America.

Many times.

Smarmie Doofus (8,854 posts)

2. Happened *here* in 2000. n/t

naaman fletcher (5,369 posts)

3. So wait, you would actually hope

That Chavez would ignore the people and become a dictator?

No, you idiot.

I understood what he said...

...but then again, I'm not a DUmbass.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
From judi's thread:

Missycim (869 posts)

5. was the outcome ever in doubt?

Chavez know's how to get out the "vote" lol

Kingofalldems (9,686 posts)

18. So you are accusing him of fixing the election

I presume.

Let's see your evidence.

You believe the balls on this guy?

If he actually gave a shit about baseless allegations of vote theft he'd be ripping DU 24/7/365 in all 57 states.

Researching him though, he has an intense dislike for missycim, and tends to follow her around to yammer in her general direction.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: Freeper on October 07, 2012, 01:15:19 PM
naaman fletcher (5,369 posts)

3. So wait, you would actually hope

That Chavez would ignore the people and become a dictator?

He's already passed that point.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 07, 2012, 01:50:55 PM
Previously cited, repeated for context:

Archae (24,194 posts)

1. Suppose Hugo Chavez does lose the popular vote. Then what?

I hope, although I'm not optimistic, that he will not declare the vote "invalid" and declare himself the winner.
It's happened before in South America.

Many times.


...behold Obama's base:

Comrade_McKenzie (842 posts)

4. I'd be full of glee that there are countries that will do anything to silence the right wing. nt

Well, of course you would.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: GOBUCKS on October 07, 2012, 02:07:18 PM
My money is on Yugo for the win.
Title: Re: And so it begins
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 08, 2012, 09:51:43 AM
Oh well.

So much for democracy.

Time to send in the CIA, I suppose.  :fuelfire: