The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Skul on September 07, 2012, 02:27:11 PM

Title: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 07, 2012, 02:27:11 PM
Cute. Tells a bouncy, then a disclaimer.
Primitives eat it up as fact.
Fri Sep 7, 2012, 01:35 PM
Barack_America (22,795 posts)

My father had a run-in with Mitt Romney years ago.
Here in Michigan. This would have been sometime back in the mid-60's, probably 1965, when George Romney was Governor. He started the story with, "you know, Mitt Romney almost didn't live to see this day..."

My father at the time worked for the road commission. One day his supervisor had to drop off something at the Romney home. He took my father and another coworker along in a county truck. They pulled up to the front of the house, the supervisor dropped whatever it was off (possibly survey data), and they began to drive away. Mitt Romney then came flying up in his own car, jumps out and begins yelling at them. You see, it seems that dear Mitt didn't take too kindly to lowly county workers parking their truck in his driveway and gracing his front door like they were people who mattered. Apparently it would "look bad" for people such as themselves to be seen in front of his house. I believe an entrance for servants was mentioned.

In any case, my father's supervisor was so insulted and pissed that he wanted to kill Romney. My father and coworker held him back because they were afraid he might do just that. Ya, right. BS flag.

Since so much of the DNC focus was about character, I figured I'd share with you something I learned about Romney's. There's no way of proving this story, of course, but I've no reason to doubt my father. And Romney certainly has done nothing otherwise to prove he respects working class Americans.
If there's no way to factually verify, why tell it?
Oh, that's right, DUmmies believe everything they read in the DUmp.

Example one.
Initech (33,927 posts)
7. Wow even as a young guy - Mitt was a member of the "get off my lawn" crowd.

jimlup (3,612 posts)
19. While not admisible in a court I'm sure your story is true...

It totally fits with who I perceive ol' Mitt Romney to be. Fake but accurate?  DUmbass.

More false specualtion.
aint_no_life_nowhere (16,344 posts)
20. I'd love to see his medical records

There's a good chance he's hiding a history of psychotherapy.
Get thee behind me, truth, we'll have none of you!!
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on September 07, 2012, 02:33:56 PM
Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this > Mitt Romney would do this because he's evil > Mitt Romney is evil because he would do this >

And so on.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: jukin on September 07, 2012, 02:34:58 PM
Yeah, well, my wive's hairdresser's sister was in Indonesia in the late 60s-early 70s and watched a young Barry Sotero steal everyone's homework and claim them as his. Then when the head of the Madrassa told him half of the homework was wrong Barry said those papers were not his. Only the ones that were correct were his.  When the Madrassa head showed him that one of the wrong assignments had his name and his handwriting on it, he claimed that some fellow named George handed that in and forged his name.

Now I can't confirm this but it totally fits in with the way Obama has dealt with his career in politics.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Chris_ on September 07, 2012, 02:43:32 PM
Mitt Romney was at Stanford in 1965, followed by a 2-1/2 year church mission to France.

Anything earlier, and he would have been in high school.

Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 07, 2012, 02:50:04 PM
SmittynMo (318 posts)
21. I believe every word
true, or not.
Yessss, we know. :mental:

Barack_America (22,800 posts)
24. My father has no reason to lie.

It came up in a conversation we had some time ago about people he used to work with. He was talking about how much he had respected this supervisor, which led to the story. I'll ask him more of the details.
However, you most certainly do, and did.  :rotf:

LiberalAndProud (8,758 posts)
29. I know this is only a story on the internet,
but I absolutely believe that this happened.
Remember this?-----> :mental:
Wear that proud. DblDUmbass
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: J P Sousa on September 07, 2012, 03:06:29 PM
This just reinforces the belief that liberals never grew up they still believe in fairy tales.

Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: ChuckJ on September 07, 2012, 03:49:35 PM
There's no way of proving this story

This is the first time that I recall a Bouncy fabricator essentially announcing in the story that it's made up.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: franksolich on September 07, 2012, 03:54:44 PM
Well, rats, I thought I might've had the primitive.

I thought George Romney was elected governor of Michigan in 1966--the primitive says it happened when he was governor--but apparently he was re-elected in 1966, having first been elected in 1962.


<<always likes catching primitives in errors of history.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 07, 2012, 04:24:29 PM
Grand prize for the stupidest, most asinine comment on the entire thread.
regnaD kciN (16,276 posts)
38. I wonder what would happen if Robme got so pissed-off...

Last edited Fri Sep 7, 2012, 03:45 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)
...he called Obama an "n-word" during the debates?

Sadly, it would probably boost his support among Republicans...
Fortunately, you're dead wrong, and a racist A**h**e.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on September 07, 2012, 05:22:09 PM
Grand prize for the stupidest, most asinine comment on the entire thread.Fortunately, you're dead wrong, and a racist A**h**e.

The thing is that DUmmies love that word and if they thought they could get away with it, half of DU would be nothing but an endless series of n-word posts.  They know they can't get away with it in polite society, but sometimes they slip up, which happened when Mia Love got inside their little heads and they had to take their rage out on her Wikipedia page.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: jukin on September 07, 2012, 05:46:09 PM

Well my father told me that he nailed Morgan Fairchild in the NY Ritz in the 80s....repeatedly. I know this is only a story on the internet,
but I absolutely believe that this happened.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 07, 2012, 05:49:20 PM
Well my father told me that he nailed Morgan Fairchild in the NY Ritz in the 80s....repeatedly. I know this is only a story on the internet,
but I absolutely believe that this happened.
I am your father, jukin.
Believe it.

rocktivity (35,317 posts)

60. And I'm sure that it was a shit-hot set of wheels that young Mitt jumped out of
Last edited Fri Sep 7, 2012, 06:37 PM USA/ET - Edit history (8) 8????

The kind of car that people like your dad had to either save their pennies for, or make from scratch.
Then this snot-nosed little punk who's never worked a day in his life has the nerve to say, "Next time YOU PEOPLE come to MY house, use the SERVANT'S entrance?" No wonder he nearly got his ass kicked into the next month!


Response to rocktivity (Reply #60)

Fri Sep 7, 2012, 06:12 PM

 Barack_America (22,804 posts)

64. You've basically summarized the story as my father told it to me.

Response to Barack_America (Original post)
Fri Sep 7, 2012, 05:56 PM
 jsr (455 posts)

63. Completely credible
given what we know about him.
You idiots don't know anything about him. Liar.

Response to Barack_America (Original post)
Fri Sep 7, 2012, 06:36 PM
 DonRedwood (762 posts)

66. we need to hear from their maids, gardeners, teachers...etc.... thank you for sharing!
Here's something I'll share just for you. ----  :bird:   DUmbass
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: BEG on September 07, 2012, 05:58:02 PM
Pathetic  :whatever:
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Duke Nukum on September 07, 2012, 07:43:25 PM
A bunch of union thugs show up, dump something on the lawn and young Mitt asks them what the heck they are doing. The most violent union thug, jealous of young Mitt's luck at being born to an industrious father wants to kill him. I can believe that.

Then years later, this DUmmie's dad fabricates a story out of it. Like all DUmmies, they lie, fabricate, and dream up the most preposterous things.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: BlueStateSaint on September 07, 2012, 07:45:53 PM
Yes, BEG, it may be pathetic, but it's a sign of absolute desperation amongst the maggots at the DUmp.  They don't have anything else.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Delmar on September 07, 2012, 07:52:38 PM
I don't blame young Mitt a bit--DUmmy trash should've known enough to go around back to the service entrance.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: jukin on September 07, 2012, 09:32:12 PM
I am your father, jukin.
Believe it.

Finally, I found my scoundrel father!
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Freeper on September 07, 2012, 09:33:56 PM
Finally, I found my scoundrel father!

Did he name you Sue?
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Jasonw560 on September 07, 2012, 09:59:18 PM
My uncle had a friend whose brother's third cousin (by marriage) had a step-sister whose proctologist went to elementary school with Barry in Hawaii. When they were 5, they had to build a building with blocks in ome hour. Well, this proctologist ( we'll call him George) built a great tower, structurly sound, while young Barry kept giving other kids' blocks to the kids too poor to go to school.

Anyway, after an hour, Barry looked at these blocks he took and hadn't given to other kids in a garbled mess. The teacher passed by, and gave him an incomplete, because that's what young Barry said he deserved, and that if he had another hour, he could do more.

The teacher patted him on the head, amd went over to George's blocks. She praised him, and gave him an "A" for the great work.

Enraged, Barry kicked over George's building, constantly yelling "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!!!"

I know this is just an internet story, but I actually truly believe it's true.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 08, 2012, 08:29:11 AM
Just an update.
Barack_America (22,800 posts)
24. My father has no reason to lie.
It came up in a conversation we had some time ago about people he used to work with. He was talking about how much he had respected this supervisor, which led to the story. I'll ask him more of the details.
No mention at all that the primitive ever again discussed it with papa. None.
Even if the idiot claimed he did, I seriously doubt it would be true.

YBR31 (105 posts)
 Response to Barack_America (Reply #53)
Sat Sep 8, 2012, 08:29 AM

107. Would he be willing to go public or talk to a reporter?
The story has to be true, to begin with, idiot.
It's not, it's a lie.  The OP lied to you, get it?
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: franksolich on September 08, 2012, 08:37:58 AM
I don't blame young Mitt a bit--DUmmy trash should've known enough to go around back to the service entrance.

Uh, I'm curious about something.

How would Mitt Romney's "alleged" behavior be any different from the ways the Kennedy offspring treated their menial help, a matter of common knowledge and public record?
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on September 08, 2012, 08:46:46 AM
This just reinforces the belief that liberals never grew up they still believe in fairy tales.

I think they believe them because they are fairy tales.  Something tells me this was in a movie I saw about a year ago.  It sounds very familiar.  Something about rival tobacco planting families or something.  

How would Mitt Romney's "alleged" behavior be any different from the ways the Kennedy offspring treated their menial help, a matter of common knowledge and public record?

Never happened.  Limbaugh h8tr lies.  FauxNews propaganda.  Public record was altered by ReichWing operatives ordered by Booooooosh.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 08, 2012, 12:10:09 PM
Uh, I'm curious about something.

How would Mitt Romney's "alleged" behavior be any different from the ways the Kennedy offspring treated their menial help, a matter of common knowledge and public record?
Good point. He didn't get them pregnant, or drown them.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: formerlurker on September 08, 2012, 12:57:25 PM
Why would a road crew supervisor have access to the governor's home for any reason?

They are SO far removed from county government, and a road crew supervisor?  For real?

Anyone know what this house looked like?  I know it was on the border of a golf course, because his dad played a couple of holes of golf at dawn everyday.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: delilahmused on September 08, 2012, 02:58:42 PM
YBR31 (105 posts)
 Response to Barack_America (Reply #53)
Sat Sep 8, 2012, 08:29 AM

107. Would he be willing to go public or talk to a reporter?

Did the supervisor get brain cancer and die because he was so mad at Romney? That would be a great commercial. Talk to David Brooks...he'd be happy to do it.

Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: vesta111 on September 08, 2012, 03:59:30 PM
Did the supervisor get brain cancer and die because he was so mad at Romney? That would be a great commercial. Talk to David Brooks...he'd be happy to do it.


Easy to see this poster has NO idea how the Gentile live.

The servants entrance is for the day workers and for the delivery trucks for meat and grocery's as it is usually inside the kitchen.
No one wants plumbers or lawn care workers to come in the front door and get mud on expensive carpets.

The poster said his dad was there with a couple others to deliver some kind of documents , no way would they go and to the servants entrance and intrust any kind of document to a cook.  These are hand delivered to the Butler or a family member and signed for at the front door.  The others are there as witnesses that that the document was delivered.

What a crock, this poster needs to check out a book on the practices of all society's, he seems to be living in a mud hut.

So If I snow blow a path to my back yard and place up a sign of servants entrance will my neighbors think I am being above my self??    :lmao:

Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Skul on September 08, 2012, 04:14:12 PM
Easy to see this poster has NO idea how the Gentile live.

The servants entrance is for the day workers and for the delivery trucks for meat and grocery's as it is usually inside the kitchen.
No one wants plumbers or lawn care workers to come in the front door and get mud on expensive carpets.

The poster said his dad was there with a couple others to deliver some kind of documents , no way would they go and to the servants entrance and intrust any kind of document to a cook.  These are hand delivered to the Butler or a family member and signed for at the front door.  The others are there as witnesses that that the document was delivered.

What a crock, this poster needs to check out a book on the practices of all society's, he seems to be living in a mud hut.

So If I snow blow a path to my back yard and place up a sign of servants entrance will my neighbors think I am being above my self??    :lmao:
You missed both the point and analogy.
OP speculated it may have been papers.
It's probably a bouncy. BS for falling for it.
You should know better.

Edit for different DUmp comment. :lmao:
MADem (77,337 posts)
113. They drugged him for the Convention--I'm sure of it.

But all he had to do there was read from a teleprompter--and even at that, he slurred a word or three. The unfortunate use of "groin" instead of "growing" stood out (pardon the pun) to me.

I don't think they'll drug him for a debate, though--we'll know soon enough. You don't need Dog Hearing to discern that characteristic vibrato of tension in his voice when he's under stress and feeling defensive. He also talks in an odd, hesitating way when he's feeling pressure. All of that was totally absent at the convention speech--he sounded like he'd had half a scotch too many.
Must have been watching Obambam and the video of Teddie.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: delilahmused on September 09, 2012, 06:55:52 PM
Easy to see this poster has NO idea how the Gentile live.

The servants entrance is for the day workers and for the delivery trucks for meat and grocery's as it is usually inside the kitchen.
No one wants plumbers or lawn care workers to come in the front door and get mud on expensive carpets.

The poster said his dad was there with a couple others to deliver some kind of documents , no way would they go and to the servants entrance and intrust any kind of document to a cook.  These are hand delivered to the Butler or a family member and signed for at the front door.  The others are there as witnesses that that the document was delivered.

What a crock, this poster needs to check out a book on the practices of all society's, he seems to be living in a mud hut.

So If I snow blow a path to my back yard and place up a sign of servants entrance will my neighbors think I am being above my self??    :lmao:

What the **** are you talking about? Gentiles and servants? Are you living in the 19th century? Who the hell does that anymore? What makes you think the Romney's had a damn butler? That's only for the very, very super rich. The Romney's weren't in that category. Besides, doesn't a governor and his family live in THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION? Don't think I've ever seen one with a butler. Though they do usually have a cook, given they have to cook state dinners and stuff.

Obviously you don't understand simple concepts like analogy. Let me explain:

An 0bama super pack ran an ad about how Romney was responsible for a man's wife dying of cancer because the company the guy worked for closed. The company he worked for ASKED Bain for help. It was beyond fixing. When it closed the guy lost his job. When he lost his job he lost his health insurance.

FIVE years later, he's still unemployed with no health insurance. His wife, the one who died of cancer, STILL HAD INSURANCE THROUGH HER EMPLOYER. When she found out she had cancer she STILL HAD INSURANCE THROUGH HER EMPLOYER. Just for clarification she got cancer FIVE YEARS AFTER THE GUY LOST HIS JOB. Do we understand that? Okay, let's move on.

This ad was so disgusting and so completely untrue, even the pro-0bama media couldn't let it go. Got that, the ad was false and ugly because it was accusing Romney of killing a man's wife.  As it was many years later the wife got sick and she had insurance despite this man sitting on his lazy ass, how could Romney possibly be responsible? There wasn't an economic downturn during this time of which I am aware.

Now back to the DUmmie's story. The guy the DUmmie referred to was a SUPERVISOR for the road commission. He wasn't a servant of any kind. What someone who works for a COMMISSIONER was doing in a work truck, I don't know. Generally the road CREWS drive the trucks. As Romney's dad was governor, why the supervisor not take the papers to the governor's office as everyone else would? If the gov wasn't at his office, they could be left with a secretary. Nor do I understand, since said supervisor works for the road commissioner (whatever the hell that is), why wouldn't he deliver papers to the head of the department he works for? What possible reason would a commissioner have to tell someone to deliver papers to a governor's house. If they're delivering papers, it's not an emergency. Because if it's an emergency, the would CALL the governor (they did have telephones in the 1960's). There's no reason someone needs to deliver papers to a governor's house government mansion provided by the state the every governor lives in during their term in office. Period. That's why they have things called OFFICES. Nor would anyone other than the commissioner call the gov about an emergency. So, this situation is ridiculous. Still with me?

Remember, Romney was accused of causing a man's wife to die of cancer and that this has been proved false. The accusation is an extreme exaggeration. Well, according to this story the supervisor was so angry he almost killed Romney. Others had to hold him back. That's just a little bizarre (even if it did happen the way the DUmmie said it did). The normal response, if the supervisor decided to do anything, was to say something back to the young Romney. One doesn't kill the son of the guy who could fire you the next day. Thus, this, too, is a huge exaggeration.

Now, taking it one step further (remember, we're pushing beyond the limits of reality), as the 0bama pack ad did, they could put out an ad accusing Romney of giving this supervisor brain cancer? The other men holding him back. Thus, he didn't let him release his anger. And being that angry could cause brain cancer. See, that's as absurd as Romney being accused of causing his wife's cancer five years after the guy's company closed.

Since David Brooks started and runs the super pack that put out the ad, I suggested the DUmmie take this story to him. He has no ethics and is quite happy to put out ads that are false. And not just false, but easily proved to be false. Thus, it was an exercise in ABSURDITY illustrating ABSURDITY.


Oh, hell, I was gonna edit the grammar mistakes but she probably won't understand the damn thing anyway.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: franksolich on September 09, 2012, 07:01:14 PM
What the **** are you talking about?.....Obviously you don't understand simple concepts like analogy......

I know our colleague vesta111 has a great influence upon the tempers of other members, but don't let her get to you, drive you nuts.
Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: vesta111 on September 11, 2012, 07:38:38 AM
What the **** are you talking about? Gentiles and servants? Are you living in the 19th century? Who the hell does that anymore? What makes you think the Romney's had a damn butler? That's only for the very, very super rich. The Romney's weren't in that category. Besides, doesn't a governor and his family live in THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION? Don't think I've ever seen one with a butler. Though they do usually have a cook, given they have to cook state dinners and stuff.

Obviously you don't understand simple concepts like analogy. Let me explain:

An 0bama super pack ran an ad about how Romney was responsible for a man's wife dying of cancer because the company the guy worked for closed. The company he worked for ASKED Bain for help. It was beyond fixing. When it closed the guy lost his job. When he lost his job he lost his health insurance.

FIVE years later, he's still unemployed with no health insurance. His wife, the one who died of cancer, STILL HAD INSURANCE THROUGH HER EMPLOYER. When she found out she had cancer she STILL HAD INSURANCE THROUGH HER EMPLOYER. Just for clarification she got cancer FIVE YEARS AFTER THE GUY LOST HIS JOB. Do we understand that? Okay, let's move on.

This ad was so disgusting and so completely untrue, even the pro-0bama media couldn't let it go. Got that, the ad was false and ugly because it was accusing Romney of killing a man's wife.  As it was many years later the wife got sick and she had insurance despite this man sitting on his lazy ass, how could Romney possibly be responsible? There wasn't an economic downturn during this time of which I am aware.

Now back to the DUmmie's story. The guy the DUmmie referred to was a SUPERVISOR for the road commission. He wasn't a servant of any kind. What someone who works for a COMMISSIONER was doing in a work truck, I don't know. Generally the road CREWS drive the trucks. As Romney's dad was governor, why the supervisor not take the papers to the governor's office as everyone else would? If the gov wasn't at his office, they could be left with a secretary. Nor do I understand, since said supervisor works for the road commissioner (whatever the hell that is), why wouldn't he deliver papers to the head of the department he works for? What possible reason would a commissioner have to tell someone to deliver papers to a governor's house. If they're delivering papers, it's not an emergency. Because if it's an emergency, the would CALL the governor (they did have telephones in the 1960's). There's no reason someone needs to deliver papers to a governor's house government mansion provided by the state the every governor lives in during their term in office. Period. That's why they have things called OFFICES. Nor would anyone other than the commissioner call the gov about an emergency. So, this situation is ridiculous. Still with me?

Remember, Romney was accused of causing a man's wife to die of cancer and that this has been proved false. The accusation is an extreme exaggeration. Well, according to this story the supervisor was so angry he almost killed Romney. Others had to hold him back. That's just a little bizarre (even if it did happen the way the DUmmie said it did). The normal response, if the supervisor decided to do anything, was to say something back to the young Romney. One doesn't kill the son of the guy who could fire you the next day. Thus, this, too, is a huge exaggeration.

Now, taking it one step further (remember, we're pushing beyond the limits of reality), as the 0bama pack ad did, they could put out an ad accusing Romney of giving this supervisor brain cancer? The other men holding him back. Thus, he didn't let him release his anger. And being that angry could cause brain cancer. See, that's as absurd as Romney being accused of causing his wife's cancer five years after the guy's company closed.

Since David Brooks started and runs the super pack that put out the ad, I suggested the DUmmie take this story to him. He has no ethics and is quite happy to put out ads that are false. And not just false, but easily proved to be false. Thus, it was an exercise in ABSURDITY illustrating ABSURDITY.


Oh, hell, I was gonna edit the grammar mistakes but she probably won't understand the damn thing anyway.

Very well written and a great explanation Cindie.    Thank you.

Actually I also was making fun of story as it is not uncommon for people in high places to receive bribes from various places that are in fact hand delivered to the home instead of to an office where their coming and going are recorded.

When the Governor has dealings with a State Commissioners who may be in charge of the private bids to work on a project, the winner of the bid stands to make millions and a kick back into the Governors war chest can be quite substantial. { same goes for government contractors that hire outside help from everything from who will clean the offices to what vending machines they will install and who will install them. } A cut throat business ------Ever hear about Bostons BIG DIG Project.

Far as Butlers, I guess the new term is Majordomo, SP?   The wealthy hire usually a male but sometimes a female to run their home for them as a person making big money has no time to go over household expenses or balance the check book for home related items, they pay the bills, taxes, keep track of kitchen help and insure everyone gets paid on time. They do just about everything a stay at home Mother use to do and more.   They can hire or fire anyone and the Boss is never bothered with home problems.---------I still call them glorified Butlers.

On  the coast we have Mansions that for some  become summer homes to the wealthy, Later in life they move there permanently, just down the road from Seahorse place in Rye lives Dan Brown the author, his digs are no Mansion but I assure you the  plumber does NOT come to the front door. Ex-governer does have a mansion down the road and we know when he is in residence, they hoist the American flag and the State flag.  Grocery delivery and caterers do NOT come to their front door.

Strange custom up here the very wealthy often send their kids to public schools until they hit High School then it is off to some high faulting boarding prep school.    Us of family's of very modest means grow up with these kids and when invited to their home our eyes popped out, darn our friends never had to clean a chicken coop or muck out a barn.   On the other hand the wealthy kids would spend more time at our homes then they did with each other.  When we the poor and meek spent time with our wealthy friends, we had to learn a new life style to be welcomed back again.

Not all the super wealthy had live in maids or butlers, but they did NOT mow their own lawns and had a cleaning service, Once in a while one would see a wealthy farmer out on a tractor or supervising in the milk barn but never in the kitchen cooking up a meal and telling sea storys to me as was done at my house for the entertainment of my guest. 

All kinds of life styles for both the rich and the poor, for me it was years before I realised my family was not wealthy in money but by then I realised what true wealth is.

So when some far fetched story is told about how the wealthy did somebody wrong, it could well be true or not, poor or rich, if someone is a scoundrel then the game field is level and anything goes.

Title: Re: Bouncy with a back-peddle
Post by: Gina on September 11, 2012, 08:53:21 AM
I remember one time I met Michelle Obama.  She was on the corner and selling some hot dogs.  She was wearing these awesome harem pants and had green curlers in her hair.  I remember it distinctly because she yelled for some guy back in the alley to bring her some buns.  Out came this little guy looking so scared.  I now know him as Obama.  I said "Hi" to hime and he said "No speak Engrish" and that was enough for that mean old woman to kick him in the butt and thump one of his huge ears.  It was very degrading.  Of course I can't prove this story but it's true, I promise!   :whistling: