The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Tess Anderson on August 19, 2012, 06:42:50 PM

Title: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Tess Anderson on August 19, 2012, 06:42:50 PM

First off, it's really not THAT interesting.

truth2power (6,631 posts)

I took my car in for service yesterday. Had an interesting (brief) conversation...
This is just an indication of how people don't think things through.

After consulting with the service personnel we determined that I needed to leave my car overnight so the parts could be ordered and the repairs done today.

I took a seat in the waiting area until someone at the facility was free to run me home. There was some political stuff on the TV....I wasn't paying attention. I started reading a book I had with me.

So the man next to me started ranting about "welfare" and how he knew a woman (a single mother) who had 6 children, some of them, at least, having different fathers. He said this family group was getting $1000. per month in food stamps and he thought that was an exhorbitant sum.

Well, first of all, who your father is shouldn't make any difference as to whether you're allowed to eat. But that's rather beside the point. I took a scrap of paper out of my bag and was going to do a 'back of the envelope' calculation on this.

Just then, one of the mechanics showed up and said he was available to take me home. I couldn't very well ask him to wait, because he was on the clock. So I left. When I got home I did a calculation:

$1000 divided by 7 (mom and 6 kids) = $142.00 and change/person/month. Divide 142.00 by 30 days and you get approximately $4.73 per day. For 3 meals. How easy is it to eat on $4.73 per day?

I wish I'd had time to explain this to the man sitting next to me. But you see how the propagandists succeed in turning us against one another while the banksters steal our taxes, pension funds etc.

It's an ongoing struggle.
oud2BlibKansan (92,952 posts)
40. There is a group of hateful jerks on my local paper site who complain about food stamps

On a regular basis, they claim to have seen someone in line in front of them at the grocery store buying something they consider unnecessary with food stamps. Finally some of the other regular posters started questioning them - how did they know that person was using food stamps? It's a card that looks just like a credit card. How close do you have to get to that other person to see what kind of card they are using to pay for their groceries? How nosy are you?

Shut the selfish jerks up pretty quickly. My guess is they were lying through their teeth. 
Anne is so powerful. ::)
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: obumazombie on August 19, 2012, 07:06:57 PM
According to libs it should be more guilt laden to uncover a food stamp user, than it is to be a food stamp user.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Evil_Conservative on August 19, 2012, 07:40:33 PM
It's a card that looks just like a credit card.

It's the same shape as a credit card, but looks nothing like a typical credit/debit card... moron.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 19, 2012, 10:08:37 PM
It's the same shape as a credit card, but looks nothing like a typical credit/debit card... moron.
There should be a separate checkout line for food stamps.

I suspect the DUmpmonkeys would oppose that idea.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Kyle Ricky on August 19, 2012, 10:50:54 PM
They should regulate what kind of food you get with food stamps. Every month when I am doing my grocery shopping (The wife insists on going to Wal*Mart), there is a line of about three our four people with a couple of kids and carts full of crap. Out of all the food they get, 98% of it is junk and unhealthy.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Boudicca on August 19, 2012, 11:11:47 PM
I was in Walmart a few months ago and the reason I knew the women ahead of me were using EBT cards to buy their junk food-literally cases of sodas and pastries-was because they had no shame in hollering back and forth to one another about how much they had left on their cards, etc.
These bitches probably post online about how cruel and heinous people are, and are, I am convinced, fervent Obama worshippers.

Truth to power, btw, is an idiot who flunks Bouncy 101.  Beginning a sentence with So is a dead giveaway.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: obumazombie on August 19, 2012, 11:16:55 PM
So should be an automatic bouncy and bong upgrade.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: BattleHymn on August 20, 2012, 12:04:02 AM

Truth to power, btw, is an idiot who flunks Bouncy 101.  Beginning a sentence with So is a dead giveaway.

You have to give them some credit for waiting until halfway through the bouncy before rolling out the 'so', though. 

The rest of the bouncy is very flat, though.  It's the literary equivalent to eating a piece of dry toast.   
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: obumazombie on August 20, 2012, 12:10:39 AM
You have to give them some credit for waiting until halfway through the bouncy before rolling out the 'so', though. 

The rest of the bouncy is very flat, though.  It's the literary equivalent to eating a piece of dry toast.   
So, it's toast. And the tide is turning. This has legs.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: jukin on August 20, 2012, 01:00:53 PM
8 out of 10 times I know a food stamp user by the fact they have very expensive shoes from NIKE.

I've posted this before. A friend is going back to school and has an EBT card. We went to the store and he wanted to buy the ribs for the BBQ. As we were waiting in line I saw at least two EBT cards used and the hispanic checker was all smiles to these people. When he used his EBT card the checker got a very dirty look on her face and gruffly took his card. Only difference I could see is that my friend is white. He told me he gets that all the time and it is particularly bad if the checker is black.

Granted this is just one data point, I tend to believe from statements of prominent democrat blacks that say "That is our money. That's for us." this is SOP.

BTW, he gets $138/month but has worked his entire life and put a ton of money INTO the system.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Gina on August 20, 2012, 01:16:29 PM
It's the same shape as a credit card, but looks nothing like a typical credit/debit card... moron.

The one I have seen here says EBT on it.  Plus they make it known most of the time because they whine when something doesn't get paid for by the card.   ::)
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Skul on August 20, 2012, 03:38:55 PM
Just for Obumazombie...... :stoner: :stoner:
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: obumazombie on August 20, 2012, 03:45:26 PM
Just for Obumazombie...... :stoner: :stoner:
Good one. Not for posterity, but, as a zombie for obuma, I don't have enough respect for owebuma to capitalize either one. Hence, obumazombie (me), owebumazombie (any other zombie for obuma), and owebuma (the President). Just a little known bit of zombie trivia.
Title: Re: truth2power's new bouncy ( he was ordering car parts)
Post by: Evil_Conservative on August 20, 2012, 06:08:16 PM
There should be a separate checkout line for food stamps.

I suspect the DUmpmonkeys would oppose that idea.

That's what I want to see.  It would clear up my checkout line and I wouldn't be stuck at the store 30 minutes longer than planned.