The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: thundley4 on July 10, 2012, 12:09:02 PM

Title: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: thundley4 on July 10, 2012, 12:09:02 PM
Skidmore (26,858 posts)

Why would anyone expressing a rightwing opinion in public get a death threat from

the left? There was a discussion by the women on The View of Brad Pitt's mother receiving death threats after her article this past week supporting the R position on women's issues. Now, I don't agree with her but the last thing I would do beyond expressing my strong disagreement would be to threaten someone else with physical violence.

My inclination is that many of these threats (and we have seen more than one instance of claims of people on the right getting death threats) is that they are staged somehow by some of these nutcase Rovian dirty tricks groups. If that is the case, there must be a way to prove it. I just don't think it hold together that there are scads of people on the left just running around ready to kill others for their point of view. We didn't show up at campaign events or protests with guns and threatening signs.

You couldn't be more wrong DUmmie.  False threats against gheys and blacks have been proven time and again, but the ones made against conservatives are from nutcases like you. 

RKP5637 (19,837 posts)
1. Fake IMO to make the left look/sound evil. n/t

Right, we never see threats made on DU nor any grave dancing.  :mental:

sharp_stick (7,692 posts)
3. The term "death threat"

has become completely meaningless. I'll bet anyone that no real threat has been made in this or damned near all the other "Death Threat news right or left.

The media and "victims" toss it around anytime someone gets an email like "I really hope you die you ignorant POS".

Not only is that not a death threat under any circumstances as there is no threat it's likely collected from an anonymous messaging system at the bottom of a news or opinion piece somewhere.

Unless those comments are directed against Obama, then the person needs to be locked away or put to death.

BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.

This sounds more like a set-up by the AlwaysWrongRight and the propaganda arm of their side.

Remember all those losers at the OWS protests bashing in windows and stuff? Pretty much sure those were Righties. TeaBaggers funded by Corporations? O'Keefe's "stings". The threats directed at Mrs. Pitt sounds completely in line with how Republicans try to demonize their enemies and create bad propaganda to keep their gullible sheep in line and distracted while they work toward robbing them and our country blind.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Bad Dog on July 10, 2012, 12:13:14 PM
"If any of you homos touch my stuff...I kill ya"  Francis
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 10, 2012, 12:13:42 PM
BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.

This is without a doubt in the front running for most stupid post of the year. Wow, that oozes stupid. So much so that you have to wear hip boots to wade through it. Wow.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: txradioguy on July 10, 2012, 12:16:50 PM
BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.

Riiiight...then explain why the Secret Service made three visits that I'm aware of to the DuPont Circle offices of DU?

Couldn't have been about the threats made by the President by your fellow DUmmies?

Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Chris_ on July 10, 2012, 12:17:03 PM
Skidmore (26,858 posts)
Why would anyone expressing a rightwing opinion in public get a death threat from the left?
Because it's what you do.

MSNBC: Feds probe politically charged art exhibit (
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: txradioguy on July 10, 2012, 12:21:26 PM
Because it's what you do.

I guess they blame some reich wing tea bagger for the movie about the assassination of President Bush?
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: delilahmused on July 10, 2012, 12:36:19 PM
Hey DUmmies...Check this out, you can go see for yourself if these are libs or not...but you won't because if it doesn't fit your template you have to find a way to twist it until you are: bullies hurl threats at Brad Pitt's christian mom (

Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: diesel driver on July 10, 2012, 12:38:27 PM
"If any of you homos touch my stuff...I kill ya"  Francis

"Settle down, Frances."
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: BEG on July 10, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
Simply look at all the death threats against Zimmerman. Bet your bottom dollar that none of them came from the right.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: jukin on July 10, 2012, 01:04:43 PM
So much DUlusion at the DUmp.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Ballygrl on July 10, 2012, 01:26:53 PM
All DU has to do is go to the Twitter Accounts of those who've left vile comments about Brad Pitt's Mom, and look at their posting history, you'll see they're leftists!

BTW, why does the left think free speech and free thought are only allowed by them?
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: DefiantSix on July 10, 2012, 01:35:24 PM
All DU has to do is go to the Twitter Accounts of those who've left vile comments about Brad Pitt's Mom, and look at their posting history, you'll see they're leftists!

BTW, why does the left think free speech and free thought are only allowed by them?

Because consistency has never been one of their strong suites.  Usually within two or three sentences of proclaiming they're the crusaders for free speech, they'll spout off about how one conservative's voice or another needs to be shut down/censored by da gub'mint/boycotted/etc, ad nauseum.  They don't even notice the hypocrisy: they believe it, therefore it isn't hypocritical.  :mental:
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: dandi on July 10, 2012, 01:47:07 PM
BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.

Uh huh, just like you don't hate, it's "righteous anger".

You never start trouble at demonstrations, it's "agents provocateur".

Abortions are never done for convenience, they're "serious life decisions agonized over by any woman who's had one".

Crime isn't commited because of weak moral character, it's because of "poverty and lack of opportunity".

There are no rich and greedy Democrats, only "financially secure progressives who deserve what they have and wish their taxes were higher".

Obama isn't dragging his feet in getting us out of Afghanistan, he's "playing the hand Bush dealt him and trying to salvage what's left of the country".

Education problems aren't due to apathetic parents and teachers' unions, it's "a lack of money".

There are no problems within the Black community, it's all the fault of "old, white, racist men".

Democrats never lose an election, they "have them stolen from them".


Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Jasonw560 on July 10, 2012, 01:48:25 PM
Tell ACORN, ELF, PETA, Greenpeace, and the rest of that ilk you're too intelligent for that.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Danglars on July 10, 2012, 01:50:24 PM

BTW, why does the left think free speech and free thought are only allowed by them?

They don't need a why. They know it's only for them and the rest of us have to be shut up, by pet judge, law, intimidation, or force. Force would be their preference.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: 67 Rover on July 10, 2012, 02:04:44 PM
How about the current fad of the left wing called "swatting".

Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on July 10, 2012, 02:13:20 PM
Because it's what you do.

MSNBC: Feds probe politically charged art exhibit (

Didn't you read that one DUmmie?  That's not a death threat because, umm, ahh, er,  FACIST!!!!111111eleventy1111!!!!!
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Karin on July 10, 2012, 02:16:07 PM
Oh my God.  The agents provocatuers again?  Nobody believes that, asshole DUmmies, but go ahead and stick your head in the sand.  More and more people see liberals for who they really are:  Nasty lowdown creeps.  And they want to distance themselves from the likes of you however they can. 
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: BEG on July 10, 2012, 02:30:01 PM
Didn't you read that one DUmmie?  That's not a death threat because, umm, ahh, er,  FACIST!!!!111111eleventy1111!!!!!

It's not a death threat because it's ART...  :whatever:
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Karin on July 10, 2012, 02:36:57 PM
Look, a story:

coalition_unwilling (11,091 posts)
9. During Operation Shocking and Awful, I used to vigil against the war by myself

on Venice Blvd. There was guy who would come by daily on one of those adult-sized tricycles. He had long grey hair tied in a pony-tail and, at first sight, you might dismiss him as a washed-up old 60s hippy. I was disposed to do so until one morning as I wielded my "I Blame Bush" banner, he stopped in front of me and said, "If I see you here again, I will shoot you."

I said, "If I were not willing to die for my beliefs, I would not be standing here." And as he pedaled off, I yelled at him, "I'll call the police on you, you jack-ass."

But when I returned to our apartment and told my wife what had transpired, she refused to let me vigil at that location by myself any longer. I had to re-locate and start vigilling with at least one other person from that point onward.

My wife certainly thought the threat was real. I'm still not sure and never got a chance to find out.

*cough* *****-whipped *cough*

Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Chris_ on July 10, 2012, 02:41:42 PM
Who uses "vigil" as a verb?

Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 10, 2012, 02:54:09 PM
The only place who had agent provocateurs was the Tea Party. Then they would always be figured out and kicked out of the rallies.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 10, 2012, 02:54:51 PM
coalition_unwilling (11,091 posts)
9. During Operation Shocking and Awful, I used to vigil against the war by myself

on Venice Blvd. There was guy who would come by daily on one of those adult-sized tricycles. He had long grey hair tied in a pony-tail and, at first sight, you might dismiss him as a washed-up old 60s hippy. I was disposed to do so until one morning as I wielded my "I Blame Bush" banner, he stopped in front of me and said, "If I see you here again, I will shoot you."

I said, "If I were not willing to die for my beliefs, I would not be standing here." And as he pedaled off, I yelled at him, "I'll call the police on you, you jack-ass."

But when I returned to our apartment and told my wife what had transpired, she refused to let me vigil at that location by myself any longer. I had to re-locate and start vigilling with at least one other person from that point onward.

My wife certainly thought the threat was real. I'm still not sure and never got a chance to find out.

This crock of shit isn't worth a single bong.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Bad Dog on July 10, 2012, 03:07:24 PM
Look, a story:

*cough* *****-whipped *cough*

His wife understood the DUmmies urine stains on the sidewalk would be a constant reminder of his impuissance.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: JohnnyReb on July 10, 2012, 04:52:02 PM
BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.[/color]...we just do the millions.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: BEG on July 10, 2012, 05:04:11 PM
coalition_unwilling (11,091 posts)
9. During Operation Shocking and Awful, I used to vigil against the war by myself

on Venice Blvd.
There was guy who would come by daily on one of those adult-sized tricycles. He had long grey hair tied in a pony-tail and, at first sight, you might dismiss him as a washed-up old 60s hippy. I was disposed to do so until one morning as I wielded my "I Blame Bush" banner, he stopped in front of me and said, "If I see you here again, I will shoot you."

I said, "If I were not willing to die for my beliefs, I would not be standing here." And as he pedaled off, I yelled at him, "I'll call the police on you, you jack-ass."

But when I returned to our apartment and told my wife what had transpired, she refused to let me vigil at that location by myself any longer. I had to re-locate and start vigilling with at least one other person from that point onward.

My wife certainly thought the threat was real. I'm still not sure and never got a chance to find out.

I can totally picture this guy
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: AprilRazz on July 10, 2012, 06:03:02 PM
Simply look at all the death threats against Zimmerman. Bet your bottom dollar that none of them came from the right.
Not just against him but also a sitting judge.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: miskie on July 10, 2012, 06:06:50 PM

Don't they ever tire of this ? All of them from the president down blame everything bad on someone else. Grow some balls & man up, people.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Duke Nukum on July 10, 2012, 07:05:51 PM
This crock of shit isn't worth a single bong.
If the grey haired pony-tailed Reich-wing hippie had turned out to be a cop, I could give it a bong.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 10, 2012, 07:29:49 PM
If the grey haired pony-tailed Reich-wing hippie had turned out to be a cop, I could give it a bong.

At least then he would have had something.
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: YupItsMe on July 10, 2012, 08:06:56 PM
"If any of you homos touch my stuff...I kill ya"  Francis

"Any of you call me Francis, I'll kill you."
Title: Re: Brad Pitt's mom gets death threats from right wingers.
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on July 11, 2012, 04:17:33 AM
  BlueCaliDem (3,264 posts)
4. The Left don't do "death threats". We're too intelligent for that.

*snort* *chortle*

Uh huh........