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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Freeper on June 30, 2012, 10:38:12 PM

Title: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Freeper on June 30, 2012, 10:38:12 PM
madokie (33,448 posts)

I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line

If our first Black President, President Barack Obama would have come in office doing what many of us wanted him to do, try the dick and w and company for war crimes, there would have been a modern day lynching on the White house lawn within the first 100 days. The political climate that the man came in on was so toxic that the man simply had to walk on thin ice to keep from being driven from office and yes because of the color of his skin. Not because of what he wanted and tried to do but because he didn't fit the mold of an American President. Old white man.
Look what they did to Kennedy cause he didn't fit that mold by being young and vibrant plus of a religion other than Protestant.
In the grand scheme of things I think our first black President has been most wonderful and good for our country as a whole even though he was having to walk a mean narrow path while doing it.

Just in case anyone wonders I'm an old mostly Caucasian/Cherokee male Vietnam Vet.

I bet if one did some research into how many times the left mentions 0bama's race vs how many times the right does, excluding when the right is defending themselves from the accusations of the left, we would find the right rarely brings up his race. I know the only time I even think about his race is when some moonbat has brought it up. I judge him like I would any other president, on his policies and how the conditions in the country are.

The reality is, if 0bama tried to frogmarch Bush, he would have to be frogmarched right next to him. Can you DUmmies say drone attacks? Someone in the 0bama administration has even leaked that 0bama personally makes the decision every Tuesday before he hits the golf course of who gets a drone shoved up their ass that week.

Siwsan (691 posts)
2. I still hold my vote for Barack Obama to be the best I ever cast

We all have 'wish' lists and some people may still be wishing. But, as a veteran, myself, I am so glad to finally have a POTUS who honors both the active service, reserves and veterans of the armed forces, AND their families. Also, equal pay for women, striking down DATD, endorsing marriage equality, doing more for national security than w ever thought about doing.

I truly believe a re-elected President Obama will be even more aggressive towards making this an even better place to call home.
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Response to Siwsan (Reply #2)Sat Jun 30, 2012, 09:17 PM
 madokie (33,448 posts)
19. I too am most proud of my two votes I gave him

How did you give him 2 votes? Did you just admit to election fraud?

Honeycombe8 (11,068 posts)
60. Me, too. When we're super old, we can say proudly say that, yes, we voted for him. All three times.

We recognized him from the start. We played a part in his historic Presidency, which is what I think history will show it to have been.

They voted 3 times for him.  :mental:

calimary (27,185 posts)
26. Man, no kidding. And it is indeed a marvel how he stands up to it all.

Yeah must be tough when the media is on his side, and he spends so much time partying. Poor guy.  :mental:

GodlessBiker (6,026 posts)
23. On Thursday, the guy behind me on an airplane actually said into his phone, "I don't hate black ...

... people, I just hate Obama. I thought he would be assassinated by now." I was in shock. I looked behind me and looked at him to make it clear I had heard what he said. He just gave me a crooked smile.

Yeah happens to me all the time too, people randomly tell me their political opinions.  :whatever:

marlakay (3,633 posts)
30. My husband is convinced Obama was threatened

not to do anything or they would hurt his family. The way he acts you would think so.


These people are clinically insane.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Bad Dog on June 30, 2012, 11:52:20 PM
Ya gotta admit Madoke has some serious creds being part Cheroke & all.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Revolution on July 01, 2012, 12:16:18 AM
More excellent moling by Swisan. The rest of them couldn't be more out of their minds than when someone creats a "I Heart Barack Obama" thread.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: movie buff on July 01, 2012, 05:50:15 AM
"Just in case anyone wonders I'm an old mostly Caucasian/Cherokee male Vietnam Vet."
Um, thank you for sharing that?
I remember on the old (And bloody hysterical) Comedy Central show 'The Man Show,' there was a semi- recurring sketch about what the show host Adam Carolla (Who recently gave an awesome rant on how pathetic the Occupiers are) would do if he were King of the World. In one of those sketches, he said something like, "Next order of business when I am King: Any white guy who brags about having Indian blood will be executed! You may be 1/10th Cherokee, but that still leaves 9/10ths A$$hole!"
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: MrsSmith on July 01, 2012, 07:07:52 AM
Just as always, the left is completely focused on race, skin color, religion...the right is focused on actions, character and policies. 
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Bad Dog on July 01, 2012, 07:58:37 AM
"Just in case anyone wonders I'm an old mostly Caucasian/Cherokee male Vietnam Vet."
Um, thank you for sharing that?
I remember on the old (And bloody hysterical) Comedy Central show 'The Man Show,' there was a semi- recurring sketch about what the show host Adam Carolla (Who recently gave an awesome rant on how pathetic the Occupiers are) would do if he were King of the World. In one of those sketches, he said something like, "Next order of business when I am King: Any white guy who brags about having Indian blood will be executed! You may be 1/10th Cherokee, but that still leaves 9/10ths A$$hole!"

And as Ollie North said..."Over 2 million Americans served in Viet Nam & I've met almost 5 million of them."
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 01, 2012, 10:54:56 AM
Madokie, that post should be hidden, but because it's so ragingly stupid that it's an embarassment to even DU.

And if Obama had been threatened, you can bet your ass his chained hound Eric would have been all over with the MSM in full hue and cry, with the DemonRat Party making all the political and fund-raising hay from it that is humanly possible.  The lack of any such activity pretty much indicates that no such thing ever happened.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 01, 2012, 11:08:44 AM
Once again they bring up his race. Gee who would have thunked it? Well, seeing that they can't run on anything, and he is a total disaster (He makes Jimmy Carter look like a great President - I won't say he makes FDR look like a great President because there is no way anyone could be that bad), they go with all they have. Call anyone who doesn't agree with him a racist. It is the same thing they did in 2008, and apparently it will be the same way this year. Even though it has been proven time and time again that it is the Dems who are the racist party. But hey, if they want to skew history and the truth, let them.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Freeper on July 01, 2012, 11:41:44 AM
Once again they bring up his race. Gee who would have thunked it? Well, seeing that they can't run on anything, and he is a total disaster (He makes Jimmy Carter look like a great President - I won't say he makes FDR look like a great President because there is no way anyone could be that bad), they go with all they have. Call anyone who doesn't agree with him a racist. It is the same thing they did in 2008, and apparently it will be the same way this year. Even though it has been proven time and time again that it is the Dems who are the racist party. But hey, if they want to skew history and the truth, let them.

Are you so sure about that? Give 0bama another 4 years and you will retract that statement.  :-)
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 01, 2012, 12:08:42 PM
Are you so sure about that? Give 0bama another 4 years and you will retract that statement.  :-)

If they give Obama four more years, I am sure he will come pretty damn close, but over him. We will have to wait and see I guess  :-)
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Freeper on July 01, 2012, 01:03:45 PM
If they give Obama four more years, I am sure he will come pretty damn close, but over him. We will have to wait and see I guess  :-)

They came damn close to impeaching Nixon, if he hadn't of resigned they would have, for much less than 0bama has done in the past 2 weeks. So one can only imagine what he is capable of doing in a second term.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Airwolf on July 01, 2012, 01:54:40 PM
They came damn close to impeaching Nixon, if he hadn't of resigned they would have, for much less than 0bama has done in the past 2 weeks. So one can only imagine what he is capable of doing in a second term.

Amazing how they forget history when its their guys ass on the line.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 01, 2012, 02:20:10 PM
They came damn close to impeaching Nixon, if he hadn't of resigned they would have, for much less than 0bama has done in the past 2 weeks. So one can only imagine what he is capable of doing in a second term.

Amazing how they forget history when its their guys ass on the line.

It is alright when one of their own is doing it. But don't the Republicans dare do it!
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Duchess on July 01, 2012, 02:21:12 PM
I think about his race, because he's such a blatant anti-white racist. He makes it impossible not to notice that.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: Kyle Ricky on July 01, 2012, 02:22:01 PM
I think about his race, because he's such a blatant anti-white racist. He makes it impossible not to notice that.

Holder is more of a racist, I think.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: whiffleball on July 01, 2012, 02:24:57 PM
Black, black, black.  That's the liberal focus, has been their focus.  Forget knowledge, skills and abilities.  Forget what and who is the best for our country.  Forget the constitution.  The most important thing is that there's a black (mixed race in reality, but that other race is so easily denied) guy in the WH. 
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on July 01, 2012, 04:20:20 PM
You know how often I've thought about BO's race?  About thirty minutes on the day he was elected, a few minutes on the MLK Day before his immaculation (I found it funny since the guy had been elected due to the color of his skin, given that the media refused to report the content of his character), and that's about it.  DUmmies obsess about his race, because deep down, they're part of a long line of Democrat racists.
Title: Re: I'm going to say it and hide it if it's out of line
Post by: jtyangel on July 01, 2012, 04:30:50 PM
GodlessBiker (6,026 posts)
23. On Thursday, the guy behind me on an airplane actually said into his phone, "I don't hate black ...

... people, I just hate Obama. I thought he would be assassinated by now." I was in shock. I looked behind me and looked at him to make it clear I had heard what he said. He just gave me a crooked smile.

Oooh, did you really look at him to let him know you heard him? I'm sure your stink eye made him totally convert :whatever: Last time I checked, that man in the airplane behind you had 1st amendment rights too.