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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: BannedFromDU on June 06, 2012, 01:20:00 PM

Title: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: BannedFromDU on June 06, 2012, 01:20:00 PM
TheMastersNemesis (856 posts)

View profile
A Country Run By GOP Is A Country Not Worth Serving

Last edited Wed Jun 6, 2012, 06:16 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)
If the GOP gets the control it wants then this country would not be a country worth serving. And the youth should boycott serving in the military. That is because as a Vietnam veteran I know the GOP for sure will abandon you even though you are bloodied or die in their unnecessary wars. Scott Walker says Romney should adopt the Ryan budget which would cut billions for veteran's care. Why do I say this it is because I saw how many Vietnam veterans were abandoned to the free market. I saw how many Vietnam veterans were homeless when I worked at a homeless shelter for four years, when the GOP took control. I now see how many recent and present veterans who serve and served are being treated. They have no jobs because GOP saboteurs are stopping economic recovery so they can suck the you know what of their billionaire Johns.

Now our recent veterans are being abandoned as well. Bush and the GOP wanted to privatize or profitize the VA by turning it over to private insurance companies. Romney supports free market or faith based care for our amputees and permanently brain injured vets. Bush and company even considered turning our MASH units over to companies like Halliburton to save money. That way triage on what wounded to save would be based on profit and the bottom line.

Scott Walker and the people who voted for him represent the worst in American values. These voters are not real Americans and are nothing but mean spirited racists and bigots. I hold nothing but complete contempt for GOP maggots and pond scum. And if you are feeling insulted you should. I spit on you and I revile you. If the enemy ever comes when the GOP is in control I will walk away. That is because the GOP and these billionaires are no better than the terrorists. In fact the GOP is a racist, bigoted, hateful and despicable party not worth dung. And the people who vote for them are no better. I do not care if a Republican suffers tragedy. Karma is a B.

So youth of America serve in the military at your own risk because once you have given your time all you are worth is selling pencils or poppies on the street. Remember history the GOP murdered WWI vets on the streets of Washington only because they wanted their bonus to eat. For their service all they got was guns and tanks in their face. The GOP was against the original GI Bill after WWII. Yet they wave the flag and push phony patriotism. Youth ask yourself if it is willing to give your life for the freedom of billionaires to rape the working class in this country with impunity? And if you are a Republican you are in idiot and a fool.

GD Scott Walker, his allies and all the dumb ass voters who kept him in office. I hope you Republicans all go to H. Screw you, and screw your families.

What a whiny little bitch. (

Please keep entertaining us, DU. Especially you, Mestas.
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 06, 2012, 01:26:13 PM
I'm not real fast on the understanding the nuances...was he upset? :lmao:
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Mike220 on June 06, 2012, 01:27:08 PM
Hahahaha! Impotent DUmmy rage... It's a wondrous thing. I just can't understand how people can actually believe that bullshit, but hey at least it means comedic entertainment.
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Ballygrl on June 06, 2012, 01:28:24 PM
TheMastersNemesis isn't going to get an invite to the CC picnic!
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: hillneck on June 06, 2012, 01:33:00 PM

Someone didn't take their meds today.   :mental:
Title: .
Post by: USA4ME on June 06, 2012, 01:33:57 PM
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Karin on June 06, 2012, 01:35:11 PM
Response to TheMastersNemesis (Original post)
Wed Jun 6, 2012, 02:32 PM
MjolnirTime (608 posts)
7. Wouldn't it be sweet if the Rapture came and took all the Repukes?

What rapture?  There is no God in DUmmyland.  Witness all the feverish praying going on, on Monday night (only).  Didn't work, did it? 
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: USA4ME on June 06, 2012, 01:40:31 PM
Quote from:
TheMastersNemesis (856 posts)

A Country Run By GOP Is A Country Not Worth Serving

If the GOP gets the control it wants then this country would not be a country worth serving. And the youth should boycott serving in the military. That is because as a Vietnam veteran I know the GOP for sure will abandon you even though you are bloodied or die in their unnecessary wars. Scott Walker says Romney should adopt the Ryan budget which would cut billions for veteran's care. Why do I say this it is because I saw how many Vietnam veterans were abandoned to the free market. I saw how many Vietnam veterans were homeless when I worked at a homeless shelter for four years, when the GOP took control. I now see how many recent and present veterans who serve and served are being treated. They have no jobs because GOP saboteurs are stopping economic recovery so they can suck the you know what of their billionaire Johns.


Scott Walker and the people who voted for him represent the worst in American values. These voters are not real Americans and are nothing but mean spirited racists and bigots. I hold nothing but complete contempt for GOP maggots and pond scum. And if you are feeling insulted you should. I spit on you and I revile you. If the enemy ever comes when the GOP is in control I will walk away. That is because the GOP and these billionaires are no better than the terrorists. In fact the GOP is a racist, bigoted, hateful and despicable party not worth dung. And the people who vote for them are no better. I do not care if a Republican suffers tragedy. Karma is a B.


GD Scott Walker, his allies and all the dumb ass voters who kept him in office. I hope you Republicans all go to H. Screw you, and screw your families.

Replace "GOP" with "Founding Fathers" and you get a more accurate refelction of what the primitive is actually saying.  This is what happens when the "Constitution is a living, breathing document that can mean different things in different eras based upon the culture" type of fools are encouraged to believe that nonsense.  They see things within the Constitution  (like gov't care from cradle to grave) that the Founding Fathers never intended.  When we desire to return to the freedom and justice that made the country great as the Founding Fathers intended, they claim we're the one's wanting to change the country.

TheMastersNemesis primitive is anti-American trash.

Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: ExGeeEye on June 06, 2012, 02:02:13 PM
all you are worth is selling pencils or poppies on the street

Who does this?
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Airwolf on June 06, 2012, 02:08:52 PM
Man with no balls whines like. a bitch . Nothing new here.
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Bad Dog on June 06, 2012, 03:03:39 PM
Quote paraphrased from Ollie North I think "Over 2 million Americans served in Viet Nam & I've met at least 5 million of them".  I know many VN vets & not one is a whiny bitch like this pogue.
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: miskie on June 06, 2012, 03:27:19 PM
Man with no balls whines like. a bitch . Nothing new here.

That's nearly a Haiku -- Let me finish it :)

Man with no balls whines -
Like a bitch in summer's heat.
Nothing is new here.

That's better.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: BlueStateSaint on June 06, 2012, 03:45:29 PM
That's nearly a Haiku -- Let me finish it :)

Man with no balls whines -
Like a bitch in summer's heat.
Nothing is new here.

That's better.  :popcorn:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

And the H5 for the win!
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Wineslob on June 06, 2012, 04:11:14 PM

Go die in a fire, and I mean that most sincerely.   O-)
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: Skul on June 06, 2012, 04:39:46 PM
Quote paraphrased from Ollie North I think "Over 2 million Americans served in Viet Nam & I've met at least 5 million of them".  I know many VN vets & not one is a whiny bitch like this pogue.
Half of the 5 mil, were Huey door-gunners.  :lmao:
Title: Re: TheMestasNemesis whines some more about Republicans
Post by: obumazombie on June 06, 2012, 04:44:08 PM
How frowned upon would it be to point out that a Haiku traditionally has 17 syllables ?