The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Freeper on April 29, 2012, 01:20:36 PM

Title: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Freeper on April 29, 2012, 01:20:36 PM
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS

Ed Gillespie was on MTP bawling that Obama is using killing Bin Laden to divide the country


Listen assholes Rmoney said he would not have gone after Bin Laden and he said he'd let Detroit go bankrupt.

Bawl ReTHUGS bawl!!

Tell me something DUmmies, if 0sama was taken out during the Bush years would you be singing his praises? Or would you have been screaming for frog marching to the Hague for war crimes.
Every election year you goons claimed that 0sama was in Chimpy's freezer just waiting to be trotted out so the repukes could win the upcoming election.

1. What a bunch of whiners

It really is funny watching them squirm over this. It's a losing tactic for the GOP, imo.

It will be really funny watching the dems squirm over the economy in November.

2. I remember that night like it happened a minute ago, and my first reaction was the President

just won his second term. I think the pubbies had the same reaction. No wonder they're crying...LOL..

0sama being dead doesn't cancel out the bad economy. Just after the Gulf war Bush had numbers in the 90% range, then by November the next year Clinton won.

Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: txradioguy on April 29, 2012, 01:33:12 PM
Just a reminder for the lurking DUmmies:

The memo puts all control in the hands of Admiral McRaven – the “timing, operational decision making and control” are all up to McRaven. So the notion that Obama and his team were walking through every stage of the operation is incorrect. The hero here was McRaven, not Obama. And had the mission gone wrong, McRaven surely would have been thrown under the bus.

The memo is crystal clear on that point. It says that the decision has been made based solely on the “risk profile presented to the President.” If any other risks – no matter how minute – arose, they were “to be brought back to the President for his consideration.” This is ludicrous. It is wiggle room. It was Obama’s way of carving out space for himself in case the mission went bad. If it did, he’d say that there were additional risks of which he hadn’t been informed; he’d been kept in the dark by his military leaders.

Finally, the memo is unclear on just what the mission is. Was it to capture Bin Laden or to kill him? The White House itself was unable to decide what the mission was in the hours after the Bin Laden kill, and actually switched its language. The memo shows why: McRaven was instructed to “get” Bin Laden, whatever that meant.

"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool," said the president.

"We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama added. "The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received."

In explaining his choice not to release the photo, Mr. Obama said that "we don't need to spike the football."
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: franksolich on April 29, 2012, 01:34:36 PM
It will be really funny watching the dems squirm over the economy in November.

0sama being dead doesn't cancel out the bad economy.

Uh huh.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: jukin on April 29, 2012, 01:35:29 PM
Funny thing about that. One of the things that Obama, the dog eater, did not blame Bush for was the death of Osama.

It is almost as if Obama, the dog eater, takes credit for other peoples' achievements and blames other people for his failings.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: obumazombie on April 29, 2012, 01:48:21 PM
Freeper, Ross the "Boss" Perot had a lot to do with getting clinnochio elected.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: jukin on April 29, 2012, 01:52:16 PM
Freeper, Ross the "Boss" Perot had a lot to do with getting clinnochio elected.

Had everything to do with Billy Jeff both times.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Freeper on April 29, 2012, 01:56:04 PM
Freeper, Ross the "Boss" Perot had a lot to do with getting clinnochio elected.

I know that quite well, Ross got a lot of the military vote. Plenty of people in the military were not happy with Bush, and they didn't want Clintoon.

However my point is still valid, just because a President does something that is popular at one moment does not mean that popularity will last until election day.

The left has nothing that they can point to and say if you want more of this vote for us, they need to distract any way they can.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 29, 2012, 02:00:43 PM
If the douchenozzles think that getting Bin Laden will re-elect Obama, they are more stupid than I thought they were. People will be voting for Obama based on his record and not because the most wanted person in the world was killed. And his record is the worse since Jimmy ****in Carter!
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: obumazombie on April 29, 2012, 02:07:09 PM
If the douchenozzles think that getting Bin Laden will re-elect Obama, they are more stupid than I thought they were. People will be voting for Obama based on his record and not because the most wanted person in the world was killed. And his record is the worse since Jimmy ****in Carter!
There is still a strong core of people who will vote for owebuma for the sole reason that he is black. Chris Matthews is a perfect example.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 29, 2012, 02:10:06 PM
There is still a strong core of people who will vote for owebuma for the sole reason that he is black. Chris Matthews is a perfect example.

Chris Matthews is one of the biggest bigoted douchenozzles on tv, so he doesn't count for anything. His leg tingles and he ejaculates just at the mention of obama's name. Then he was also in the Carter administration, so he should know more than anyone that Obama's record is worse than Jimmy Carters.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Mr Mannn on April 29, 2012, 02:16:43 PM
to the OP at DUmmyland.
I frequent a number of political boards. Republicans and conservatives are NOT squirming in agony over the Bin Laden killing. We know something you don't. We know its not going to help Obama.

It doesn't take but a click to prove me right. Go to Free Republic, lurk a bit. You will not see one post worried about the OBL effect on the election. No one is upset. I have seen predictions that the dead Ossama pictures will be plastered on the news for the election--but that's just bad taste, not an October surprise.

Bottom line is this: Obama ruined the economy. Its the economy stupid, not OBL.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Evil_Conservative on April 29, 2012, 02:20:24 PM
There's no squirming going on over in our household.  I think it's you, DUmmies, who are doing the squirming.  Just keep telling yourselves whatever you need to in order to believe Obama is going to win a second term.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Mr Mannn on April 29, 2012, 02:27:14 PM
There's no squirming going on over in our household.  I think it's you, DUmmies, who are doing the squirming.  Just keep telling yourselves whatever you need to in order to believe Obama is going to win a second term.
The Obama loss will be sweet to see. the tears and agony. The calls for revolution.
I'm not burning my mole...this will be too sweet.
Hi5 to you.              Hey DUmmies....Landslide!
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: obumazombie on April 29, 2012, 02:30:56 PM
The Obama loss will be sweet to see. the tears and agony. The calls for revolution.
I'm not burning my mole...this will be too sweet.
Hi5 to you.              Hey DUmmies....Landslide!
They say you want a revolution...
Beetles (
We all want to change the world...
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 29, 2012, 02:43:26 PM
They say you want a revolution...
Beetles (
We all want to change the world...

That song is about world peace. Obama's idea of changing the world has to do with turning us into a socialist society.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: obumazombie on April 29, 2012, 02:46:52 PM
That song is about world peace. Obama's idea of changing the world has to do with turning us into a socialist society.
Are you sure it wasn't whirled peas ?
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 29, 2012, 02:47:36 PM
Are you sure it wasn't whirled peas ?

 :rotf: Well, it could be that also.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on April 29, 2012, 03:27:38 PM
Wasn't that mission done by the military and intelligence resources inherited from Bush?   If you're going to blame everything bad on your predecessor, you have to give him credit for everything good, too.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Doubleplusungood on April 29, 2012, 08:28:19 PM
Freeper, Ross the "Boss" Perot had a lot to do with getting clinnochio elected.

Hi^5. Reminded me of this:

Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: dandi on April 29, 2012, 09:04:12 PM
No one believes the Dems are tough on national defense, DUmbasses. Everyone knows that if Bush hadn't put all the pieces in place, Obama wouldn't have even been after Bin Laden, let alone developed an opportunity to kill him.

If 9/11 had happened on The Annointed One's watch, he would have apologized to the Jihadists for putting tall buildings in their way.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: obumazombie on April 29, 2012, 09:05:27 PM
Hi^5. Reminded me of this:


Nicely done !
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Airwolf on April 30, 2012, 09:57:58 AM
If all you got positive to boast about is one thing like killing bin Laden then you don't have shit to run on. Once again the left shows the world thier ignorance.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on April 30, 2012, 12:34:41 PM
That song is about world peace. Obama's idea of changing the world has to do with turning us into a socialist society.
No actually it's John Lennon telling the hippies turning  to Communism isn't the answer to ending anything. Listen to or better yet read the lyrics. It is actually an anti-communist,anti-far left song if anything.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: JohnnyReb on April 30, 2012, 12:40:28 PM
Why isn't the news media giving us troop casualty totals like they used too?

 :thatsright: It's now a democrat war and troop deaths don't count. :thatsright:
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: thundley4 on April 30, 2012, 12:41:40 PM
No actually it's John Lennon telling the hippies turning  to Communism isn't the answer to ending anything. Listen to or better yet read the lyrics. It is actually an anti-communist,anti-far left song if anything.


But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 30, 2012, 12:52:46 PM
No actually it's John Lennon telling the hippies turning  to Communism isn't the answer to ending anything. Listen to or better yet read the lyrics. It is actually an anti-communist,anti-far left song if anything.

Thanks for the incite, I am going to do some research on this. My understanding was that the song was a protest song about the vietnam war, even though Mao was chinese. And as everyone knows, John Lennon was anti-war and wanted world peace.

From what I read so far, the left did take it as a slap to them.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on April 30, 2012, 01:08:24 PM
Thanks for the incite, I am going to do some research on this. My understanding was that the song was a protest song about the vietnam war, even though Mao was chinese. And as everyone knows, John Lennon was anti-war and wanted world peace.

From what I read so far, the left did take it as a slap to them.

Yes! John was anti-war...but he wasn't a communist and at the time the hippies were very far left and heading that way  and wanting The Beatles to be their voice. Anybody who knows anything about The Beatles will tell you they were anything but Communists. If anything they were huge Capitalists. I can't tell you how many songs have the term "chasing paper" ie.."making money" in them!  :lmao:
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 30, 2012, 01:11:32 PM
Yes! John was anti-war...but he wasn't a communist and at the time the hippies were very far left and heading that way  and wanting The Beatles to be their voice. Anybody who knows anything about The Beatles will tell you they were anything but Communists. If anything they were huge Capitalists. I can't tell you how many songs have the term "chasing paper" ie.."making money" in them!  :lmao:

 :rotf: I never said they were communist. Believe me, the beatles are one of my all time favorite bands, so I won't say anything bad about them. I was just telling what I was reading about them.

Just recently Lennons personal assistant said that he was a republican. That set the left on a firestorm of stupidity.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on April 30, 2012, 01:16:51 PM
:rotf: I never said they were communist. Believe me, the beatles are one of my all time favorite bands, so I won't say anything bad about them. I was just telling what I was reading about them.

Just recently Lennons personal assistant said that he was a republican. That set the left on a firestorm of stupidity.
I was really addressing the folks who think "Revolution" Is actually a Revolution isn't. It's actually a big middle finger to "The Revolution" :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: JohnnyReb on April 30, 2012, 01:18:15 PM
2. I remember that night like it happened a minute ago, and my first reaction was the President....was scrunched down in the back of the room like a frightened puppy.
just won his second term. I think the pubbies had the same reaction. No wonder they're crying...LOL.....yes, even his pubic hair was afraid, all curled up like a slinky.
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on April 30, 2012, 01:21:40 PM

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
How the left can take that as anything but a slap is beyond me! :lmao:
Title: Re: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah poor ReTHUGS
Post by: AllosaursRus on April 30, 2012, 01:38:04 PM
The Obama loss will be sweet to see. the tears and agony. The calls for revolution.
I'm not burning my mole...this will be too sweet.
Hi5 to you.              Hey DUmmies....Landslide!

Yeah,I agree! Don't burn yer moles people, they will come in handy Nov 4th! Unless of course Skins shuts down the site to everyone but donating members. I refuse to give those pukes any of my hard earnded cash.

Wasn't that mission done by the military and intelligence resources inherited from Bush?   If you're going to blame everything bad on your predecessor, you have to give him credit for everything good, too.

Yeah, somethin' that ain't never gonna happen!

If all you got positive to boast about is one thing like killing bin Laden then you don't have shit to run on. Once again the left shows the world thier ignorance.

This DUmb****in' moron is a.................
