The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dandi on April 12, 2012, 10:17:14 PM

Title: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: dandi on April 12, 2012, 10:17:14 PM
There's something I've noticed since Zimmerman's charging and arrest. The DUmmies are suddenly becoming more circumspect and hedging their bets a bit regarding what happened that night. It's trending that way, as one of our favorite DUmmies might say. I think it's because they know the facts are going to come out now, and they know those facts aren't going to fall in line with the wild accusations they've made over the last couple of weeks.

Before, they could basically just make up any kind of bullshit, slander, and conjecture they wanted to and get away clean with it. Now that the wheels of due process are really turning, reality is about to slap them in the face, and they want to save a little of that face if possible.

ZombieHorde (19,690 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

 How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Last edited Wed Apr 11, 2012, 06:13 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

I just read several threads on FR on the subject, and they all seem to be 100% certain of what happened.

How about you? Do you know for certain what happened?

Ian David (65,903 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

2. We don't know for certain. And it's pretty clear the local cops made sure we wouldn't know. n/t

gratuitous (48,377 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

5. No idea whatsoever

But I do know that in these United States as currently (ahem) constituted, if enough people (or the right people) agree that Zimmerman's a very, very bad person, we can have him summarily executed.

Vincardog (15,950 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

6. I am certain he deserves his day in court PRONTO that way he can try to clear his name

X_Digger (11,370 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

7. The thing I really wonder about..

.. is whether Zimmerman tried to tackle / detain / assault Martin.

And I think that's what the case will hinge on.

Common Sense Party (11,437 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

22. Yes, the amount of clairvoyance around here is astounding.

People who weren't within 1000 miles of the shooting somehow know EXACTLY what happened and PRECISELY what was in Zimmerman's heart.

ileus (6,194 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

16. No positive of either...

tallahasseedem (4,008 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

32. I am positive that he shot Trayvon...

and would certainly like to hear his side of what happened.

Wow. That's quite a turnabout from just a couple of days ago, when Zimmerman's guilt and racism were cast in stone, and anyone who looked at the situation critically was accused of "defending Zimmerman", if not tombstoned outright. To be sure there are still plenty of rabid race warriors about, but their front is starting to show some cracks.

One more, just for the unmatchable irony of it:

treestar (32,103 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

39. That's freepers for you

They are always 100% certain. The more certain they can sound, the truer something is. That makes it easy to know what is going on. No need to investigate and figure anything complicated out. Freepers hate anything left up in the air.

Sound like anyone we know?

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:  




Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Ogre on April 12, 2012, 10:22:19 PM
Sound like anyone we know?

Nad's?  Who else can successfully claim "bullying" to quiet her most vocal critic's.

I'm not sure who is worse though, her or slutty Sarah.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on April 13, 2012, 04:50:53 AM
Nad's?  Who else can successfully claim "bullying" to quiet her most vocal critic's.

I'm not sure who is worse though, her or slutty Sarah.

I'd say Nads, because slutty Sarah can catch --or transmit--an actual disease that will 'modify her behavior.'  Nads' arrogance and stupidity prevents her from learning from her ****ups.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: movie buff on April 13, 2012, 06:31:35 AM
For me, unless some incredibly damning evidence pops up out of the blue, I'm convinced of his innocence, for a couple reasons:
1. In this country, a person's innocent until proven guilty.
2. Zimmerman's injuries, the audio of the 911 call, and the testimonies of independent eyewitnesses all seem to be consistent with Zimmerman's account of what happened.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: franksolich on April 13, 2012, 06:34:05 AM
It looks like to me the Magic One's adopted son could've used some courtesy and manners.

Well, it's too late now, but it was the hooded one's own fault.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Carl on April 13, 2012, 08:22:45 AM
My head would explode if I tried to contain the hypocricy that is normal at the DUmp.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: CSeeman on April 13, 2012, 08:34:25 AM
I am 100% sure i do not have a clue as to what happened that night.

However i am also 100% sure that Zimmerman is going to hang no matter what
the evidence or truth is......... anybody want to tak the counter-argument bet on that....

The way i see the Zimmerman thing are both of them were thugs ( a nice well behaved teenage boy does not walk up to an adult and punch him and a non thug adult does not get out of his car and confront a teenager

To me this is a case of two future prison inmates meeting each other at the wrong time.

When i was a teenager and i came home with a black eye or something indicating i was in a fight or the police had to take me home my dad would say well you should not have put yourself in a situation LIKE THAT.   to me this is exactly
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 13, 2012, 08:41:38 AM
I am 100% sure i do not have a clue as to what happened that night.

However i am also 100% sure that Zimmerman is going to hang no matter what
the evidence or truth is......... anybody want to tak the counter-argument bet on that....

The way i see the Zimmerman thing are both of them were thugs ( a nice well behaved teenage boy does not walk up to an adult and punch him and a non thug adult does not get out of his car and confront a teenager

To me this is a case of two future prison inmates meeting each other at the wrong time.

When i was a teenager and i came home with a black eye or something indicating i was in a fight or the police had to take me home my dad would say well you should not have put yourself in a situation LIKE THAT.   to me this is exactly

I'm not sure I can agree with your characterization of Zimmerman. If what he says is true about the crime rate and break ins in his apartment complex, a tenant there would be entirely justified in being suspicious about a young black male stranger lurking about.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 13, 2012, 09:07:58 AM
Until all the facts come out, and he gets a fair trial; I am keeping my opinion of whether he is innocent or guilty to myself. More people should do the same, although we all know the race baiting liberals won't. They seem to know everything whether they were there or not.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Freeper on April 13, 2012, 09:11:14 AM
Until all the facts come out, and he gets a fair trial; I am keeping my opinion of whether he is innocent or guilty to myself. More people should do the same, although we all know the race baiting liberals won't. They seem to know everything whether they were there or not.

I would say most conservatives think the same thing. We have seen the media manipulate things to make him appear as being a grand wizard in the KKK and I hope his family sues the piss out of them.

Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 13, 2012, 09:16:59 AM
I would say most conservatives think the same thing. We have seen the media manipulate things to make him appear as being a grand wizard in the KKK and I hope his family sues the piss out of them.

If I was his family, I would already have a lawyer at ready.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Karin on April 13, 2012, 09:45:07 AM
Before, they could basically just make up any kind of bullshit, slander, and conjecture they wanted

Like that other thread where a DUmmy said "what if he hit himself in the face with a rock?"   :mental: :loser:

I am 0% positive of guilt or innocence, and so I've made not a single post about it on Internetland.  We have a process, let it work.  Unlike the DUmp, I do not care for mob lynchings. 
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on April 13, 2012, 09:48:40 AM
There's something I've noticed since Zimmerman's charging and arrest. The DUmmies are suddenly becoming more circumspect and hedging their bets a bit regarding what happened that night.

Wow. That's quite a turnabout from just a couple of days ago, when Zimmerman's guilt and racism were cast in stone, and anyone who looked at the situation critically was accused of "defending Zimmerman", if not tombstoned outright. To be sure there are still plenty of rabid race warriors about, but their front is starting to show some cracks.

One more, just for the unmatchable irony of it:

Sound like anyone we know?

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:  

They are hedging their bets because the first news photos of Zimmerman showed him looking like a "white Hispanic". The photos and video from court show him to look more "brown Hispanic"  and the DUmmies hard wired identity politics chip is starting to kick in.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 13, 2012, 09:50:09 AM
Let us consult with the ministry of identity politics.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Rebel on April 20, 2012, 08:42:30 AM
Yo DUmbasses:


Game, set, match.  :stirpot:
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Kyle Ricky on April 20, 2012, 08:54:13 AM
Yo DUmbasses:


Game, set, match.  :stirpot:

They will say it was photoshopped. Even though most of the liberal moonbats have no idea what photoshop is.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: franksolich on April 20, 2012, 10:22:32 AM
Breaking now on Drudge, circa 10:15 a.m. central time.

Zimmerman gets bail, $150,000.

Watch the primitive heads explode.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 20, 2012, 11:33:02 AM
Oh, so the owebumaManiaMedia has been dragged kicking and screaming into honestly reporting on this story ? Will miracles ever cease ?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: AprilRazz on April 20, 2012, 11:50:05 AM
Like that other thread where a DUmmy said "what if he hit himself in the face with a rock?"   :mental: :loser:

I am 0% positive of guilt or innocence, and so I've made not a single post about it on Internetland.  We have a process, let it work.  Unlike the DUmp, I do not care for mob lynchings. 
I agree with you 100%
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Delmar on April 20, 2012, 03:00:27 PM
How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?

It was when I saw Al Sharpton coming out against him that I became 100% positive of Zimmerman's innocence.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 20, 2012, 03:20:50 PM
It was when I saw Al Sharpton coming out against him that I became 100% positive of Zimmerman's innocence.
As for being a race hustler jockey, he is the worst in the world. Whatever "horse" he mounts, ends up dnf.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Revolution on April 20, 2012, 03:39:28 PM
I'm not going to say all that much about this whole thing except that if Zimmerman doesn't get convicted, the Panthers in Florida might destroy property or something, and Trayvon's family might actually be making an appearance on truTV's "Disorder in the Court" at some point. Of course, those are just opinions.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Rebel on April 20, 2012, 03:40:44 PM
I'm not going to say all that much about this whole thing except that if Zimmerman doesn't get convicted, the Panthers in Florida might destroy property or something, and Trayvon's family might actually be making an appearance on truTV's "Disorder in the Court" at some point. Of course, those are just opinions.

Backed up by history.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: vesta111 on April 20, 2012, 04:04:16 PM
I watched the live bail hearing on Court TV and surprise,surprise, his lawyer allowed him do do something that Judges and Lawyers have never seen before. 

He got up and testified to his innocence and apologised to the parents of Martin. What a risk he ran, the DA was so stunned he dropped the ball and did not use this as an advantage to cross examine him.  Total foul up for the prosecution, and the parents of the boy left the court a total mess. 
I do believe  the photo of Zimmerman's head looks authentic, he did get his head banged up as from the photo it seems to have been taken on scene at night.  Only thing I question is why so little blood, head wounds bleed big time.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 20, 2012, 04:09:45 PM
I watched the live bail hearing on Court TV and surprise,surprise, his lawyer allowed him do do something that Judges and Lawyers have never seen before. 

He got up and testified to his innocence and apologised to the parents of Martin. What a risk he ran, the DA was so stunned he dropped the ball and did not use this as an advantage to cross examine him.  Total foul up for the prosecution, and the parents of the boy left the court a total mess. 
I do believe  the photo of Zimmerman's head looks authentic, he did get his head banged up as from the photo it seems to have been taken on scene at night.  Only thing I question is why so little blood, head wounds bleed big time.

Are you a real nurse ? Deep head wounds bleeding is difficult to stanch. This wound appears to be more superficial with capillary type bleeding.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on April 20, 2012, 04:10:51 PM
I watched the live bail hearing on Court TV and surprise,surprise, his lawyer allowed him do do something that Judges and Lawyers have never seen before. 

He got up and testified to his innocence and apologised to the parents of Martin. What a risk he ran, the DA was so stunned he dropped the ball and did not use this as an advantage to cross examine him.  Total foul up for the prosecution, and the parents of the boy left the court a total mess. 
I do believe  the photo of Zimmerman's head looks authentic, he did get his head banged up as from the photo it seems to have been taken on scene at night.  Only thing I question is why so little blood, head wounds bleed big time.

The time frame in that pic is rumored to be three minutes after he shot Martin.  The amount of blood is immaterial--it's quite a bit for surface wounds.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: ReaganForRushmore on April 20, 2012, 07:20:51 PM
The Zimmerman - Martin case was a rush to judgement by the mainstream media to manufacture the next Natalie Holloway/Duke Lacrosse team/Casey Anthony episode
as material for their talking head shows. The case is a tragedy, period. I greatly fear that should Zimmerman be acquitted, that there will be be "No justice, No peace"
rallies that will further inflame racial tensions all in the name of politics. Zimmerman's life as he knew it, is over. Acquitted, he will always be looking over his shoulder out of fear.

The main stream media should be ashamed of their actions.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Rebel on April 20, 2012, 07:50:27 PM
I watched the live bail hearing on Court TV and surprise,surprise, his lawyer allowed him do do something that Judges and Lawyers have never seen before. 

He got up and testified to his innocence and apologised to the parents of Martin. What a risk he ran, the DA was so stunned he dropped the ball and did not use this as an advantage to cross examine him.  Total foul up for the prosecution, and the parents of the boy left the court a total mess. 
I do believe  the photo of Zimmerman's head looks authentic, he did get his head banged up as from the photo it seems to have been taken on scene at night.  Only thing I question is why so little blood, head wounds bleed big time.

Damnit Vesta, cross examine what? It was a f'n bail hearing, not the actual trial. As for bleeding from the head, I gashed my head open when I hit the sharp edge of a bumper on a 5-ton while coming out from underneath it performing 10 level maintenance. It bled, I wiped it off, and it stopped after no time. It has to do with clotting, and some people can clot easier than others. As for it not looking that bad, what the **** was Zimmerman supposed to do? Wait until he heard his cranium CRACK before shooting the kid? Wait for his pupils to be different shapes? Wait to become unconscious? The reason behind self-defense is to PREVENT that from happening and, from the images I saw, Zimmerman showed restraint. If he didn't, he'd have just shot the kid as soon as he knocked him to the ground.

Damn Vesta. If you watch one episode of Law and Order you'll be 1000 times more informed on the legal process than you are now.  ::)
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: delilahmused on April 20, 2012, 08:27:19 PM
Oh, so the owebumaManiaMedia has been dragged kicking and screaming into honestly reporting on this story ? Will miracles ever cease ?

I don't know about "honestly reporting" after showing Zimmerman's bloody head the ABC reporter all but accused him of being at fault and said if he hadn't been stalking Trayvon none of this would have happened.

Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: GOBUCKS on April 20, 2012, 09:49:15 PM
They are hedging their bets because the first news photos of Zimmerman showed him looking like a "white Hispanic". The photos and video from court show him to look more "brown Hispanic"  and the DUmmies hard wired identity politics chip is starting to kick in.
You can't hit the DUmpmonkeys too hard on that.

Some of the people here fell for the "poor, innocent, little Trayvon" bullshit, and were ready to lynch Zimmerman.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Lacarnut on April 20, 2012, 10:15:06 PM
Damnit Vesta, cross examine what? It was a f'n bail hearing, not the actual trial. As for bleeding from the head, I gashed my head open when I hit the sharp edge of a bumper on a 5-ton while coming out from underneath it performing 10 level maintenance. It bled, I wiped it off, and it stopped after no time. It has to do with clotting, and some people can clot easier than others. As for it not looking that bad, what the **** was Zimmerman supposed to do? Wait until he heard his cranium CRACK before shooting the kid? Wait for his pupils to be different shapes? Wait to become unconscious? The reason behind self-defense is to PREVENT that from happening and, from the images I saw, Zimmerman showed restraint. If he didn't, he'd have just shot the kid as soon as he knocked him to the ground.

Damn Vesta. If you watch one episode of Law and Order you'll be 1000 times more informed on the legal process than you are now.  ::)

True dat

Looks like to me the shooting was justified.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Bondai on April 21, 2012, 03:17:46 AM
Yo DUmbasses:


Game, set, match.  :stirpot:

I just scanned the DUMP, can't find that photo anywhere. I am sure it will get posted but I am sure the DUmmies are already debunking it in their minds.The state of Florida is going to be real lucky if they are'nt sued for wrongful prosecution after this mess plays out.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on April 21, 2012, 04:40:05 AM

I just scanned the DUMP, can't find that photo anywhere. I am sure it will get posted but I am sure the DUmmies are already debunking it in their minds.The state of Florida is going to be real lucky if they are'nt sued for wrongful prosecution after this mess plays out.

With one (more) politically charged DA going down in flames, and potentially disbarred.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: AprilRazz on April 21, 2012, 08:44:35 AM
Damnit Vesta, cross examine what? It was a f'n bail hearing, not the actual trial. As for bleeding from the head, I gashed my head open when I hit the sharp edge of a bumper on a 5-ton while coming out from underneath it performing 10 level maintenance. It bled, I wiped it off, and it stopped after no time. It has to do with clotting, and some people can clot easier than others. As for it not looking that bad, what the **** was Zimmerman supposed to do? Wait until he heard his cranium CRACK before shooting the kid? Wait for his pupils to be different shapes? Wait to become unconscious? The reason behind self-defense is to PREVENT that from happening and, from the images I saw, Zimmerman showed restraint. If he didn't, he'd have just shot the kid as soon as he knocked him to the ground.

Damn Vesta. If you watch one episode of Law and Order you'll be 1000 times more informed on the legal process than you are now.  ::)
I smacked my head on an angle iron on the ship once and needed stitches it was so deep. Not that much blood. I have sewed up many a scalp wound and the bleeding was minimal. You want to bleed like a stuck pig then cut your forehead. One of the deck guys came in with a 3mm superficial wound right above his eyebrow and it looked like he was bleeding out. We cleaned him up and he didn't even get a band aid.
But Vesta is as much of an expert as nads. ::)
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 21, 2012, 10:04:37 AM
With one (more) politically charged DA going down in flames, and potentially disbarred.
It's like the libs pay no attention to the past. Like Mike Nifong never imploded. Whatever happened to that guy anyway ?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: vesta111 on April 21, 2012, 10:45:39 AM
I smacked my head on an angle iron on the ship once and needed stitches it was so deep. Not that much blood. I have sewed up many a scalp wound and the bleeding was minimal. You want to bleed like a stuck pig then cut your forehead. One of the deck guys came in with a 3mm superficial wound right above his eyebrow and it looked like he was bleeding out. We cleaned him up and he didn't even get a band aid.
But Vesta is as much of an expert as nads. ::)

Nope no expert in anything, but I did work in an emergency room in training but my best learning came from having two boy critters.

Do not bleed on the carpets, go to the kitchen so after I tend to you, I can clean up the mess.  Need to go to ER-- wrap the wound in a White towel, don't matter how busy the ER is, bring in a child with blood coming through the towel, instant service.

Be prepared night and day to have a boy critter break an arm leg, or their head.   Not an easy life for parents that have to get use to the bo-bo's of their kids.  We tend to forget that our own parents had to face us in out childhood the same way we have to face our own kids.-----Don't bleed on the carpets.

No way an expert on any darn thing in life BUT that does not preclude thinking on other matters.

EXAMPLE--------Say you are walking down the street in a gated comunity that you  are visiting in.

AGE 15-77 years old and just visiting family.     A dark and Stormie night light rain and only a few blocks to the home  you are staying at.  You notice that a car is very slowly following you, Why, who are they???

So you pull out your cell phone and call someone to tell them you are scared and they tell you to RUN.  

So you do and out of the night comes the stalker to demand you do as they say.  Now what, stand your ground and get ready to have a good old fight or run away and question your manhood day later.

Wonder what would have happend if under the hood was a Woman, one that took no shit from anyone.  But, But I thought it was a man, a bit younger then myself and when she refused to answer my questions she pushed me down and I boinked my head on the cement,  darn this unarmed woman wants to kill me, so I had no choice but to defend myself.

I do not care for the wounds received by an aggressor,   some one comes up to you and threatens you, you in some way fight back be it a word or a punch in the nose or even try to leave but the aggressor has a hold of you.

Survival you fight back, then the aggressor pulls a gun on you and kills you.    The aggressor claims self defence since you chose to fight back ????

Interesting law here, needs  bit of tweeking here and there to protect people from the agressors---bullys---that bitch that they punched a stranger in the face and the stranger broke their arms and legs so they managed to shoot him.

Interesting new world today, an agressor who starts a fight and if the other does not lay down like a dog and take it and tries to fight back, the agressor has the right to kill them in self defence ????


Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 21, 2012, 10:48:32 AM
vesta, you will change your tune quickly if everyone who wanted to stop neighborhood crime left you to your own home defense. Be sure you lay down and take what you got coming when a rapist/burglar/mugger visits you in your gated community.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: JakeStyle on April 21, 2012, 10:54:38 AM
Nope no expert in anything, but I did work in an emergency room in training but my best learning came from having two boy critters.

Do not bleed on the carpets, go to the kitchen so after I tend to you, I can clean up the mess.  Need to go to ER-- wrap the wound in a White towel, don't matter how busy the ER is, bring in a child with blood coming through the towel, instant service.

Be prepared night and day to have a boy critter break an arm leg, or their head.   Not an easy life for parents that have to get use to the bo-bo's of their kids.  We tend to forget that our own parents had to face us in out childhood the same way we have to face our own kids.-----Don't bleed on the carpets.

No way an expert on any darn thing in life BUT that does not preclude thinking on other matters.

EXAMPLE--------Say you are walking down the street in a gated comunity that you  are visiting in.

AGE 15-77 years old and just visiting family.     A dark and Stormie night light rain and only a few blocks to the home  you are staying at.  You notice that a car is very slowly following you, Why, who are they???

So you pull out your cell phone and call someone to tell them you are scared and they tell you to RUN.  

So you do and out of the night comes the stalker to demand you do as they say.  Now what, stand your ground and get ready to have a good old fight or run away and question your manhood day later.

Wonder what would have happend if under the hood was a Woman, one that took no shit from anyone.  But, But I thought it was a man, a bit younger then myself and when she refused to answer my questions she pushed me down and I boinked my head on the cement,  darn this unarmed woman wants to kill me, so I had no choice but to defend myself.

I do not care for the wounds received by an aggressor,   some one comes up to you and threatens you, you in some way fight back be it a word or a punch in the nose or even try to leave but the aggressor has a hold of you.

Survival you fight back, then the aggressor pulls a gun on you and kills you.    The aggressor claims self defence since you chose to fight back ????

Interesting law here, needs  bit of tweeking here and there to protect people from the agressors---bullys---that bitch that they punched a stranger in the face and the stranger broke their arms and legs so they managed to shoot him.

Interesting new world today, an agressor who starts a fight and if the other does not lay down like a dog and take it and tries to fight back, the agressor has the right to kill them in self defence ????

That's quite a fantastic scenario that you have created, Vesta.  Looks like you have it all figured out.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BEG on April 21, 2012, 10:59:45 AM

EXAMPLE--------Say you are walking down the street in a gated comunity that you  are visiting in.

AGE 15-77 years old and just visiting family.     A dark and Stormie night light rain and only a few blocks to the home  you are staying at.  You notice that a car is very slowly following you, Why, who are they???

So you pull out your cell phone and call someone to tell them you are scared and they tell you to RUN.  

So you do and out of the night comes the stalker to demand you do as they say.  Now what, stand your ground and get ready to have a good old fight or run away and question your manhood day later.

Wonder what would have happend if under the hood was a Woman, one that took no shit from anyone.  But, But I thought it was a man, a bit younger then myself and when she refused to answer my questions she pushed me down and I boinked my head on the cement,  darn this unarmed woman wants to kill me, so I had no choice but to defend myself.

I do not care for the wounds received by an aggressor,   some one comes up to you and threatens you, you in some way fight back be it a word or a punch in the nose or even try to leave but the aggressor has a hold of you.

Survival you fight back, then the aggressor pulls a gun on you and kills you.    The aggressor claims self defence since you chose to fight back ????

Interesting law here, needs  bit of tweeking here and there to protect people from the agressors---bullys---that bitch that they punched a stranger in the face and the stranger broke their arms and legs so they managed to shoot him.

Interesting new world today, an agressor who starts a fight and if the other does not lay down like a dog and take it and tries to fight back, the agressor has the right to kill them in self defence ????


PC Intern, is that you?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BEG on April 21, 2012, 11:03:14 AM
Vesta, please spend some time reading this. Read all of the updates.

Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BEG on April 21, 2012, 11:48:55 AM
I forgot to tell you Vesta, specifically read updates: #10 Part 1 and Update #9
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: BEG on April 21, 2012, 02:05:02 PM
Here is something else to read Vesta:

Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: AllosaursRus on April 21, 2012, 02:40:24 PM
X_Digger (11,370 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

7. The thing I really wonder about..

.. is whether Zimmerman tried to tackle / detain / assault Martin.

And I think that's what the case will hinge on.

Yeah right, idiot! Zimmerman must have tackled him so he could get a concussion and a broken nose.

Do you morons even read what you write? Holy shit!

treestar (32,103 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

39. That's freepers for you

They are always 100% certain. The more certain they can sound, the truer something is. That makes it easy to know what is going on. No need to investigate and figure anything complicated out. Freepers hate anything left up in the air.

Boy, doesn't that sound exactly like the DUmp?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Bondai on April 21, 2012, 03:14:00 PM
Al Sharpton, calling Al Sharpton.....didn't think so. :lmao:
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Vagabond on April 21, 2012, 08:53:26 PM
I smacked my head on an angle iron on the ship once and needed stitches it was so deep. Not that much blood. I have sewed up many a scalp wound and the bleeding was minimal. You want to bleed like a stuck pig then cut your forehead. One of the deck guys came in with a 3mm superficial wound right above his eyebrow and it looked like he was bleeding out. We cleaned him up and he didn't even get a band aid.
But Vesta is as much of an expert as nads. ::)
I ran into a dumpster, struck my head on the right side and opened up a gusher.  I came within about half the width of the writing end of a sharpened pencil of severing an artery into my brain.  I remember standing up and thinking that I fell insomething beside the dumpster and walking back to the campsite to get a towel so I could hose off.  I remember seeing pretty lights at some point after that and waking up in the hospital.  I wound up needing 45 stitches and blood transfusions.

I had another where I fell and scraped the back of my head and didn't bleed a whole lot.  The DUmmies have no better and idea than anyone else not a medical professional about the amout of blood from a head wound.
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: Vagabond on April 21, 2012, 09:43:07 PM
I just thought of something else.  Zimmerman said, "Okay"  when the police dispatcher told him not to pursue, then he commented that he "lost him" as in he didn't see him anymore.  Why don't the DUmmies ever mention that Martin had seemingly broken contact with Zimmerman and Zimmerman seemed to be going back to his truck?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: AprilRazz on April 22, 2012, 04:14:02 PM
Nope no expert in anything, but I did work in an emergency room in training but my best learning came from having two boy critters.

Do not bleed on the carpets, go to the kitchen so after I tend to you, I can clean up the mess.  Need to go to ER-- wrap the wound in a White towel, don't matter how busy the ER is, bring in a child with blood coming through the towel, instant service.

Be prepared night and day to have a boy critter break an arm leg, or their head.   Not an easy life for parents that have to get use to the bo-bo's of their kids.  We tend to forget that our own parents had to face us in out childhood the same way we have to face our own kids.-----Don't bleed on the carpets.

No way an expert on any darn thing in life BUT that does not preclude thinking on other matters.

That's nice. I did some training in the ER as well. Also I currently hold an EMT-I, RN (going for BSN), raised an accident prone boy and was a shipboard Corpsman. I think I know a little bit about how an ED operates and about head wounds as well as a multitude of others.
But I bow to your vast knowledge oh goddess of dependent wives. ::)
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: obumazombie on April 23, 2012, 12:44:52 AM
^ You were a Navy ?
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: AprilRazz on April 23, 2012, 05:54:13 AM
^ You were a Navy ?
Don't get me started on that one. :rotf:
Title: Re: How positive are you of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence?
Post by: vesta111 on April 23, 2012, 07:11:54 AM
That's nice. I did some training in the ER as well. Also I currently hold an EMT-I, RN (going for BSN), raised an accident prone boy and was a shipboard Corpsman. I think I know a little bit about how an ED operates and about head wounds as well as a multitude of others.
But I bow to your vast knowledge oh goddess of dependent wives. ::)

 :lmao: :lmao:

April, You have seen more banged up people in say a month then I did in my 6 week rotations.  Also as this was a big city hospital the military doctors trained there as few had ever had to deal with war wounds, shootings stabbings blunt force trauma etc in shore side hospitals.   Sooner or later they would have to to come to grips with things in  war zone they seldom saw in State Side military facilitys-----This was 1979-1983.

I went into Geriatrics as I enjoyed the Old Folk, Hated ANYTHING TO DO WITH CHILDREN as I get woozy when a child is harmed.     I was not good material for emergency treatment especially for bad burns and hated the physic. wards, these poor people scared me to death for good reason, I was attacked by a patient that got ahold of real silverware and stabbed me in the gut with a fork.   [ Mother f*ckin Orderly that accompanied me to the hospital stole my eye shadow ].  

So much has changed in 30+ years, when I walk into a hospital 80% of the stuff used today is a mystery to me.  Seems everything needs a Tec. non nurse to operate.  The LPNs and Aids do the grunt work, RN's mostly paper work.

I laugh HO-HO at anyone that leaves a field or carear and years later go back and find  or think they understand even 24% of the changes that constantly evolve not just decade to decade but month to month.

As far as being an expert on military wives , hell NO, each generation had different problems, different wars. I can only report on my observations in my time,  some things remain the same, but the experiences my grandmothers went through in the WW1, My moms experiences in WW2, and mine in the 196O'S to 1980 's are totally different due to changes in society and technology.

 Today's military wives are a different breed, their husbands are at sea or in the field with WOMAN for months at a time. Soon to come WOMAN in our Silent Service.  Sh*t, this will be interesting,  Human nature you know.

 Then the Woman married with children that head out armed as the men for months at a time,  unheard of except for the Nurses that went to the battle lines outside the combat area to patch up our men and boys. [most unmarried with no dependents].

Give me a break, I cannot keep up with all the new stuff, so foreign from my youth.   Time keeps turning, turning into the future, good song, Future Shock, and WTF is the problem for those that try their damnest to rearrange their thinking at this point most every day.